Therapy With Auntie O
Inconsistent statements, attacks on others, while Harry blames everyone for how his life has turned out.
The Me You Can’t See (on Apple TV) has finally been aired, but was it really a series to look into the mysteries of mental health, or was it used as a platform for OW and Harry to publicly air some of their issues in a controlled environment?
Their armchair therapy looks harmless at first, but after a while you see a hostile and angry Harry that either pontificates, blames others, or attacks people for failing to help him. There’s so much arm waving it’s distracting, and OW has to prop her chin up with her hand because she looked a little bored. Well, we are all bored of Harry repeating the same allegations of how he was controlled, trapped, and that he hated being a member of the RF, and that his father was going let him ‘suffer’, while he tried to escape but ‘they’ wouldn’t let him.
Throw in the Diana card, and the racism card again and you have Harry the professional victim, who said he was exhausted representing The Queen and the UK in Nepal, surrounded by thousands of people who had lost everything they owned and their homes in an earthquake. The country had been rebuilidng their villages, but Harry insulted them by complaining that he had to go to Nepal, and that the RF ‘used’ him. With that kind of attitude, you wonder what did he learn while he was in the Army? He is an embarassment to the UK, and how could he ever represent the nation again, or any other charity after admitting he hated meeting people?
It wasn’t just what Harry said that was disturbing, but also the manner in which he presented it. Statements were made with utter disregard, hostility, anger, and were disrespectful to his family. His tone was arrogant and dismissive, yet he wanted to look like a victim. He believes he is a victim, but his statements contradict themselves – one minute his family has never helped him, but they did send him to the GP, specialists, and therapists for years, and then he says he was happiest in the Army, but later says his worst time was 28-32 years old when he drank and did drugs, yet that was when he was still in the Army during his ‘happiest’ time.
Harry appears to love therapy, but it’s clear whatever therapy he is getting isn’t working. No one likes to see someone have a meltdown in public, but the signs are there, yet the mental health experts that advised on the show seemed to have failed to see that. That alone doesn’t give the show much credibility, while OW and Harry handed out their opinions as advice. However, how can you possibly trust the words of people who have made false allegations about others that have and continue to do harm? Isn’t that irresponsible and reprehensible? How does that align with the values of seeking to break the barriers of mental health when their words and actions create mental health issues? When will Harry or TW take ownership of the misinformation they have been spreading?
A reminder of no conspiracy theories, people that keep pushing the boundaries will be banned and I will close the comments due to these people. People who respond to these posts will also be banned. If you see one, ignore it.
I am closing the thread for a while as a couple have ignored the guidelines.