
The Desperate Cling of The Claw

Harold and TW leave the ESPYS awards before the end of the event

The ESPYS awards evening came and went on 11 July 2024, and Harold, despite being asked to decline the Pat Tillman award arrived at the event—complete with a 5 minute script and with The Claw clinging to him for dear life. While many didn’t agree with Harold being given the award, ESPN were keen to manage the backlash as much as possible, and that included securing three veterans to announce and present the award to him.

Even though the whole appearance was less than 10 minutes, it seemed obvious that elements had been staged. However, the entire PR stunt was overshadowed by Joe Biden making a huge gaffe that same evening by introducing President Zelenskyy at a NATO summit press conference as President Putin. A slip of the tongue is bad enough, but to do it live in front of world leaders as the host of the NATO 75th anniversary summit is probably beyond salvageable. As a result, no one was interested in the antics of the Harkles that evening. Even Jill Smoller (from WME who is the agent for Serena Williams as well as TW) who was sitting behind the Harkles appeared to be letting out some heavy sighs and tried to hide some eye rolling, and even ignored them when they rudely left half an hour before the event had finished.

The low use of veterans to present the award seemed to be plausible until Harold forced them to stay on the stage next to him while he read out… well, stumbled over the speech his PR and TW had prepared for him. I pity the poor people for having to stand there for 5 minutes to listen to some drivel that Harold struggled to articulate. Some say they were there to prevent any booing, because no one would boo with veterans on stage, but apparently there was some booing, and although the event was said to have been live, it wasn’t and was edited.

First of all, what does ESPY stand for? Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly. Hmm… in all the time the Invictus Games has been around (10 years), the last several years have had the worst publicity ever with more veterans boycotting the event, and volunteers coming forward to state the games are run poorly and are not what they used to be when they began. One can say that it can hardly be called as ‘excellence’ when the CEO and CCO, from IG had been mysteriously fired in Vancouver, just prior to Harkle PR visit paid for by the IG Canadian fund (insiders to the Vancouver Canucks v San Jose Sharks game in November 2023 still refuse to talk about the visit).

As for the Birmingham bid for the games in 2027, apparently it wasn’t much of a contest with the other bid being Washington D.C., and where the decision who will be the host will be made by the end of July 2024. The alleged £26 million sum that was thrown around as funding by Haz’s pal, Johnny Mercer (yes, the former MP whom Harold sent confidential information to in an attempt to get him to influence Parliament to restore his public funded 24/7 security detail, and who broke the law) is no longer guaranteed. For those who don’t know, Birmingham City Council is bankrupt and owes £2.9 billion to lenders and has the most debt in the entire country—therefore, how would it make sense to host an event where they would have to pay for when they could barely afford any Christmas trees around the city last year?


Then you look at Mercer, he lost his job as an MP a couple of weeks ago, but he is also facing a prison sentence for refusing to cooperate with a public inquiry that had ordered him to give details of his sources in relation to possible war crimes. Has he been ‘harkled’ again, and this is a man who had been fired by two elected Prime Ministers?

Unlike most events, there don’t appear to be any images of the Harkles arriving or leaving with reports suggesting they arrived and left separately. When Harold got up to receive the award, there was clapping, but no one stood up—then suddenly rows stood up in unison, where it is has been claimed the audience were prompted to stand up (via a message on the screen). That is, most people stood up but noticeably most of the front row near the Harkles neither clapped or stood up, and that included Venus Williams who appeared to have snubbed the Harkles.

Harold let out a huge sigh as he got up to go on stage, his face was anxious and full of dread which was odd when you are about to receive an award, but then again, after the petition to stop him receiving the award, and Pat Tillman’s own mother saying he should decline the award, deep down he probably knew he wasn’t worthy and was a fraud.


The Claw grasped his hand as he rose from his seat, but he didn’t kiss her or look back. Then there was a double claw attack as TW rose behind him, where it seemed she had hoped that he would pull her on stage with him. Instead, he shook her hand away and avoided any eye contact with her. The images of the front row are most telling at this moment in time—Harold walking up to the stage with his head almost looking down in shame and dread, TW standing there grinning for the cameras, and most of the front row choosing not to stand or to clap for Harold. Others nearby gave Harold the side eye, and even the decorated veterans couldn’t protect him.


The veterans were ‘forced’ to remain on the stage and they were indeed brave for having to stand publicly there for 5 minutes to listen to a carefully prepared damage limitation speech. As usual, Harold stumbled and stuttered over some words as is the case when you haven’t written the speech, and focus was on the Invictus Games, even though the award was allegedly for Harold for founding the games. IG is the only valuable PR platform the Harkles can ‘exploit’ and he needs it more than the IG needs him.

"The truth is I stand here not as Prince Harry Pat Tillman Award recipient but rather as a voice on behalf of the Invictus Game Foundation."

There was a brief plagiarised quote of , ‘The bond between a mother and son is eternal and transcends even the greatest losses, ‘ when he talked of Mary Tillman, and appeared to thank Pat Tillman’s widow (who runs the Pat Tillman Foundation) for the award, raising a suggestion that Archwell or one its branches had made a donation to the foundation. Hence the suggestions that this was just another paid for award that the Harkles had purchased via a donation (ironically from money others had donated to their foundation).

As expected, there were the obligatory photos and the promotion of the award on the Harkle website, but nothing could prepare anyone for the ultimate in rudeness. Yes, the Harkles got up and left at least half an hour before the end of the event, not even staying to watch the other winners. A brief video was posted of them leaving, with The Claw firmly cemented to Harold as no one seemed to want to speak to TW, and Venus Williams blanked them, as TW started to wave randomly while she clung to Harold on their exit. It was hard to tell, but no one seemed to be upset at them leaving, and in fact appeared to urge them to scarper. They came for the award and then upped and left (I’d like to use a more colourful and colloquial phrase but the dictionary says it’s consider too vulgar.… but would have been more appropriate to describe their debase actions).


ESPN then decided to post Harold’s speech on their You Tube channel and left the comments open. Well, the public have made their thoughts known with the majority being negative or critical comments on the speech and the choice of the award going to Harold. At last count today, it was 37k dislikes to 5.5k likes and 1.5/5 star rating. That’s a pretty good indication of how unpopular the Harkles are and the decision to give Harold the award.

The Pat Tillman Foundation has also been under scrutiny and probably will continue to be so by those who believe that the Harkles ‘purchased’ the award via a donation. If they had expected extra publicity by giving Harold the award, in exchange for a donation then they got it—but the wrong kind where auditors will be looking closely at the accounts. That’s what happened to One Young World and they ended up being issued with an official warning by the Charity Commission.

The PR stunt appeared to be a flop, with Biden’s slip of the tongue, followed by England in the final of Euro 2024 (Spain won 2-1 and were the better team, but the build up to the game meant no one was interested in anything else), and then Donald Trump was involved in an apparent assassination attempt. The media had no interest in the Harkles who were seeking attention—even with their photographer Lee Morgan releasing a slew of unseen photos from the past few years to try and whet the appetite of the cult and the media, two days earlier on 8/9 July for no other reason than to get some attention. Morgan then appeared to have deleted the Archewell page from his website, but the images (below) and the links remain in the google search engine.

Most of the images show The Claw in full swing, also how bald Harold is, and how TW wears ill fitting clothes despite the designer labels. While Harold continues his legals crusades against the UK government and the media, we all want to know how is he going to explain destroying evidence in his own case—what exactly is it that he is seeking to conceal?

On another note about the Kew Garden issue where he claimed he was unsafe when he visited the venue for a private event (WellChild) on 30 June 2021, apparently Kew Gardens have their own police force and have done so since 1845, and security would have been tight, therefore, Harold would never have been in any danger upon entering or leaving Kew Gardens. This was the event and venue he claimed the security he had was inadequate, and was the basis of his application for judicial review that just happened to have its own police force on site!