How ironic, a duo that claim that they seek and desire privacy seem keen to tell the world ‘their story’ over and over again, hoping that someone will literally buy it. They are selling themselves, as well as monetizing the titles that ought to have been removed in March 2020.
Readers will recall that I had mentioned the book in January this year, and even when I received the news, I thought he would not be that stupid or stoop so low. The book will (as I have been told) focus on the death of Diana, and how he felt, and who he blames. That has been a recurring theme in his blame for his suffering while growing up.
Memoirs are usually written in hindsight, when people have learned lessons from their mistakes. How can one write a memoir while making one of the biggest mistakes in their life? However, the book has a purpose it seems, and that is to legitimize a conspiracy film that will be released at the same time.
While Harry has the right to tell his truth from his perspective, that doesn’t necessarily equate to the actual truth, nor does the public have to believe his truth. How he feels about things is personal and private, so he seems prepared to sacrifice the privacy he escaped to the US to find for dollars. Isn’t that hypocritical too? Preach one thing, and then to sell your private story, or perhaps it will be a fabricated tale?
*A note to other writers who have made the claim they have had sources that have stated the same as I have regarding the content of the book – it is polite to credit the actual source than to pass off the source as your own. I have had this information since January, yet some outlets decided to report on this AFTER I had published my latest post. Have some ethics please, or you are as bad as the Sussexes, as I have only shared a portion of what the source had sent – do you have that other information?
Perhaps Harry is beyond help now as he is keen to destroy any family bonds and goodwill. The book was completed in January 2021, yet this was also part of the exit plan no doubt. Playing the ‘dead Diana’ card was low, and surely the Spencer family can see that too, and that one of Diana’s sons is cashing in on her death for his own personal greed. No one thought that he could stoop so low, yet he has and that’s why all the titles and styles should be revoked, and his place be removed in the order of succession. The damage has been done, the least BP can do is limit further harm.
Again, I cannot keep repeating that no gossip or speculation should be mentioned. I am closing the comments due to this again.
Time for the Monarchy to take a stand. Remove the titles and place in the line of succession and do not allow them to grace the balcony at the Platinum Jubilee. They have the same rights as the next person to be in London for the celebrations and should the family wish to receive them in a private capacity, then that is their prerogative. The people of the UK do not want them involved as they no longer represent the royal family or the people of the UK. They are both a disgrace and should be stopped in their tracks before they go any further. I hope that if any member of the royal family, dead or alive, is in any way implicated in the death of Diana, the royal lawyers will immediately sue for defamation. Imagine any grandson wishing to upstage his grandmother on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee, celebrating seventy years of loyal, faithful service to her country and the Commonwealth, with a tacky, self serving, diatribe against the family that protected him and welcomed the Great Pretender into the family. Disgusting, the pair of them.