
The Harkle PR Tour In Canada

Courtesy of Invictus Games/Canadian Govt and tax payers

The Harkle relaunch has began, but despite purchasing a Sussex domain, they are still trying to look as if they are relevant without the royal ties. However, the use of the ducal titles is misleading—it gives the impression that they are working on behalf of the British Royal Family, or represent them when that is incorrect. The media did report on their Canadian Invictus Games PR tour, but where were the stories about the games and participants? A couple of sentences were added for the sake of it on the odd day, but like the Netherlands, and Germany, this was a Harkle PR event, with TW arriving at the slopes dripping in jewellery (because that’s what you do at a snowy sporting event) to promote the brands.


The domain was purchased in December 2023 through a broker, where Neil Agate sold it after 30 years after naming his price. At least the man had actually lived in Sussex at one point.


Harold, was his usual inarticulate self, hot off the heels of claiming to have spent ‘quality time’ with his Pa who was diagnosed with cancer. That was his version of events even though evidence indicates Harold spent less than 45 minutes at Clarence House, where most of that time appeared to be spent checking Harold for any recording devices and being escorted to see his Pa. Whether they chatted for 12 or 30 minutes, it can hardly be considered a meaningful or cordial visit after an 11 hour flight when that’s the average time you queue at Primark.

What we did learn is that Harold is considering American citizenship and that he loves living there. He also seemed to forget that he was a ‘dad’ when asked how it was being Harry the dad, asking what does that mean?



A huge faux pas when you don’t even remember that you are supposed to be a parent. He tried to save it quickly, but like his other answers that were distracted by his arm waving and hand gestures, they made little sense as he talked of his ‘mission’. Nope, I don’t really know what it is either…

There seemed to be confusion from some of the leaders of the First Nations, who believed that Harold having the title of Prince would have some connection to the Crown and have some clout over reconciliation issues.

Harold appeared to give the impression that he had a seat at the tables of the Canadian and British governments to discuss the First Nation reconciliation with the First Nation leaders. They seemed to think that talks with Harold would lead to activity, whereas they spoke to Harold as a private citizen (with a title) who has no say in political matters. Apparently, Harold has promised to resume discussions next year according to one of the leaders, but on behalf of whom exactly who knows? The office of the Harkles?


The same disinformation occurred in the Netherlands during the Invictus Games where it was claimed Harold assisted in the release of ‘Taira’, a captured Ukrainian medic in Mariupol, where he had nothing to do with it and her release was due to a prisoner exchange coordinated by the Ukrainian government and other agencies. This can be seen as interference, and it harms the First Nations (and the sensitive process) who have been misled and possibly used by the Harkles to gain some publicity for themselves.

There was the usual booing, heckling, and jeering as well as a few cheers for the duo in Canada, but they probably didn’t care as Invictus Games paid for the trip, and it provided a platform for them to create content and coverage for their websites and other projects. They are private citizens who are using royal titles to give the impression that they are working for the RF and that they represent them. There is no disclaimer to say that they do not, and on the official RF website, there is no disclaimer to state that the duo are not acting as private citizens, or that anything they do or say is not a reflection of the views of the RF, the government or the nation. The Sussex Royal website that should have been taken down now has a link to the new website, and there is no doubt, the titles are being used for business and marketing purposes. Would Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II have tolerated this?

The bombardment of Harkle PR continues as TW through Archewell donated money to the Mayhew where she had been the former patron for a new wing in memory of a ‘pal’ Oli Juste. As she, or rather the slush fund known as Archewell Foundation paid for it, she ‘opened’ the wing via video link as no one was going to pay for her to come over to cut a ribbon.

The Mayhew didn’t exactly shout about the news as they are aware of all the negative backlash over the years, and didn’t post a photo of her video message, but did provide a link to the new Harkle website. As for being a longtime supporter, is 7 years a long time? She used the Mayhew as she needed some charity to be a patron of, and the Mayhew got ‘markled’ in the end.

How long will it be before Lemonada Media gets ‘markled’ as they agree to develop a podcast with TW? Dial-a-pap was on call again as TW was snapped leaving a Beverly Hills restaurant dressed in a great coat and looking as if she had stepped off the set of ‘The Ring’, while a paparazzi stands behind her security in a short sleeved polo shirt.


The news that Harold might return to carry out duties representing the RF and the nation were met with abject horror from the People. Not only is Harold so unpopular, he no longer can be trusted either. While they now have a Sussex domain, the irony is that neither have any connection to the county, nor do they do anything to serve the county. The gifted title is a convenience, but if the ducal title is removed and they are reduced to the Dumbarton title, will they switch to using that?