He wants to tell his story "not as the Prince I was born but as the man I've become". Does this mean he won't use Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex on the title of the book I wonder....
What can they say apart from what they have already said? How much more punishment do they want to give his dad and grandmother? I don’t understand why or where JCMH is coming from, what (apart from money) is driving him, and what does he hope to get from it? I only hope that as it’s been in production for so long, and still a year to go before publication that the public will be so fed up it will be a total flop! Another book I won’t buy or read
Because JH is so thick and impressionable, one has to wonder how much of the interpretations and opinions in the book are actually those from the ghost writer and TW, stuffed into his head then presented as his own.
One of the puzzles in this sorry saga has been why do H&TW want to harm the Monarchy as an institution and the RF in personal attacks? It doesn't make sense they would actually want the whole thing to collapse, because their USP is the connection--if it no longer exists, neither do they. I've concluded no, they don't want it to collapse, they very much want it to keep going, but on their terms. Let's not forget TW wanted to transform the Monarchy (and presumably everyone in it but she didn't say so out loud, that would have been fatal--no big fancy wedding for one thing) and she clearly thought she could. Hit the ground running she said. Modernise those fuddy-duddies, California-ise them. Have them doing what she told them to. Needless to say, that plan failed spectacularly, she didn't get the Princess title she thought she would (Duchess? Meh, better than nothing, but most Americans associate the title Duchess with the character in Alice in Wonderland, you know, the one with the sneezing baby who turns into a pig) and no one was giving up a spot for her to step into, namely the DofC, If we think H is borderline insane in his envy of PW, I'd say it pales next to TW's envy of Catherine. There are tons of photographic evidence of TW trying to outdo C, trying to cozy up to PW (and getting "scarfed" for her efforts--so much for that plan), trying to charm PC, acting like the visit to Chester was a Girls' Day Out, just her and HMTQ. She always stepped in front of any other Royal, not because she couldn't or wouldn't grasp protocol, but because she reckoned she was more important. Now she's getting her revenge, egging H on to remember all the slights from his past to air in front of the world. You have to feel sorry for the RF for having let this creature in the front door.
Thanks, HM. I went to a ladies happy hour at a friend's house last night with 30 other women, aged 25-85. We talked about a wide range of topics which did not include TW and PH. I'm in Colorado, and no one I know personally ever talks about them. Many of the women there are also in the same book club as me, and you can guess what has never come up as a suggested title. This premature memoir reeks of desperation and attention grabbing. PH seems very unstable and erratic, which are unattractive to the people he needs here to make money. Dragging the RF has gotten old and the sympathy is waning.
It will be interesting to see if the ANL appeal leads to a full trial and it get to unravel some of the lies that have been peddled + some of the so called "friends" unmasked and the Bullying incidents put out into the public domain. It might take some of the shine of the Montecito's lying meanderings. Time for some real truths to be told
I wonder how much will be left in JCMH's book after the lawers have red penned anything libellous. Not sure I believe he has been paid the sums of money quoted in the media. Those figures probably came from whatever PF firm is currently flogging the couples ideas. Paper based publishing is on the decline worldwide as more and more people use electronic media.
We all know if it were not for that magic title Prince nobody would be interested. I am not sure even with the Prince title that many people would be interested.
JCMH book is aimed at the US market for two reasons (1) The UK hates PH & TW thus sales are not likely to be high (2) The UK liable laws are stronger so they can't say much but a US version could allow them to say more.
I'm interested to see if in the coming weeks there is a announcement canceling the publication. It's not uncommon these days for book contracts to be cancelled. Will Random House be under pressure from BP and the UK Government? The contracts appear to have been signed a long time ago when it was likely believed that both the UK and US public still liked PH & TW.
Time for the Monarchy to take a stand. Remove the titles and place in the line of succession and do not allow them to grace the balcony at the Platinum Jubilee. They have the same rights as the next person to be in London for the celebrations and should the family wish to receive them in a private capacity, then that is their prerogative. The people of the UK do not want them involved as they no longer represent the royal family or the people of the UK. They are both a disgrace and should be stopped in their tracks before they go any further. I hope that if any member of the royal family, dead or alive, is in any way implicated in the death of Diana, the royal lawyers will immediately sue for defamation. Imagine any grandson wishing to upstage his grandmother on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of loyal, faithful service to her country and the Commonwealth, with a tacky, self serving, diatribe against the family that protected him and welcomed the Great Pretender into the family. Disgusting, the pair of them.
I see what you mean Navi. I am very angry at the situation and my thoughts most likely do go faster than my typing. I do believe that in the book, Harry will try to imply that a member or members of the royal family are to blame for his mother’s death. If that’s the case, then the royals legal team should be all over them like a rash. I of course think any notion of that ilk is complete nonsense. Diana got in the car with a drunk driver and didn’t fasten her seatbelt. If she had done so, who knows, she may still have been alive. Sorry for causing any confusion.
Prince Harry and TW have obviously over-estimated the revenue stream that will result from their book/film (especially if it was planned long ago as Harry Markle suggests). It is amazing how fast the mention of Harry's book has retreated from the US news. There were small headlines (low on the page/screen) for a day but that's it. Without US interest any book/film will fade fast and make less money than they want/need. I can't speak to what impact such a book/film will have in the UK but the view from outside is that the Monarchy will easily be able to withstand any book/film. The "I'm a victim" approach leads to clicks for a couple of days and then nothing. Had Harry and his wife got the US public to like them then the money would have be rolling in but the US public is either indifferent (the vast majority) or hates them. When the book hits there will be headlines then it will fade fast. They will join the likes of infamous celebrities not the loved ones. I think that when TW was making her plans long ago she expected that she would be loved by the US but that has not turned out to be the case. Of course had she consulted with some of her celebrity friends she would have discovered how hard it is to win over the US public and that attacking The Queen is not the way to achieve it. Everyone in the UK have faith that your Monarchy will still be respected in the US no matter what PH & TW do. The US just doesn't care about them no matter how hard they and their PR team tries to make us care. Their revenue stream will dry up in a year or so then what will they do?
I like that differential between "infamous celebrities not the loved ones." H is forgetting he would be absolutely NOTHING without his family background. He is showing himself to be not such a nice guy at all. How many future partnerships do they think they will get if this petulant behavior is their modus operandi?
I truly believe the more books and cartoons they put out the greater the disapproval grows. I saw widespread disapproving comments on most publications this week.
I hope that will finally get the BRF attention and they will act swiftly before next year.
Thank you once again for providing us with this information. We all know where to go for a truthful version of events. It is very sad how Harry has turned against his family and the people of UK. They are a very dangerous couple and HMTQ needs to take her blinders off.
No parent is perfect, we all make mistakes. All families have disagreements and arguments. To publicly humiliate the family that have loved you all your life by focusing on negativities is a betrayal that will break their hearts. If Harry had a tiny bit of softness in his heart, he would not have wanted to publish any "memoir" before his grandparents and parents have all gone. He is still a Prince of the UK and holds a royal title of DoS, so he still has the responsibilities towards the RF and the country even though he has "stepped down". Sadly this immature, selfish and foolish man-child cannot comprehend the situation around him.
There was an interesting remark in an otherwise to-be-ignored article in DM this morning, about how people who publish memoirs should really wait until anyone mentioned in it is gone before doing so. Apart from being kind (which H isn't anyway) there is the possibility they can dispute what you say if they are atill around to be able to.
There is no explanation for the Marklecito's pattern of behavior other than their shared obsession with inflicting maximum damage on the institution of the monarchy---and therefore on Harry's family. TW has demonstrated her predatory nature by setting up and remorselessly cutting out her own father.
Two middle-aged, adolescent grifters tell us that up is down, greed and self aggrandizement are charity, and endless PR is the privacy they sought. Is it possible they can pull this off?
The Queen, Charles, Anne, William, the whole bunch find themselves facing a threat as diabolical, in some ways, as the one Elizabeth's father, George V1 faced during WW11. Like him, no matter how much they would prefer avoiding conflict, they must rise to the occasion and take decisive action----or accept the consequences of inaction. They really must stand up, recognize the stakes, and make their case.
Thank you for all this info HM. I wonder at times how you find it possible to sleep with all this info in your head. I just cannot wrap my mind around how this spoiled, undisciplined, privileged child could have so much hate and anger festering around in him towards his family. I can't find anything they've ever done to him that was so wrong, for him to turn on them so viciously. Just makes it even more clear he continues to have mental health issues as obviously all his counseling has done no good, as he continues to blame the world for all that hate and anger. As for this ridiculous book, I'm completely convinced TW convinced him he has a "truth" to tell and that everyone wants to hear it, when the real truth is we do not. My hope is that the good from this book will be that it becomes the final nail. He's crossed and burned all bridges so this book should be the final chapter for him in the RF. IMHO, this book is more accurately from the man he has yet to become!
Again, I cannot keep repeating that no gossip or speculation should be mentioned. I am closing the comments due to this again.
He wants to tell his story "not as the Prince I was born but as the man I've become". Does this mean he won't use Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex on the title of the book I wonder....
What can they say apart from what they have already said? How much more punishment do they want to give his dad and grandmother? I don’t understand why or where JCMH is coming from, what (apart from money) is driving him, and what does he hope to get from it? I only hope that as it’s been in production for so long, and still a year to go before publication that the public will be so fed up it will be a total flop! Another book I won’t buy or read
Because JH is so thick and impressionable, one has to wonder how much of the interpretations and opinions in the book are actually those from the ghost writer and TW, stuffed into his head then presented as his own.
One of the puzzles in this sorry saga has been why do H&TW want to harm the Monarchy as an institution and the RF in personal attacks? It doesn't make sense they would actually want the whole thing to collapse, because their USP is the connection--if it no longer exists, neither do they. I've concluded no, they don't want it to collapse, they very much want it to keep going, but on their terms. Let's not forget TW wanted to transform the Monarchy (and presumably everyone in it but she didn't say so out loud, that would have been fatal--no big fancy wedding for one thing) and she clearly thought she could. Hit the ground running she said. Modernise those fuddy-duddies, California-ise them. Have them doing what she told them to. Needless to say, that plan failed spectacularly, she didn't get the Princess title she thought she would (Duchess? Meh, better than nothing, but most Americans associate the title Duchess with the character in Alice in Wonderland, you know, the one with the sneezing baby who turns into a pig) and no one was giving up a spot for her to step into, namely the DofC, If we think H is borderline insane in his envy of PW, I'd say it pales next to TW's envy of Catherine. There are tons of photographic evidence of TW trying to outdo C, trying to cozy up to PW (and getting "scarfed" for her efforts--so much for that plan), trying to charm PC, acting like the visit to Chester was a Girls' Day Out, just her and HMTQ. She always stepped in front of any other Royal, not because she couldn't or wouldn't grasp protocol, but because she reckoned she was more important. Now she's getting her revenge, egging H on to remember all the slights from his past to air in front of the world. You have to feel sorry for the RF for having let this creature in the front door.
Thanks, HM. I went to a ladies happy hour at a friend's house last night with 30 other women, aged 25-85. We talked about a wide range of topics which did not include TW and PH. I'm in Colorado, and no one I know personally ever talks about them. Many of the women there are also in the same book club as me, and you can guess what has never come up as a suggested title. This premature memoir reeks of desperation and attention grabbing. PH seems very unstable and erratic, which are unattractive to the people he needs here to make money. Dragging the RF has gotten old and the sympathy is waning.
It will be interesting to see if the ANL appeal leads to a full trial and it get to unravel some of the lies that have been peddled + some of the so called "friends" unmasked and the Bullying incidents put out into the public domain. It might take some of the shine of the Montecito's lying meanderings. Time for some real truths to be told
But this book is touted to be ‘the real truth’ debunking all discrepancies! Honest! Ooh look there goes another flying 🐖
We can but hope!!
I wonder how much will be left in JCMH's book after the lawers have red penned anything libellous. Not sure I believe he has been paid the sums of money quoted in the media. Those figures probably came from whatever PF firm is currently flogging the couples ideas. Paper based publishing is on the decline worldwide as more and more people use electronic media.
We all know if it were not for that magic title Prince nobody would be interested. I am not sure even with the Prince title that many people would be interested.
JCMH book is aimed at the US market for two reasons (1) The UK hates PH & TW thus sales are not likely to be high (2) The UK liable laws are stronger so they can't say much but a US version could allow them to say more.
I'm interested to see if in the coming weeks there is a announcement canceling the publication. It's not uncommon these days for book contracts to be cancelled. Will Random House be under pressure from BP and the UK Government? The contracts appear to have been signed a long time ago when it was likely believed that both the UK and US public still liked PH & TW.
There has been a survey and not sure it would be worth publishing over in the UK if the numbers quoted are correct
Time for the Monarchy to take a stand. Remove the titles and place in the line of succession and do not allow them to grace the balcony at the Platinum Jubilee. They have the same rights as the next person to be in London for the celebrations and should the family wish to receive them in a private capacity, then that is their prerogative. The people of the UK do not want them involved as they no longer represent the royal family or the people of the UK. They are both a disgrace and should be stopped in their tracks before they go any further. I hope that if any member of the royal family, dead or alive, is in any way implicated in the death of Diana, the royal lawyers will immediately sue for defamation. Imagine any grandson wishing to upstage his grandmother on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of loyal, faithful service to her country and the Commonwealth, with a tacky, self serving, diatribe against the family that protected him and welcomed the Great Pretender into the family. Disgusting, the pair of them.
Exactly! I think the cover from "The Star" newspaper is spot on and aptly displays the memoir's contents.
I see what you mean Navi. I am very angry at the situation and my thoughts most likely do go faster than my typing. I do believe that in the book, Harry will try to imply that a member or members of the royal family are to blame for his mother’s death. If that’s the case, then the royals legal team should be all over them like a rash. I of course think any notion of that ilk is complete nonsense. Diana got in the car with a drunk driver and didn’t fasten her seatbelt. If she had done so, who knows, she may still have been alive. Sorry for causing any confusion.
Prince Harry and TW have obviously over-estimated the revenue stream that will result from their book/film (especially if it was planned long ago as Harry Markle suggests). It is amazing how fast the mention of Harry's book has retreated from the US news. There were small headlines (low on the page/screen) for a day but that's it. Without US interest any book/film will fade fast and make less money than they want/need. I can't speak to what impact such a book/film will have in the UK but the view from outside is that the Monarchy will easily be able to withstand any book/film. The "I'm a victim" approach leads to clicks for a couple of days and then nothing. Had Harry and his wife got the US public to like them then the money would have be rolling in but the US public is either indifferent (the vast majority) or hates them. When the book hits there will be headlines then it will fade fast. They will join the likes of infamous celebrities not the loved ones. I think that when TW was making her plans long ago she expected that she would be loved by the US but that has not turned out to be the case. Of course had she consulted with some of her celebrity friends she would have discovered how hard it is to win over the US public and that attacking The Queen is not the way to achieve it. Everyone in the UK have faith that your Monarchy will still be respected in the US no matter what PH & TW do. The US just doesn't care about them no matter how hard they and their PR team tries to make us care. Their revenue stream will dry up in a year or so then what will they do?
I like that differential between "infamous celebrities not the loved ones." H is forgetting he would be absolutely NOTHING without his family background. He is showing himself to be not such a nice guy at all. How many future partnerships do they think they will get if this petulant behavior is their modus operandi?
Thank you for the kind words. It is actually heartbreaking to think that an American audience might believe their truth. God save the Queen.
I truly believe the more books and cartoons they put out the greater the disapproval grows. I saw widespread disapproving comments on most publications this week.
I hope that will finally get the BRF attention and they will act swiftly before next year.
Thank HM for sharing your insight.
Thank you once again for providing us with this information. We all know where to go for a truthful version of events. It is very sad how Harry has turned against his family and the people of UK. They are a very dangerous couple and HMTQ needs to take her blinders off.
Thank you OH. Another brilliant article but it’s a shame others ‘steal’ your information and pass it off as their own.
No parent is perfect, we all make mistakes. All families have disagreements and arguments. To publicly humiliate the family that have loved you all your life by focusing on negativities is a betrayal that will break their hearts. If Harry had a tiny bit of softness in his heart, he would not have wanted to publish any "memoir" before his grandparents and parents have all gone. He is still a Prince of the UK and holds a royal title of DoS, so he still has the responsibilities towards the RF and the country even though he has "stepped down". Sadly this immature, selfish and foolish man-child cannot comprehend the situation around him.
There was an interesting remark in an otherwise to-be-ignored article in DM this morning, about how people who publish memoirs should really wait until anyone mentioned in it is gone before doing so. Apart from being kind (which H isn't anyway) there is the possibility they can dispute what you say if they are atill around to be able to.
As in "recollections may vary."
There is no explanation for the Marklecito's pattern of behavior other than their shared obsession with inflicting maximum damage on the institution of the monarchy---and therefore on Harry's family. TW has demonstrated her predatory nature by setting up and remorselessly cutting out her own father.
Two middle-aged, adolescent grifters tell us that up is down, greed and self aggrandizement are charity, and endless PR is the privacy they sought. Is it possible they can pull this off?
The Queen, Charles, Anne, William, the whole bunch find themselves facing a threat as diabolical, in some ways, as the one Elizabeth's father, George V1 faced during WW11. Like him, no matter how much they would prefer avoiding conflict, they must rise to the occasion and take decisive action----or accept the consequences of inaction. They really must stand up, recognize the stakes, and make their case.
Thank you for all this info HM. I wonder at times how you find it possible to sleep with all this info in your head. I just cannot wrap my mind around how this spoiled, undisciplined, privileged child could have so much hate and anger festering around in him towards his family. I can't find anything they've ever done to him that was so wrong, for him to turn on them so viciously. Just makes it even more clear he continues to have mental health issues as obviously all his counseling has done no good, as he continues to blame the world for all that hate and anger. As for this ridiculous book, I'm completely convinced TW convinced him he has a "truth" to tell and that everyone wants to hear it, when the real truth is we do not. My hope is that the good from this book will be that it becomes the final nail. He's crossed and burned all bridges so this book should be the final chapter for him in the RF. IMHO, this book is more accurately from the man he has yet to become!