I have decided to close this particular thread until Friday when a new discussion thread will open. People may still sign the petition or express their condolences on the appropriate threads.
Seeing the photos of PP brings home he really was a handsome chap. The stories given by "ordinary" folk portray a man who was very much down-to-earth and had a wonderful sense of humour. His talents were numerous- he knew how to appreciate and enrich his life and enrich the lives around him.
Just a question, if it was possible for TQ to ask the press not to write about Diana during hard times as a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ (I think our Harry mentioned it) could the government of RF ask them now not to post gossip from the MM camp via scabies or whoever? At least until after Saturday as she is seemingly getting more vitriolic
He had plenty of times to fly back if he wanted to or allowed to by that woman, when HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was still alive and very sick.
I have stopped looking at the press period; US and British press is very upsetting right now. I understand why the tabloids are printing click bait, it is easy to get sucked in. The harkles are a train wreck right now, it's gruesome, you don't want to gawk a them but human nature makes one want to look, and then I remember how much pain they are inflicting on the RF, and I walk away.
I do agree. We should simply ignore everything that comes from them and their cronies for the next week or two and focus on mourning with the Q and RF.
The wheels are grinding behind the scenes and I am confident that suitable steps will be taken. Let‘s all just try to calm down and not over-react to the tabloid news. In fact that will probably be the way ahead for the future. We simply will not listen 🙉🙉🙉
Been reading more and more about how racist the RF is from the OW interview. Said this from that OW night, the RF should have slapped lawsuits on dummy and the witch and OW that night.
The royal family would never sue a member of the family, there are other more subtle yet ultimately more punitive ways of dealing with this kind of gross errancy. I think that over time the more blogs, stories, social media comments and videos that surface exposing the Harkles for what they truly are will do the job the royals want done. Even this community is helping to dismantle the lies and 'stories' the grifters tell. Not pointing to who but there is a phenomenal body language critique of the OW interview by a panel on the Utube that is easily found - they absolutely nail both of them as narcissists and these guys have years of experience. This is the kind of expose that will undo the Harkles but it takes time to seep into the general consciousness. Meanwhile the royals themselves keep themselves clean and unsullied
She ‘s at it again......the mice will play while the cat is away.
Remember when Harry was in UK to negotiate Megxit and MM stayed home ..she went for a walk in public park with baby & dogs.....wonder how the paparazzi knew where & when to take the photo? Wasn’t she smiling into the camera?
las night i watched a segment about PP on sky from Australia very nice :) they also mentioned how PP legacy is growing but the traitor’s one is going down ( if he ever had one)how he preferred cash in LA over service, after all the frustration and nonsense it made me feel so much better!
Just read Omid Scabby Doo’s latest DM article, that William’s tribute was not a dig at Harry!!! Implying it’s being interpreted as a dig...Why is he even commenting? So now it’s going to put that idea into people’s minds, scrutinise William’s choice of words instead of seeing the lovely tribute it is. This is Markle. Very underhand tactic. (I don’t think I’ve broken guidelines posting this, but apologies if I’ve offended...the last people I want to see in the press is Markle and her mouthpieces, treating Philip’s death as another bandwagon to comment on - makes me so angry).
It is disgusting that that mouthpiece Scabie has to stir up trouble. At this time? How deluded is Markle that she believes she would be the center of attention at Prince Philips’ service? Oh, and she adored him. Blah. It makes me angry too.
i noticed the moment PW makes any move or post is the moment they send their Bots over SM to discredit what he or DoC says and trends the traitor they don’t even hide that they are their main target their jealousy is so evident
Out of nominal amounts of interest, what exactly are this guy's qualifications.... for anything? My cat probably knows more about the RF than this twit.
Because many who supposedly are pro-William mentioned it... even in here.
I was aghast to see it as people tend to sound Markle when they do.
It's all about Meghan in life, I even commented that Meghan must count the m's in a statement as a sign they are talking about her all the time 🙄🙄🙄
And when others do the same they are playing their game IMHO. You don't kill a beast by constantly feeding it... even feeding less is too much. You kill it by simply removing the feed - don't click, don't comment (not even to refute or attack)... we live in a world that one will end up knowing what was said in detail, and soon, without clicking where it is counted as interest on those two....
Scoby is doing Saint Markles' work. It seems to be his only job... And until Harry returns to USA and tells her... nothing... because he will be dealt in a way as not to have (direct) access to RF and information... she will realize Scoby learned his techniques from Iraq's Minister of Defense 🙄 and that while she was feeling smug and "vindicated" the logistics to strip them kept moving along tic tac tic tac
I think PW’s statement was nothing more than a true reflection of what PP meant to him thru his life...not just nurturing and supporting him but his wife and children as well.
I think the only person who thought it was a dig at MM was MM cause that’s how she rolls. Everything is about her in her mind....hence the arrogant inappropriate PR statements
He isn't reporting... he is forwarding what she wants forwarded. And now is that they are all a loving family and Megz is feeling left out from being there in what promises to be a Funeral for the ages.
She must be going half mad in fact. No access to pats on the arm and back to direct her husband attention/adulation to her, the phone conversations are hold under their paranoid suspicions, and men are usually clueless for subtle signs people say or do, and with Harry being more dim than the average she will learn nothing at all and that must have her climbing the walls of Montecito. Harry will return home for a new word by Archie - Latrodectus :)) - by what the tyke will see on Mama's behavious while Da is away
The scrutiny would be there anyway, and anyone with a brain cell or two knows exactly where Scoobie Doo is coming from. There is no need at all, whatsoever, full stop for Ms Markle to say anything at all on the matter of her husband's grandfather's death and funeral. Its for PH to make a statement if he must, she is no part of this equation - but- but-but - she can't stop pushing to be centre stage. I'm surprised she couldn't find a way to project herself by hologram into the entourage behind the coffin
How right you are JM. The centre of attention at a funeral is the poor deceased and also a grieving Q. M is of no significance at all - the wretched one needs to get over herself. You ain't missed M. Deal with it, suck it up and shut up.
MM's lapdog, another waft of foul air which will be blown away by the fresh air of truth, We are focusing on supporting TQ and her family, The day of reckoning for these arrogant posers will come.
It was in response to a question on GMBtv this morning. What you read was taken out of context. Perhaps, like some of us, you ditch the media this week .
OS defended MM ....says DoS wanted to be here...... despite wanting to be here not only to be with her family but to support Harry ....Queen understands MM absence ......
I didn’t read it like that myself. For OS to be attempting to calm the waters and saying everyone is coming together etc it’s because there is backtracking going on. They’ve gone too far and know it. It’s the new everything is great, forget the interview ever happened narrative.
Before she/they would like us to forget altogether perhaps she would like to act like a decent human being for once by rescinding the lies and apologising for them and the devastation she created.
We are mourning the death of a great man but Markle, Scobie, and everyone should know that we won't give up on demanding what was being demanded before this tragic event.
For me the line was crossed beyond redemption when Prince Philip was so seriously ill - we learn now that doctors had warned the Royal Family he wouldn't make it far - when we had this title:
'What's done is done!'* Friends of Meghan say she would never postpone tell-all Oprah interview and claim palace is using Prince Philip's health as an 'excuse to keep her muzzled'
*Knowing all we know now this was a title worth of Pontius Pilate line: "Quod scripsi, scripsi"
We won't forget. We won't stop demanding that they stop having this golden plateau for their antics and shows ruining everyone's lives. There isn't a guy and their cousin who doesn't jump the racism wagon they named after The Royal Family and The British People. Life has been very hard. Her Majesty lost her beloved husband and best friend but many lost their beloved during the Pandemic while still having to listen to Harry and Meghan imaginary aggravations. We won't forget and we won't stop demanding...
Yep, I've decided that I am not going to read anymore Media coverage on the dastardly duo or from their mouthpieces, riles me up too much. Plenty of good books to catch up on or audiobooks to listen to, some Spring cleaning to do!
Lots of gardening to do too - could write a novel on the furniture so much dust - oh hum - will wait for a rainy day. Sods law there’ll be a heat wave!!
Oh, maybe I’ve misinterpreted - I just can’t see any reason why he’d say ‘William’s tribute isn’t a dig at Harry’...it’s a ridiculous thing to say (I haven’t even heard any suggestions that it is) and he shouldn’t even be commenting (in my opinion) as no one wants to hear Markle’s PR and ‘friends’ anytime, let alone now. I agree they’ve gone too far though...and looks like they still are, using this sad time as a platform to keep releasing rubbish, irrelevant statements.
I wish he would indeed rise up and give a few cuffs about the ears to a certain disrespectful 'cheeky chappie' grandson. PP was full of surprises and by all accounts didn't suffer fools gladly. Even in death he is showing us what a fool of a grandson he had.
I was reading the BRF -and by extension Harry?Meghan/Gayle/CBS- knew 8 weeks ago PP was dying. That he basically came home to die with his family and beloved wife of 73 years.
By that token I really do understand the BRFs inaction. This is far more important. I really, really hope they heal and get past this. I also hope there are enough courtiers/competent people who are developing a strategy to effectively counter this. They have to deal with this-the accusations are too serious and the ones lobbing them can be ripped apart very easily. Harrry's indiscretions are a mile long and Meghan too. Time has passed-giving a point by by point rebuttal is not enough.
They have to turn the tide and Meghan and Harry-yes Harry -as liars and frauds who will do anything for a buck. best way to do this is through legal means with a case against CBS/Oprah/Harry the producer. If legal may open up further scrutiny-they have to come up a way to counter. The good thing is the foundation of Harry/Meghan are very weak-shake that out-all the claims of racism/Oprah support etc will come tumbling down. They really need to do it.
Having said thatI really feel terrible for the BRF-especially me and lots of others getting angry at their inaction. Now with PP's passing it makes sense. They wanted to focus on the last days of a dying man. That and the subsequent behavior after PP's death-has me horrified and I have not seen this level of evil in a long time. But after this-they really need to bring down Harry and meghan decisively and expose them for the frauds they are.
I too have had chastised myself for some less than complimentary postings on the inaction regarding the duo. It was apparent PP had little time left but I did not think it would come so soon. The RF focus on PP took precedence. I never had the pleasure to meet or speak to PP but the stories filtering out are enlightening. A man of the people, for the people.
Excellent account - feel humbled by the fact that they knew he was not going to reach his 100th Bitthday, airing my views being cross at what we thought was ‘faffing’ by the RF. The bullying claim by Mr Knauf being produced by the farce of the so called judgement was certainly another stink bomb let off. Rightly so, Mr Knauf was not letting it ‘go’. Why should he - people had to leave because of health issues. The accusation, by JM rightly stated below ‘that the RF was exaggerating Philips health’, was the cruellest of cruel. They need to be made accountable but it’s important to ignore him and her. This is about a great man and his beloved wife.
Makes the whole fiasco even more disgusting - claiming the RF was exaggerating Philip’s health JUST to prevent Markle releasing her centre of attention interview.
My heart hurts for the RF even more knowing what they were going thru behind the scenes while being publicly, viciously, and unnecessarily attacked by one of their own. And for what? To what end? It’s just so cruel
In a bid to keep these threads sane and free of toxic comments, please refrain from funeral speculation - it's a funeral that will take place and speculating serves no purpose and takes away from the respect one should be showing to Philip.
I have chosen not to engage in the inappropriate Sussex PR that is circulating and from commenting on Harry's antics as it is distasteful IMHO. I will be documenting things after the funeral as I believe to do so earlier would be disrespectful. Please consider as I do, and to stop giving the duo any oxygen or enabling them by discussing them during this period of mourning.
There is also some mud slinging regarding Philip's children, and as I said this is not the time or place for such things.
Therefore, I am considering only leaving the petition and condolence threads open. While I understand there is anger and frustration, some comments have been inappropriate and people quite understandably have chosen to leave until after the funeral. I wish I could, and so I only moderate and comment infrequently.
I will leave this thread open until the afternoon, but whether the thread remains open so that people can voice concerns in an appropriate manner is down to how you all choose to interact. Remember, whatever you write publicly may affect others and you must take responsibility for your actions.
I understand where you're coming from HM, and its your site, your rules and we respect that. It's been refreshing to find a forum where trolls and S Squad don't get a look in and appreciate how much time it takes to moderate. Having said that, the circus will go on even if we don't post here. Today reading that Ms M has announced thru her friends that she wanted to come but didn't want to be the centre of attention is precisely the kind of narcissistic toxicity that demands public backlash and a very vocal response. And I do believe that she understood perfectly that William was slapping her down by letting us know that PP loved Katherine. Hence her mouthpiece coming straight back on it saying "oh no, William didn't do that to Harry' (no Scoobie, he did it to H's wife). The media daren't say too much negative in case they get cancelled or sued, the royals will never reply. So here we are gathered in the best online community going to set the record straight and call out the ongoing horrendous behaviours of two of the most famous spoiled brats on the planet. I will miss the opportunity to tap away here over this next week because I do believe the Markle camp will ramp up her PR to get a piece of the action - and that is the sum total of who PP is and what his funeral means to her. If a relative of mine behaved like this I would not be silent even on the day of the funeral. PP deserves better - and as a military man I think he would understand attack/counter attack very well indeed.
Think back to TQ's polite and quiet response to the interview she didn't attack, she didn't add fuel to the fire and what happened. Silence, and it certainly wasn't in respect for PP being in hospital as we already knew. No response is the way to treat a narcissist. Let her rant and rave, she will just look as foolish as we know her to be.
My apologies Harry Markle, I'm guilty of some flippant snarky comments - the duo bring out the worst in me. I am trying to avoid their PR between now and Saturday.
Same here. I'm tuning out for a bit. Apologies. Embaressed I lost it yesterday. Went back to delete and couldn't find it. Hoping I didn't actually hit "post". Sorry if you had to delete manually HM.
The saddest part for the RF is that they are not just any old family, they are important and very much in the public eye. I for one am grateful that PP chose to be buried in a private ceremony, far from the public hullaballoo that can surround such an important person's passing. I think the RF are doing a top notch job of maintaining their dignity in the midst of all that has been going on that they really did not incur nor should have to be subjected to.
Regarding an important person's passing when I think of this man saying throw me in the back of a land rover it takes me to Eliots Four Quartets and East Coker - they all go into the dark. There is plenty that resonates there
Too true.Lost my father one year ago this month.Aged 101.Served throughout WW2 abroad in North Africa and Sicily landings (like PP) and the Italian Campaign.These men are of a generation the likes of which we will never see again.I am so proud of my father and PP and their generation.Without their sacrifice would we even be able to contribute to a blog like this I wonder.
I think mostly all that generation were brave and the generations before that too.All ready to serve their country.Don't think it would happen to the same extent again though.
@ RO”R I totally agree, my grandfather passed a few years ago WW 11 veteran96 as my mother is a vet at 85 my family is military never complained just got on with it, Duty Honor Family no nonsense no drama disagreement no disrespect, all handled in private, different times. 😞
I truly hope that the Royal Family, and especially HMTQ, are being shielded from all the verbal onslaught. They deserve respect and peace at this very sad time. I'm going to do my best to ignore any vicious press articles and just focus on the positive respectful ones. HM, thank you for providing this forum. and I sympathise that you have to wade through all the comments at this sad time.
I agree. I am withdrawing from the thread for now until after Saturday as I have found some remarks about” all PP’s children and grandchildren” both disrespectful, unfair, a huge generalisation and would hurt TQ very much. PP too if he were around to hear it. This is a family in mourning. Cut them some slack.
As I wrote earlier it is not just up to the RF but everyone to stop giving this duo oxygen.
But will it happen?
If the media are low enough to report about them, read but ignore .
Certainly don't interact.
Ignore all the companies who deal with them and buy into nothing they are selling .
All our attention should be on the Queen and celebrating life of D of E but instead one is constantly falling into the traps set by their PR and the media.
And I for one am calling a halt to their nonsense because right ALWAYS wins the war and this duo are so in the mire the stench is becoming overwhelming .
Dear friends, I posted the poem below today because I want us to remember the loss our RF is mourning. I give no importance to a stupid man child or his equally idiotic wife, who just happen to have a relationship with the family. In time they will be as puffs of foul air blown away by the wind.
Every time people write about Markle she is winning. Would she mind being mentioned in the same sentence in the tabloids as Rose West Karen Matthews or Baby Ps mother as long as her name was there? She probably gets all the news up online and does Ctrl F to see and count the number of times she is mentioned all day long and updates her spreadsheet whose accompanying graph is no doubt on her wall alongside the secret marriage.
I have decided to close this particular thread until Friday when a new discussion thread will open. People may still sign the petition or express their condolences on the appropriate threads.
Seeing the photos of PP brings home he really was a handsome chap. The stories given by "ordinary" folk portray a man who was very much down-to-earth and had a wonderful sense of humour. His talents were numerous- he knew how to appreciate and enrich his life and enrich the lives around him.
Just a question, if it was possible for TQ to ask the press not to write about Diana during hard times as a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ (I think our Harry mentioned it) could the government of RF ask them now not to post gossip from the MM camp via scabies or whoever? At least until after Saturday as she is seemingly getting more vitriolic
He had plenty of times to fly back if he wanted to or allowed to by that woman, when HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was still alive and very sick.
Why show up now? To cash in the limelight?
Totally agree - turning up now when he knew pp was dying makes it totally unbelievable that he had a "close" relationship as the press claim
I have stopped looking at the press period; US and British press is very upsetting right now. I understand why the tabloids are printing click bait, it is easy to get sucked in. The harkles are a train wreck right now, it's gruesome, you don't want to gawk a them but human nature makes one want to look, and then I remember how much pain they are inflicting on the RF, and I walk away.
I do agree. We should simply ignore everything that comes from them and their cronies for the next week or two and focus on mourning with the Q and RF.
The wheels are grinding behind the scenes and I am confident that suitable steps will be taken. Let‘s all just try to calm down and not over-react to the tabloid news. In fact that will probably be the way ahead for the future. We simply will not listen 🙉🙉🙉
The over saturation of the harkles is not working in their favor.
Been reading more and more about how racist the RF is from the OW interview. Said this from that OW night, the RF should have slapped lawsuits on dummy and the witch and OW that night.
The royal family would never sue a member of the family, there are other more subtle yet ultimately more punitive ways of dealing with this kind of gross errancy. I think that over time the more blogs, stories, social media comments and videos that surface exposing the Harkles for what they truly are will do the job the royals want done. Even this community is helping to dismantle the lies and 'stories' the grifters tell. Not pointing to who but there is a phenomenal body language critique of the OW interview by a panel on the Utube that is easily found - they absolutely nail both of them as narcissists and these guys have years of experience. This is the kind of expose that will undo the Harkles but it takes time to seep into the general consciousness. Meanwhile the royals themselves keep themselves clean and unsullied
I agree. They should have asked for the "receipts ' and dealt with it there and then.
She ‘s at it again......the mice will play while the cat is away.
Remember when Harry was in UK to negotiate Megxit and MM stayed home ..she went for a walk in public park with baby & dogs.....wonder how the paparazzi knew where & when to take the photo? Wasn’t she smiling into the camera?
I do love that the RF is putting out daily photo journals of PP’s work and endeavors thru the years. It’s lovely
Incredible what he quietly achieved - an amazing man - we should learn more about him. Said by many people, many times before - Simply the Best.
las night i watched a segment about PP on sky from Australia very nice :) they also mentioned how PP legacy is growing but the traitor’s one is going down ( if he ever had one)how he preferred cash in LA over service, after all the frustration and nonsense it made me feel so much better!
Just read Omid Scabby Doo’s latest DM article, that William’s tribute was not a dig at Harry!!! Implying it’s being interpreted as a dig...Why is he even commenting? So now it’s going to put that idea into people’s minds, scrutinise William’s choice of words instead of seeing the lovely tribute it is. This is Markle. Very underhand tactic. (I don’t think I’ve broken guidelines posting this, but apologies if I’ve offended...the last people I want to see in the press is Markle and her mouthpieces, treating Philip’s death as another bandwagon to comment on - makes me so angry).
It is disgusting that that mouthpiece Scabie has to stir up trouble. At this time? How deluded is Markle that she believes she would be the center of attention at Prince Philips’ service? Oh, and she adored him. Blah. It makes me angry too.
i noticed the moment PW makes any move or post is the moment they send their Bots over SM to discredit what he or DoC says and trends the traitor they don’t even hide that they are their main target their jealousy is so evident
Out of nominal amounts of interest, what exactly are this guy's qualifications.... for anything? My cat probably knows more about the RF than this twit.
All I wills ay to that is Scooby Dobbie Doo!!
Because many who supposedly are pro-William mentioned it... even in here.
I was aghast to see it as people tend to sound Markle when they do.
It's all about Meghan in life, I even commented that Meghan must count the m's in a statement as a sign they are talking about her all the time 🙄🙄🙄
And when others do the same they are playing their game IMHO. You don't kill a beast by constantly feeding it... even feeding less is too much. You kill it by simply removing the feed - don't click, don't comment (not even to refute or attack)... we live in a world that one will end up knowing what was said in detail, and soon, without clicking where it is counted as interest on those two....
Scoby is doing Saint Markles' work. It seems to be his only job... And until Harry returns to USA and tells her... nothing... because he will be dealt in a way as not to have (direct) access to RF and information... she will realize Scoby learned his techniques from Iraq's Minister of Defense 🙄 and that while she was feeling smug and "vindicated" the logistics to strip them kept moving along tic tac tic tac
I think PW’s statement was nothing more than a true reflection of what PP meant to him thru his life...not just nurturing and supporting him but his wife and children as well.
I think the only person who thought it was a dig at MM was MM cause that’s how she rolls. Everything is about her in her mind....hence the arrogant inappropriate PR statements
How anyone allows him to report anything is beyond our ken.
He isn't reporting... he is forwarding what she wants forwarded. And now is that they are all a loving family and Megz is feeling left out from being there in what promises to be a Funeral for the ages.
She must be going half mad in fact. No access to pats on the arm and back to direct her husband attention/adulation to her, the phone conversations are hold under their paranoid suspicions, and men are usually clueless for subtle signs people say or do, and with Harry being more dim than the average she will learn nothing at all and that must have her climbing the walls of Montecito. Harry will return home for a new word by Archie - Latrodectus :)) - by what the tyke will see on Mama's behavious while Da is away
Thank you for supplying me with the word for the day. Latrodectus.
Very appropriate.
Pun intended for the plastic chap?
The scrutiny would be there anyway, and anyone with a brain cell or two knows exactly where Scoobie Doo is coming from. There is no need at all, whatsoever, full stop for Ms Markle to say anything at all on the matter of her husband's grandfather's death and funeral. Its for PH to make a statement if he must, she is no part of this equation - but- but-but - she can't stop pushing to be centre stage. I'm surprised she couldn't find a way to project herself by hologram into the entourage behind the coffin
How right you are JM. The centre of attention at a funeral is the poor deceased and also a grieving Q. M is of no significance at all - the wretched one needs to get over herself. You ain't missed M. Deal with it, suck it up and shut up.
MM's lapdog, another waft of foul air which will be blown away by the fresh air of truth, We are focusing on supporting TQ and her family, The day of reckoning for these arrogant posers will come.
It was in response to a question on GMBtv this morning. What you read was taken out of context. Perhaps, like some of us, you ditch the media this week .
From Express online.com
OS defended MM ....says DoS wanted to be here...... despite wanting to be here not only to be with her family but to support Harry ....Queen understands MM absence ......
I didn’t read it like that myself. For OS to be attempting to calm the waters and saying everyone is coming together etc it’s because there is backtracking going on. They’ve gone too far and know it. It’s the new everything is great, forget the interview ever happened narrative.
Before she/they would like us to forget altogether perhaps she would like to act like a decent human being for once by rescinding the lies and apologising for them and the devastation she created.
We are mourning the death of a great man but Markle, Scobie, and everyone should know that we won't give up on demanding what was being demanded before this tragic event.
For me the line was crossed beyond redemption when Prince Philip was so seriously ill - we learn now that doctors had warned the Royal Family he wouldn't make it far - when we had this title:
'What's done is done!'* Friends of Meghan say she would never postpone tell-all Oprah interview and claim palace is using Prince Philip's health as an 'excuse to keep her muzzled'
*Knowing all we know now this was a title worth of Pontius Pilate line: "Quod scripsi, scripsi"
We won't forget. We won't stop demanding that they stop having this golden plateau for their antics and shows ruining everyone's lives. There isn't a guy and their cousin who doesn't jump the racism wagon they named after The Royal Family and The British People. Life has been very hard. Her Majesty lost her beloved husband and best friend but many lost their beloved during the Pandemic while still having to listen to Harry and Meghan imaginary aggravations. We won't forget and we won't stop demanding...
Seems he’s also trying to redirect everyone back to Version 1 of why MM not there after that disastrous PR yesterday
I wish there was a way to tell these people to shut their mouths. This isn’t the time. This is about PP. So disrespectful
Ignore it. Time enough later to deal with them.
Yep, I've decided that I am not going to read anymore Media coverage on the dastardly duo or from their mouthpieces, riles me up too much. Plenty of good books to catch up on or audiobooks to listen to, some Spring cleaning to do!
Lots of gardening to do too - could write a novel on the furniture so much dust - oh hum - will wait for a rainy day. Sods law there’ll be a heat wave!!
Stop finding excuses Morph, get that duster out now.
Oh, maybe I’ve misinterpreted - I just can’t see any reason why he’d say ‘William’s tribute isn’t a dig at Harry’...it’s a ridiculous thing to say (I haven’t even heard any suggestions that it is) and he shouldn’t even be commenting (in my opinion) as no one wants to hear Markle’s PR and ‘friends’ anytime, let alone now. I agree they’ve gone too far though...and looks like they still are, using this sad time as a platform to keep releasing rubbish, irrelevant statements.
No class - not very bright really is he?
You may be right and I’m wrong - there’s no way of telling really as they are frankly all over the place.
Prince Philip rose up and met the challenges of life. What a beautiful love story with Queen Elizabeth. A life well lived.
I wish he would indeed rise up and give a few cuffs about the ears to a certain disrespectful 'cheeky chappie' grandson. PP was full of surprises and by all accounts didn't suffer fools gladly. Even in death he is showing us what a fool of a grandson he had.
I was reading the BRF -and by extension Harry?Meghan/Gayle/CBS- knew 8 weeks ago PP was dying. That he basically came home to die with his family and beloved wife of 73 years.
By that token I really do understand the BRFs inaction. This is far more important. I really, really hope they heal and get past this. I also hope there are enough courtiers/competent people who are developing a strategy to effectively counter this. They have to deal with this-the accusations are too serious and the ones lobbing them can be ripped apart very easily. Harrry's indiscretions are a mile long and Meghan too. Time has passed-giving a point by by point rebuttal is not enough.
They have to turn the tide and Meghan and Harry-yes Harry -as liars and frauds who will do anything for a buck. best way to do this is through legal means with a case against CBS/Oprah/Harry the producer. If legal may open up further scrutiny-they have to come up a way to counter. The good thing is the foundation of Harry/Meghan are very weak-shake that out-all the claims of racism/Oprah support etc will come tumbling down. They really need to do it.
Having said thatI really feel terrible for the BRF-especially me and lots of others getting angry at their inaction. Now with PP's passing it makes sense. They wanted to focus on the last days of a dying man. That and the subsequent behavior after PP's death-has me horrified and I have not seen this level of evil in a long time. But after this-they really need to bring down Harry and meghan decisively and expose them for the frauds they are.
I too have had chastised myself for some less than complimentary postings on the inaction regarding the duo. It was apparent PP had little time left but I did not think it would come so soon. The RF focus on PP took precedence. I never had the pleasure to meet or speak to PP but the stories filtering out are enlightening. A man of the people, for the people.
Excellent account - feel humbled by the fact that they knew he was not going to reach his 100th Bitthday, airing my views being cross at what we thought was ‘faffing’ by the RF. The bullying claim by Mr Knauf being produced by the farce of the so called judgement was certainly another stink bomb let off. Rightly so, Mr Knauf was not letting it ‘go’. Why should he - people had to leave because of health issues. The accusation, by JM rightly stated below ‘that the RF was exaggerating Philips health’, was the cruellest of cruel. They need to be made accountable but it’s important to ignore him and her. This is about a great man and his beloved wife.
Makes the whole fiasco even more disgusting - claiming the RF was exaggerating Philip’s health JUST to prevent Markle releasing her centre of attention interview.
My heart hurts for the RF even more knowing what they were going thru behind the scenes while being publicly, viciously, and unnecessarily attacked by one of their own. And for what? To what end? It’s just so cruel
In a bid to keep these threads sane and free of toxic comments, please refrain from funeral speculation - it's a funeral that will take place and speculating serves no purpose and takes away from the respect one should be showing to Philip.
I have chosen not to engage in the inappropriate Sussex PR that is circulating and from commenting on Harry's antics as it is distasteful IMHO. I will be documenting things after the funeral as I believe to do so earlier would be disrespectful. Please consider as I do, and to stop giving the duo any oxygen or enabling them by discussing them during this period of mourning.
There is also some mud slinging regarding Philip's children, and as I said this is not the time or place for such things.
Therefore, I am considering only leaving the petition and condolence threads open. While I understand there is anger and frustration, some comments have been inappropriate and people quite understandably have chosen to leave until after the funeral. I wish I could, and so I only moderate and comment infrequently.
I will leave this thread open until the afternoon, but whether the thread remains open so that people can voice concerns in an appropriate manner is down to how you all choose to interact. Remember, whatever you write publicly may affect others and you must take responsibility for your actions.
I understand where you're coming from HM, and its your site, your rules and we respect that. It's been refreshing to find a forum where trolls and S Squad don't get a look in and appreciate how much time it takes to moderate. Having said that, the circus will go on even if we don't post here. Today reading that Ms M has announced thru her friends that she wanted to come but didn't want to be the centre of attention is precisely the kind of narcissistic toxicity that demands public backlash and a very vocal response. And I do believe that she understood perfectly that William was slapping her down by letting us know that PP loved Katherine. Hence her mouthpiece coming straight back on it saying "oh no, William didn't do that to Harry' (no Scoobie, he did it to H's wife). The media daren't say too much negative in case they get cancelled or sued, the royals will never reply. So here we are gathered in the best online community going to set the record straight and call out the ongoing horrendous behaviours of two of the most famous spoiled brats on the planet. I will miss the opportunity to tap away here over this next week because I do believe the Markle camp will ramp up her PR to get a piece of the action - and that is the sum total of who PP is and what his funeral means to her. If a relative of mine behaved like this I would not be silent even on the day of the funeral. PP deserves better - and as a military man I think he would understand attack/counter attack very well indeed.
Think back to TQ's polite and quiet response to the interview she didn't attack, she didn't add fuel to the fire and what happened. Silence, and it certainly wasn't in respect for PP being in hospital as we already knew. No response is the way to treat a narcissist. Let her rant and rave, she will just look as foolish as we know her to be.
Well said!
My apologies Harry Markle, I'm guilty of some flippant snarky comments - the duo bring out the worst in me. I am trying to avoid their PR between now and Saturday.
Same here. I'm tuning out for a bit. Apologies. Embaressed I lost it yesterday. Went back to delete and couldn't find it. Hoping I didn't actually hit "post". Sorry if you had to delete manually HM.
With the same respect, my lips are sealed. Thank you Harry Markle, you must be exhausted trying to keep a civilised lid on this thread.
The saddest part for the RF is that they are not just any old family, they are important and very much in the public eye. I for one am grateful that PP chose to be buried in a private ceremony, far from the public hullaballoo that can surround such an important person's passing. I think the RF are doing a top notch job of maintaining their dignity in the midst of all that has been going on that they really did not incur nor should have to be subjected to.
Regarding an important person's passing when I think of this man saying throw me in the back of a land rover it takes me to Eliots Four Quartets and East Coker - they all go into the dark. There is plenty that resonates there
As Eliot said in The Wasteland April is the cruellest month
Too true.Lost my father one year ago this month.Aged 101.Served throughout WW2 abroad in North Africa and Sicily landings (like PP) and the Italian Campaign.These men are of a generation the likes of which we will never see again.I am so proud of my father and PP and their generation.Without their sacrifice would we even be able to contribute to a blog like this I wonder.
Men like your father are rare there courage honor and integrity is something that can never be replicated. 🙏🏻
I think mostly all that generation were brave and the generations before that too.All ready to serve their country.Don't think it would happen to the same extent again though.
@ RO”R I totally agree, my grandfather passed a few years ago WW 11 veteran96 as my mother is a vet at 85 my family is military never complained just got on with it, Duty Honor Family no nonsense no drama disagreement no disrespect, all handled in private, different times. 😞
I truly hope that the Royal Family, and especially HMTQ, are being shielded from all the verbal onslaught. They deserve respect and peace at this very sad time. I'm going to do my best to ignore any vicious press articles and just focus on the positive respectful ones. HM, thank you for providing this forum. and I sympathise that you have to wade through all the comments at this sad time.
I agree. I am withdrawing from the thread for now until after Saturday as I have found some remarks about” all PP’s children and grandchildren” both disrespectful, unfair, a huge generalisation and would hurt TQ very much. PP too if he were around to hear it. This is a family in mourning. Cut them some slack.
That person has been banned as a troll.
As I wrote earlier it is not just up to the RF but everyone to stop giving this duo oxygen.
But will it happen?
If the media are low enough to report about them, read but ignore .
Certainly don't interact.
Ignore all the companies who deal with them and buy into nothing they are selling .
All our attention should be on the Queen and celebrating life of D of E but instead one is constantly falling into the traps set by their PR and the media.
And I for one am calling a halt to their nonsense because right ALWAYS wins the war and this duo are so in the mire the stench is becoming overwhelming .
You are right
They are both tiring and tiresome
Dear friends, I posted the poem below today because I want us to remember the loss our RF is mourning. I give no importance to a stupid man child or his equally idiotic wife, who just happen to have a relationship with the family. In time they will be as puffs of foul air blown away by the wind.
Thank you for your poem. I know exactly what you meant. We on this site know exactly what you meant
EDiT. Meant to say "no importance at this time" Sorry.
Don't think of him as gone away
His journey's just begun
Life holds so many facets
This earth is only one
Just think of him as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of warmth and comfort
Where there are no days or years
Think how he must be wishing
That we could know today
How nothing but our sadness
Can really pass away
Think of him as living
In the hearts of those he touched
For nothing loved is ever lost
And he was loved so much
Ellen Brenneman
Thank you for that so beautiful and true.
Every time people write about Markle she is winning. Would she mind being mentioned in the same sentence in the tabloids as Rose West Karen Matthews or Baby Ps mother as long as her name was there? She probably gets all the news up online and does Ctrl F to see and count the number of times she is mentioned all day long and updates her spreadsheet whose accompanying graph is no doubt on her wall alongside the secret marriage.