The Sussexes declared war when they attacked the UK and the RF in ‘that interview’, and everyone (who cares) must pick a side. However, it’s hard to pick a side when one side doesn’t defend themselves, and while the wise know they are trying to find a solution to the problem, others interpret their silence as an admittance of guilt.
It is disheartening to see public figures blindly accepting the Sussex version of events, thus, whether they realize it or not, they are pointing the finger of racism at the UK and the RF. Everyone wants to blame someone, and over the last week I have seen nothing but chaos as people try to be politically correct while voicing an opinion, or to state a fact that some people simply don’t wish to hear. Some have been silenced by fear of being attacked – this is hardly a step forward for humanity when people are scared into silence for having a valid opinion.
Don’t these enablers realize that they will lose fans, and support for their biased opinions? How can they know the truth, or make an informed opinion with half the story?
The longer we wait for BP to ‘act’ the more damage is done, and it sends out the wrong message to the ill-informed. They automatically assume that BP can’t defend itself, hence why there is silence. Unfortunately we can’t expect everyone to see things rationally, and common sense is now an acquired skill. Yes, BP maybe trying to resolve matters internally, but the public can’t see any action. They need to in order to keep the faith, and BP fails to understand this.
I hope that those who do have a’story of truth’ to tell (in regards to MM), and were previously afraid, now have the courage to come forward. If anything, it can at least release an internal burden. It is indeed a sad time as I watch society attack each other over inaccurate statements and allegations made, that existed only to further the agenda of a pair of spoilt people with titles they have been cashing in on. Those with the truth should come forward without fear of reprisals. I find the concept being fearful in telling the truth at odds with the evolution of humanity and society. Surely we should be promoting truth, and not perceived truths that promote a desired image?
The Sussex duo are relentless in their aims, and will use whatever they can to achieve their goals, and if that means harming family members, and destroying the lives of others, then it appears they have no mercy or humanity. How ironic that they keep trying to portray a life of compassion when they have none to offer?
The enablers are helping them for fame and money – have they no shame or integrity? I do have hope though, that there are people who seek the truth, and who will not blindly accept convenient narratives that don’t add up. I say to all, question everything that doesn’t sound or look right, and that applies to everything in life. The Sussex saga looked suspect from the start, and I wasn’t wrong. When something looks fake or sounds fake, then it probably is fake!
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Dorothy12 hr ago
I’m an American, so I don’t have the same emotional investment in these two losers that the British do, which has some advantages, I thought the Sussex saga would also begin to fade away (as it should).
Your history and ours are forever intertwined, for better and for worse, and the worst aspect of it has always been the totally unwarranted idea that white people are somehow superior to those with darker complexions. How and why this mindset came about, I’m not enough of a scholar to be able to say, but it did, and it’s still with us (or, rather, some of us). Confronting our past racist feelings and behavior is absolutely necessary if we’re to eliminate them, and denying that we had empire building, conquest of foreign lands and peoples, forcing people to change their religion or philosophies, and other such behavior isn’t going to get us anywhere.
Modern-day Germany is still trying to come to grips with the horrors of the Holocaust, and it hasn’t been easy. Neo-Nazis are still skulking around the fringes there (and here) and it’s a constant battle to keep them at bay (like trying to rid your home of cockroaches). It’s exhausting, and we’re all tired of it, it we can’t let our guard down and we can’t stop fighting the good fight.
As for the Markles, for what it’s worth, I see him as a not-too-bright very rich kid who’s been coddled his entire life (we have lots of those here, too, only they don’t live in palaces or have noble titles). I recognize the type. Younger sibling who’s never going to measure up to the older one, always #2 in terms of pretty much everything in his own mind, full of (totally undeserved) entitlement, and angry at the world for his lot in life (even though most of us would kill to be born into such enormous wealth).
If Harry were a different kind of man, he’d have acknowledge that he was born on third base and use that position to do some good in the world, instead of brooding over not having been born first. He could’ve been born in a cardboard shack in Mumbai just as easily, so his “royal” birth was sheer luck. He did nothing to earn it, he’s done nothing to deserve it. Again, I’ve seen that attitude time and again, though, because the kid was never properly taught when he was young. It’s the parents’ fault and it’s too late now for PC to undo the damage he’s caused. He, too, was damaged goods when he married Diana, and blame can be placed going backwards through the generations. Happens all the time.
I’m not a psychiatrist, but I do agree with the armchair diagnosis of narcissistic sociopath that’s been suggested for MM. She’s also a type we see often, only I have to say I see it more in kids born into wealth rather than to middle-class parents. I think it’s hopeless to try to do anything with her other than step back, turn around, and run. Don’t blame it on her being American, though - it’s really getting tiresome having her atrocious behavior held up as “American.”
Trust me, no one over here pays them any mind other than media flacks and birdbrain fame whores who hang onto celebrity gossip like life preservers to try to make themselves feel better about their own less-then-dazzling lives. H&M have all the subtlety of an avalanche, and every single stupid thing they’ve done has been so obvious it’s comical. You have to be a special kind of stupid to take someone like her at face value, and believe me, we’re really not that dumb. (Well, OK, some of us are, but still.....)
These two are all over the tabloid press and TV shows for the exact same reason Trump was - scandal and gossip sells. If the tabloids would just refuse to cover them any longer, they’d cease to exist, but there’s too much money to be made.
I agree with you that the Queen should’ve kicked them to the curb even before they ran away to Canada, but she couldn’t have foreseen all of this. She’s only human, after all. Someone with her sense of duty and responsibility would never in a million years imagine what someone totally devoid of those characteristics would be capable of doing. But I still think that when push comes to shove, she’ll choose to do what’s right for the country, even though it’ll break her heart to do it. They call it “tough love” here, and my hunch is that she’s been moving in that direction all along, but still hoping against hope that her grandson would snap out of it and come to his senses. My heart goes out to her, it really does.
REPOSTED without political comments.
I'm disappointed to see some regular posters calling people names. As I said name calling is simply not on, and those people have short bans. Tough love.