This is a petition, for the People, by the People to request that Your Majesty, considers the following in the best interests of the nation, and to ensure a stable future for the Monarchy.
Since this petition began in January, there have been further attacks on the Monarchy, via an interview with Oprah Winfrey that contained defamatory, inaccurate, and false statements and allegations. This was followed up by Harry making an open attack on his grandparents and parents, for failing to be ‘adequate’ parents.
Over the centuries, the Monarchy has been a bastion of calm and has offered steadfast support to the nation it serves in times of crisis. There have been highs and lows, yet together we get through it with mutual respect for one another. We find ourselves in a somewhat difficult and unpleasant situation at present, where the People feel that their voices are being ignored and dismissed as unworthy and irrelevant. This is something we request Your Majesty, to rectify, for we do not believe that you would think such things about the People whom you watch over, and have dutifully served all these years.
There are calls for a Republic due to a lack of action concerning the unbecoming behaviour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which suggests a weakness in the Monarchy. We, the British people, have had to endure the Sussexes flaunting their titles in a most disgraceful manner that has brought the nation into disrepute. Each time they use their titles, they purport to represent us and the Crown when they pontificate on sensitive topics for their own personal gain and agenda, that brings shame upon us. We have had to suffer their attacks on our very being, where they have called the people of our nation bullies and racists. That is not the case, yet we look to you Your Majesty, to protect us and to make right where we have been wronged.
The current Duke and Duchess of Sussex have treated other members of the Royal Family with disdain, and that doesn't sit well with the People who care for them – the family members who have the utmost respect for the duties that they carry out on your behalf, and who represent our nation with such dignity. We are proud of them, and wish to protect them.
The nation is ashamed to have them flouting their titles for monetary gain, fame, and publicity. Therefore, we humbly request you reconsider the roles they currently hold within the Queen's Commonwealth Trust as they no longer represent the nation or the Commonwealth. We therefore ask for the roles to be reassigned to those who reside in the Commonwealth, and who are able to represent Your Majesty, and the citizens of the Commonwealth with pride, and with the respect such roles deserve.
The dukedom of Sussex was a gift to your grandson and it was to be used with respect, yet the majority of the public do not believe that is the case. We humbly request you to rescind the dukedom to prevent further abuse of the titles. Many residents of Sussex are ashamed to have any connection to them, and the numerous global petitions calling for the titles cannot have gone unnoticed. Letters to numerous MPs have been sent requesting that they take action to remove the titles, but the Government has redirected the issue of removing titles to Your Majesty.
This was an old petition that was rejected in September 2020, where the Government redirected the issue of titles being removed to Her Majesty. THIS IS NOT THE PETITION YOU ARE SIGNING.
The Sussexes have brought the Monarchy into disrepute, have abused the titles for monetary gain, and have brought shame upon the British nation by claiming the people you serve are bullies and are racist. This is why the People feel the titles need to be revoked with immediate effect as the longer this continues, the more irrevocable damage is caused.
Many do not believe the restriction of the HRH in April 2020 was enough, because the Sussexes still boast a claim to having the titles, and thus those should be removed. The People wish to see Your Majesty act in the best interests of the nation, whereby a lack of action has been viewed as a weakness, and that you don't care. We implore you to consider our requests to:
*Rescind the dukedom of Sussex and associated titles.
*Rescind the HRH style from Prince Harry and his wife.
*To consider requesting Prince Harry to voluntarily relinquish his place in the order of succession (and any descendants), as his conduct is unbecoming of one who has sworn to serve, and to be loyal to the Crown and the People.
*Give an assurance to the People, that the correct course of action will be pursued in a court of law if there has been conduct unbecoming (by either of the above parties), whilst officially representing the nation as a member of the British Royal Family.
Reassign the President and Vice-President roles in the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. COMPLETED 19/02/21
Reassign any patronages/military titles that they hold, that are connected to the Royal Family in any shape or form. COMPLETED 19/02/21
We thank you for your service, and long may you reign to steer us out of this difficult situation.
This is a petition, for the People, by the People to request that you consider the above in the best interests of the nation, in order to enable a stable future for the Monarchy.
Please do not reply to a comment, but you can like (by clicking the heart symbol) or make your own entry.
Please do not mention or insult other members of the Royal Family. This petition is only about the dukedom of Sussex..
Please respect these guidelines, as signatures that do not follow the above will be deleted. This is for ease of reading.
For example:
Elizabeth Windsor. London, UK. The Sussexes are an embarrassment to the Monarchy who flout their titles, and the titles need to be removed.
A Brief Sussex Summary
At Sandringham, in January 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made an agreement to fundamentally uphold the values of the Queen, which they have since breached on these occasions:
Thursday 4th June, 2020–The Duchess of Sussex made a call to action to support Black Lives Matter. An organisation that publicly calls for the defunding of the police. In the UK, the police service derives its authority from The Crown, thus their call to action was found offensive to all officers globally, who are frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Monday 6th July, 2020 – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a digital recording with representatives of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. During the discussion, The Duke of Sussex referred to the Commonwealth as having an ‘uncomfortable past’. This remark was seen to undermine The Commonwealth’s creation and purpose, and was deemed to be an attempt to cause unrest within it on the grounds of racism.
Wednesday 23rd September, 2020– whilst still holding the Royal Dukedom titles of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they made a call to action to American voters to attend the polls highlighting the 2020 election as ‘the most important of our time’. The Duchess of Sussex has previously made clear her political bias and as such her behaviour undermined the political neutrality of the Royal Family.
Sunday 8th November, 2020– The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended The Los Angeles National Cemetery, whereupon they used the occasion as a photo opportunity, hiring a photographer, whilst standing on the graves of the fallen. This action was found to be deeply offensive.
Monday 14th December, 2020– The Duchess of Sussex made a private investment to a company for the sole purpose of financial gain whilst using her title of ‘Duchess of Sussex, a title bestowed upon her by Her Majesty. This behaviour was seen as profiting by use of her Royal connection.
These are a few examples from many that a reader (a retired police officer) has submitted to me for inclusion for the petition, and the list is by no means exhaustive.
Thank you to those who have assisted in the creation of this petition.
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THIS IS A PETITION ~ A Message To Her Majesty The Queen Regarding The Removal Of The Titles Associated With The Dukedom Of Sussex.
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This is a petition, for the People, by the People to request that Your Majesty, considers the following in the best interests of the nation, and to ensure a stable future for the Monarchy.
Since this petition began in January, there have been further attacks on the Monarchy, via an interview with Oprah Winfrey that contained defamatory, inaccurate, and false statements and allegations. This was followed up by Harry making an open attack on his grandparents and parents, for failing to be ‘adequate’ parents.
Over the centuries, the Monarchy has been a bastion of calm and has offered steadfast support to the nation it serves in times of crisis. There have been highs and lows, yet together we get through it with mutual respect for one another. We find ourselves in a somewhat difficult and unpleasant situation at present, where the People feel that their voices are being ignored and dismissed as unworthy and irrelevant. This is something we request Your Majesty, to rectify, for we do not believe that you would think such things about the People whom you watch over, and have dutifully served all these years.
There are calls for a Republic due to a lack of action concerning the unbecoming behaviour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which suggests a weakness in the Monarchy. We, the British people, have had to endure the Sussexes flaunting their titles in a most disgraceful manner that has brought the nation into disrepute. Each time they use their titles, they purport to represent us and the Crown when they pontificate on sensitive topics for their own personal gain and agenda, that brings shame upon us. We have had to suffer their attacks on our very being, where they have called the people of our nation bullies and racists. That is not the case, yet we look to you Your Majesty, to protect us and to make right where we have been wronged.
The current Duke and Duchess of Sussex have treated other members of the Royal Family with disdain, and that doesn't sit well with the People who care for them – the family members who have the utmost respect for the duties that they carry out on your behalf, and who represent our nation with such dignity. We are proud of them, and wish to protect them.
The nation is ashamed to have them flouting their titles for monetary gain, fame, and publicity. Therefore, we humbly request you reconsider the roles they currently hold within the Queen's Commonwealth Trust as they no longer represent the nation or the Commonwealth. We therefore ask for the roles to be reassigned to those who reside in the Commonwealth, and who are able to represent Your Majesty, and the citizens of the Commonwealth with pride, and with the respect such roles deserve.
The dukedom of Sussex was a gift to your grandson and it was to be used with respect, yet the majority of the public do not believe that is the case. We humbly request you to rescind the dukedom to prevent further abuse of the titles. Many residents of Sussex are ashamed to have any connection to them, and the numerous global petitions calling for the titles cannot have gone unnoticed. Letters to numerous MPs have been sent requesting that they take action to remove the titles, but the Government has redirected the issue of removing titles to Your Majesty.
The Sussexes have brought the Monarchy into disrepute, have abused the titles for monetary gain, and have brought shame upon the British nation by claiming the people you serve are bullies and are racist. This is why the People feel the titles need to be revoked with immediate effect as the longer this continues, the more irrevocable damage is caused.
Many do not believe the restriction of the HRH in April 2020 was enough, because the Sussexes still boast a claim to having the titles, and thus those should be removed. The People wish to see Your Majesty act in the best interests of the nation, whereby a lack of action has been viewed as a weakness, and that you don't care. We implore you to consider our requests to:
*Rescind the dukedom of Sussex and associated titles.
*Rescind the HRH style from Prince Harry and his wife.
*To consider requesting Prince Harry to voluntarily relinquish his place in the order of succession (and any descendants), as his conduct is unbecoming of one who has sworn to serve, and to be loyal to the Crown and the People.
*Give an assurance to the People, that the correct course of action will be pursued in a court of law if there has been conduct unbecoming (by either of the above parties), whilst officially representing the nation as a member of the British Royal Family.
Reassign the President and Vice-President roles in the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. COMPLETED 19/02/21
Reassign any patronages/military titles that they hold, that are connected to the Royal Family in any shape or form. COMPLETED 19/02/21
We thank you for your service, and long may you reign to steer us out of this difficult situation.
This is a petition, for the People, by the People to request that you consider the above in the best interests of the nation, in order to enable a stable future for the Monarchy.
Please sign the petition (below in the comments) if you wish with:
Your initials/name (whatever you are comfortable with).
Your county/state and country. Anyone human can sign!
If you wish, add a comment no longer than 3 sentences please. You may post longer comments on other threads. ( Please do not post links, or make accusations. These will be removed.
Please do not reply to a comment, but you can like (by clicking the heart symbol) or make your own entry.
Please do not mention or insult other members of the Royal Family. This petition is only about the dukedom of Sussex..
Please respect these guidelines, as signatures that do not follow the above will be deleted. This is for ease of reading.
For example:
Elizabeth Windsor. London, UK. The Sussexes are an embarrassment to the Monarchy who flout their titles, and the titles need to be removed.
A Brief Sussex Summary
At Sandringham, in January 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made an agreement to fundamentally uphold the values of the Queen, which they have since breached on these occasions:
Thursday 4th June, 2020 –The Duchess of Sussex made a call to action to support Black Lives Matter. An organisation that publicly calls for the defunding of the police. In the UK, the police service derives its authority from The Crown, thus their call to action was found offensive to all officers globally, who are frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Monday 6th July, 2020 – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a digital recording with representatives of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. During the discussion, The Duke of Sussex referred to the Commonwealth as having an ‘uncomfortable past’. This remark was seen to undermine The Commonwealth’s creation and purpose, and was deemed to be an attempt to cause unrest within it on the grounds of racism.
Wednesday 23rd September, 2020 – whilst still holding the Royal Dukedom titles of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they made a call to action to American voters to attend the polls highlighting the 2020 election as ‘the most important of our time’. The Duchess of Sussex has previously made clear her political bias and as such her behaviour undermined the political neutrality of the Royal Family.
Sunday 8th November, 2020 – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended The Los Angeles National Cemetery, whereupon they used the occasion as a photo opportunity, hiring a photographer, whilst standing on the graves of the fallen. This action was found to be deeply offensive.
Monday 14th December, 2020 – The Duchess of Sussex made a private investment to a company for the sole purpose of financial gain whilst using her title of ‘Duchess of Sussex, a title bestowed upon her by Her Majesty. This behaviour was seen as profiting by use of her Royal connection.
These are a few examples from many that a reader (a retired police officer) has submitted to me for inclusion for the petition, and the list is by no means exhaustive.
Thank you to those who have assisted in the creation of this petition.