
The Sentebale Polo Farce

A TW Faux Pas filled event

What should have been a weekend of polo matches (USPA National Polo Open Championship) in Wellington, Florida turned into an Archewell film set, with the Harkles presuming Netflix will get involved and be excited about the polo project. In reality, few will be interested in an elite minority who play a sport that is limited to the incredibly wealthy, but this is all that Harold has to offer.

Note that the overseas polo club are cashing in on the ducal titles that they still believe have some worth (which is why they need to be stripped once and for all) and someone doesn’t know that their HRH styles have been stripped back and are not to be used, and in fact could have quietly been removed for good.

The victim this time is the charity Harold co-founded called Sentebale, and who basically pay his expenses in full as he is the patron when he attends events. This time, TW tagged along, and as the Four Seasons is a sponsor they probably had complimentary rooms. I highly doubt the film crew stayed there on the Archewell budget and is allegedly a production with Boardwalk Pictures.

The Harkles swanned around with their security— TW as usual had dressed for some free PR that the event offered with ridiculous stilettos (that she took off when she could) and a dress that exposed her midriff which is rather tacky for such an event.

That’s the kind of outfit women wear in hotel bars to attract some trade. Of course there was the patchy self-tan with the orchestrated poses and grins for the cameras that followed the duo. A huge faux pas to have patchy skin when wearing a shoulder less dress—surely she could have paid a visit to a spray tan salon first?

Poor Serena Williams had been drafted in as a show pony for TW, while Delfina (Nacho’s wife) is a useful companion, TW needed a celebrity face for the cameras. Serena looked bored and out of place, while TW circled the camera crew.

What was more confusing is why TW presented a trophy to Harold when he wasn’t even the captain of the team? Of course, the whole event looked staged for content for the nonfiction polo show, with Harold taking the trophy while TW kissed him.

So clichéd, and the images showed how fake the entire shindig was, and that TW still doesn’t possess an iron as her outfit was creased and crinkled. The event became the backdrop for the latest in the farce known as the Harkle circus show.

The award ceremony took another turn when other members of Sentebale joined the team on the stage with the sponsors, and where TW refused to move when a Sentebale member of staff went to stand next to Harold, the patron. TW wouldn’t budge and forced her to stand next to her, creating the awkward situation of the woman having to duck under the trophy while TW, (a guest no less) stood there ordering people around.


The press had a field day mocking TW for her ungracious and rude behaviour, but then again it is what you expect from an uncouth person who has no manners. She was a guest at the event and didn’t behave as such, swanning around as if she was the host, and even Sentebale was only there for the charity event at the National Polo Center as a charitable offering.

The next day, the Harkles were ‘guests’ as TW hung out with Delfina, her only pal and Harold ran around with the film crew to capture some content for the polo project. Whether or not they got any decent content is another matter, but also whether anyone would be interested in watching it?

The usual sugar media (Hello! and People) covered the event in glowing terms, while the rest of the media mocked the duo as being pretentious with the camera crew in tow. The end result is that TW made herself look foolish and arrogant with the faux pas on stage, and Harold looked out of his depth as he played at being a filmmaker. TW then piggybacked on the PR flurry as ‘pals’ posted images of pots of jam from her new venture, American Riviera Orchard on social media. The hashtags, #ScamJam and #JamScam began to trend as the public mocked the desperate launch, while the strawberry jam at Highgrove sold out.