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I have had an uncomfortable feeling about the OW interview, as if all is not what it seems. Give Oprah her due, she is not a fool. She must have known the duo's account of affairs were untruthful, vindictive and divisive. SHE KNEW. It is as if she wanted to "shine a light" on who and what they really are. She was the bigger actress there, it seems.

Whatever her motive, she succeeded in giving them more than enough rope. It will make BP's decision so much easier.

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He can hardly turn around and complain after he painted such a picture of misery for millions of viewers to see can he?

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Spot on Harry. I am hoping against hope that HM does the right thing on March 31st. To continuously try to reach out to Harry is not what should be done. Stripping them of all titles and removing him from the line of succession is the only thing left to do. There will be shrieks and histrionics, but HM will only be seen to be doing the right thing - after all, didn't be say on tv, in front of millions of witnesses that he felt trapped? So do him a favour, free him of any obligation to the Crown or to the people of the UK, and turn, with more gratitude , to the rest of your loving and loyal family.

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Interview has seriously damaged the rogue pair...so many blatant lies....completely disgraceful & disgusting. They must be in a sycophant bubble to be oblivious to the publics abomination of them. Not going well for them...spending a fortune on PR legal fees staff mortgage & living expenses. Whoa wouldn't want to be in their holey shoes. Sorry for the distress the drama causes the RF & Country...they will however hang themselves

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I really hope these guys don't win. But to win consistently in Hollywood-these guys need to really work. The Kardashians are actually quite hard working and it takes a lot of effort and thick skin. The victim act wears thin-lets see. I am losing hope with BP.

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And the K family are an extended FAMILY with all the highs & lows that go with that while the other two are just that - 2 middle aged adults with a baby somewhere with a couple of friends. Oh. I forgot Doria IF she's around.

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It is unfathomable that a member of the family is aiding a foreign national to slander his own family!What a Judas..

I am hoping that BP is executing a kind,tried everything we could strategy before nailing those b's to the wall.

Or,she has some serious dirt on them and the blackmail is even more insidious.

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I really hope so. BP has been woefully unprepared-considering all the time they have had to deal with the viper and the dimwit. If they aren't prepared by now-they never will be. Hollywood has their eyes on the dollars the Harkles will bring-if the Apple TV flops and their next outings flop-no one will care about them. I fear the Queen wears her doting grandma hat and cannot deal with them-ever. That is what gives them courage-they know the Queen won't act against them.

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Slandered his family, slandered a nation.

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I forgot to add how despicable they are, and should be regarded and treated as traitors.

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Harry -hope the money is worth trashing your family and your country. This is sad on so many levels. Hopefully it ends soon. Something has to give.

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I hope that their much-vaunted contracts reputedly worth $$$$$$$multi millions turn out to be nothing but hot air. And BP resolutely refuses to bail them out of penury.

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What I find interesting is this constant deflection on their part. First the big uproar over who made whom cry, then they re-directed to racism and skin color, now they're deflecting yet again to the mental health issues. It seems as if when their "truths" are proven to be false and don't catch on, they latch on to yet another portion of the "interview" to find a new lane to pursue for their agenda. They are running out of lanes.

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So true. I won't be surprised if the next card out of their well-shuffled pack of horrors will be colonialism, with a large side order of imperialism. Both are subjects currently hyper-exercising the febrile types who love to be outraged, enraged, frothing at the mouth and at least 80% bog ignorant. Will suit the Harkles to a T.

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Perfect synopsis.

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How can H teach anyone about mental health when he can not even call a psychologist for his suicidal wife?

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Don’t believe the suicidal claims at all! On the contrary, she would have been on a high from the plot to blindside the RF and clear off to the US!

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The whole story about mm is just disturbing. Her past. The engagement, the short dating period, the wedding, mexit, the interview. All of her so-called friends have to see her two different personalities.If they were true friends they would speak to her about her actions. But they don't! Just shows what our society has become. Full of lies and a lot of hypocrisy.

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Added to that, why is Archie the most hidden child in the world? MM talks about him having to be “protected”! They are simply not that important!

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MM ghosts anyone who even remotely criticizes her. So in Hollywood where you all rub elbows, and use each other for fame I guess no one wants to risk being on the wrong side - especially because of the sensitive issues she has chosen to focus on in the interview. Look at anyone who has spoken against them - Piers, Sharon Osbourne - leaving or losing your job over having a differing opinion is absurd. The threat of repercussion, particularly speaking on the hot issues MM focuses on, silences those that see her for what she really is - a vengeful, social climber. If only some of her “friends” would have the courage to speak honestly - although if they are still friends they likely haven’t seen the other side of her she so openly showed to the staff at the palace.

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Express Nov 2017:

express .co.uk/news/royal/1198835/meghan-markle-duchess-of-sussex-royals-mental-health-prince-harry-therapy

Talked about "How Meghan Markle urged Prince Harry to speak out about mental health struggles" will they were dating in 2017.

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Anna, no links or you will get banned. Harry Markle's rules are clear and non negotiable.

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I have followed Harry Markle's rule this time. There is a space between express and .co so this is not a link.

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Once again Megain shows that she preaches what others should do but doesn’t follow her own advice .. and then expects sympathy, understanding and yes, compassion!

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Tragic when you think how much good PH could have been doing if he had moved to Africa. The power of the narcissist has wiped his brain of all good...now it’s all PR & tinsel town

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His loss is Africa's gain. Markle has shown him for what he really is.

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@Ottilie - I believe they told OW during the sob fest they ruled out Africa in Oct 2019 because they didn't know where they'd live there. Translation: no mansions, no celebrities around, not enough media attention.

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I agree...I always assumed he’d make a life in Africa, the country and its people seemed much loved by him. He’d also get the privacy he claims to want...but Markle wouldn’t dream of an ‘invisible’ existence...imagine, her doing any charity work (in a country which would benefit from it), without getting constant recognition for it.

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I too think H would have been very happy in Africa and probably would have finally managed to find his calling. I think someone said on a much earlier thread that they thought HMTQ had offered them the option to go to Africa but they’d turned it down, surprising that as madam Markle would have had the ideal opportunity to do her compassionate charity work, being kind and working to help humanity, especially amongst her sisters of colour, she could have lived in a wonderful environmentally friendly hut with no horrid planet destroying electricity, she’d already proved to H that she was a whizzo at using the bushes as a loo, so that wouldn’t have been a problem and they could have all the privacy they craved with no media within a few hundred miles of them. Funny she didn’t fancy it eh?

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Yes I said that ,as it was reported here in the Press that the Queen had offered the pair of them a role in South Africa, but the offer was declined.

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I don't think there's any way he should show his face back in the UK when it does all implode - he will still need a huge amount of cash to set himself up in Africa if he does go there because he will still be a selfish entitled brat no matter what, so how will he manage to do that without even more help from Bank of Daddy?

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He has Spencer relations there, IIRC. Perhaps they could set him up with a paper-round or a milk-run.

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I still think he will end up in Africa. He can't come back to UK when she divorces him. And she will. What I don't think anyone realizes is that if he is in US when this happens her lawyers will take him to the cleaners. She has already thought this out, of course.

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Yes. She will divorce him, sooner than later when she's finished getting what she wants from him. They're a lot more wealthy (and powerful) guys out there than "Haz." 💱

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I have not lost all hope that H will be the one who does the divorcing. And that before his 40th birthday and those Trust monies......

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Yessss, she will divorce him after baby is born and when she finds another richer fool. She won't divorce him until she has a replacement.

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That was always my assumption, as she’s unable to commit to anything long-term. But what man would touch her now the whole World knows her M.O.?

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As I say below, one of richest bachelors/divorcees in the world and who has a penchant for narcissistic actresses. And who himself is completely unhinged.

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Well she’s 20 years too old and 2 years too late for the one I’m thinking about (he has a gentle smell about him)

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PS I am thinking of a very influential, very rich bachelor who loves Hollywood actresses.

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Isn’t he in jail?? 🤣

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@Liz - only one?

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Yes very likely...who knows how far down the line that will happen. It is a horrific saga

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Piers Morgan has not gone away quietly. He's challenging Gayle King to stop just being a mouthpiece for the Smerkles and to actually fact check like a real journalist and uncover their lies. This is not going to happen because from way back Markle, Oprah and King were colluding for their own careers and the truth is of zero importance to them. They are making waves and headlines on the lies, why would they stop now? I have tried a number of times to get people better placed than me to do an expose on OW. As far as her moral character is concerned, do most people know that she has been an open advocate and promoter of 2 of the richest American prosperity gospel preachers T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen? The kind of big business tv evangelists that prey on the poor to make their billions and fly around on jets? That's how much OW and the likes of GK care about the truth

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To give further insight- O was obsessed with Diana years ago. She talked about her on her talk show and in her mind was possibly trying to model herself after her. She was looking for the adoration and love people had for Diana, just like M. There will only ever be one Diana!

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OW tried to get an interview with Diana back in the 90s. Paul B claimed she even had lunch at KP, but was not given an interview.

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"Like a real journalist" lol. OW and GK and journalism are not acquaintances.

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Very sad about Piers. Hopefully this stops and free speech is saved.

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Piers playing a blinder at the moment, asking all the right questions and defending the monarchy. All credit to him. He is a thorn in their side.

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Mar 18, 2021
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Can’t do that ... it would be ‘silencing’ her again.

Just can’t get my head round how H&M think getting this garbage into the press is at all useful to building their ‘brand’ and how dropping these little comments are going to help getting any conversation going. They seem more desperate and childlike as each day passes.

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I look forward to hearing Oprah and Harry’s expert musings on mental health. Of particular interest is the hitherto unknown, seemingly successful, response to someone/your pregnant wife declaring they no longer want to be alive - ‘get your makeup on, we’re going out in front of the worlds press.’


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So agree, can’t imagine how a truly depressed/suicidal woman would respond to that from their ever loving hubby.

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Compare that to the blubbery melodrama she painted for us over the miscarriage as she clutched his tear stained paws staring at blank white hospital walls....ugh. Wait for her new book about her 'almost' suicide to come out with her expert advice on how to apply your makeup after you nearly kill your next baby so your mascara doesn't run in case you have to fake cry in public.

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Indeed Hel. In M's words: "He cradled me in his arms then I was asked to go and put on some slap as we were going out. My knuckles turned white as I clutched him offering my support whilst listening to everyone booing him".

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Oh, so no one was booing her then? Just him.

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@Pat - ROFLOL. Good catch!

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Nearly as "good" as the miscarriage piece for the NYT.

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No words just...🤮

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IF OW was truly being a responsible journalist, she would be asking him about his embarrassment, grilling him as to why HE failed to help his own wife, rather than just telling her to stay home. He is the culpable one in not assisting her, not the RF. It's not as if mental issues were foreign to him. He should be ashamed, not that she was suicidal, but that he failed her as a husband, as a human being and as a "expert" on mental illness.

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I think we should all remember that in October 2019, during the Southern Africa tour, MM was very vocal about mental health issues, taking over the interview. Let us be honest, if she had truly been 'suicidal' a few months earlier (as claimed), it is unlikley she would have been able to openly declare mental health issues need to be discussed by all. Mental health issues take years to build up, and years to heal, not months.

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Agreed, and she was very clever to make hay with the two issues that could never be transparently scrutinised because they are either internal thoughts (suicide) or they involve a third undisclosed party making a comment. The general racist claims against the entire royal family can ultimately be challenged because there are multiple witnesses to the behaviour of the royals with people of colour, but mental health is a real golden calf no one wants to challenge but everyone will happily dance around

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It’s the two cards we practically could have guaranteed she would play ... her truth and how she felt ... always, always about Megain

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Indeed. I’m loathe to be disparaging about anyone’s claims on mental health, particularly that of suicide, as mental health issue can affect anyone regardless of wealth, fame, or status, but I do struggle with MMs claims. Mental Health, like so many other issues appear fleeting to her, and her articulation of these ‘struggles’ seemed contrived. I’ve yet to witness genuine pain in her eyes in any coverage of the subject.

If her remarks were indeed uttered to Harry then it is possible that Harry is more insightful than Ive ever given him credit for. His taking her to a red carpet event upon hearing her woes may reveal exactly what we’ve always thought all along - she craves attention. She’s miserable - get her some attention quick.

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She did the same with the miscarriage story. How can anyone not be sympathetic to that yet after the initial outburst of support, people started to see the inconsistencies and question the whole episode. It’s like the little girl who cried wolf.

I’m with Piers Morgan , don’t believe a word coming out her mouth or PR team.

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She is becoming like Hilaire Belloc’s “Matilda who told lies”

(for every time she shouted “Fire”, they only answered “Little Liar”)

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Sounds like she has Munchausen's (by proxy) if using the miscarriage for attention.

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Add narcissism by proxy for the poor wee mites of her offspring.

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All I can see in her eyes during that interview is sulky spite and fake tears

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@Hel -- And that's another thing. These stunts by M and H are forcing people into default cynical mode every time they sh00t off their mouths. I resent the h*ll out of it. Especially when it comes to things like people's mental health, or animals (don't get me started on M refusing to bring her 5-year-old dog to the U.K. because he was "too old"). Bare-faced self-serving is one thing -- messing around with vulnerable people and other beings makes me see red.

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Quite. It send out, to my mind, the wrong message. The narrative that she felt so bad she didn’t want to live, yet, after complaining of no help being forthcoming when asked for (surely compounding feelings of worthlessness) and not explaining if indeed help was ever received, here she is, within a couple of short years, all good, ‘thriving’ with a Disney fairytale ending.

How does this help people with feelings of hopelessness and despair. Those whose struggles are ongoing and real? It can only add to feelings of inadequacy and self loathing if getting past such distress and illness can be done seemingly so quickly and completely.

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@H-M -- Good point. Which goes along with H, having been a staunch supporter of Heads Together, proclaiming that *no one needs to be ashamed to admit they have problems* ..... goes on the O *interview* and says he was "too ashamed" to seek help for his wife's threatened suicide. They both have personality disorders, not mental ones, IMO. They use genuine mental issues in their twisted game, which only confuses and distresses real sufferers even more.

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Someone should do a side-by-side of everything that they said in the past (like the examples above) and what they are now saying in the interview. It would be interesting to note all the contradictions and the hypocrisy. Plus, it might help the US public to truly see just how bogus they are. I am sure the US public has not been privy to or has not looked up the numerous articles or statements these two charlatans made BEFORE they decided to change their tune for this interview.

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Big difference. And yes.

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Exactly, it's like they can only see short term, in the moment, like children, no self-awareness, foot stamping, just demanding things go their way or else

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Im just a little in to a documentary on ITV about Jane Andrew's. She was Sarah F's dresser/aide in the 1980's and made headlines after murdering her partner. She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder; unrecognisable to her friends in society circles as such a sweet natured person to be around. So far, so many similarities. An interesting watch but my internet is not playing ball. It seems royal circles attracts some interesting types!

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I did remember that at some point before they left RF, H mentioned that MM encouraged him to go public with his mental struggle. Does anybody else remember this? It's interesting to recall when she encourage him to do so. I think it's after the wedding. Is it around the time of her own "mental problem"? Their story does not add up.

After H's non-action regarding his wife's "struggle", should he still talking about the mental health issue?

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No, it's all a ruse for attention.

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@Anna - Exactly! This is my problem with her declaration that the RF wouldn't help her. Where was Harry in all of this??? He was "ashamed?" I'm not buying that at all. These are 30+ year old adults. He has struggled with mental issues. Why did HE not do something, find someone, etc. IF there was truly a failure to help her then he is the one to be criticized. He'd had help, his mom had help, they'd been promoting mental illness, especially William. She tells him she's suicidal and can't be left alone and his response is for her to stay home from an event? Seriously? Why is no one coming down on Harry for his failure to act? She's his wife and he makes no attempt to get her any type of assistance? He was the irresponsible person, not the RF. If he's truly ashamed, then he's ashamed of himself for failing to follow through on her claims and not ashamed she was having these thoughts. I don't know how he can look at himself in the mirror and talk to others about mental issues when he failed to assist his own wife!

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Impossible to make sense when they both lie.

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@Jo -- ^^^This.

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@Eowyn - it just makes my blood boil for them to dump something that was their responsibility to handle on the RF. They're not 19 year olds that don't have a clue how the world works. Harry especially is experienced enough in mental health issues that his behavior after her "confession" should've seen him scrambling to find her help and not stopping until he'd done so! I do not get why no one is holding him accountable in anyway for his failure to help her! His excuse of being "embarrassed" in unacceptable, irresponsible and should be THE story of that event, not that MM allegedly couldn't get the RF to help her. Her own husband wouldn't help her! It's another "poor Harry" moment, let's cover for his immature and self-centered behavior and blame it on the big, bad RF. Frankly, if her own husband couldn't be bothered to help her, why should the RF take on the responsibility. HE failed her, plain and simple, but let's just deflect his failure on to the RF. Just ridiculous and makes me furious! He never gets held accountable for anything....still!

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I would add to the "unacceptable, irresponsible" the word "incredible."

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It's like M and H are living in some kind of parallel universe, @Jo. There's the real world, where sane people see these things, and then there's *their* world. *Their* truth, as the wokies are fond of saying. SMDH.

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Hmm. Was the *interview* one giant plug for OW's (and H's) series on mental health? Article in DM dated March 17, yesterday, indicates yes. O even comes out and says halfway through the *interview* that she and H are working on it. (Interesting ... when I copy/pasted quotes from that night there was one from a commenter asking if anyone else noticed the plug for the Apple series. I didn't pay any attention at the time, but now ... talk about quid pro quo. To paraphrase Tolkien, "all things balance to a nicety in the scales of Sauron's malice.")

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They cannot be trusted an inch, always a hidden agenda in everything they do, always disingenuous, always secretly up to something, never straight, and seem to enjoy the apparent power they crave by thinking they've got one over us all, laughing at us, why would anyone ever be taken in by their garbage, or be inclined to be employed by them or work with them? They certainly sound like nightmares to work for and have they managed to get rid of all the nannies now, is it just The Claw's Mother looking after Arkie now?

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In late September 2020 it was published through several media sources:

“Now it seems Doria has some good news of her own as she's just landed a brand new job.

Proving she and Meghan share their caring streak, Doria has recently joined as chief executive officer (as well as company secretary and chief financial officer) at the Loving Kindness care home firm in Beverly Hills.“

(supposedly arranged by MMs Lawyers!)

Beverly Hills is 2 hours from the mansion! Can’t see how she could fulfill all of these roles!

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@Eowyn - Doesn't the whole set up stink!? Nest of vipers....

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@Ann -- You ain't kidding, and it stinks worse the more one looks into it seems ...

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@Eowyn - I hope someone is making the TQ aware of this and joining the dots for her! This is not the loving, dutiful, respectful grandson she is holding out an olive branch to! I'm not sure who's behind the Harkles, but I'm pretty sure this takes more brainpower and manipulation than the dimwit and the actress could muster alone.

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I agree with others who have posted about TQ probably having access to top psychiatric/psychologic advice -- after all, H has been the subject of stories about his bad behavior all his life. And I agree with you that there are smarter people than them behind the scenes (PR sharks, I'm guessing, along with OW and GK and who knows who else taking their resentments and $pinning them out.

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The problem on the psychological/psychiatric front is that the older royals have never really adapted this frame of reference for their own and family issues. Charles, for all his modern window-dressing, is essentially an Edwardian, and the Queen was raised in the Never explain, Never complain, just get on with it mode that characterised TQ's grandparents (King George V and Queen Mary). Charles spent more time with Laurens Van Der Post's works than the annals of modern psychology.

I believe this is one reason the RF so easily slid past red flags on Antony Armstrong Jones, Diana (there were people behind closed doors who knew what a mismatched pair they were, including then Archbishop of Canterbury Runcie, and Diana's grandmother, Lady Ruth Fermoy), Harry, and, of course, MM.

The RF simply did not even have a vocabulary suitable for what they were confronted with. Characterising someone as possessing a "having nature" (i.e., spoilt and self-absorbed) makes it possible to evade a far more disturbing truth: someone is a clinical narcissist and borderline sociopath without the capacity for gratitude and who poses a real danger to those around her.

I would like to think the RF have learnt something over the last 40 years, but as TQ keeps inserting that "much loved members of the family" line into public messaging re the Harkles, a message that the public know is either a lie or self-delusion, tells me they are still crossing their fingers behind their backs as they speak and hoping against hope that reason will win out in the end.

They have not, in my view, accepted that they are dealing with two people with whom reason is not possible, who wish them harm and who will continue to be a danger to them.

People with access to top notch mental health advisors would not be behaving this way. That is just my opinion. TC

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Agreed. Reminds me of the 1999 movie "Galaxy Quest," where the alien good guys are unfamiliar with deceit. Quote from Mathasar: "Deception. Lies. We have only recently become aware of these concepts...... it is a concept we are beginning to learn at some great cost." Love the movie, perhaps because Alan Rickman is in it!

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That is why the courtiers or gray suits should step in and suggest professional advice in dealing with the duo and if TQ has this 'don't complain' attitude, which she does, and which is typical of the generations gone by, then let her personal priest talk to her, surely he will be listened to. Priests were always listened to at one time. He may be able to get through to her.

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@Mr. Cullem -- Thanks for your reply, good post as always -- and you would know the RF's approach to things far better than I would. I tend to agree -- but hoping that if the Diana situation didn't wake the RF to the fact that brushing behavior under the rug clearly didn't work in her case, this latest fiasco surely should. I would hope like anything TQ would be smart enough to see reason, and if consulting expert help was a way toward saving the Monarchy, go for it. And I guess concurrent with that, I've chosen to think all the *much loved* stuff is a bit of Royal CYA, not to put too crude a point on it, against the day when M and H might attempt to portray them as uncaring in court -- but as I've learned so much during this whole mess, maybe there's more I've yet to learn.

P.S. Yes, they truly don't make them like Queen Mary anymore. Probably why weak and hedonistic David rebelled against responsibility, while seemingly meek Bertie had a strong streak of duty. And oh, brother, would I love to have seen what QM would have made of La M as well ... 😈

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P.S. I meant to include a story about Queen Mary (whom I have always rather admired) that I enjoy. She once took several "cadet" members of the family with her to visit a hospital. At some point, one of the junior members complained that her feet hurt, and anyway, she hated hospitals. Queen Mary levelled the complainer with her famous cold stare and said, "You are a member of the British royal family. We are never tired. And we all - love - hospitals."

And that tells you something about the old guard in which the Queen was raised. Can you imagine Queen Mary hearing Harry's wife whingeing in Botswana?

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I think PC was spot on in his nickname 'Tungsten' though?

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Hi Eowyn, The DE have released an article echoing your post in the last few minutes. Check it out...

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@LMGW -- Thanks so much for that, great catch!! Wow .... just wow.

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You're beating the journo's to it Eowyn, well done 👏

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🤪 O_o :)

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Mar 18, 2021
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Titled: Hidden motive behind explosive Oprah interview spotted by TV expert. It flashed up as breaking and now buried under what is a busy news day, I guess : )

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Now I'm seeing it was in the DM also -- I've got egg on my face. Cut off the internet for one day, eat and collapse in bed asleep, and look what happens. Oh, well, at least I wasn't flying off on some wild tangent 🙂

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Mar 18, 2021
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Definitely worth a deeper dive is the OW and H deal on the mental health series. The series, announced way back in June 2018, was delayed "due to Covid" (all info I'm sharing is from published reports). In September 2019, Netflix/Spotify deal (worth hundreds of millions of dollars) was announced. Now, in March 2021, with Covid still going on, nevertheless the series is a definite go. Worth noting that streaming services like Netflix and Spotify will cough up the cash for production costs, but won't issue a paycheck unless the product is a money earner. M and H have no experience with production ... but they have a good friend(s) who does. These things are public knowledge. They deserve a deeper dive to see if any dots connect, especially the timing, IMO. I'll try.)

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Do you have a Dr Watson?

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@Alison -- Ugh, every so often I need a clue bat upside the head 😲 -- I get what you mean now 🥴! As in I'm the detective, and need a loyal helper, LOL -- well, I'm definitely no Sherlock, but do wish I had someone like Watson indeed :)

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@Alison -- Not sure what you may be referring to, aside from the obvious Sherlock sidekick, of course -- internet search yielded some kind of software program as well ..... ?

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Mar 18, 2021
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@Mantis -- Internet search entries say it's for debugging/finding errors ... ?

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Mar 18, 2021
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Hahaha, Lord knows my brain could use it 😄

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Got some catching up to do -- yesterday was cram-jammed with work, providing an entire blessed day without being either able to surf the latest H-M forum curls, or too tired to do so at the end of the day. (Of course, only a really demanding day at work forced me away from here and the whole M and H thing for an entire day. Up till now, I've only managed brief breaks. How sad is that, *wry grin*.)

One thing worth doing, not so much for catch-up, as for rounding out understanding the title of this thread, "The Aim of That Interview,", was going back to your earlier blog posts, @H-M, especially as other commenters here made reference to how prescient you were that we'd eventually wind up with the situation M and H have put us in. And where I began was, all roads to M and H's Big Bail, and Fabulous Life in America, complete with the open declaration of warfare that was the Tell-All Interview, lead to OW and GK (each with her own motivations to add to the mix, IMO).

You pointed out (in January 2019 shortly after the "bombshell" decision to bolt:

"King had never met MM back in May 2018, yet a mere 8 months later she was invited to an intimate baby shower where she exclaimed she didn’t know why she had been invited, and was labelled as a close confidante. It later transpired King was given exclusive access to the duo around the time of the ‘birth’ to make a television special. That was a huge red flag already that had been planned in advance, so the recent announcements come as no surprise." (And, later, your correct conclusion that O's *tell-all interview* was planned as well.)

Now, re-reading that, I'm thumping self on the head ... "well, DUH" .... but didn't make the connection at the time. As you said elsewhere, partly because I admired and respected both women for as long as I had watched them on TV. Never in a million years expected them to be so devious, self-serving and heartless.

One thing I haven't been able to determine is whether OW and GK were part of the original plan of M and H to bail out of Royal duties while maintaining the "life to which they'd become accustomed," to use the well-worn phrase (well, the life H grew up in). Privilege to do what they liked, when they liked, paying only lip service to duty but making sure the British taxpayer footed the bill and liked it (and slapping TQ in the face to "pay her back" for making them face up to responsibility) -- or whether OW and GK just jumped on what they saw as a golden opportunity to further their own agendas and fame. I don't think the plan was fully formed in M and H's minds in the beginning. I think that, with people they consulted as being key "image makers" like OW and GK, not to mention SS and the rest of the PR (no accident that that American PR was brought in to replace established British ones) -- the actual mechanics of the plan began to take shape. The input the sharks were all too eager to provide was all too eagerly taken on by M and H. JMO, anyway.

Don't want to ramble on too much -- there are so many other comparisons to draw -- so, just picked up on that one point you had zeroed in on from the beginning. (Frankly, if it has been agony and dismay for those of us figuring things out at our own pace, bit by dawning bit, it must have been, and still is, far worse for you who saw it all from the get-go, and have had to watch as things unfolded with awful inevitability.)

Anyway ... as I say, there is so much to revisit and sift through. I think a lot of people are afraid they'll miss something by breaking away from the whole saga for even a day, and check the H-M Blog and forum often throughout their days (*guilty as charged*, haha). But it's really worth it to take a brief break -- leaves you refreshed, and allows the brain to remember to pick up on bits that deserve more attention, like your archived posts. It also reminds one that d***nit, M and H are NOT going to ruin MY real life. They've barged into it enough. (Still, tho, it will be one h*ll of a virtual party around here when their comeuppance finally comes 😉)

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I’m wondering if gk or orca were the ones who suggested Netflix and Spotify

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I think Oprah & Gayle we’re in on it from the start. Helping Meghan rise to “fame.” All sneaks.

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I think the plan was forming in The Claw's mind before the engagement - she saw the opportunity being American, to 'legitimately' be allowed to forge links with American elite powerhouses, ostensibly on the face of it to help promote the RF/UK links with the US in myriad positive ways, and may have communicated something like that to PC initially, and so they were allowed the questionable celebrity wedding guests without objection. But all the time they were secretly working on their own breakaway plan, to take the money, titles and run to their own Disney realm in California, to rival that of HM and get one up on W&K, and become more powerful than TQ, maybe move into politics too. So they were secretly setting it all up under guise of working for the RF, (using the RF's resources, connections and taxpayer money) and selling her unique position as an American biracial woman member of the RF, able to straddle both countries (hahaha wouldn't put it past her) in a way that had never been seen before, and with the potential for greater economic and other benefits arising from that for a more 'special' relationship to evolve between the peoples of both countries. That might have been the way the thing was 'sold' to the RF and it could have been a great idea if it had been genuine but it never was, and they have been nothing but deceivers the whole disgusting time.

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They are mainly deceiving themselves. They are completely delusional.

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Maybe those two women want to be the most famous people of colour, who finally put the nails in the coffin of the white institutions. in the name of revenge for 500 years of oppression. Maybe they want their names in the history books. Its so odd really i dont think mm was a plant but her 25% colour was a good manipulation starting point for them & her voracious need for fame & money was perfect. If Harry had married a nice Ivy league all american girl none of this might have happened at all. Harry always maintained the stars aligned on the night they met, maybe he meantt OW & GK. How bloody ironic!

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@Marie Carr -- Lots of hands washing each other and backs scratching each other. What a groovy bunch of "friends."

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Ye Gods...Doris (intentional) & MM were certainly forward planning....

They secured the prey & go on a feeding frenzy. A documentary on the birth?

RF need to be free from attachment to these despicable people...then they can do their worst because it will never stop.

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I see another headline saying that PW now worrying his private conversations with H will be plastered all over the media. There should be no doubt that just about everything was recorded/documented - this grand plan info is growing daily.

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@Ottilie -- Our dear Doris (hahaha!) is an integral element of the Plan, IMO. She's good for so many things -- from *loving, supporting mom* at the wedding to *nanny* of Archie, to becoming CEO of Loving Kindness Senior Care Management (payment by cash only). Check out the website (same name, except leave out the "Management".) In Beverly HIlls, that is -- $wimmin' pool$, movie $tar$ 😉) -- riddled with grammatical errors and word salad.

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Mar 18, 2021
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Okay @Mantis, good journeys :)

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