Harry Gets Hired With No Experience
The Sussex PR team promote Harry on the anniversary of the UK lockdown
Is there anything more despicable than arrogant, and insenstive PR? On the day of the anniversary of the first national lockdown in the UK, Harry’s team are keen to tell the world that Harry has a job helping people with mental health issues. Yes, I can hear the sighs, and eyeballs are no doubt rolling in unison across the globe at the ironic nature of the whole sorry story.
However, we doubt he applied for the job, and know that the role was probably created for him, and of course there has been much mocking of his title – Chief Impact Officer at BetterUp! Yes, it’s hard to say it with a straight face, but what exactly will he do? He says he will be developing content and programs, but what qualifications does he have? How can a man who didn’t know how to help his wife (who allegedly had mental health issues, she has some issues no doubt) help and lead others? He will be rolled out to the fundraisers, and basically be the company mascot that talks every now and then when prodded. Isn’t he simply expensive PR, and a bit of arm candy for the CEO to brag about at parties?
As more staff (Catherine St-Laurent) seem to flee the sinking ship, more recruits are added, but how long will they last? Actually, no one cares because the ‘death toll’ is so high, that they can’t have escaped the fact that there isn’t something quite right. It’s like walking into a haunted house when you know others before you didn’t leave – why do something that you know may turn out to be a disaster?
Let them be ‘harkled’, but what is a concern, is that BetterUp considered Harry a suitable employee, with no actual training, or experience. Surely this can cause more harm…
Not content with one job, MM has had Harry sending his CV everywhere, and he joins a think tank (Aspen Institute) commission on information disorder (disinformation). At this point you wonder if you are in the Twilight Zone, where a man with no experience gets a job in mental health, and then gets a role to discuss how to tackle disinformation after participating in an interview that was packed with disinformation. Has the world gone crazy (or maybe just the USA)?
Meanwhile, the Letter case continues as ANL seeks permission to appeal…
Jane Rowell38 min ago
I will be interested to see what happens a year or so down the line when Tom Bower’s book is published. What happens when all the dirt comes out. Will Harry be urging her to sue for slander? What will his reaction be when she tells him that she can’t because it’s all true? Will the scales start to fall from his eyes?
Reposted without name calling.
Please do not engage with trolls. They copy and paste the same things cult rhetoric.