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I think the book release and the lawsuit are a distraction of the real fake news..the new kid ! Where is the new baby. Nobody is talking about it. Taking 20 weeks off ! I think their is no kid just like Archie. They are trying to find a new a kid to exploit !

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Another lawsuit from the frequent filers! I believe if they are serious about TW’s t-shirt, “Raising the Future,” they need to start a fund for their children’s psychotherapy. Having such adversarial parents sets a terrible example.

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Another’s lawsuit so that the UK public can fund their security via the TV license.

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Tea time, mini roll time.

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Glass of Rose for me and Ritz cracker.... 😂

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Hope it didn’t go sticky in the sun, it’s very warm here

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"The office of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex", is this a new made-up name? They are not working royals, so any office they would like to have should not be in the name of the royal title.

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ITA, Anna W.

I am under the impression that as they are OUT as working members, the “Office of S” is now Defunct! Ditto for any “Press Secretary” title from the birth announcement. And it goes without saying that the monogram coronet/crown is Defunct as well.

We here in the U.S. already have 2 Sussex County/Boroughs, with the one in Delaware having quite a rich and important history to OUR national ethos/fabric that is celebrated very seriously by the public and important community/state members. The area now known as southern Delaware and comprises 3? Counties, including Sussex.

June 15: “Separation Day,” from both the governance of the Penn family in what was a bit of Pennsylvania, AND the British Crown, a full 2 weeks *before* the official Declaration.

This year, the annual Colonial BBQ (yes, they dress in period garb), the parade are cancelled, but the annual Fireworks will be held in the city of New Castle on June 12, 2021.

The Imitators (that is my name for them), are completely tone deaf.

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It did not surprise me they named the Girl Lilibeth because there is no money in Lili and this was just another opportunity to stab the Queen again who is already hurt from losing her husband of so many years. My heart goes out to her and hopefully, this all will pass asap. They sincerely are a horrible cold-blooded Couple.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a ‘punishment’ for H having a frosty reception at the funeral.

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This is so sad! So many people are dealing with so much yet these two keep popping up like cheap Kardashians. I am so saddened by their choice of name and deeply upset for Her Majesty. I read that she never wanted to hear that name again. I don’t know if that’s true but I am sure she certainly doesn’t want it used for the commercial purposes. Cashing in on it is a low thing to do. These two petty idiots need to be stopped and I cannot for the life of me understand the RF staying quiet. Yes he is family, yes you love him unconditionally but for goodness sake shut him up he is a global laughing stock.

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I know they have to be stopped, but how?

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Time for the Palace to put their big boy pants on and get cracking! 😂

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Good question and I confess I don’t know the answer but I imagine BP does. Question is will they ever stand up to these two so far the signs are not encouraging.

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I’m not surprised by the actions of TW and H as I now know to expect the worst from them. I knew she’d use her newborn to twist the knife in and have a way to forever remind the world of her connection to BRF.

Those poor children.

I hear that TW and H have now filed another suit, this time against the BBC; again, I’m not surprised, because she won the last time (yes, there’s still an appeal pending) and that has only emboldened her.

Thanks again Harry for all your hard work.

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I'm quite perplexed at the number of people (mainly harkle supporters, but others too) that keep saying they didn't need permission to use a nickname, and that they can call the child what they want.

This is called manners, and obviously there is a huge sector of society that seem to lack them. You ask permission as a courtesy and a gesture. Yes, a parent can call their child what they want, but if they choose to name it after someone who is living, it is considered good manners to ask first - not mention or inform, but to ask. This was more than a name, it was a family nickname, and as many have said, if the child is to be known as Lili, then they should have simply given her that name. They still can I guess, and in the US they can change their names whenever they want.

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My Dad has called me the nickname Jo my entire life including in an email I received today. He’s 75 and the only person that has ever called me that.

If my child or future grandchildren told me or mentioned in passing they were going to name their child after me, I would think they meant my real legal name that everyone in the world used and knew me by not the nickname that only my father has ever used

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Totally agree, my daughter is named after her late grandma, who was ill at the time and we wanted to make a lovely gesture to her. Ofc we asked her, she was delighted. She also had nieces with her name as a middle name. She was very much loved and respected, where as everything TW and JCMH is just a premeditated marketing, 'brand', merching, money grabbing opportunity! And after all the hate, untruths, petty spitefulness they have poured on the RF and HM, it doesn't feel at all like a loving or repectful gesture.

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Who could not be perplexed at the Harkles lack of basic human decency? Harry and Meghan are prime examples of all that is wrong in this Woke, self absorbed, selfie addicted and mannerless new society. My Grandmother would’ve had her house shoe off in a heartbeat to smack any of us for being disrespectful. I desperately miss good manners.

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The lack of manners is bad enough but the reasons behind their actions takes it to a whole different level. Am I surprised? No. Shocked? No.

I still hold out (naively perhaps) that HMTQ will act. However it be will be a long summer if not done before the parliamentary recess.

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I know and accept it is courteous to ask to use the name of a family member, but in the back of my head is it not also an RF thing that the names should be approved? A bit like asking if you can be married. I may of course be totally wrong.

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The Harkles knew what the correct thing to do was (TW may have been born in a barn but H wasn't) but they deliberately ignored it. This was part of the plan--which is why lawyers' letters were already written up to counter any inevitable rebuttal. I wonder what sort of people these two Harkle mini-mes are going to grow up into, knowing they were pawns in a dreadful game.

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I totally agree, and why would you use the very private, personal name of the head of the family that you just completely trashed? That drove you from the fold to seek peace? That is 'racist' and actually did you mental harm? It beggars belief! They are so twisted in their motives, I cannot see how even if there is a divorce, that JCMH can ever return.

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I now feel sorry for TCKAA, the little girl is named after 2 of the most famous people in the world, and he is Archie, Harry’s son.

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TW is a feminist, she does not care of men or boys.

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I was gobsmacked, appalled and incredulous regarding the choice of the name. Diana was going to be a given, but to use such a personal family nick name was so low. I can't describe how I felt in words that are fit to print. The matter of whether they consulted HMTQ or not is irrelavent to me - the name should never have been used in the first place. JCMH has sunk even further down the hole in my opinion. I fear though, that once again, nothing will be seen to be done. How long do we wait for some comment, some action, however small, to see that BP are listening and taking on board our concerns - and why, for the love of all things, is TW still able to use the title to promote her books etc - I thought back when all this kicked off, they were not to use the titles to make money?

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Thank you again Harry Markle for your informed articles.

For the dastardly duo using the private name of HMQ for the new baby is the ultimate wound that they could inflict on our still grieving Monarch. Is this because they were told not to use the word “Royal” in their new ventures , prompting their response that the HMQ “didn’t own the word Royal and they then had to dispute the words “Royal Service” by saying service was universal?

Hopefully the shameful naming of this baby will be the last nail in the coffin for the abolition their titles and succession rights. A slight adjustment on the Royal website is not enough.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s illness, death, funeral and mourning; the arrival of the new baby; the unveiling of the Diana Statue July 1st and last but not least the Royal Military Patronages desperately need reassigning . Shortly there will be no logical reason to delay matters any further.

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It really makes you wonder who's pulling who's strings in this farce! My money is not BP! Are they waiting for H complete breakdown or the divorce, whichever comes soonest before they act?

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Thanks for another great sum up of recent events. I completely understand updating weekly, time consuming and no doubt as time marches on, nauseating to have to record the ugliness perpetuated by PH and Her, and the inaction by the RF. The baby naming issue is the last straw for me, forget the racist card, the entire universe has had 18 months to learn what their true motives are and I don’t see the RF getting a lot of long term flack over cutting them loose.

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Good grief! Does this pair Sue for a living?

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I was autocorrected once again.....sue for a living.

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Thank you for this. The entire issue is simply mind boggling to anyone with a modicum of decency. They have taken a sweet, private nickname and turned it into a show. Will this name now begin to appear on the "most popular baby names" lists each year? Such a complete lack of class and respect. Pull the plug on these two already!

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A law case is coming! Question: When did JM call his Grandma? When was the domain name LilibetDiana was registered?

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Thanks HM, great blog as ever:) I was absolutely flabbergasted, jaw on the floor when I read what they had named their daughter and the registering of the domain name as soon as the child was born. Pretty obviously they are merching the name for their 'brand'. TW & JCMH obviously have handed the poor wee mite over to Granny D and are back to their restless RF bashing and insult throwing. It does hearten me though that Aussies don't beat about the bush in their media and are not afraid of being outspoken. And our cousins across the pond are wisening up to their 'untruths'. Thanks for that:):) Time for RF to take heed off the people in the UK, Commonwealth and the US and get rid of those titles they are merching to the high heavens! As for the 'book' what I have seen on of it - to put it politely - terrible, lame, rubbish and definately not poetic or for children IMO!

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TW is the Florence Foster Jenkins of the literary world, if that - and I can only imagine how upset Her Majesty must have been to learn of the selfish, inappropriate use of the pet name given to her by her closest family members; family members who are no longer around to object.

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Sussexes accuse BBC of libel over report about naming their daughter Lilibet

Harry and Meghan insist they asked Queen’s permission


David Brown

Wednesday June 09 2021, 12.00pm, The Times

Today’s statement issued on behalf of the Sussexes said the duke had called the Queen before their daughter’s birth

Today’s statement issued on behalf of the Sussexes said the duke had called the Queen before their daughter’s birth

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex insisted today that they had asked the Queen for permission to use her childhood nickname Lilibet for their baby daughter.

The couple issued legal warnings following a report by the BBC that the monarch had not been consulted about the use of the name.

Jonny Dymond, the corporation’s royal correspondent, quoted a Palace source saying the Queen was “never asked” her opinion on the couple’s decision to name their second child after her.

Lawyers for Harry and Meghan sent letters to the media today stating: “The article is false and defamatory...

A clip from The Times.

Surely the parents of a newborn are too busy and focused on other matters to care about this, as in to issue legal letters within hours? In the real world, new parents wouldn't care about this, so why does it matter to them. Don't they have children to feed and to change nappies?

Whatever is the truth, they (BP, and the duo) cannot change how people feel or think about this, and the optics of millions does actually matter.

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They are banking on the “never complain, never explain” stance the RF take.

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It's working so far! No-one has the guts to step up to the plate and close them down! 😠

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They are so petty minded they have to have the last word as if their truths are all that matters! They protest too much for anyone to believe a word they say! Deeper into the abyss they fall.....

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They aren't changing nappies, the nannies are. They knew there would be big blowback from their audacious choice of name, since it was deliberately chosen to wound, so they had a lawyer's statement all ready to go when the time came. The Harkles are looking for a fight because they know the book might flop, their resources must be dwindling (how can H take 20 months off a job he has only just barely started?) and they are desperate to stay in the news. They know they have full support from their cult fans, so they need to keep those piranhas fed. I doubt they are even out of bed right now. And I also doubt they have children for any other than purely political purposes.

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I wish they would take 20 months off Temple, alas its only 20 weeks! 😂😉

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Thanks for the catch! (I tried to reply earlier but Harry was having tea and quite rightly turned off comments just then)

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Does everything these two touch just blow up? I hope they sue. Bring it. I hope it becomes a Dickensian swamp for them.

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