The comment that Dimwit would have to keep up with his clever wife regarding his 2 new clearly straight out of the witches mouth. Must be in a temper with him....
News came out earlier this month that David Brooks, a famous columnist for the New York Times, had to resign his paid position at the Aspen Institute and serve only on a voluntary basis, and he is henceforth required to disclose his connection with the Institute and its donors in any column or public communication touching on the Institute or its donors. The NYT has edited his past columns to add this disclosure. An NYT spokesperson said its Opinion editors had concluded his holding a paid position at the Institute represented a "conflict of interest".
In addition to columns written for the NYT, he blogged for Facebook, recommended Nextdoor while appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, and has appeared in corporate videos for donors (Facebook and Nextdoor are among the donors).
According to one media outlet: "Brooks's behavior raises thorny ethical issues for the Times. By appearing in videos for Weave funders, he's lending the paper's credence to entities in which he has a stake. The revelations of these entanglements have angered the Times’ newsroom.."
The college newspaper of Brooks' alma mater (where he is now a Trustee), also reported transparency issues at Aspen regarding Facebook donations.
If HMTQ does not remove the titles or at least insist they not be used in connection with PH's new "jobs", it will look like the NYT takes its reputation more seriously than the RF. Do they want to be seen as lending royal credence to BU and the Aspen project and its donors?
David Brooks is now out??? LOL David BROOKS??? Geez, now we know the world is upside down. I am new here, so do not want to be political at all. But, well, DB is about as representative for his point of view as it is possible to be , and if HE is being "eaten" then maybe we have hope that the Harkles are next on the menu!
He is not out. He just had to resign his paid position at Aspen, fulfill his duties there voluntarily instead, and disclose his association with Aspen and donors when writing or speaking publicly about anything to do with Aspen or its donors. As in giving notice to readers or listeners that there may be a conflict of interest involved.
According to the DE, Harry and Smerkles "have offered to advise the Palace on how to become a more diverse workplace" which was, of course, refused. a joke? 🃏
@Harry Markel-are you aware of an ongoing effort to get substack removed by those who disagree with freedom of speech? Read an article that mentioned this earlier. I hope not!
It is especially worrisome now during the pandemic when we no longer have freedom of association (also a guaranteed right under the American Constitution). I am not saying I disagree with keeping necessary distance from each other during these times, just pointing out we now cannot freely associate with others and discuss issues in person. Now that the internet (including social media, commenting on news articles and blogs, etc.) is our main means of communicating with one another and, to quote MM, "have a voice", these avenues are being abolished or severely throttled. Leaving us with what, only phone conversations?
not Harrymarkle. There's an effort to kill substack as a platform. Because they can't control the content, you see. All that 'misinformation' that Harry will be addressing
But didn't they say that they ignore all the negative things that are said about them....? Guess that was just another lie, as she changes her hair every time an article appears on DM criticizing it. Notice the new Olive Oyl look instead of the Cher look? She also discarded the cape look thanks to the beating the green goblin outfit took. In addition, Haz stopped wearing grey t-shirts as much as he used to, and I bet we will never see his bare feet again.
The picture of her olive oil cake looked exactly like one pictured on the website of a well-known bakery with online ordering and shipping. I'm not saying she did not bake it herself, and it just happened to look like one of their cakes, of course. She might well have.
Uh-huh - I personally think she had her chef make it, and Harry picked the lemons himself despite the fact that he is a titled Duke. And if you believe she baked it herself with her own royal fingers, I have a great bridge in Brooklyn that I would be happy to sell you :)
Yes and yes - actually the olive oil cake cake reminded me of Olive Oyl LOL - the moment I saw that article, I said, "Of COURSE - the new hairdo for the lady that both Popeye and Brutus (I think that was his name) fought over!" Olive and Meghan even have the same legs!
Oh THAT free speech thingy? I hope Dim one didn't chuck out his Nazi uniform.. looks like it will come in handy at the book burning events and broadband disconnections.
I wonder if Harry has got this 'job' in return for investing a hefty sum of money in the business thus enabling him to get permanent residency. No way is he going to apply for American citizenship as he would have to alienate his British nationality and thus his titles. As for the film about Princess Diana, talk about flogging a dead horse. Didn't that story originate with a certain BBC journalist who was keen to interview her? I honestly think most people in Britain (those that even bother to think about it) are fed up with them. What's the feeling in America?
Newsweek had a poll of Americans after the Oprah fiasco. Meghan had an approval rating of 15%, and Harry's was 28%. This poll is on the WWW where anyone can look it up. Everyone I know who knows the Sussex Saga (and that is not that many people, because most people I know do not even know who Meghan is - they know that Harry is Diana's son, but some are not even sure if he is the eldest child of PC). Most people in the USA are not Royal-mad, though most admire the Queen. Most Americans were royalty-mad when Diana was alive, and we all knew who she was, but now most do not really care one way or another. We certainly have our own problems to deal with. Do not believe everything you read in the papers about how we all adore the Markles.
I've been fed up with them way before they fled the UK to the U.S. These two are promoting more racial division in the U.S. something we don't need and something that race hustlers push to keep power can control. The only thing they are famous for is destruction, division, and hatred. When will it ALL stop!!
Seriously doubt h gave any $$$ to get those jobs.... they don’t have enough and you don’t hear about them donating large sums of $$ to any charity, baked a cake, bought some sandwiches, helped to pay for a roof, etc. No PR released about writing a 6 figure check to any charity. H$m are the charity, after all h said: I was cut off financially and had to live off my (dead) mother’s inheritance .... only estimated at £20m a year ago. We Americans love car wrecks/train wrecks, we can’t/don’t look away, love to see the rich fail and because of covid and crime and other major issues, this is a distraction for many of us.... just my opinion.
They have just donated £10,000 to a Muslim charity in Nottingham to fight racial discrimination. I am sure they could afford £1,000,000 if it means Harry can stay in the USA. They could always borrow against future expectations. Fact of Life lots of rich people claim to be poor but they don't mean what you and I mean by poor.
Headline from the Mail .... “ British charity tackling racism and poverty says it kept Meghan Markle's £10,000 donation secret over fears she could damage its reputation because she's 'like Marmite' “
The money apparently came via the Royal Foundation (Kate and Wills) and was from sale of the Granville Cook Book. Selling at £10 with £5 going to charity. Megain apparently not only did the foreword for the book but copyrighted it as well. The money was given in August and they have released the info now in solidarity against her calling the RF racists. Silly little charity, the trustees were right first time round, they should have kept quiet.
I had to read twice to see where I'd lost the connection that went "from The Royal Foundation" to her ;)... they should have kept quiet but I guess Meghan PR Machine is running short of places where to ask for more Mother Teresa halos for her.
I don't know what to make of this. Reported by The Express: Katie Nicholl, the royal reporter for Vanity Fair says H&M offered to be involved in reforming the Palace 'workplace'. The Palace has said "Thanks, but no thanks". If true, this is astonishing. The lack of self awareness of staggering.
The Palace already have a diversity program - most large organisations in both the UK and US do - this is not just about ethnic minorities and white people - it should affect all people - young, old, LGBTQ+. Under this program it should be acknowledged we are all different but we should all have our views and opinions respected while working together to achieve the organisation's goals. In the DM a "source" says:
"We have the policies, procedures and programmes in place but we haven't seen the progress we would like and accept more needs to be done. We can always improve.
'We are not afraid to look at new ways of approaching it. The work to do this has been under way for some time now and comes with the full support of the family."
Therefore the Q is not reacting to MM and H's interview by putting procedures in place - they were already there - she is just doing an "audit" to find ways to improve on what they currently do.
I would have thought the last people on earth to help her do this would be MM and H considering the amount of trouble they have caused - in my view they have put this type of work back years and divided people rather than getting them to work together!!!
Maybe she has suggestions for how to be more effective when slapping ones minions. Or the precise angle at which to toss hot beverages for maxium damage. Could be one a million things she is VERY good at dealing with unruly people especially little children also known as whiny brats.
The reform surrounds the diversity issue. There may be no basis for this story as it’s difficult to verify. I doubt Harry and his wife would get involved as they do not appear to be very diverse in their own choice of employees.
The racism allegation was made against a ‘senior member of the royal family’. The royal family are not technically employees so it would not be an issue for the HR department to investigate. Any ‘looking at diversity’ regarding staff could just be a recognition that they don’t have a Polish plumber or a French cook which is probably more because jobs usually go to someone who knows someone. All to do with privacy and confidentiality more than anything else I’m sure. The issue regarding racism (if it happened) is purely within the family and will be handled privately as it should have been at the time by an immediate challenge, not saved for weaponising at a later date.
I've given some thought to your post. Here is why I think the report may have some merit. Because reporters who have the status of 'royal reporter' for an outlet - especially one as prestigious as Vanity Fair - are going to be careful of their own credibility by not reporting vaporous rumors. Just a thought.
What I am finding so frustrating about all this. Is the media,newspapers,chat shows etc are all either getting people to step down or fired. All on the basis of public complaints. Yet here we are a year on and The Queen is not listening or taking action on the public, her citizens complaints!
I totally agree; freedom of speech is truly under attack as I've never seen before! I hope that these tv shows ratings crash. I don't and never will watch these toxic shows that only bang on about racism and divisive topics!
Oh this has been happening for a very long time- creating news- not reporting it. I don't buy newspapers or have tv. And no social media -makes for a happier life! My mobile is for phone calls only and texts from friends. Back in the 90'S I got sick of seeing z list celebrities/ influencers bleating about having a broken nail! sheeesh
I mainly watch old DVD's and read old books - I have hundreds, as almost all of the stuff we have nowadays (movies, TV shows, even new books by authors I used to love) has a leftist slant or is a ridiculous blow up everything in sight or silly reality program. LOL, I am turning into my parents the older I get. They used to always proclaim that the old movies and TV shows were the best. I tried FaceBook for a very short while, but it bored me to pieces. I just had no interest in seeing what my friends ate for dessert at a chain restaurant. The last time I went to the actual movie house was to see Downton Abbey - the movie. I WILL buy the Harry Markle books and the Bowers one. I also bought Lady Colin's book and Samantha's, but I had the nerve to write a favorable comment about Lady C's book, which caused amazon to shut me down due to the number of complaints. I had said nothing negative about the Markles ( I know better than to do that on a public platform other than here or on the DM or on the Fox News website when they publish one of their very few articles on the Markles where they allow comments. CNN and all the others do not even allow comments. I have to go to DM or here to even find anything on the Markles. PS - whenever comments are allowed, they are overwhelmingly negative of the Markles, both here and in GB and the Commonwealth. Maybe that is why they are on a quest to suppress free speech.
Alice I feel the same. Do the same. I’ve left social media. Rely on old standbys mostly for reading or watching. I’m proud to be becoming my grandmother-a true strong lady whose only vice was a weird liking for Soul Train. Haha!
She has just a "tiny" problem in her ascend to History - she's American and (not very inteligently) decided to make the campaign from there... Now we've all seen thousands of prople who are divinised one day and brought to the gutters the next... She will learn, and soon, how bad she calculated her move. As soon as Her Majesty takes a stand their "luck" will start shifting (heading the gutter way), mark my words.
There may be an aspect to this, maybe Harry wants to provide that story to the world and found this way to do it. Finally something for Netflix....must admit I just mentioned it to my hubby and he responded ‘well, I’d watch that’. Just a thought.
If true; this is sad. It seems the media and now H will never let Princess Di rest in peace. Sometimes it's best to to leave the past behind and look forward to the things ahead. However; it seems that H&M can't and won't do that. I believe this will end badly for the Harkles!
Look around at the wrecking-ball antics of the present toxic fad, Cancel Culture. Count the money stories in the media that are about real or alleged or imagined or fabricated events from the past, for which *we*, who were not there, are being held accountable and told *we* must apologise, atone, pay reparations. Cancel Culture is sick. Rotten to its core. We need to fight against it every bit as fiercely as we fight to preserve the right to freedom of speech.
Still much loved are they? Bring it all up again . The ridiculous theories about a very frail almost centenarian.......will anything break that camel's back? Pure poison from Montecito. Did BP ever do any due diligence on that woman? Not only themselves, but they saddled the nation and The Commonwealth with this exhausting freak show.
I think the Royal family had no choice but to open their arms to Meghan. Had they not, the entire planet would have screeched racism. Remember, when she first appeared on the scene, everyone loved her. Besides, Harry was only a minor Royal (then and now, so no harm), and everyone, including myself, thought she would be a wonderful representative for the Commonwealth. How wrong we all were.
No. Just no. This nonsensical carcass has been picked over so many times by pretty much all tabloid vultures, its bones have been bleached white by decades of bright sun shining on it at every opportunity. Anyone who seriously tries to beat this dead horse back to life is going to end up laughed out of town, and deservedly so. If this is all H&M can dredge up to fling at the RF, it shows they have nothing left and are trying this old chestnut out in desperation.
This morning's Sunday Times's Rod Liddle sums it up nicely: [Harry says:] '“Self-optimisation is not about fixing something that’s broken. It’s about becoming the best version of ourselves, with whatever life throws at us.”
'There you are, then. The importance of that statement is in the language used. It is his final estrangement from the country of his birth. He has forsaken the mother tongue, perhaps on account of its racist and imperialist heritage, for a language concocted by American charlatans and psychoquacks that is devoid of real meaning. Anybody who uses the phrase “self-optimisation” without irony needs a plutonium enema applied immediately. But this is the language which, henceforth, the ginger dupe will be parroting, it seems.'
Didn't we have a word for that.. copping or copsing oh yes I remember it is called coping. Why use one word eh H, when a page of word salad fills up the space and pretends you have something of semi interest to say?
He showed his true self squatting in the hen house like the proverbial spare wotsit at a wedding while MM told a brazen lie about being married by the A of C in their garden, 3 days prior to bring married again at their £32 million hoopla.
So, Harry really believes he has become the 'best version' of himself? And he doesn't feel he should fix his broken self? He's deluded, and dangerous to be spouting this cr*p. What a complete 'tuss' he is.
I agree; there are so many young people who will believe H&M's dribble and take it as the truth. They are truly dangerous and must loose the Titles and I truly believe H should be removed from the line of succession before it's too late. I know the RF are afraid of how this will look but they must do what is right. My grandmother always told me, "when you do right, right will follow. When you do wrong, wrong will follow." She always said to us, "wrong is wrong even if I'm guilty." No matter how hard you try you can't make right wrong and wrong right!
Absolutely! And I do worry about the message that is being sent out, ie two people who bully anyone who dares to disagree with them are not punished but seemingly rewarded. What sort of life lesson is that? Grrr...
I doubt H even knows what the words mean or whether they make any sense. Does anyone actually believe he has the wit to write this rubbish, he just seems happy to read out statements written for him full of big sounding terms which I am sure he thinks will make him sound intelligent and look like someone with gravitas. The words are simply not natural to him, whether they make sense of not so it is just something else which makes him look a gullible fool rather than naturally relatable.
He has absolutely no qualifications. I don’t think he’s a good spokesperson for any mental health conversation. He couldn’t even help is own wife. Or was that whole interview just to give a plug for their new podcast Oprah and Harry. And then they can say oh look how this helped us. No! You have to go to a professional with knowledge of solutions. All they do is produce problems and never hear solutions. A bunch of word salads. And more then once they have said they lied about comments made, when they caught. Not a credible couple in my opinion, and that’s my truth.
I’m starting to think Harry is clinically, measurably dumb. As in, there is a chart in a textbook somewhere that he has fallen off of. He has NO business being in a leadership position of any sort.
I don't think he's in a leadership position, not really. He was taken on because his name looked good on the letterheads. A bit like Eugenie and Bea's 'jobs'. They don't do any actual work for the companies their names are on.
I think he is not only certifiably dumb, he must have had some form of severe arrested development in all aspects including emotional. To go down this path seemingly so unaware, to have someone like Browning on their team, to continually hurt his own family repeatedly.
Just read about Browning owning the Inquest script, wonder if that will be their 1st Netflix production? Netflix would love it, they can promote it easily, huge headlines, believing that subscriptions will increase! What are the odds that h$m knew he owned it prior to hiring him? But then that might be the LAST Diana card he can use, then what will h do?
Good grief the drama and craziness with h$m never will end. They are always going to be controversial because that’s what they want and need to stay on the internet. Not sure if this will work out financially for them in the end... I don’t believe their constant whining/complaining, suing others will bring them any happiness, money, and the fame and permanent connections they desire. I do feel for PW, good thing he has a family to take care of and that cares about him.
Well what dya now IS THAT A FAT LADY SINGING- must be the end!
reported in the DM:
"The Hollywood producer hired as the new boss of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's film production company owns the rights to a controversial movie which claims Princess Diana was 'murdered' by the Royal Family. Ben Browning, who was last week named as head of Archewell Productions and Archewell Audio, bought the script to 'Inquest' in 2013 following a fierce bidding war."
I Know A.A.BOFFIN say no conspiracy theories- I don't want to indulge any either, but I thought this was worthy of a 'Chat' Dim does blame the paparazzi for killing him mother... Those of us who know better know it was a drunk driver. Nail in coffin?
Can we stop a moment to think what Prince William must feel for having his mother brought from the dead for money and show? By his own son? Harry really has no morals whatsover :(
There was a Spanich Singer whose husband died life during a bullfight. Every year on the anniversary of his death in the arena TVs would pass the images and one day she tried to stop it asking if people knew what that made her feel?! It was like her husband dying all over again every year... Enough. Harry doesn't own in solo the filial connection to Diana who I am sure would have lived to regret. And people think people will mind the memorial? When it happens most people will be already fed up of the entire soap opera... thanks to H$M
Agreed; truly sad. I do wish that they would let her rest in peace and use their platform to left people up instead of tearing them down. Also; please stop talking about themselves. It's really a sign of desperation in my opinion!
You can bet MM has been feeding this tosh so Harry would begin to hate his family. If he is so far gone then it would explain why he is dead set again ruining them all. Shows how low his IQ is if he cannot question or see two sides.
Oh he'll go. And give side eye to his brother and family... he'd rather have smug Megz beside but he will be there, jeaopardising the event because people wont be kind...
We're talking about the British and trust me that they will deliver... probably in a way (not boos at all as, like you say, there will be others present) so classy and witty that we will need Harry Markled to explain it for us LOL. Remember the song they dedicated in one of their last events ;). Oh yes, they will do - no boos, no signs but he (and the BRF) will receive the warning loud and clear.
It is not a good look for the duo, in my opinion, to have just hired someone with the rights to this conspiracy theory movie script in his back pocket. Did JCMH know about this ownership? Was he concerned? How does the RF feel about this kind of script being in existence? Is this one they know about? Are there others similar to this? Is Kazie correct that this might become a Netflix production? Freeman is right; it seems pretty to have been conclusively demonstrated via more than one exhaustive inquiry that Diana died because of a number of factors, not least of which she was not wearing her seatbelt. But this script issue surely raises questions, it seems to me, Hanah Brown, about the intentions of the duo and their knowledge of their new employee's ownership of the thing. But we'll see. I don't know much about this kind of thing -- the ownership of scripts and their potential for production, etc. However, I am always highly suspicious of the motives behind the duo's actions, though, and I agree with you -- this might be a big deal. Or not. We shall see! Signing off for the evening! Best regards to all.
They (he) weren’t worried about the “interview” being aired by a TV company that showed the pictures of PD in the car, in the tunnel after the crash. No scruples when there’s $ to be made.
I thought Diana died because she was NOT wearing a seat belt and would have survived had she done so. Really do not think the RF had any hand in that..
Divorce for the rich is diff than for normal income people. So many people talk abt MM making out like a bandit when she divorces PH. No matter what happens in a divorce, MM will be rich beyond her wildest dreams. Actually MM may wind up having to pay PH alimony or maintenance and child support, childcare will prob be split 50/50 and both parents are responsible for supporting the children in the style they have been raised. PH only work history was soldiering for 10 yrs and he hasn't earned a decent income since - they were supported mainly by PC and PC can't be forced to continue to support PH, MM, and the children. MM has been a progressively successful actress for over ten years and earned a nice income for her last job - Suits - so she can be self supporting thus receiving no alimony / maintenance or child support from PH because he is a no to low income earner. Since MM confessed to depression and suicidal thoughts, a good lawyer could possibly get PH primary custody and child support additionally to alimony / maintenance. MM may have to pay PH child support even if she has primary child custody if he is a no to low earner. Now that PH has a job or two, that changes his financial condition. I did know a very successful woman who owned her own business and ended up paying alimony or maintenance to her ex hubbie. Eventually she took out a loan of maybe $1m to buy him out to get him permanently out of her life. Calif is a community property state so marital assets and debits are split 50/50, alimony / maintenance are awarded according to individual marriages and income, inheritance is excluded from divorce distribution unless co mingled with marital assets. Calif is interesting. If either divorcing spouse hides money and that money is later discovered, as punishment it is given to the other ex spouse. I am not a lawyer and this info is based on my very basic knowledge of divorce law and each divorce is different. Interesting though. MM will be 40 this Aug. Divorce for the rich can take many years. By the time they divorce she will be very much over the hill and no rich man will want her. Too many more beautiful and younger woman looking for a rich hubbie a rich old man can choose from. The only men available to MM may be younger gold diggers.
Their burn rate I feels like it would be quite high between their PR and legal bills. In the big scheme of things, H doesn’t have enough money to lead the lifestyle she wants and his earning potential will wane as the novelty wears off. His status in the US is not nearly the same as un thé UK and his fortune is not a big deal in CA. There is never enough in her eyes and wouldn’t be terribly surprising for her to align herself with OW to become Gayle 2.0.
Oprah is too busy pushing the Discovery+ app here - those commercials are on like every five seconds and are repeated back-to-back, and once one comes on, I change the channel or go read a book or watch an old movie on my DVD player. Discovery+ (according to their endless commercials) mainly shows reality shows that are already on TV with a new episode thrown in occasionally to get you to upgrade your subscription for a price. I do not subscribe to any pay-per-view channels, as my cable bill is already too high for the nonsense they have, and I am seriously thinking of getting rid of cable for good and keep my TV's for my DVD's only. I used to have Netflix, but I cancelled after they got too woke for me. I have no interest in sports or shopping channels or cookery channels or Real Housewives of Whatever or Ancient Aliens theorists or infomercials or any of the junk on cable TV. Most of the old movies that I watch there I already own on DVD, and all the commercials just make me sick.
Oh, and the basic price for Discovery+ allows endless commercials as well. If you want commercial-free, that costs extra LOL. Thanks, but no thanks. I am not sure I would even pay the basic price without endless commercials. If this trend continues, bye-bye cable. Hello, DVD's.
The comment that Dimwit would have to keep up with his clever wife regarding his 2 new clearly straight out of the witches mouth. Must be in a temper with him....
Considering that his wife is equivalent to the bluntest knife in the bottom drawer, he must have single digit IQ then.
News came out earlier this month that David Brooks, a famous columnist for the New York Times, had to resign his paid position at the Aspen Institute and serve only on a voluntary basis, and he is henceforth required to disclose his connection with the Institute and its donors in any column or public communication touching on the Institute or its donors. The NYT has edited his past columns to add this disclosure. An NYT spokesperson said its Opinion editors had concluded his holding a paid position at the Institute represented a "conflict of interest".
In addition to columns written for the NYT, he blogged for Facebook, recommended Nextdoor while appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, and has appeared in corporate videos for donors (Facebook and Nextdoor are among the donors).
According to one media outlet: "Brooks's behavior raises thorny ethical issues for the Times. By appearing in videos for Weave funders, he's lending the paper's credence to entities in which he has a stake. The revelations of these entanglements have angered the Times’ newsroom.."
The college newspaper of Brooks' alma mater (where he is now a Trustee), also reported transparency issues at Aspen regarding Facebook donations.
If HMTQ does not remove the titles or at least insist they not be used in connection with PH's new "jobs", it will look like the NYT takes its reputation more seriously than the RF. Do they want to be seen as lending royal credence to BU and the Aspen project and its donors?
David Brooks is now out??? LOL David BROOKS??? Geez, now we know the world is upside down. I am new here, so do not want to be political at all. But, well, DB is about as representative for his point of view as it is possible to be , and if HE is being "eaten" then maybe we have hope that the Harkles are next on the menu!
He is not out. He just had to resign his paid position at Aspen, fulfill his duties there voluntarily instead, and disclose his association with Aspen and donors when writing or speaking publicly about anything to do with Aspen or its donors. As in giving notice to readers or listeners that there may be a conflict of interest involved.
According to the DE, Harry and Smerkles "have offered to advise the Palace on how to become a more diverse workplace" which was, of course, refused. a joke? 🃏
It appears their own staff are not exactly diverse. Another case of "do as I say, not as I do"?
If they had waited until Thursday we would know it was a joke. As it is..........
I was so disgusted reading this. There are no words to describe them. I was happy to read BP response.
Arrogance if true. Sheer arrogance.
Let's hope so.
Well said! She would too!
@Harry Markel-are you aware of an ongoing effort to get substack removed by those who disagree with freedom of speech? Read an article that mentioned this earlier. I hope not!
Freedom of speech is under attack nowadays like I've never seen in my relatively long life. We should all be very worried.
And yet some people are free to tell their truth
"Their truth" may be jaded.
Select few!
It is especially worrisome now during the pandemic when we no longer have freedom of association (also a guaranteed right under the American Constitution). I am not saying I disagree with keeping necessary distance from each other during these times, just pointing out we now cannot freely associate with others and discuss issues in person. Now that the internet (including social media, commenting on news articles and blogs, etc.) is our main means of communicating with one another and, to quote MM, "have a voice", these avenues are being abolished or severely throttled. Leaving us with what, only phone conversations?
Appears so. I’ve left all social media. This is my safe space now. That and my phone!
You are correct. It’s very concerning!
Harrymarkle removed? who? why?...
not Harrymarkle. There's an effort to kill substack as a platform. Because they can't control the content, you see. All that 'misinformation' that Harry will be addressing
But didn't they say that they ignore all the negative things that are said about them....? Guess that was just another lie, as she changes her hair every time an article appears on DM criticizing it. Notice the new Olive Oyl look instead of the Cher look? She also discarded the cape look thanks to the beating the green goblin outfit took. In addition, Haz stopped wearing grey t-shirts as much as he used to, and I bet we will never see his bare feet again.
All true!
The picture of her olive oil cake looked exactly like one pictured on the website of a well-known bakery with online ordering and shipping. I'm not saying she did not bake it herself, and it just happened to look like one of their cakes, of course. She might well have.
Uh-huh - I personally think she had her chef make it, and Harry picked the lemons himself despite the fact that he is a titled Duke. And if you believe she baked it herself with her own royal fingers, I have a great bridge in Brooklyn that I would be happy to sell you :)
Yes and yes - actually the olive oil cake cake reminded me of Olive Oyl LOL - the moment I saw that article, I said, "Of COURSE - the new hairdo for the lady that both Popeye and Brutus (I think that was his name) fought over!" Olive and Meghan even have the same legs!
Oops - his name was Bluto I think....not Brutus.
Oh THAT free speech thingy? I hope Dim one didn't chuck out his Nazi uniform.. looks like it will come in handy at the book burning events and broadband disconnections.
True that!! Ha!
HAR! Well done!
I wonder if Harry has got this 'job' in return for investing a hefty sum of money in the business thus enabling him to get permanent residency. No way is he going to apply for American citizenship as he would have to alienate his British nationality and thus his titles. As for the film about Princess Diana, talk about flogging a dead horse. Didn't that story originate with a certain BBC journalist who was keen to interview her? I honestly think most people in Britain (those that even bother to think about it) are fed up with them. What's the feeling in America?
Newsweek had a poll of Americans after the Oprah fiasco. Meghan had an approval rating of 15%, and Harry's was 28%. This poll is on the WWW where anyone can look it up. Everyone I know who knows the Sussex Saga (and that is not that many people, because most people I know do not even know who Meghan is - they know that Harry is Diana's son, but some are not even sure if he is the eldest child of PC). Most people in the USA are not Royal-mad, though most admire the Queen. Most Americans were royalty-mad when Diana was alive, and we all knew who she was, but now most do not really care one way or another. We certainly have our own problems to deal with. Do not believe everything you read in the papers about how we all adore the Markles.
True. I didn’t follow at all until this mess started.
I've been fed up with them way before they fled the UK to the U.S. These two are promoting more racial division in the U.S. something we don't need and something that race hustlers push to keep power can control. The only thing they are famous for is destruction, division, and hatred. When will it ALL stop!!
Seriously doubt h gave any $$$ to get those jobs.... they don’t have enough and you don’t hear about them donating large sums of $$ to any charity, baked a cake, bought some sandwiches, helped to pay for a roof, etc. No PR released about writing a 6 figure check to any charity. H$m are the charity, after all h said: I was cut off financially and had to live off my (dead) mother’s inheritance .... only estimated at £20m a year ago. We Americans love car wrecks/train wrecks, we can’t/don’t look away, love to see the rich fail and because of covid and crime and other major issues, this is a distraction for many of us.... just my opinion.
They have just donated £10,000 to a Muslim charity in Nottingham to fight racial discrimination. I am sure they could afford £1,000,000 if it means Harry can stay in the USA. They could always borrow against future expectations. Fact of Life lots of rich people claim to be poor but they don't mean what you and I mean by poor.
Hmm muslim is not a race.
I know but it doesn’t stop politically conscious Muslims from claiming racial discrimination over cultural differences.
Which is of course my point.
Headline from the Mail .... “ British charity tackling racism and poverty says it kept Meghan Markle's £10,000 donation secret over fears she could damage its reputation because she's 'like Marmite' “
The money apparently came via the Royal Foundation (Kate and Wills) and was from sale of the Granville Cook Book. Selling at £10 with £5 going to charity. Megain apparently not only did the foreword for the book but copyrighted it as well. The money was given in August and they have released the info now in solidarity against her calling the RF racists. Silly little charity, the trustees were right first time round, they should have kept quiet.
The money came from The Royal Foundation but somehow Meghan is taking credit for the donation.
I had to read twice to see where I'd lost the connection that went "from The Royal Foundation" to her ;)... they should have kept quiet but I guess Meghan PR Machine is running short of places where to ask for more Mother Teresa halos for her.
I don't know what to make of this. Reported by The Express: Katie Nicholl, the royal reporter for Vanity Fair says H&M offered to be involved in reforming the Palace 'workplace'. The Palace has said "Thanks, but no thanks". If true, this is astonishing. The lack of self awareness of staggering.
The Palace already have a diversity program - most large organisations in both the UK and US do - this is not just about ethnic minorities and white people - it should affect all people - young, old, LGBTQ+. Under this program it should be acknowledged we are all different but we should all have our views and opinions respected while working together to achieve the organisation's goals. In the DM a "source" says:
"We have the policies, procedures and programmes in place but we haven't seen the progress we would like and accept more needs to be done. We can always improve.
'We are not afraid to look at new ways of approaching it. The work to do this has been under way for some time now and comes with the full support of the family."
Therefore the Q is not reacting to MM and H's interview by putting procedures in place - they were already there - she is just doing an "audit" to find ways to improve on what they currently do.
I would have thought the last people on earth to help her do this would be MM and H considering the amount of trouble they have caused - in my view they have put this type of work back years and divided people rather than getting them to work together!!!
Maybe she has suggestions for how to be more effective when slapping ones minions. Or the precise angle at which to toss hot beverages for maxium damage. Could be one a million things she is VERY good at dealing with unruly people especially little children also known as whiny brats.
Scissors and hot stones are also missiles of choice allegedly. Not to mention the kinetic force of an individual standing by a pool.
How many BAME staff have they hired themselves ? I seem to remember an abundance of white faces .
I'm waiting for Oprah and Gayle to bail. This is not sustainable.
More PR spin...their are weasels grasping at every opportunity
The reform surrounds the diversity issue. There may be no basis for this story as it’s difficult to verify. I doubt Harry and his wife would get involved as they do not appear to be very diverse in their own choice of employees.
The racism allegation was made against a ‘senior member of the royal family’. The royal family are not technically employees so it would not be an issue for the HR department to investigate. Any ‘looking at diversity’ regarding staff could just be a recognition that they don’t have a Polish plumber or a French cook which is probably more because jobs usually go to someone who knows someone. All to do with privacy and confidentiality more than anything else I’m sure. The issue regarding racism (if it happened) is purely within the family and will be handled privately as it should have been at the time by an immediate challenge, not saved for weaponising at a later date.
I've given some thought to your post. Here is why I think the report may have some merit. Because reporters who have the status of 'royal reporter' for an outlet - especially one as prestigious as Vanity Fair - are going to be careful of their own credibility by not reporting vaporous rumors. Just a thought.
He has some serious brass neck....
SHE has the brass neck
Edit at 41 more likely to be a turkey neck
And hired an independent law firm. Did you notice that the name of the firm was not cited? Or did I miss it?
What I am finding so frustrating about all this. Is the media,newspapers,chat shows etc are all either getting people to step down or fired. All on the basis of public complaints. Yet here we are a year on and The Queen is not listening or taking action on the public, her citizens complaints!
I totally agree; freedom of speech is truly under attack as I've never seen before! I hope that these tv shows ratings crash. I don't and never will watch these toxic shows that only bang on about racism and divisive topics!
Heard it! Why on earth should TQ step down???
A substantial amount of our media has basically been controlled by a useless actress no one had ever heard of. Now that is scary.
Oh this has been happening for a very long time- creating news- not reporting it. I don't buy newspapers or have tv. And no social media -makes for a happier life! My mobile is for phone calls only and texts from friends. Back in the 90'S I got sick of seeing z list celebrities/ influencers bleating about having a broken nail! sheeesh
I mainly watch old DVD's and read old books - I have hundreds, as almost all of the stuff we have nowadays (movies, TV shows, even new books by authors I used to love) has a leftist slant or is a ridiculous blow up everything in sight or silly reality program. LOL, I am turning into my parents the older I get. They used to always proclaim that the old movies and TV shows were the best. I tried FaceBook for a very short while, but it bored me to pieces. I just had no interest in seeing what my friends ate for dessert at a chain restaurant. The last time I went to the actual movie house was to see Downton Abbey - the movie. I WILL buy the Harry Markle books and the Bowers one. I also bought Lady Colin's book and Samantha's, but I had the nerve to write a favorable comment about Lady C's book, which caused amazon to shut me down due to the number of complaints. I had said nothing negative about the Markles ( I know better than to do that on a public platform other than here or on the DM or on the Fox News website when they publish one of their very few articles on the Markles where they allow comments. CNN and all the others do not even allow comments. I have to go to DM or here to even find anything on the Markles. PS - whenever comments are allowed, they are overwhelmingly negative of the Markles, both here and in GB and the Commonwealth. Maybe that is why they are on a quest to suppress free speech.
Alice I feel the same. Do the same. I’ve left social media. Rely on old standbys mostly for reading or watching. I’m proud to be becoming my grandmother-a true strong lady whose only vice was a weird liking for Soul Train. Haha!
Soul Train was pretty good :)
Same here!!
Because Smug is sick! She's cut from the same fabric as the dictators and despots in history. I'm not joking.
She has just a "tiny" problem in her ascend to History - she's American and (not very inteligently) decided to make the campaign from there... Now we've all seen thousands of prople who are divinised one day and brought to the gutters the next... She will learn, and soon, how bad she calculated her move. As soon as Her Majesty takes a stand their "luck" will start shifting (heading the gutter way), mark my words.
Certainly is 😱
We can't really say anything until at least 1st April, then the couple would have had a full 'trial' year. Just a few more days!
I hope it’s an April fool on her!!!
Not long to wait. Fingers crossed until then Amelia🤞
Apparently Ben recently employed by Archewell bought the rights about RF murdering Diana.
Has Harry lost his marbles or showing his true colours re his blood family.
There may be an aspect to this, maybe Harry wants to provide that story to the world and found this way to do it. Finally something for Netflix....must admit I just mentioned it to my hubby and he responded ‘well, I’d watch that’. Just a thought.
If true; this is sad. It seems the media and now H will never let Princess Di rest in peace. Sometimes it's best to to leave the past behind and look forward to the things ahead. However; it seems that H&M can't and won't do that. I believe this will end badly for the Harkles!
Look around at the wrecking-ball antics of the present toxic fad, Cancel Culture. Count the money stories in the media that are about real or alleged or imagined or fabricated events from the past, for which *we*, who were not there, are being held accountable and told *we* must apologise, atone, pay reparations. Cancel Culture is sick. Rotten to its core. We need to fight against it every bit as fiercely as we fight to preserve the right to freedom of speech.
How can you lose something you never had! That rope s getting shorter- he one they will hang themselves from.
Still much loved are they? Bring it all up again . The ridiculous theories about a very frail almost centenarian.......will anything break that camel's back? Pure poison from Montecito. Did BP ever do any due diligence on that woman? Not only themselves, but they saddled the nation and The Commonwealth with this exhausting freak show.
I think the Royal family had no choice but to open their arms to Meghan. Had they not, the entire planet would have screeched racism. Remember, when she first appeared on the scene, everyone loved her. Besides, Harry was only a minor Royal (then and now, so no harm), and everyone, including myself, thought she would be a wonderful representative for the Commonwealth. How wrong we all were.
No. Just no. This nonsensical carcass has been picked over so many times by pretty much all tabloid vultures, its bones have been bleached white by decades of bright sun shining on it at every opportunity. Anyone who seriously tries to beat this dead horse back to life is going to end up laughed out of town, and deservedly so. If this is all H&M can dredge up to fling at the RF, it shows they have nothing left and are trying this old chestnut out in desperation.
Rod Liddle frequently nails it and shows up the absurdity
The only conspiracy theories, are the ones who support the Sussex duo perhaps?
This morning's Sunday Times's Rod Liddle sums it up nicely: [Harry says:] '“Self-optimisation is not about fixing something that’s broken. It’s about becoming the best version of ourselves, with whatever life throws at us.”
'There you are, then. The importance of that statement is in the language used. It is his final estrangement from the country of his birth. He has forsaken the mother tongue, perhaps on account of its racist and imperialist heritage, for a language concocted by American charlatans and psychoquacks that is devoid of real meaning. Anybody who uses the phrase “self-optimisation” without irony needs a plutonium enema applied immediately. But this is the language which, henceforth, the ginger dupe will be parroting, it seems.'
That gives me hope that her Majesty has decided to cut them off completely. Just a few more days until we know for sure.
Loved the ‘plutonium enema’ 😂 my choice for comment of the day thanks.
Didn't we have a word for that.. copping or copsing oh yes I remember it is called coping. Why use one word eh H, when a page of word salad fills up the space and pretends you have something of semi interest to say?
He showed his true self squatting in the hen house like the proverbial spare wotsit at a wedding while MM told a brazen lie about being married by the A of C in their garden, 3 days prior to bring married again at their £32 million hoopla.
So, Harry really believes he has become the 'best version' of himself? And he doesn't feel he should fix his broken self? He's deluded, and dangerous to be spouting this cr*p. What a complete 'tuss' he is.
I agree; there are so many young people who will believe H&M's dribble and take it as the truth. They are truly dangerous and must loose the Titles and I truly believe H should be removed from the line of succession before it's too late. I know the RF are afraid of how this will look but they must do what is right. My grandmother always told me, "when you do right, right will follow. When you do wrong, wrong will follow." She always said to us, "wrong is wrong even if I'm guilty." No matter how hard you try you can't make right wrong and wrong right!
Absolutely! And I do worry about the message that is being sent out, ie two people who bully anyone who dares to disagree with them are not punished but seemingly rewarded. What sort of life lesson is that? Grrr...
I doubt H even knows what the words mean or whether they make any sense. Does anyone actually believe he has the wit to write this rubbish, he just seems happy to read out statements written for him full of big sounding terms which I am sure he thinks will make him sound intelligent and look like someone with gravitas. The words are simply not natural to him, whether they make sense of not so it is just something else which makes him look a gullible fool rather than naturally relatable.
Surely Harry's statement was a contradiction in terms anyway. How can we become the best version of ourselves without fixing that which is broken?
translated to: its o.k for me to walk away from the family I have devastated without taking any personal responsibility.
It makes no sense at all--that was Liddle's point, it's just new age gobbledegook.
The fools are fooled and blinded by the entitled fools
To have him as an attraction to IMPACT the company images. The company must be desperate to better up itself.
The way I read it, it is mostly a way for the rich to get together and discuss ways to legally avoid paying taxes.
They're all 'up themselves' by the looks of it.
Daily Mail: Catherine’s uncle (yes that one 😂) has come out in support of ‘Kate’ and pretty much put into words what we all say here.
He said he'd defend her honour til the day he dies. Fine words butter no parsnips and all that but my goodness I do like those words.
Is Uncle Gary back ! 😅
He has absolutely no qualifications. I don’t think he’s a good spokesperson for any mental health conversation. He couldn’t even help is own wife. Or was that whole interview just to give a plug for their new podcast Oprah and Harry. And then they can say oh look how this helped us. No! You have to go to a professional with knowledge of solutions. All they do is produce problems and never hear solutions. A bunch of word salads. And more then once they have said they lied about comments made, when they caught. Not a credible couple in my opinion, and that’s my truth.
I’m starting to think Harry is clinically, measurably dumb. As in, there is a chart in a textbook somewhere that he has fallen off of. He has NO business being in a leadership position of any sort.
I don't think he's in a leadership position, not really. He was taken on because his name looked good on the letterheads. A bit like Eugenie and Bea's 'jobs'. They don't do any actual work for the companies their names are on.
I think he is not only certifiably dumb, he must have had some form of severe arrested development in all aspects including emotional. To go down this path seemingly so unaware, to have someone like Browning on their team, to continually hurt his own family repeatedly.
Was he dropped on his head repeatedly as a baby?🤔
Yes or a labotomy🤣
Just read about Browning owning the Inquest script, wonder if that will be their 1st Netflix production? Netflix would love it, they can promote it easily, huge headlines, believing that subscriptions will increase! What are the odds that h$m knew he owned it prior to hiring him? But then that might be the LAST Diana card he can use, then what will h do?
Good grief the drama and craziness with h$m never will end. They are always going to be controversial because that’s what they want and need to stay on the internet. Not sure if this will work out financially for them in the end... I don’t believe their constant whining/complaining, suing others will bring them any happiness, money, and the fame and permanent connections they desire. I do feel for PW, good thing he has a family to take care of and that cares about him.
Well what dya now IS THAT A FAT LADY SINGING- must be the end!
reported in the DM:
"The Hollywood producer hired as the new boss of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's film production company owns the rights to a controversial movie which claims Princess Diana was 'murdered' by the Royal Family. Ben Browning, who was last week named as head of Archewell Productions and Archewell Audio, bought the script to 'Inquest' in 2013 following a fierce bidding war."
I Know A.A.BOFFIN say no conspiracy theories- I don't want to indulge any either, but I thought this was worthy of a 'Chat' Dim does blame the paparazzi for killing him mother... Those of us who know better know it was a drunk driver. Nail in coffin?
Can we stop a moment to think what Prince William must feel for having his mother brought from the dead for money and show? By his own son? Harry really has no morals whatsover :(
There was a Spanich Singer whose husband died life during a bullfight. Every year on the anniversary of his death in the arena TVs would pass the images and one day she tried to stop it asking if people knew what that made her feel?! It was like her husband dying all over again every year... Enough. Harry doesn't own in solo the filial connection to Diana who I am sure would have lived to regret. And people think people will mind the memorial? When it happens most people will be already fed up of the entire soap opera... thanks to H$M
Yes. Drunk driver and no seatbelt. Done. No conspiracy, comedy of errors.
Harry and Meghan will be feeding off the corpse of Diana until there's no money left in it.
Agreed; truly sad. I do wish that they would let her rest in peace and use their platform to left people up instead of tearing them down. Also; please stop talking about themselves. It's really a sign of desperation in my opinion!
You can bet MM has been feeding this tosh so Harry would begin to hate his family. If he is so far gone then it would explain why he is dead set again ruining them all. Shows how low his IQ is if he cannot question or see two sides.
In my opinion; what H&M have been doing and saying is treason and should be dealt with in that manner!!
I wonder if he will have the nerve to go back to the UK for the unveiling of his mother's statue after this sordid story has got out.
If I were Harry, I certainly wouldn't have the nerve to show my face in London. But, then again, it's Harry here. 😯
Oh he'll go. And give side eye to his brother and family... he'd rather have smug Megz beside but he will be there, jeaopardising the event because people wont be kind...
Brits may not openly boo him since William will be there, but if I were there, I would have a sign that said "Go home to Montecito, Harry"
We're talking about the British and trust me that they will deliver... probably in a way (not boos at all as, like you say, there will be others present) so classy and witty that we will need Harry Markled to explain it for us LOL. Remember the song they dedicated in one of their last events ;). Oh yes, they will do - no boos, no signs but he (and the BRF) will receive the warning loud and clear.
I am sure they will, and whatever it is, I will love it. British humor is brilliant yet so understated.
Oh he's got the nerve. Nothing he ever does is wrong. it's everyone else.
This is just vile
And she will be enjoying every second of it
It is not a good look for the duo, in my opinion, to have just hired someone with the rights to this conspiracy theory movie script in his back pocket. Did JCMH know about this ownership? Was he concerned? How does the RF feel about this kind of script being in existence? Is this one they know about? Are there others similar to this? Is Kazie correct that this might become a Netflix production? Freeman is right; it seems pretty to have been conclusively demonstrated via more than one exhaustive inquiry that Diana died because of a number of factors, not least of which she was not wearing her seatbelt. But this script issue surely raises questions, it seems to me, Hanah Brown, about the intentions of the duo and their knowledge of their new employee's ownership of the thing. But we'll see. I don't know much about this kind of thing -- the ownership of scripts and their potential for production, etc. However, I am always highly suspicious of the motives behind the duo's actions, though, and I agree with you -- this might be a big deal. Or not. We shall see! Signing off for the evening! Best regards to all.
They (he) weren’t worried about the “interview” being aired by a TV company that showed the pictures of PD in the car, in the tunnel after the crash. No scruples when there’s $ to be made.
Excellent point, AnnieW!
I thought Diana died because she was NOT wearing a seat belt and would have survived had she done so. Really do not think the RF had any hand in that..
Divorce for the rich is diff than for normal income people. So many people talk abt MM making out like a bandit when she divorces PH. No matter what happens in a divorce, MM will be rich beyond her wildest dreams. Actually MM may wind up having to pay PH alimony or maintenance and child support, childcare will prob be split 50/50 and both parents are responsible for supporting the children in the style they have been raised. PH only work history was soldiering for 10 yrs and he hasn't earned a decent income since - they were supported mainly by PC and PC can't be forced to continue to support PH, MM, and the children. MM has been a progressively successful actress for over ten years and earned a nice income for her last job - Suits - so she can be self supporting thus receiving no alimony / maintenance or child support from PH because he is a no to low income earner. Since MM confessed to depression and suicidal thoughts, a good lawyer could possibly get PH primary custody and child support additionally to alimony / maintenance. MM may have to pay PH child support even if she has primary child custody if he is a no to low earner. Now that PH has a job or two, that changes his financial condition. I did know a very successful woman who owned her own business and ended up paying alimony or maintenance to her ex hubbie. Eventually she took out a loan of maybe $1m to buy him out to get him permanently out of her life. Calif is a community property state so marital assets and debits are split 50/50, alimony / maintenance are awarded according to individual marriages and income, inheritance is excluded from divorce distribution unless co mingled with marital assets. Calif is interesting. If either divorcing spouse hides money and that money is later discovered, as punishment it is given to the other ex spouse. I am not a lawyer and this info is based on my very basic knowledge of divorce law and each divorce is different. Interesting though. MM will be 40 this Aug. Divorce for the rich can take many years. By the time they divorce she will be very much over the hill and no rich man will want her. Too many more beautiful and younger woman looking for a rich hubbie a rich old man can choose from. The only men available to MM may be younger gold diggers.
Their burn rate I feels like it would be quite high between their PR and legal bills. In the big scheme of things, H doesn’t have enough money to lead the lifestyle she wants and his earning potential will wane as the novelty wears off. His status in the US is not nearly the same as un thé UK and his fortune is not a big deal in CA. There is never enough in her eyes and wouldn’t be terribly surprising for her to align herself with OW to become Gayle 2.0.
Oprah is too busy pushing the Discovery+ app here - those commercials are on like every five seconds and are repeated back-to-back, and once one comes on, I change the channel or go read a book or watch an old movie on my DVD player. Discovery+ (according to their endless commercials) mainly shows reality shows that are already on TV with a new episode thrown in occasionally to get you to upgrade your subscription for a price. I do not subscribe to any pay-per-view channels, as my cable bill is already too high for the nonsense they have, and I am seriously thinking of getting rid of cable for good and keep my TV's for my DVD's only. I used to have Netflix, but I cancelled after they got too woke for me. I have no interest in sports or shopping channels or cookery channels or Real Housewives of Whatever or Ancient Aliens theorists or infomercials or any of the junk on cable TV. Most of the old movies that I watch there I already own on DVD, and all the commercials just make me sick.
Oh, and the basic price for Discovery+ allows endless commercials as well. If you want commercial-free, that costs extra LOL. Thanks, but no thanks. I am not sure I would even pay the basic price without endless commercials. If this trend continues, bye-bye cable. Hello, DVD's.
Programme on TV about The Windsor and how George 6th, Queen and Churchill deal with Edward and Mrs S.
Hopefully RF are watching and learning