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Can Parliament pass a law that states that all individuals in the line of secession meet certain criteria? I'm thinking of rules that both the US and Canada have in place for passing on citizenship. My children have dual citizenship, US from being born on US soil and Canadian from me. They cannot pass the Canadian citizenship onto their kids (my grandkids) unless the establish extensive ties to Canada (move there, pay taxes etc.). They are the last Canadians in our family unless they move to Canada and participate in Canadian society. The same applies to my Canadian niece. Her grandmother is American and her mother has American citizenship yet my niece does not hold American citizenship because the ties to the US have been lost (no one currently participates in US society). Both counties want you to be an active member of the country to pas on its citizenship. It seems that a similar idea might work for the line of secession. That is you must be a UK citizen and live and work in the UK.

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First off I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter break as much as is possible in our current circumstances and I am pleased to see after looking a couple of times and found the comments closed Harry Markle has decided to give us all another go.I am by my very nature a very political person it was the way I was bought up and I will continue to be so, however I am pleased with myself that I have been able to contribute here and steer clear of it as Our Harry does not want it. I rarely if ever state my views on any site but I took the plunge after luking here for some time and I enjoy it as I know many others I have chatted to do so lets not blow it. Well I for one am beginning to wonder exactly how much HMQ is /has been told about the reality of the situation beyond palace walls in the wider world of HER Commonwealth and here in the UK. I am sure she has been shown the many letters sent in support of her, which it is reported her ladies in waiting are replying to. Some who contribute here may be among them. It is a historical fact that as Queen Victoria entered her final years those around here tempered what they told her, I find myself wondering if those around our currant Queen are doing the same if they are they are doing her and us a great disservice. While I appreciate it is very hard at a few days short of 95 to think long term about the future of family etc, in this situation it has to be done. The ethos which which she was raised to live by is of the 19th century not the 20th and certainly not the 21st. I can find no words swearing or other wise to describe the amoral leech that is her grandson. I feel sick at the thought of their Zooming in on calls to youngsters. Indoctrination and grooming are the words that spring to mind, on impressionable youngsters.It cannot be lost on anyone that they are of a certain age group to be of voting age in 4 years or so. It is also more than sickening that I have just read of plans of a series concerning people from the UK and Commonwealth who have suffered life changing injuries in the service of Q and Country. I am sure someone here will put me right but I seem to recall something in a very similar vain a few years back. My very greatest fear is that the inaction of one very old ill informed and advised stubborn women will lead to not only the destruction of her own family structure but that of the UK, and what would replace it.

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I really can barely believe the latest outrage. Harry monetising injured veterans through a tawdry netflix show. He has no shame. Using the same veterans he abandoned last year when he cancelled the Invictus games. When is the RF actually going to do something to put a stop to this disgusting spectacle? Please make it be over - removal of titles, place in line of succession and all formal titles dissolved. The longer they leave it the ghastlier it becomes. Just rip that plaster off!

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Cxl Netflix. I just did and told them exactly why. It seems to me that Netflix are using their own channel to spread propaganda. Harriet should be ashamed of himself. He keeps on digging himself into a deeper hole.

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I agree. With each passing day the situation gets worse not better.

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The RF must strike back. By not taking a stand against H & M they are giving the JJ's of the world a stick to beat the UK with. So wrong. Stand up to evil even if it's in your own family!

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Seriously, TRF are letting down the people by allowing the false narratives of racism to go unchecked and its snowballing. TRF must now put the British people first and defend the lies being spread by You Know Who and The Thing.

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Someone has to convince the Queen that she is driving her loyal family off a cliff. Nobody works till 95 -she should at least step aside on this issue and let William handle it.

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Dear Majesty,

Your 'subjects' have been experiencing a dreadful time this past year, as you are aware. A global pandemic caused communities and families separated, children/students losing education and nursery places for the younger ones, much loved grandparents dying alone a horrible covid death without a hug good bye from their loved ones, no family mourning at funerals, no weddings to be happy about, people losing their livelihood and homes, losing out on treatments and diagnosis of serious illness, and as if THAT wasn't enough we have to put up with your 'family members' calling the shots- creating a racist agenda against a whole nation, who worked hard to give THEM money for what? and you do what?

Those are Just the two questions I would like to ask.

Clap for the NHS? Seriously don't bother. As the man in the fairground said 'let us take you for a ride'. This has been one hell of a roller-coaster- we are exhausted by your families 'privacy being breached' and WE want to get off.

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Can we please catch our breaths for a moment, think about how we are responding now to each other and NOT turn this into a competition over whose country is worse, where racism began, etc. I understand the anger generated by his comment (I refuse to use his name) and you are completely justified. We've been getting this fed to us by him for years. He is NOT relevant and he really does NOT have a voice here. His base has diminished exponentially. He's not creating any new converts to his heinous beliefs. Please do not let him turn this into a USA vs UK competition. You only serve his purpose by doing so! Be angry, yes, vent all you need, absolutely, but don't use his nastiness to define other countries or other peoples. That makes us no better than him, and then he wins. IMHO, this is nothing more than his feeble attempt, once again, to make himself relevant to his own race, many of whom have turned away from him. I also feel he's doing this as a "calling card" to ingratiate himself with MM. He is doing this only to build his base and create more divisiveness. Please don't let him win. Be careful before you post hurtful words and hurl incorrect accusations. We cannot justifiably condemn him if we are on here doing the same. His "truth" is not the accepted truth. I'm so sorry he has jumped in, just don't let him take over what your fingers say. In the end, it's not a competition.

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Hi Jo I for one do not think he is capable of thought that joined up he has never had to think for himself someone always did it for him we have seen that on the rare occasions he did his own thinking the trouble it caused. What we are seeing now is the real very low IQ him, and very unpleasant it is too.

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@Jo - a truly eloquent and inspiring post! TC

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Wait till Al Sharpton jumps in. Well on second thoughts-Sharpton is easily bought off. Maybe that is what jesse Jackson wants.

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@V.D. - I started to mention him, but I'm trying to be optimistic he'll stay quiet.

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This is and never was about U.S. vs Uk - but in the same way that the people of the US are unfamiliar with who is to be reckoned with in the UK, the same applies in the opposite direction. When someone is given media attention and their name is well known whatever side of the pond they are from, the other side sits up and takes notice. Oprah is nobody in the UK, but she has a big footprint here today thanks to the Harkles. The points being made are that all of this bad feeling and the unjustified slurs are a direct result of two spiteful whining ex-royals who created a tension between two countries when there wasn't any before. Let the blame fall at the feet of two traitors, no one is casting aspirations at the common man or woman in the street whether from the US or the UK

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Was thinking the same thing Jo...he doesn’t have the platform he used to. I would bet most kids in their 20’s have no idea who he is

That being said, his comments are reprehensible. He’s always been a race baiter/hustler, but attacking the UK as a whole and dismissing the report is beyond even for him

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JM I wholeheartedly agree with you on all points.

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@JS - absolutely agree.

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I may have read the thread differently. I was not attacking our fellow USA friends- just putting that JJ on the stand. So, If I have said anything which has been deemed attacking I profusely and unreservedly apologise

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@Hanah Brown - I wasn't accusing anyone of attacking anyone, truly. It's bad enough MSM is pitting black against white, I'm tired of the appearance they give of pitting the US vs UK.

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Agreed. Perhaps he's angling for an invite to MM's party!

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@Marjie - ROFLOL. That's brilliant!

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He could perform another secret wedding in the chicken coop. OR the christening of the child they may all Diana...

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If she asked him, he wouldn't hesitate. But she better be prepared to fork over some $$$ because like them, he does not come cheap.

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Spot on- thank you. I had to stop reading for a bit, I was starting to feel sick to my stomach over what I was reading.

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@Yvonne - totally understand your comment. I had the same reaction.

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Thank you. Well said.

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I loathe this UK v US thing right now, and people using it to further their rhetoric. While I am content for people to have their say, but if it strays into areas that are inappropriate then I will delete all the posts. Please don't force me to do that as it means I will have to close the thread to do it.

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Agree. It is important to note too that whilst the US might seem more enamoured with MM & PH than we are in the UK, and there might be more voices coming out in support of them in the US, this is just at the moment. We here in the UK have had a few years head start on people working them out. They’ve been here, on our news, in our papers, on our TVs. We’ve seen more, been exposed to more, and (only by experience) know a bit more. The more people see of the couple, the less they like. For those who don’t know yet (aside from the few who will never see the truth), they will. In time.

I think we can all agree, nationality, like race, has no place in this. It’s about them and their behaviour. Everything else is a distraction.

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Hel I have noticed over a period of some weeks, the zealots comments on things in the press seems to ebb and flow. I also think there are slowly becoming fewer of them.

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@HM - doing my best to head it off at the pass! There were a couple of comments that made my stomach churn, but I SO totally understand and agree with the anger towards him. It's easy to get caught in it and react before thinking. Thank you for giving us all a safe place to respectfully vent.

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I love this blog and the wonderful art work by Artemis Goog- Thank you.

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Hanah Brown I was thinking last night having looked back threw the hm blobs the art work is very good.

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@Hannah - I found the Easter art work so adorable!

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I still think the best course is to get lawyers and get CBS/OPrah/Harry to retract all their claims and make them pay a small amount to charity. or make a mockery of them in the USA. Else this will never stop-both know they have no talent except through their connection to the BRF-so they are like a parasite that will continue feeding till they kill the host-or the host needs to cut them off.

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The Rev Jesse Jackson has just said that Britain is the "mother of racism" and that the recent race report findings are false. Do you think for one second that this man who campaigned with Martin Luther King would have had anything to say about the UK if it wasn't for the slanderous accusations made by Markle and her Handbag husband? What does this man know about Britain full stop apart from 'her truth'? And how could any American who saw the horrors of segregation in the U.S. say that Britain is the mother of racism when we never ever had any such rules or laws, never had a Ku Klux Klan, never saw black people being murdered by vigilantes without fear of prosecution, or suffered a civil war off the back of slavery!!!!

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Jackson's inciting hatred and should be charged accordingly. This disgust me: Is he not a "man of the cloth"?

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He has no credibility here as a "man of the cloth."

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He’s a tax evader and a proven adulterer.

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So long since I heard of him I genuinely thought he was dead. certainly he will not have a lot of meaning to the younger people that h&m are so vilely trying to court.

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he is a low life who actually dipped his hands into MLK’s blood when the slain civil rights leader was gunned down ! He smeared it on his own shirt for effect ! It is documented by Andrew Young a disgusting

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hit send too soon . was a disgusting piece of street theater but shows how he glooms onto things with no actual effort .

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I heard that on the radio this morning - the inference being the British led the USofA into accepting and adopting slavery. The presenter was enraged, explaining people of all colours from other nations held others as slaves be it the Romans, Egyptians et al. You can walk back into history and see evidence of this but at the present moment the Nation is the whipping boy for all wrongs.

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@K Barnes - you are correct. Slavery can be traced back before the USA was even settled, after all, slaves were brought here by ships from other countries who bought and sold them. In fact, many of those "slaves" were white indentured servants. No, the USA isn't the "mother" of racism, but neither is the UK. The inference is ridiculous.

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About time they concentrated on their own back yards - slavery, sex trafficking etc., is rife today - and all the faux tutting does not fool us. Instead of focusing on the past get a grip and deal with what’s going on now. M needs to be put into the stocks - sheer arrogance

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Indeed! Jackson should worry about his OWN country!

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Harry probably agrees-he called his country/the media and UK racist in public. The Queen merely said that it is a private family matter. What will others think of her response-racism is a private family matter?????

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But it isn't it involves the nation state because in more and more people's minds we all stand accused. Surely their new PR people at BP must be saying something to them.

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JJ just goes with whatever is going on to keep himself relevant

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He’s obviously anti British and should concentrate on the issues in his own country rather than listening to what MM spouts without providing any proof. We are one of the most tolerant countries in the world.

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Mayo was he ever refused entry in to the UK, along time ago.

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I'm thoroughly shocked, disgusted, and saddened at the smearing campaign that's currently going on against the British people. This must stop now! What's the world coming to?

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I hope the Queen is happy-probably riding a pony somewhere. britain would not even be on his radar-if she does not step in-this will become worse.

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V.D What should be made very clear to her and charlie is the fly pasts for the Commonwealth with Q smiling and moundy money being handed out in the UK and sweet photo's of her and son strolling and smiling in the spring sun no longer placate her loyal subjects.

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She will be counting the cornflakes in her Tupperware for tomorrows breakfast

Far more important than how her subjects are being besmirched by her grandson his wife and their bandwagon. The toxicity they have brought while swanning about in the US is beyond belief.

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I feel another letter to Boris would be appropriate. This latest rant of r……… against Britain is outside the remit of the RF although undoubtedly sparked by MM; I will put pen to paper in the morning.

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He has done nothing to help the b community. Been riding MLKs coat tails for decades. Never understood why he gets airtime, speaks nonsense.

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True! MLKs daughter once called him out.

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She needs to again pronto.

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Agree! And he did the interview on The Times (UK) Radio and openly slandered all of the UK.

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Wow. This is not going to end well.

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Appalling - Jackson - another one on the bandwagon. Sick of all of this - how a woman as vile as m has been allowed to get away with inciting hatred and racism against us - speechless. She ought to be arrested and Jackson should be made to apologise.

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What I do not understand is that all these people that are making these terrible accusations are basing them on a lie. What MM said was not true about Archie being refused a title because of concern over the chance he may have dark skin!!! She stated that a member of the RF asked a question about who their unborn children may resemble. Without any context of how that was asked or who the person was that asked it. It could have been a totally innocuous question, possibly just out of curiosity but we will probably never know unless someone comes forward.

The point is all these individuals pointing the finger of racism are not basing it on fact but on a vindictive, nasty comment by someone that is a proven liar!!

Someone in the RF must first of all respond to H and MM and then to all those that have been using this platform to denigrate the RF and the UK!!

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robyn davis I thought lady C who can never resist unwisely opening her mouth and saying too for no good or particular purpose, came up with a name. I have never read any of her books or seen anything she's done. However I do seem to recall she herself only has her title thanks to a very short lived marriage.

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I like your plan. I'm in.

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Bandwagon indeed. He needs to shut it and mind his own business in the USA, where race relations are very low by any standards. MM would be loving this.

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She is leading the path to her door by a REAL angry racist white supremacy pod- it will not end well.

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the white supremacy pod people isn’t accurate . It is to justify the blm movement and a fake construct to further divide people

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Wow is that the depth and strength of feeling over there?

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No, not really. I was just talking about the difference in what people call a racist. Disagreeing with That cretin Markle makes you a racist! She by her lies have created a race dialog which is divisive and dangerous. Now, she may have woke a real white racist who may do harm to her and her family.

Racists come in all colours!

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.... and sizes.

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....and nationalities.

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Apr 6, 2021
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They have nothing to do with us! They do not shame me! They shame ALL liars and race hustlers and grifters! That is who they shame!

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YES ! We all were not even born and will never justify enslavement of any people . stop the fakery of appeasing , vilification of innocent citizens

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That man is a menace and the title Rev should never preceed his name! He’s an R himself!

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Yes - a menace and a R - those that shout the loudest often are and bullies too.

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Yes indeed Morph!

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But he has a name and a reputation among black Americans. Point is he would never have noticed British race relations if it wasn't for Markles claims against the British people and the RF. Every time Markle throws down the race card we become the victims of untrue and unfair slurs from foreigners who have no idea what this country is like. I bet he never even read the report, just jumped on the bandwagon.

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That bandwagon is getting very crowded.

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Apr 6, 2021
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Perhaps he can jump onto the history of Black soldiers during the second world war. Who were told to segregate as they did in the USA while over here in the UK. Our government and military said NO way. Yes there was some people who didn't take kindly to 'yanks' . The black soldiers couldn't believe it! Mother of Racism - yeah dear ole US of A.

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There were a lot of black GIs stationed at the Rectory Barthomley in Cheshire. Welcomed by the locals and couldn't believe they were drinking in the same pubs as the locals with the locals. According to my mum the kids didn't see colour. They saw Americans.

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Exactly - we are far more tolerant - that’s what sticks in their throat. They know the score but .... keep prodding the friendly bear and he’ll react.

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You are correct on that score.

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I hope this isn’t off topic (if it is, please delete, HM) but it relates to the continued fallout of the OW interview. Actor Daniel Kaluuya (who is British?) made a tasteless racism “joke” against the RF while on American TV. Why does every celebrity feel the need to jump on the “BRF is racist” bandwagon right now? Do they think it makes them look cool?

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He sounded embarrassed to say it TBH. Is there an expectation?

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I didn’t watch it (I refuse) but from what I read he made other “jokes” about American racism v British racism (racism being a topic I do NOT find funny especially with the George Floyd police trial going on right now). But Kaluuya thought he could take a jab at the RF to boost his popularity. He and Idris had better watch it- they might get Harkled!😱

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If you listen to most networks they parrot talking points. Beyond infuriating.

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And may I add, when the dust settles and the truth of the Harkles comes out, I’m sure Brits will remember who stood up for their country and who didn’t. Americans don’t like it either when one of our own goes overseas and criticizes the US. It’s unseemly.

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Well said.

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They are winning brownie points for being WOKE! It's to inoculate themselves from criticism by the rabid crazies.

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Well the Queen won't react to protect her loyal family and her subjects and her beloved commonwealth. So why not? Hollywood is fickle -if the bRF finally takes the reins and makes a mockery of the Harkles -then the tables will turn. But the Queen probably plays with her corgis and sips some tea. At least as of now-it looks like Meg won-thanks to the Queen.

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According to the Mirror, H&M are in the early stages of planning a grand star-studded bash/ epic garden party at their Montedeceito mansion, for when lockdown eases in the summer. They are hoping that the likes of the Obamas, the Clooneys, and Beyoncé and Jay-z will attend. All their celeb pals’ children are also invited, and they are hoping this will mark a new chapter in their lives. The theme for the decor will be a blend of British and American culture, whatever that means! Apparently they haven’t been able to meet up with their ‘friends’ as often as they’d wish, due to the current restrictions.

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Won’t she be heavily pregnant or have just had the baby in the summer?

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Do you think that any of those people will accept the invitation. Surely the likes of the Obama's, Beyonce , the Clooney's etc. would not want to be associated with such a 'FRAUD". her words to be exact. The fact that she aired their dirty linen for all and sundry may not sit well with the likes of them.

The fact that the interview has been dissected accusation by accusation and found that between H and MM nary a true word was spoken may cull the guest list to nothing more than a few D-list celebs and hangers-on.

Hopefully by the time the invites go out the RF will have released a statement that will prove to knock the Duke and Duchess off their Royal high horse!!!!

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Word on the street is she has offered to throw political fundraisers in exchange for Fstein's Senate seat...

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Well that’s given the RF a deadline to act then. By the summer they need to have shredded the reputation of the pair and formalised their exiled status. Do the job right and no A-lister will want to be anywhere near.

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Deleted - bad taste - lashing out when cross with these two is not a good look.

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No doubt H will be the EP of this bash. It will be made for Nlx or OW. Kween M will want to be seen hosting her garden party "guests" with dubious home made food, party favours, signed framed photos of M, hand-wrapped A'well gift wrapping - product placement everywhere.

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Dont forget the individual banana invitations !

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DJ jazzy Haz...maybe that's why he was wearing his baseball hat backward. Every DJ needs some street cred. Probably out getting a few tattoos as we speak.

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Too funny Michelle! I LUV MEGZ, A 4EVAH...

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Who would want to go? They will probably record all the conversations and sell them to the highest bidder.

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Their invitees need to be mindful of that happening.

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May need cardboard cutouts like in stadiums for social distancing!

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This is so typical that their every move has to be broadcast to the world. They have serious mental problems

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Ummm--desperation, anyone? People in that neck of the woods have bashes and talk about them afterwards, not before. They are "hoping" for A-list stars to attend--meaning the invitations are out but the RSVPs aren't back in. Oh and do have kids at a classic Hollywood celeb bash, where depravity is the name of the game. A blend of British and American culture? What does that even mean? Well, here's what: H&M ought to forget highbrow Netflix--they really aren't that level--and think about a sitcom instead, weeknights, primetime. The Dukes of Montecito, add an electric bike (with a Union Jack), throw in a henhouse, neighborhood stars dropping by occasionally for tea and misery--sounds like a winner. And about up their alley.

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No union jack , it causes offence to people of colour and the woke here in the UK.

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That’s a bit of a sweeping statement and not entirely true, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush.

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I apologise and stand corrected. Many poc who are playing the race and victim card here in the UK hate the flag.

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I understand Hannah, I know tensions are running high at the moment.

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A blend of British and American culture? Chips n burgers, cooked by Migraine. Well, she knows how!

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Don't forget the special home made cakes! 😋🤮🍰🥧

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Roast chicken and waffles, anyone?

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I was thinking hot dogs and mushy peas lol

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Served with Oat Lattes!

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Some Ingredients supplied by exotic Chinese slaves...

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As she flips from carnivore to vegan!

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Flippin flipper. Flippin flippery! Other F words are available lol!

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Perhaps they want NDAs signing.

No photographs of A or Baby to be taken, assuming they will be allowed to attend; phones to be confiscated on arrival.

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Washing my hair that day and having a pedicure.

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What a dud it’s shaping up to be I’d say.

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Another expensive baby shower most likely. Must bring gifts. Tiaras suggested.

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I expect they will use it as a networking event as they try and make more money from the Royal Titles.

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I wonder if they’ll charge an entrance fee? They never miss an opportunity to make a bit on the side.

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I'll contribute to buy a ticket for her Father.

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Must be Meg's idea. Though Oprah might round out a few celebrities who will come for her. I really don't understand Oprah and why she is pushing Meg-I wonder what kind of horrible tales she told Oprah?? Maybe she fell for that? Or is just using her as a business opportunity-typical Hollywood. Queen needs to squash this-else there will be a rival court in America-so sad for William . I just lost all respect for the Queen to allow this farce to continue.

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IMO it was MM who desperately wanted to be on Oprah, hence the wedding invite with a ringside seat. O was fulfilling her part of the transaction with the 'interview'. MM used her royal status to buy a prime time TV slot, something she would never get otherwise. Oprah made her millions, the deal is done.

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Megs and Oprah are exactly the same character. The Oprah of public persona is not the real person. I have been saying for a long time that if anyone cares to dig Oprah is evil - and yes, I do mean precisely that. Meghan & Oprah could be twins in terms of moral depravity, self serving narcissism, and lives entirely focussed on money and power. They are a match made in hell.

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I used to watch O’s show when I was younger. No matter who her guest, she would eventually go for the throat (and bring the racism angle in wherever she could). She tried to make herself seem kind by giving away cars and talking about spiritual things, but I believe at her core she is hard, cold and ruthless.

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Anyone who makes that kind of money usually is, you don’t get $$$$ in the bank by being soft and fluffy.

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Explains my lack of funds. 🙄💰

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Aah bless! But your friends will love you for who you are,not because you’re rich

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I watched once. Couldn’t stand her.

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I was just buying some new glasses frames online and saw some reading frames named Oprah. I guess it's because of her book club

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😁Smirkle will be wearing glasses next!

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It would be really cool if everyone did not attend!

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Somebody has to take Mr. Markle sr as their Plus One.

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Cleaning my frig. Will toss my invite also.

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Really must get some glasses - thought you were cleaning your ‘wig’ - oh my.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣That cracked me up!

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I am certainly busy that day...

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Hair washing day for me

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I’m watching paint dry

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Hollywood types are an entire breed unto themselves and they will all attend with bells on. The way zombies sniff prey, Hollywood types sniff money and fame

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Very Shallow bunch -

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That would be a bash ‘over in a flash’! 😅

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Well Gail, if you are attending- please ask on our behalf if she is O.K. And try to keep a straight face!

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Or perhaps there might be a Disney opening their "friends" might opt to attend instead

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Brilliant riposte

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....and who could blame them! Would it be “Little Mermaid....the Final Chapter”?

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That cracked me up!

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Gail is on another roll

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Grand star studded bash/epic garden party, lolololol. Will all their "friends" and guests be witnessing the birth of the forthcoming child in the summer at the party?

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Will it be a press "holiday party"?

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......by the light of the silvery moon(bump)! 🎶 🌙

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Feel a rhyme coming up 😄😂

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JCMH the Executive Producer will be live streaming it on GK's show, and OW will be doing her boggle eyed "WOW" face.

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They have no real friends...what friends does Harry have there? The few friends MM had she ghosted and dumped years ago bar a small handful.

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People in hollyweird will go as they will be curious and want a sniff around and be near a real prince a whole load of gullable bullshit artists like the wedding they wont even know half of them but the PR company will do the list and invites, a lot of their clients will be told to attend..

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Talk about buying people!

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Very sad existence.

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What a empty shallow life they have, material possessions but no friends.

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And probably all the material possessions are on HP.

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or BP? I heard that Bees refuse to sting her...

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Gnats, leeches even dear old Dracula are ‘passing’ on the invite - far nicer places to go to to draw blood.

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Agreed. When I saw the pap photos of Haz on the beech with a minder I thought "Harry No Mates". However, MM still has people mouthing off in her defence. Old boyfriends from school, Suits co-stars, even Mulroney pops up now and then to say MM is "family". I wouldn't underestimate her powers to control her narrative and she doesn't need genuine friends, just associates and business interests which all the wedding and upcoming party invites represent

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If he didn't have a minder with him, no-one would know who he was lol!

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Reminds me of the Garth Brooks song, "Friends in Low Places"

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I was going to say ‘friends with benefits’, but of course I meant ‘friends of convenience’! 🤭

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Even m would charge ‘friends with benefits’.

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The Invictus documentary news has hit The Times on-line site. For once comments have been allowed and they are rather uncomplimentary. As The Times is the preferred media outlet for BP,KP and CH it will hopefully be noted by "the men in grey"

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Probably getting the heads up for a bit if dribbling.

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I'm sure this is to defelct from something happening under the radar. Invictus isn't a huge thing, yet is worthy of course. As one of the few charities that Harry can keep his fingers in, this was a given, same with WellChild.

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My gut feeling says the same... I can't print what I feel could be happening as

It constitutes a 'conspiracy' in loose terms. If nothing happens soon, I will go back to ignoring the hype of the media and let the devil take care of the Monarchy as they don't see to have the stomach for a fight for their survival.

I really do want to hear the ANL have a court date!

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Megs has to give him something to do to keep him out of her hair. There is only so many times in a day she can push him out of the way, tap his wrist, grab his hand, interrupt him...without getting totally fed up of him following her around like a lost puppy. She likely got him the 2 "jobs" he needs an immediate holiday from just to get him out of the house for a few hours a week.

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I kinda saw it as a deflection from the PM interview yesterday. But I will say, not to be disrespectful, I got a huge laugh at the misspelled word in the announcement, ROFLOL.

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Ntflx UK and Ireland have just tweeted the announcement of the new doco series that H is making about the Invictus Games and sports people. He will be executive producer and appear on camera in his first production with Ntflx........Making money using them all to cash in commercially in order to sustain their Harkle Debacle lifestyle and security. Disgusting.

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@TP - did you notice the misspelled word in the announcement? To me there's a bit of irony in how they spelled it, LOL.

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Now I see it. I read it 3 times and just saw it after your comment. Duh, it's 4.00am here and I should be in bed.

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@TP - got to love that they're "exited" over it, rather than "excited."

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They were so exited that they got rather carried away. Lol. Freudian slip indeed.

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I wonder if he did an online course with a Groupon voucher on how to be an EP...

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Saw the advert in the Beano...

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@HM - wasn't he listed as an EP on the OW interview? Guess 90 minutes of lying qualifies him to now list himself as EP on anything he wants.

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He really doesn’t have a clue does he? What a plonker.

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ROFLOL. Well played!

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Just one more comment from me today then I’m off driving the kids around-I would give anything to have even one of my grandparents alive today. Especially to meet my youngest child. I just find it so unbelievable that JCMH could do this to his own grandparents and child. It’s heartbreaking to watch. If MM truly loved her husband she would be helping to bring the family back together. Her actions prove that she does not, and eventually JCMH will be left with nothing. I feel like I’m watching evil winning over good.

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I can't understand this either but I suppose this is the reason they have to vilify, insult and demonise their families - to justify ghosting them. Madness, really.

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A thought for TM too - has he ever seen his grandson?

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We have to fight against the evil.

H lost his soul years ago.

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He was a "problem" child, an impossible teen, and continues to be a an insufferable adult; the notion seems to be lost on him.

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The world has changed. The Monarchy was held in awe -nowadays Tiktok stars make more than a Prince . Rappers Instagram stars and even people in the porn industry are making a lot of money. leaders do not get the respect they used to command.

While it is nice to have the monarchy-they can't act like the Pharaohs of yore-untouchable. They have to adapt. TQ I fear at 94 cannot change. She comes from a different era and will never change. PC is very similar and somehow seems to still obey his 94 year old mother.

it is upto Will to stage a mutiny and decide if he wants to just live to 65 as 2nd in line and then have the monarchy yanked from him. Tough job-but someone has got to do it. The reputation of the Harkles has to be destroyed and if it takes down a few other royals like an Andrew -so be it! For the monarchy to stand aside and call this a private family matter lends credence to the Harkles.

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Given the Harkles' penchant for blabbing to anyone with a microphone, they certainly don't consider it a "family matter". Far from it.

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exactly, in IMHO the moment they decided to publish their family issues to the world it became a public matter as the RF are being labeled as racists all over the world with all my respect to TQ staying silent put a stain on all of he RF members including the children and their future is going to be very difficult

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She is behaving according to what SHE wants, not what her family needs.

I used to think she was wise; but there were no real challenges, so her self-will wasn't as noticeable.

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