I managed to watch the interview yesterday, and have come away disgusted as the duo have attacked the UK with so many falsehoods. The problem is how many people will actually believe them? That is the damage being done, yet we sit and wait for some action to defend the nation. Those who have been defending us have been attacked – since when was defending yourself a crime when you have valid points to make?
Here is a comment I made earlier in the week that may have got lost amongst the 7000 comments:
There are reports that The Queen wishes to address Harry personally, but surely she knew that the interview would rock the boat? That call should have been made earlier if there was any real respect.
The People require decisive action and transparency and it appears neither have been offered to the People. Again, BP has read the room incorrectly, and everyone must suffer. The leaked stories are not the ones we wish to hear.
We all want a resolution to this, and a fake truce for appearances sake will not cut it. No one will believe it and it doesn't solve the issue. To do this would weaken the Monarchy, and end the House of Windsor. The People in the UK and the Commonwealth would no longer support The Queen. That is already the message in place, but one that BP doesn't wish to believe. They need to understand that is a fact now. Those who wavered, have turned and loyalties have been lost.
Each day, more damage is being done, and those who defend us have been silenced through fear from others. I read some of the excuses from those who attacked the Society of Editors, who defended the media. They had no validation except they didn't agree with the tone. I find it incredulous that someone who stood up for your rights has been attacked.
It's clear that staff within KP and BP were aware of MM's motives before the wedding. The Royal Foundation lasted 4 months before the Sussexes were kicked out, and also out of KP. They knew, but hoped they could contain things. Excuses were made such as stress and cultural differences, but the wider picture indicates that MM appeared to have orchestrated specific incidents that she has highlighted for her narrative.
I would much rather The Queen remain silent and execute all on 31 March, 2021. These stories of offering an olive branch do her more harm than good. That is perhaps what she seeks as a grandmother, but she should be acting as The Queen. At no point have we seen any words or action to defend the nation – that is wrong, and it has been noticed.
BP are taking notice of the wrong people – appeasing those on social media are not the ones that support the foundation of the Monarchy. Those who shout and squeal will do that anyhow, and nothing will stop them squealing. It is the silent ones who come here and heart a like, the ones who are dismayed and who have lost faith. These are the People – the ones that need to be reassured and the ones that The Queen must reach out to.
No one really cares if The Queen speaks to Harry again, unless it is to ask him to relinquish his place in the order of succession and to tell him that his dukedom has been revoked. My fear is that is if The Queen doesn't act, then People will not mourn her when she passes, and her legacy (already tarnished) will leave the Crown she inherited weak to the point of useless.
Taking a personal approach is her remit, but it will not endear her to the People. That logic is flawed, and perhaps a dated one. People require transparency and the truth, and it is no longer a family matters when the nation has been defamed and attacked.
Harry and MM could have given an interview stating the life with the Monarchy wasn't for them without attacking the Monarchy. They chose to do that, and they didn't have to give an interview either. They wanted to punish the RF,and the staff, and the nation for not adoring them and giving them what they expected. Everyone can see that, and it is a sad day when The Queen fails her People. That is what is happening, and BP need to be aware that this is the current state of affairs.
There are calls for the government to intervene, and my feeling is that they should make BP realise that if they don’t handle things quickly, then when the nation is being destabilized, then they have the right to step in.
While the duo continue to support some UK charities, the disdain when their names are mentioned means that some will lose donors and support. No one wants that, but it is inevitable. They can’t rely on the cult for support, and lots of nice tweets and likes doesn’t equal genuine support. We have seen the cult abandon QCT and the National when the Sussexes had to return the patronages – these people are fickle and unhinged, and a senisble charity would look at the bigger picture, and not to appease some random followers with time on their hands.
The duo stated they wanted to be part-time royals, but with all the perks, and to choose what parts they wanted to keep. That isn’t how it works, and their pitiful faces trying to convince the audience that it was possible was drama for the gullible audience. It was evident that they had been seeking this for a while, but servants of the Crown work for the Crown – it doesn’t work for you or your agenda.
The People need to see the RF supporting them, and the only sign we have had, is William replying to a question during an engagement to deny that the family are racist. As 31 March, 2021 approaches, the fate of the House of Windsor is uncertain, as the public shake their heads at what has transpired over the past week. Attacked by one of their own, and defamed without anyone to defend us – what a state we are in!
The solution lies in transparency and respect, from the Monarchy to the People. Right now, that unspoken balance between the two is unstable, and the Monarchy needs to regain the trust and loyalties of the People. They need to work quickly before it’s too late, while the House of Windsor still exists.
I just watched the GK clip, and it's a travesty that Americans have to watch such a biased show. All reporters were attacking the RF and blaming them, and GK says that all they want the RF to do is to control the media and to 'stop the false stories about them', that she claims has a racial slant.
Here are some facts – the RF cannot control the media, they can ask but if the story is true then they cannot stop the free speech of the media. Then the racial claim is GK's subjective opinion, because race doesn't come into it.
The fact is that many of the stories about the duo are true, and they want the RF to 'protect' and cover up their bad behaviour. I honestly don't think I have heard sich stupidity in a long time, and someone pays her to say stupid things? Do Americans watch this? Is this an attempt to brainwash Americans?
No one in the UK had ever heard of Gayle King, and to be frank, she's a bit of a joke mouthing off with such nonsense that is inaccurate most of the time. If the Harkles are dim enough to think she can be used as a credible mouthpiece, they are wrong.
Most people in the UK won't have a clue who she is, or care what she says. I've had a day off from this today, but what is clear to me from a quick glance at the rags in the supermarket, is that even they are questioning MM's motives. They need to sell magazines, and I think those who didn't think they were patriotic suddenly have become so.
As for Wong stepping down, I thought she would be the first to crack. She is American and I assume that she needs a work visa and as Travalyst may not exist soon, she has to find another job or leave the UK. Perhaps she didn't get paid by the duo either as the partners are low on funds, and she is skipping before there is no cash left. She does have lots of information, and she was with Harry when they first met in May 2016 in Toronto (even though officially that is denied, but verified by those there), or perhaps she has been called as a witness to the bullying allegations and has had to choose a side? The fact she is stepping down (as H's oldest aide in this saga) is key.