Harry Markle, once again you have put into words, that float around in my mind. You are much more eloquent than I could ever be. I have said that MM scares me with her PR. You hit the nail on the head, so to speak. Thank you.
Has there been any word from. OW since the gruesome twosomes narrative has been deconstructed? If nor are we to assume that she is a poor journalist or a poor human being? Or are we to assume that throwing btickbats at the RF was sanctioned by OW? Whatever the answer it appears that she has come out of this with no credit. Other than of course what we assume must have gone into the bank of ow.
She will get her fame later after the fallout with RF. Her name is still mentioned with every article. That is all she wants, as well as the money. For instance look how the man that interviewed Diana is getting his name out there and that was years later. By the way, speaking of interviews and OW, TM is begging for an interview. Go home Tom and stop the nonsense. You are throwing pearls before swine.
Harry Markel, I am just so thankful you told us the truth regarding the bankruptcy of the company that took pictures of the child known as Archie and also M suing them. She is now claiming it was her that caused the bankruptcy. You know I am starting to fear this little child woman. Way too much power coming out in her PR group. Please don't go away, just keep up the fight against false news.
Splash filed for bankruptcy during the Covid-19 lockdown and that was the reason like many other businesses during the same period. Most of these companies have insurance to cover legal costs.
Prince Albert of Monaco blasts Prince Harry over bombshell Oprah interview saying 'This type of public display of dissatisfaction... should be held in the intimate quarters of the family'
DM now reporting MM has dumped her longtime agent who has stuck with her since her days in that TV show. Also reporting the agent helped plan that M-word that refers to their departure to other shores. Another story about Serena W gushing over the mom's many virtues.
A year or so ago Serena was ghosting her. There’s a clip of Naomi Campbell face timing (or whatever) with S and sister Venus. The entire Williams family blanked her at Wimbledon when she pushed herself into their box. They completely cut her dead and she ended up talking to herself to save face for the cameras. It’s on UT- hilarious. I was surprised that S has changed her tune so abruptly - wonderful, superficial, creepy world of the today’s celebs, I guess.
When I saw that story, I guessed SW must have got the memo to get on the same page as MO and OW and others in their power circle (not that SW is in that circle, but it is quite powerful and influential).
I know this is way off the subject here, however can someone tell me what is with Boris Johnson's hair. Oh also, has MM professed to be part Asian and jumped on that bandwagon?
Haha his hair. A friend of mine's sister was his PA when he was Mzyor of London. Apparently his hair was tidy but he messed it up deliberately for the cameras. But you would think by now Carrie would have taken a paidof scissors to it.
Read the statement issued by Harry. Does it sound like Harry to you? It was obviously written by the PR team at the Aspen Institute.
Would Harry have said this....."The experience of today's digital world has us inundated with an avalanche of misinformation, affecting our ability as individuals as well as societies to think clearly and truly understand the world we live in. 'It's my belief that this is a humanitarian issue and as such, it demands a multi-stakeholder response from advocacy voices, members of the media, academic researchers, and both government and civil society leaders.
I'm eager to join this new Aspen commission and look forward to working on a solution-oriented approach to the information disorder crisis."
Maybe it is Harry who can't think clearly or lacks the capacity to understand what he is doing. A man who thought he got married in the back yard for heavens sake.
Absolutely brilliant Harry Markle. You make it all so easy to understand, yet, it is actully very difficult to summarise the debacle. To remain logical, factua,l and concise is an art form. I struggle just writing a short post becasue I am so upset and churned up. To feel so powerless therefore it is difficult but to feel reassured being in this group and reading the blogs is sanity saving
Indeed! I marveled at how HM was able to take the wild scattershot blasting from the MM PR machine and multiple recent revelations in the press and write it up a in a coherent flowing post that is easy to follow, offering insight and explanation along the way. I love the touches of light humor that are never mean, the measured tone when discussing the more distasteful aspects of this sordid saga and the methodical manner in which each aspect is broken down, followed by a deft stroke of the scalpel to reveal the heart of the matter. Bravo!
(Not knowing whether HM is a lady or a gentleman, I did my best to write this without using pronouns. I hope I managed it without being too clumsy.)
Harry Markle, once again you have done a brilliant job of informing me. I am always grateful to your Blog as it quiets my troubled mind and heart. Thank you so much.
It's tax time here in the US. Since Harry has been here longer than 183 days, I believe he will now be expected to pay income taxes for 2020. The IRS will be watching that closely. But I'm more curious as to how he's navigated around the work visa rules AND the social security rules, since he must have both in order to have a job and receive an income. I assume this is something their barnyard of attorneys have been working on for the past year. His titles will not protect him from the laws and the IRS.
There is speculation that they are aiming for an O visa for PH (I respect HM's rule against posting links, but you can Google O visa and find the official dot gov site page on O visas from US Citizenship and Immigration Services). It does fit in many ways. O visas are apparently also awarded to foreign heads of nonprofits with yummy tax exemptions attached, hence the importance of the A foundation and folding as many of their other for-profit ventures into it.
@Laurel - I'm familiar and have actually mentioned it here more than once, as I anticipated that would be their decision. I'm just a bit surprised there has been no "leak" of what he is doing.....so far.
I have been reading the blog for ages, but only recently discovered this discussion area, so I missed your bringing it up before, and apologize for the repetition. You are right about being curious there have been no leaks regarding his immigration status.
He’s married to a US citizen with financial means, automatically eligible for temp resident alien card meaning he has a social security number and can work.
@Anna - it's frustrating. I thought she had to agree to "sponsor" him for that to be the case and it's been reported they haven't opted for that option. I read a dozen articles about it and everyone of them says something different. I also read he will have to pay taxes on his worldwide income, not just the US. I think the only thing most agree on is he never plans to apply to be a US citizen since he'd have to renounce his titles (something else they don't all agree on).
Just saw the photo of the employees at Hazs new mental health place of employment. Not one person of colour they are all privileged and well educated. Honestly, it does my head in. Now the misinformation position. Really!!!. Merching their titles and privilege. Just vile
Yes - I also saw the pictures of the company in the DM - ironic isn't it? There is the Queen obviously taking seriously their comments about racism and is reported to be doing a review of the Diversity Program at the Palaces to be sure it is adequate and fit for purpose. Then we see pictures of H's "woke" new employer in the DM where everybody looked young - because diversity isn't just about BAME - it's about everyone young, old, etc all working together and feeling valued. I would be very interested to see some statistics on the make up of the staff at H's new mental health place!
They couldn't have older people cavorting around in Monkey suits and dressed as unicorns now, could they? I suspect the company mainly consists of young, white people.
As HM mentioned in his blog the RF are addressing the diversity issue and systemic racism, but hey,ho, ole Harry and Megs throw the bullets but do not personally action any of their attacks on the RF.
Just being used for title afterall he has nothing to contribute, just word salad of his wife. Interesting they pointed out he has no contact with other employees - ?bullying allegations or reinforcing his solitary, made up role. He really is desperate to allow himself to be so used
I'm pretty certain that anything we hear from Harry's mouth will have been written for him by the company's PR teams. If we see him on video then he will be reading from his idiot boards (autocues) or may have learned the words parrot fashion.
Appears he’s going to be ‘working from home’ then, so no change really. Just the occasional zoom to head office spouting a load of meaningless woke garbage, contrived by Megamouth, “compassionate, creative, impactful activations” blah blah blah. What an embarrassment to the RF this waster has proved himself to be. Contemptible clown.
So h is now employed! It appears that he has showed his true self, joining the ranks of the progressive left who always “tell their own truths” regardless of the facts. The Queen and PC must do something now as h$m are now openly selling their titles to the highest and wokest bidders to make $$$. The companies are definitely using h as window dressing to gain more PR for themselves. These “jobs” will enable them to appear at events in order for m to wear $1000’s of dollars of clothing & jewelry....
in the coming days we will be subjected to more PR about his wonderous and compelling word salad contributions to these companies. So, everyone was right, all the interviews and PR were auditions. Now that their views and opinions are set, they will have to continue to deal with all the criticism for their actions (private jets, frivolous spending...). I think they are hoping Archwell to be like the Clinton foundation... “pay to play” to meet wealthy, connected people with only a minimal amount of charitable donations.
Interestingly, their new staffer has announced that all white people are racist, so that means h is racist.
All white people are racist what a ridiculous statement yet M&H only employ white people, she bullies young white women her father is white whom she is alienated from. The big mean white institution The Monarchy provided Harry with every privilege gave them both every possible opportunity and privilege.
It is ridiculous, but all white people are inherently racist according to Critical Race Theory, which is being pushed here in the US, taught in our schools and universities, and is the basis of Diversity Training in our workplaces.
Really!!! What is happening ? I know in NZ universities the unconscious bias theory is being pushed and colonialism is being introduced into the primary school curriculum. Which is fine but the unconscious bias theory has also been disproved by some academics. My husband is a University Lecturer and what is being taught is becoming more and more radical
It is radical, and a means to an end. I want to follow HM's sensible rules and get into politics or ideology, but if you want to look into the history and roots of of the movement, you can Google "critical race theory criticism" (without the quotation marks) and find some answers. One is a conservative-leaning site ending in dot org that outlines it fairly well and has the word "intolerance" in the title.
If only we had stuck to the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr., to judge by the content of a person's character, not the color of his or her skin.
"His appointment came after he and his wife Meghan were accused of spreading misinformation about the Royal Family and why they quit in their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey this month"
And now he has been given a job with a company whose sole mission is to eradicate 'misinformation'. Lol - you couldn't make it up!
Based on his position and who is serving on this committee/board. I would call it a slap in the face to most Americans. Misinformation my foot. I call it repression of information is the goal
Well, here is my take on Harry's new "jobs". He is nothing more than window dressing for these people. Like the trophy wife. They will never give him any important assignments that mean anything. They will send him to classes to teach how to speak in public and only use him to get donations. He will be given a script written by someone else and stand there and say the words. Megs will be in the background to monitor all of his comings and goings, like choosing secretaries, clothes, etc. Thinking on the hiring; is that they will be closer to the monarchy, thus more donors. JMO
“He is nothing more than window dressing for these people.” - He could never be anything other than that, and it’s pretty obvious that he was hired only because of his title and nothing more. He barely made it through Eton, he has no university degree, he has no work experience whatsoever in this particular “field” - or in any field, for that matter. Even his military service is suspect. He’s “merching” his titles to the highest bidder because whether he wants to admit it or not, no one would give him the time of day without those three letters - HRH - before his name, and the four words - The Duke of Sussex - after it.
So.....Harry gets a second "job" as a celebrity commissioner for a think tank study about misinformation. After the 2 of them do an interview full of "misinformation/lies" he's now working on a study about spreading lies. Can't beat the irony.
Harry Markle, once again you have put into words, that float around in my mind. You are much more eloquent than I could ever be. I have said that MM scares me with her PR. You hit the nail on the head, so to speak. Thank you.
Has there been any word from. OW since the gruesome twosomes narrative has been deconstructed? If nor are we to assume that she is a poor journalist or a poor human being? Or are we to assume that throwing btickbats at the RF was sanctioned by OW? Whatever the answer it appears that she has come out of this with no credit. Other than of course what we assume must have gone into the bank of ow.
Oprah is wisely staying schtum. If anything gets said it will be through her best friend Gayle, who will take the flak.
She will get her fame later after the fallout with RF. Her name is still mentioned with every article. That is all she wants, as well as the money. For instance look how the man that interviewed Diana is getting his name out there and that was years later. By the way, speaking of interviews and OW, TM is begging for an interview. Go home Tom and stop the nonsense. You are throwing pearls before swine.
Harry Markel, I am just so thankful you told us the truth regarding the bankruptcy of the company that took pictures of the child known as Archie and also M suing them. She is now claiming it was her that caused the bankruptcy. You know I am starting to fear this little child woman. Way too much power coming out in her PR group. Please don't go away, just keep up the fight against false news.
Splash filed for bankruptcy during the Covid-19 lockdown and that was the reason like many other businesses during the same period. Most of these companies have insurance to cover legal costs.
Prince Albert of Monaco blasts Prince Harry over bombshell Oprah interview saying 'This type of public display of dissatisfaction... should be held in the intimate quarters of the family'
DM now reporting MM has dumped her longtime agent who has stuck with her since her days in that TV show. Also reporting the agent helped plan that M-word that refers to their departure to other shores. Another story about Serena W gushing over the mom's many virtues.
Serena Williams should try working for her as a member of staff.
A year or so ago Serena was ghosting her. There’s a clip of Naomi Campbell face timing (or whatever) with S and sister Venus. The entire Williams family blanked her at Wimbledon when she pushed herself into their box. They completely cut her dead and she ended up talking to herself to save face for the cameras. It’s on UT- hilarious. I was surprised that S has changed her tune so abruptly - wonderful, superficial, creepy world of the today’s celebs, I guess.
When I saw that story, I guessed SW must have got the memo to get on the same page as MO and OW and others in their power circle (not that SW is in that circle, but it is quite powerful and influential).
Grr spellcheck. Not mom, MM.
I know this is way off the subject here, however can someone tell me what is with Boris Johnson's hair. Oh also, has MM professed to be part Asian and jumped on that bandwagon?
Haha his hair. A friend of mine's sister was his PA when he was Mzyor of London. Apparently his hair was tidy but he messed it up deliberately for the cameras. But you would think by now Carrie would have taken a paidof scissors to it.
It's his trademark.
Too much conditioner! Hair
dryer should be on medium heat not full throttle...... Bit of product to stick the sticky out bits down......
Read the statement issued by Harry. Does it sound like Harry to you? It was obviously written by the PR team at the Aspen Institute.
Would Harry have said this....."The experience of today's digital world has us inundated with an avalanche of misinformation, affecting our ability as individuals as well as societies to think clearly and truly understand the world we live in. 'It's my belief that this is a humanitarian issue and as such, it demands a multi-stakeholder response from advocacy voices, members of the media, academic researchers, and both government and civil society leaders.
I'm eager to join this new Aspen commission and look forward to working on a solution-oriented approach to the information disorder crisis."
A humanitarian issue is considering an old fella in Mexico with heart problems who has never seen his grandson.
Maybe it is Harry who can't think clearly or lacks the capacity to understand what he is doing. A man who thought he got married in the back yard for heavens sake.
He is out of it...brainwashed & manipulated doesn’t have a clue
No, he’s not intelligent enough. He probably doesn’t even understand what it means.
Absolutely brilliant Harry Markle. You make it all so easy to understand, yet, it is actully very difficult to summarise the debacle. To remain logical, factua,l and concise is an art form. I struggle just writing a short post becasue I am so upset and churned up. To feel so powerless therefore it is difficult but to feel reassured being in this group and reading the blogs is sanity saving
Indeed! I marveled at how HM was able to take the wild scattershot blasting from the MM PR machine and multiple recent revelations in the press and write it up a in a coherent flowing post that is easy to follow, offering insight and explanation along the way. I love the touches of light humor that are never mean, the measured tone when discussing the more distasteful aspects of this sordid saga and the methodical manner in which each aspect is broken down, followed by a deft stroke of the scalpel to reveal the heart of the matter. Bravo!
(Not knowing whether HM is a lady or a gentleman, I did my best to write this without using pronouns. I hope I managed it without being too clumsy.)
Harry Markle, once again you have done a brilliant job of informing me. I am always grateful to your Blog as it quiets my troubled mind and heart. Thank you so much.
It's tax time here in the US. Since Harry has been here longer than 183 days, I believe he will now be expected to pay income taxes for 2020. The IRS will be watching that closely. But I'm more curious as to how he's navigated around the work visa rules AND the social security rules, since he must have both in order to have a job and receive an income. I assume this is something their barnyard of attorneys have been working on for the past year. His titles will not protect him from the laws and the IRS.
There is speculation that they are aiming for an O visa for PH (I respect HM's rule against posting links, but you can Google O visa and find the official dot gov site page on O visas from US Citizenship and Immigration Services). It does fit in many ways. O visas are apparently also awarded to foreign heads of nonprofits with yummy tax exemptions attached, hence the importance of the A foundation and folding as many of their other for-profit ventures into it.
@Laurel - I'm familiar and have actually mentioned it here more than once, as I anticipated that would be their decision. I'm just a bit surprised there has been no "leak" of what he is doing.....so far.
I have been reading the blog for ages, but only recently discovered this discussion area, so I missed your bringing it up before, and apologize for the repetition. You are right about being curious there have been no leaks regarding his immigration status.
He’s married to a US citizen with financial means, automatically eligible for temp resident alien card meaning he has a social security number and can work.
@Anna - it's frustrating. I thought she had to agree to "sponsor" him for that to be the case and it's been reported they haven't opted for that option. I read a dozen articles about it and everyone of them says something different. I also read he will have to pay taxes on his worldwide income, not just the US. I think the only thing most agree on is he never plans to apply to be a US citizen since he'd have to renounce his titles (something else they don't all agree on).
Just saw the photo of the employees at Hazs new mental health place of employment. Not one person of colour they are all privileged and well educated. Honestly, it does my head in. Now the misinformation position. Really!!!. Merching their titles and privilege. Just vile
Their plan from day one.
Yes - I also saw the pictures of the company in the DM - ironic isn't it? There is the Queen obviously taking seriously their comments about racism and is reported to be doing a review of the Diversity Program at the Palaces to be sure it is adequate and fit for purpose. Then we see pictures of H's "woke" new employer in the DM where everybody looked young - because diversity isn't just about BAME - it's about everyone young, old, etc all working together and feeling valued. I would be very interested to see some statistics on the make up of the staff at H's new mental health place!
Good point I did notice they were all young. Diversity is also about age variance in the workplace
They couldn't have older people cavorting around in Monkey suits and dressed as unicorns now, could they? I suspect the company mainly consists of young, white people.
And Travilyst (?) staff, and Archewell staff too, plus the Aspen lot! I see one Native American as the only diversity so far.
As HM mentioned in his blog the RF are addressing the diversity issue and systemic racism, but hey,ho, ole Harry and Megs throw the bullets but do not personally action any of their attacks on the RF.
Just being used for title afterall he has nothing to contribute, just word salad of his wife. Interesting they pointed out he has no contact with other employees - ?bullying allegations or reinforcing his solitary, made up role. He really is desperate to allow himself to be so used
I'm pretty certain that anything we hear from Harry's mouth will have been written for him by the company's PR teams. If we see him on video then he will be reading from his idiot boards (autocues) or may have learned the words parrot fashion.
Appears he’s going to be ‘working from home’ then, so no change really. Just the occasional zoom to head office spouting a load of meaningless woke garbage, contrived by Megamouth, “compassionate, creative, impactful activations” blah blah blah. What an embarrassment to the RF this waster has proved himself to be. Contemptible clown.
She will keep him working from home...he is basically her prisoner but doesn’t know it
Money,money money merching the titles
So h is now employed! It appears that he has showed his true self, joining the ranks of the progressive left who always “tell their own truths” regardless of the facts. The Queen and PC must do something now as h$m are now openly selling their titles to the highest and wokest bidders to make $$$. The companies are definitely using h as window dressing to gain more PR for themselves. These “jobs” will enable them to appear at events in order for m to wear $1000’s of dollars of clothing & jewelry....
in the coming days we will be subjected to more PR about his wonderous and compelling word salad contributions to these companies. So, everyone was right, all the interviews and PR were auditions. Now that their views and opinions are set, they will have to continue to deal with all the criticism for their actions (private jets, frivolous spending...). I think they are hoping Archwell to be like the Clinton foundation... “pay to play” to meet wealthy, connected people with only a minimal amount of charitable donations.
Interestingly, their new staffer has announced that all white people are racist, so that means h is racist.
All white people are racist what a ridiculous statement yet M&H only employ white people, she bullies young white women her father is white whom she is alienated from. The big mean white institution The Monarchy provided Harry with every privilege gave them both every possible opportunity and privilege.
It is ridiculous, but all white people are inherently racist according to Critical Race Theory, which is being pushed here in the US, taught in our schools and universities, and is the basis of Diversity Training in our workplaces.
Really!!! What is happening ? I know in NZ universities the unconscious bias theory is being pushed and colonialism is being introduced into the primary school curriculum. Which is fine but the unconscious bias theory has also been disproved by some academics. My husband is a University Lecturer and what is being taught is becoming more and more radical
It is radical, and a means to an end. I want to follow HM's sensible rules and get into politics or ideology, but if you want to look into the history and roots of of the movement, you can Google "critical race theory criticism" (without the quotation marks) and find some answers. One is a conservative-leaning site ending in dot org that outlines it fairly well and has the word "intolerance" in the title.
If only we had stuck to the wise words of Martin Luther King Jr., to judge by the content of a person's character, not the color of his or her skin.
Thank you for this I will look it up. Yes, character not colour
Er make that "not get into" --somehow left out that all-important "not"!
"His appointment came after he and his wife Meghan were accused of spreading misinformation about the Royal Family and why they quit in their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey this month"
And now he has been given a job with a company whose sole mission is to eradicate 'misinformation'. Lol - you couldn't make it up!
How very Leftist of the Harkles.
That irony is,no doubt,completely lost on Harry. I don't think Harry "does" irony...
Based on his position and who is serving on this committee/board. I would call it a slap in the face to most Americans. Misinformation my foot. I call it repression of information is the goal
Bingo! The 1% Harry and Megan suck up to,and aspire to, seek to suppress and eliminate freedom of speech and thought,IMO.
Well, here is my take on Harry's new "jobs". He is nothing more than window dressing for these people. Like the trophy wife. They will never give him any important assignments that mean anything. They will send him to classes to teach how to speak in public and only use him to get donations. He will be given a script written by someone else and stand there and say the words. Megs will be in the background to monitor all of his comings and goings, like choosing secretaries, clothes, etc. Thinking on the hiring; is that they will be closer to the monarchy, thus more donors. JMO
“He is nothing more than window dressing for these people.” - He could never be anything other than that, and it’s pretty obvious that he was hired only because of his title and nothing more. He barely made it through Eton, he has no university degree, he has no work experience whatsoever in this particular “field” - or in any field, for that matter. Even his military service is suspect. He’s “merching” his titles to the highest bidder because whether he wants to admit it or not, no one would give him the time of day without those three letters - HRH - before his name, and the four words - The Duke of Sussex - after it.
That Duke of Sussex title is paying off.
He is literally pimping his titles.
This is not what they are intended for.
Psst! Should we tell the Queen ?!
Err, nah, she must know already...surely??
I think that there's a stronger 'p' word that could be used.
Exactly. And he isn't supposed to be using his royal titles to make money.
“He is literally pimping his titles.” - Agreed. This is beyond pathetic. Who would have ever thought that this man would sell his dignity so cheaply?
Mrs H did.
(Sigh) ‘Tis true, alas ... 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
I never thought I would see the day that a prince of the blood royal of Great Britain would stoop this low.
Join the crowd
So.....Harry gets a second "job" as a celebrity commissioner for a think tank study about misinformation. After the 2 of them do an interview full of "misinformation/lies" he's now working on a study about spreading lies. Can't beat the irony.