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I too have been a lurker, though I didn’t realize I was being one until reading comments by my fellow lurkers. Though I only recently found this part of the HM blog, I have been reading your write ups from their very beginning, Harry Markle, and I must thank you profusely for preventing me from becoming completely demoralized by the lack of compassion, civility, and decorum which seemed to be (and still is) taking over the world then.

For me, to see the rudeness, superiority, and entitlement by another American toward the country for which I have always had the utmost respect was beyond embarrassing. As my fellow American posters here have repeatedly said, please know that many of us have completely seen through the manipulations and scheming of TW, and her brainwashing of a broken, susceptible boy. Also know that most of us dislike OW, GK, Netflix, P&G, Spotify, et al, and completely see through their jumping on TW’s and JCMH’s bandwagon for the big bucks.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to Harry Markle for your insightful writings, and to all the commenters for your articulate responses.

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H is only interested in H just as M is only interested in M. I think they feed off each other. What a toxic household for a child to be brought up in. I think we can all agree the mansion isn’t a fun loving place.

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I feel deeply sorry for any parent, spouse or sibling who has ever lost a loved one to suicide. Listening to them talk about “suicidal thoughts” so carelessly and the dimwit bluntly stating that the thing he married told him she decided not to do it for him “not to lose another woman to suicide” makes my blood boil. I wish some respectful charity would harshly criticize their comments and remind all those concerned that suicidal people rarely openly threaten to kill themselves. This type of television entertainment should be banned or at least severely monitored by the FCC.

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It was a romanticized version of suicide with little to no basis in reality. I agree that part needs to be cleaned up or taken out of the program. It could be more harmful than helpful

Were there not licensed medical psychiatric mental health professionals consulting on this program?

This is a serious subject not some bandwagon to use to air your grievances, gain public sympathy or promote your public profile and brand

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Apparently they had 40 mental health experts who helped with the show...although, it doesn't appear to be evident. The disclaimer isn't enough at the start of the show. I find it irresponsible to have allowed some claims to have been made that people will assume are true for all.

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It seems obvious to me that Diana's legacy to Harry was to pass on her insecurities & mental instabilities. He may have benefited from the early years of therapy, then he came under the spell of a master manipulator who reinforced & added to all of his issues. His interviews & spewing of hatred for his life and the Royals may be the indication of a complete breakdown. The level of love & care that his wife has for him is plain for all to see as she allows him to be exploited by the Oprahs of this world in the name of entertainment. It shows she will stop at nothing to make money. Harry's fixation with Diana is not healthy, he seems unable to remember he with love as a flawed human who did a lot of good things, but seems intent on living in the past rather than putting Diana to rest. Although I am angry & disgusted by Harry's behavior, I also feel compassion for him. Each day must be difficult. dealing with a toxic wife, the need to make money and being without the support and guidance of his family and BP. This situation will not end well.

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I agree dmday. But he appears to have surrounded himself with people who don’t care whether it ends well for him or not. That is not their priority, they just want headlines.

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H should be wary of the new generation of Bashirs.

They are circling like sharks and with about as much compassion. He is throwing everybody he ever knew and everything he ever valued out there for them to maul and pick over.

He is either very sick, very stupid or very nasty- possibly all three.

In trading long term damage for short term attention and the enrichment of people he thinks are his friends, he is trading all of himself -past and future. These things cannot be unsaid or undone and will leave him an empty vessel. Noisy but lacking in content.

I feel desperately sorry for HMTQ and PC, whichever they go, they will lose.

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That’s the thing...the more he runs his mouth the, the more I despise him and TW and the worse I feel for the RF as a whole....the more compassion I have for them especially PC who prior to all this, I could take or leave

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What a hypocrite JCMH is to talk about “a culture of exploitation and unethical practices” considering he and TW are proving themselves to be hugely exploitative and unethical (their association with P&G alone is proof of this), and then there’s all the lies, deceit and smoke & mirrors they constantly put out in the media. They are truly shameless!

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I thought this was a program in the works since 2019 meant to help people and reduce the stigma of seeking help thru therapy. Instead, H’s part at least, was all recent and nothing more than the O interview part 2. It was grievance peddling by a man who seems to be having a very public breakdown. All it did was make me think whatever so called therapy this guys been doing isn’t working

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I just saw a clip of the A programme (taken at the end I think) where he says he thinks he is now a better version of himself. If that’s with the help of his therapist, his therapist needs to be struck off, if indeed, they are professionally registered.

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Am sure Jack the Ripper would have said the same thing if he had his therapist on speed dial.

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It’s very sad to watch really, that everyone is enabling this very public spectacle to make money. I think he is very ill, but why isn’t she at his side, clutching his hand in support, is this a ploy so that she can claim is is mentally ill in the divorce, in which case he would never get the kids.

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Can only surmise but it comes across that she is wheeling him out on these shows and he is like a ticking bomb. She has gone very quiet and now we are seeing JCMH publicly melting down and behaving so irrational, inconsistent and coherent in these interviews. Seems to be TW's latest ploy, claim she has supported him with therapy etc, tried to help him recover, got him away from his trapped RF life though he couldn't help her. She will claim he is unstable and not allowed to be with kids for their and her safety and walk away into to the Californian sunset with divorce papers, house and a big alimony!

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Oprah must have been feeling heat for her to come and defend the Harkles. her and Gail seem to think they are untouchable-beyond reproach. Gail went after a US baskeball star-Kobe Bryant -who died in a fiery helicopter crash along his teenage daughter. She brought up some sexual harassments allegations that were settled a decade or so ago-right after his fiery crash. She got a lot of backlash-but seems it won't stop the pair. I mean she was on record saying they had plans to move the interview if PP died on the broadcasting day. What is with the timing-maybe they were planning to use it to promote Oprah's talk series and her entry to Apple TV?

The one good thing is it appears to have backfired massively and led to sympathy for the bRF.

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And no matter how hard they try to contrive similarities between TW and Diana, and to justify their actions on those grounds, those efforts are just not making any headway at all. Nobody will accept the premise. Harry is doing Diana a great disservice by making false comparisons.

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TW and Diana comparison is like comparing Big bird to a swan!

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Diana being the swan

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Whatever happens from now on, the Harkles will never be silenced. They have found their niche and with nothing else to offer of any value will exploit their truth until they void themselves! Titles, line of succession being rescind will not stop them. H desparatly needs help but does he want it? One less string to his bow if someone can seriously give him the therapy he needs without seeking 15 minutes of fame. H needs to get away from the circus he's surrounded by and retreat to a safe environment away from TW and OW to regain any thread of sanity he has left. I truly believe he's unhappy with his lot and all this garbage he's spouting is being enabled by TW. How can he keep hurting his blood family with all the false accusations and not be held to account? He has nothing to offer apart from wallowing in his victim hood and self pity. PW seems to be stepping up to the plate, he's had H's back until TW came along, but he has enough by the look of him, haven't we all!?

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It actually seems to have cemented support to the BRF and the Harkles to an extent that they can't justify allowing them to keep the titles. I don't think PC will ever be able to bring them back into the fold.

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It appears that no one surrounding JCMH want him to keep his sanity, it’s bad for their income.

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If a few respected professional people would explain publicly the damage he could be doing by giving so much evidence that therapy does not work, he might be halted in his tracks. General viewers/readers seem now to be quite convinced that he is ill.

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Agree totally.

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IMO humbly - the RF is in an impossible position. H has shown himself to be very unwell and sadly any further action in stripping of titles or connection with his family would not be seen as a compassionate act. Much as that needs to hapoen.

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So appreciate this site

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So do I, Jenoz

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Nice to see that people are busy at present rather than worrying about Harry's behaviour! Unless everyone is still too disgusted to comment.

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I swing between horror and disgust mostly, just had a little sad moment today. I have faith in the worlds collective intelligence to deal with many issues dividing us .

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Hello from OZ, can I comment on TC’s comments, so concise and moderate and fair as usual. I note with some surprise at his term of Harrys emotional revenge porn, could not agree more.

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It is truly horrible to watch such an angry person destroy his family in public. OW is truly the successor to Martin Bashir.

Does #6 have a goal apart from gold in all this ?

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I have just seen him referred to as "Mr Free-speech-is-bonkers"

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Oprah is no better than Bashir. She knows exactly what she is doing, just as Bashir did. They knew they were dealing with maladjusted people and took full advantage of them.

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I agree Denise but Oprah had a much easier time. Bashir had to manufacture deceit H provides all of his own.

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Agree with you about Oprah, but I would also add ABC (owned by Disney), CBS, Gayle King, and anyone else in the American media who reports on this exploitative train wreck. They are not inherently interested in JCMH and TW--nor are the American and global public, for the most part--but are just here to document the obvious mental health issues with them and capitalize in money and in ratings. The greed, the selfishness, and the sickness of all these grimy characters disgust me on so many levels.

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Noticed it all over on SM comments outing OW as the new Bashir and she is defending him with her 'Privacy doesn't mean silence' comment. Ofc JCMH is her new cash cow!

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Yeah but Diana came off sympathetic. This person is coming off as a loon.

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After having watched her in these four episodes and the other one, I have to wholeheartedly agree with you, Denise.

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In part of his conversation on the MH programme, H described the bombshell discussion in the OW programme as 'real and authentic', saying: 'I like to think that we were able to speak truths in the most compassionate way possible, therefore leaving an opening for reconciliation’.

Is he deranged?  Let me see, accusing your family of being racist and of being neglectful, unsympathetic and unhelpful when tw was so clearly struggling (said tongue in cheek!), complain that ‘they literally cut us off financially’ (must have been terrible having only 30 million pounds left!!!), all said with a straight face from a home worth 14 million dollars with tw wearing a dress that cost $4000. Oh my goodness, my heart breaks for them! 

How he can say that they spoke their truths in a compassionate way mystifies me.  God help us if he decides to tell their truths in a vindictive, spiteful and resentful way!!!!! (again, said tongue in cheek).

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It is so despicable that they play the victims. It trivializes the people that are truly victims. The people that are living paycheck to paycheck while he complains of being cutoff. People being evicted from their homes while he is living in a $14 million dollar house. Harry is now talking about the abuse he suffered during his childhood, blaming Prince Charles. He needs to read the story of Gabriel Fernandez. That is someone who suffered real abuse. JCMH and TW are sickening and the sad thing is they don’t care but want to preach about compassion.

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I demand he and TW take a Polygraph Test 🤡🤡

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It would shoot off the page and explode!

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Lovely Helbie. Yes, he is deranged.

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