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I am currently working, and have just phoned a very young mum with 2 children under 3 who has escaped from domestic abuse with nothing but what they stand up in. She is so grateful for every thing you do and ask, she had a food bank delivery today, she is on the housing list, the health visitor has been to see her, there is no ‘woe is me’ or know hard my life is’ she is just grateful for every thing. #6 and his wife should see how the hard done by really have to live, without access to anything, worry about feeding your child, having heat and light etc. Makes me so cross

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Even now, with all that has happened and has been said, it is so difficult to envisage and to accept that the family can't do anything at all. Where is James Bond, or some real-life problem-solver?

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HM I have to admire you for watching this for us. I certainly could not stomach JCMH and OW spewing uneducated nonsense on mental health. I think from what you have written on the blog and here we are seeing a person have a breakdown and in dire need of a real help. It saddens me that there is no one there to help him. I know it’s his own fault but still it’s shocking. The RF must be devastated.

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The Apple interview shows that JH has very low IQ and EQ, a confused mind and no integrity. What kind of organisations or people want to associate themselves with him?

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There will always be people who think proximity to fame will somehow rub some of it off onto them. H is famous for one thing, and one thing only: his grandmother is the Queen of England. It should be getting more apparent by the day H has absolutely nothing else to offer. Organisations will want to make some money somehow, so initially they are attracted--until they see no more point to it. TW actually went so far as to marry the dullard because his rank was worth the ensuing boredom, his wealth and prominence were too potentially advantageous to pass on it. And let's be honest, so far it has worked out nicely for her: she couldn't care less what Brits think, she has no plans ever to return, her name is literally in lights all over the place, she can command a fair amount of attention just by picking up the phone. I personally can't see it lasting in any permutation, but stranger things have been known to happen and I won't speculate idly. How long it takes others to decide to cut bait is up to them.

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I have to admit I have no idea what H thinks he is doing and to what end. In the scheme of things, in this world whwte millions suffer real pain every second of every day he has very, very little to complain about. Strike that, he has nothing to complain of. Nothing. Shame on him. I no longer give a flying fig tbh.

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I have missed the opportunities to comment. Being in the U.S. I guess I look at Harry Markle's wonderful post at different times than people across the pond. Some of this may be old news, but I really resented when H denigrated out First Amendment. He turned off many Americans with this comment, but it sounded just like woke Hollywood. I want people from England to understand that the majority of people, other than woke Californians, do not like H & TW, this includes most of the liberals (woke) people, at least in Michigan, that I have had a discussion regarding H & M. I do not believe H will stop bashing his family until he separates from HW so the RF has two choices. They can do nothing and ride out the storm but some will believe H and TW or they can completely disown them by taking away the titles and line of succession. The first way will cause some immediate bad publicity but will be forgotten within a short period of time. The second way will continuously cause harm. I do not believe the RF should be worried about precedence if they strip H of titles and line of succession because if another Royal ever did what H is doing, they should also not have titles or be in line of succession. Personally, I do not believe H's children have both H and TW's DNA and borne by her so the RF should have verifiable proof for these children to remain in line of succession. Furthermore, H and TW lie and lie and lie so how can anyone believe anything they say. H use to say he had therapy prior to meeting TW and now credits TW for getting him help. Of course TW could get H help but not herself. H and TW really believe the public is stupid with all their contradictions. Keep up the good work Harry Markle!

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I have only one question: TW was supposedly suicidal on the day of their appearance in Albert Hall. As far as I can see that was on 16.01.2019. A month later on 20.02.19 she is miraculously cured by the looks of it as she attends her lavish baby shower in NYC. Otherwise I cannot imagine how are a caring husband will leave his suicidal wife travel on her own across the pond? Or maybe as Tom Cullem stated in another thread this was classic manipulation of a sociopath striving to achieved something she is being denied. Sounds reasonable to assume that KP aids were not happy with the planned baby shower and the expected backlash from the public and TW used the suicide card to get her paparazzi moments in NYC, dark oversized sunglasses, quick orchestrated exits from hotels, etc. To top it up the photo with the missing bum, which reminds me of the story with Kim Kardashian and how she actually forgot her daughter behind in the hotel while posing for the NY paparazzi.

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HM thank you for going through all the garbage that JCMH & TW spew, it makes life a lot easier for me as I don’t have to! Much appreciated. There are so many things to consider in this post. Are there no safety or proper medical advisors to this programme? I don’t mean two people with problems chatting but qualified practisers. I see all this as being unethical and unsafe. (I haven’t seen the programme but read accounts) How many people are being harmed so that the terrible threesome can line their pockets, as that is what it is about.

As for the Nepal trip and the reaction that he was going to have burnout, I don’t think that they understand what burnout is. Maybe he should talk to some of the hospital staff who have been working throughout the pandemic and discover what it is really like.

As for the safety of the children, one wonders and I am sure that HMQ & family must be very worried about Archie and the child as yet to be born.

I was never a great Diana fan but to say that she was chased because her boyfriend of the time was half Egyptian really takes the biscuit.

Prince Charles must be in bits and my heart goes out to him. To have a child that you have tried to protect for over 30 years turn around and treat you and abuse you over the international airways, or whatever they are, must be sole destroying. I am sure Charles still loves his son but I am sure that he can’t take much more and I don’t know what will happen then. I don’t have any answers. Just wish that Harry would wake up from this nightmare journey and get back to something like an even keel.

Phew that has made me feel better and lowered my blood pressure!

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There are 14 'experts' listed and a philosopher, but how much input they had is unknown. Simply by stating they were involved doesn't mean they advised on specific matters, and there were a lot of red flags waving as far as I could see.

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King Lear and the serpent's tooth. Not the first time.

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This is what I SEE about Harry so far:' A Lier, an elder abuser, an animal abuser, a Traitor, a Whiner, a Hypocrite, arrogant, spoilt, a Wokie, mentally unbalanced, a child abuser, (the reason he is keeping the Kid away from the rest of the Family), I'm sure there is more. Y'all have a great day:))

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Two questions for all of you.

1)How could the mental health professionals allowed/considered JCMH’s therapy session legitimate or spontaneous when tv cameras were on them? Very unprofessional and a disservice to the susceptible,naive viewers.

2)Where IS TW? Since she so loves the limelight, how is she letting these golden opportunities to be a public expert and victim pass her by?

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A great read HM thank you. Accurately defined regarding dim ones condition. He has serious issues with BP and RF. And I do concur, he is livid about not getting his way regarding RF benefits . Half in Half out.

Going only by your summation (I just couldn't bring myself to watch it- so thank you for enduring it ) His behavioral display is indicative of someone who is Very angry. No matter what amount of money he earns or how much 'love' he gets from THAT woman he calls wife- he really does miss the RF and the respect he had, yes, he is hurting, that comes across, and may never recover because the British public will never forgive him -In my honest opinion and he can't live happily with that in monti deciveio palace.

Has the therapy worked? No! if it did, he would not be ranting as he was. Those who claim to be experts read books you and I can access in any library... just saying.

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Thank you once again, Harry Markle, for the thorough and insightful analysis. I rely on your reports and the comments of others to find out the latest the public appearance of TW and JCMH. Like many others here, I cannot watch either of the gruesome twosome, and I’ve never been able to watch OW. All of their interview and speech-giving techniques are the same - they always, no matter what the given topic is, bring the interview/talk back to themselves. OW has always done this. In fact, I stopped reading her magazine years ago, despite some of the content being useful or interesting, because she always put a photo of herself on the cover. Yet another MEMEME.

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It did seem like a performance, and not a great one at that. There was a tinge of disappointment as before one could read into Harry's words, but this time it was clear what he was saying, and he has effectively severed ties with any role to represent the UK or Commonwealth.

I do believe this is a recent narrative as they attempted to remain on the royal payroll as such on their terms, but if he loathed it as much as he has claimed in this series then I can't see why he was fighting to keep his patronages and titles unless there were benefits that outweighed his apparent 'suffering'. Again, this is inconsistent with their original narrative, thus one can conclude that this version of events may have been manufactured for a reason – to justify leaving the UK (the UK media aren't as bad as the US tabloids right now), and to force the RF to give in to some demands.

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The fact is we DO NOT NEED them, but what to make out that they are needed via their PR spin. No one has missed them, and they were never needed in the first place as work was 'found' for them.

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I am beginning to think the BRF needs to secure the British equivalent of a conservatorship for JCMH and bring him and his poor child(ren) back to Britain. Neither of the parents is of sound mind and capable of caring for small children in a healthy environment. And TW and her mom suddenly hanging back and lurking and scheming in the background is giving me the willies. 😱 It’s the minor child(ren) I care about at this point.

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As one who has gone through several mental health breakdowns i find these sorts of programmes very distasteful. I would ? whether JCMH has even had a breakdown tbh. In my experience This spewing of feelings etc etc is the very last thing one does going through a mental health crisis. JCMH situation i do think is mainly bitter jealousy, being very thick and being indulged all his life. What we are seeing now is the real JCMH ... not the 'smokescreen' perpetrated by his family.

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I hope that life is being kind to you now Cazz.

I think you are spot on regarding JCMH, but I still fear for him because of his isolation from those who could care for him. I don’t think that he regressed to a twelve year old, I think that is where he is stuck- which is why his behaviour is that of a petulant child in a mans body.

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The duo will not stop and looks like they are adopting a tag team approach. One attacks and the other is silent and falls back. I am sure if the bRF does not respond Meghan will be lobbing grenades again and Harry will take a break.

Hopefully someone at the palace realize they can't follow the -Never complain never explain mantra-in this case?? It won't work-people have lost their jobs and the whole country and the BRF is being branded as racist. They have to have an effective counter attack against the odious pair and reveal all their lies and make them the laughing stock of the world. Then take the titles. They can always support them in private-but public life and support should be over.

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I have been reading Harry Markle Blog for over a year now. Thanks for all your meticulous research and writing. The RF should have dealt with #6 and Lady Megbeth as you suggested over a year ago.

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