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So who do the expect to use to fund their ventures? Americans? We could care less. Both need to grow up. IMO they are hurting the RF.....they hold Titles. I know this article isn’t about Titles, but strip them immediately, along with the Military Appointments, Patronage’s and anything else. They are using the RF to get rich, meanwhile interfering in our Elections. They had a Zoom meeting with Gov Newsom (CA), before the Election. He’s being recalled. They always kiss up to the wrong people.

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Methinks that H is being taken for a ride by greedy travel companies and PR teams. It is all nonsense. He is so out of his depth that he will soon need a lifebelt.

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What a load of guff, their advisors should steer them into subjects they know, like grilling videos and flogging coffee to Oprah. They could still make a lot of money.

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High end money laundering nothing else hidden behind a fake facade of righteousness desperately trying to match the Clintons with grubby donations disgraceful and deceitful

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Correct me if I’m wrong but did their royal highness’s not take a fleet of range rovers over to South Africa for their tour a little while ago, I for one rest my case!

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I’ve read through all the blurb but at the end am still thinking...yeah, yeah, blah, blah, but what does Travalyst actually do, perhaps someone who works there could fill me in and finish this sentence...I work for Travalyst and my job is.....

I had a boss who used to say , “it’s like trying to hold onto fog” when someone waffled on without actually saying or doing anything.

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I've heard it described as "trying to nail jelly to the ceiling"!

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Travalyst badly needs an editor--or something specific to write about. The whole idea is misbegotten. What people in poor countries need is clean water, the means to grow and market local food and to create local sources of income, and decent health care. Not tourists coming in to take over. I live in a place that depends a lot on tourism (skiing and autumn color) and that part of our state budget rattles the minute the economy tanks, gas prices go up (which I'm in favor of, as in the US we don't pay near what it costs) or now, a pandemic.

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I just wanted to express my admiration & appreciation on your writing. You make really good sense in a professional & intelligent manner. From Malaysia with respect

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I've just tried to read the report, I'm not sure I'm any the wiser. While Travalyst appears to have laudable aims, I'm struggling to see what it's going to do that isn't already being covered by others. The member firms involved all have existing industry bodies to represent them and further their interests and there are already sustainability frameworks in existence, not least the global United Nations Sustainable Development Goals established in 2015.

If, in reality, Travalyst is just going to act like a shop window for travel providers and presumably eventually charge them for the privilege, then they should be upfront about that and not dress up their purpose with hogwash, or should that be greenwash. When an organisation's real purpose is not clear, it arouses suspicion and this just smacks of being a vehicle to move/hide sums of money.

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Sorry but I just don't get it? I haven't been on a holiday for 10 years! Maybe more than that. Because I can't afford it! Let alone think about saving the world while I do it? Has even thought that there are some people in the world that can't afford to travel. They are not being inclusive at all here. If they were, they would have added a "local," community that we could all take a visit to by local transport! I'm just gobsmacked they have created this? It really does show how far removed from the real world they are. Clearly no statistics were done by their PR Company (that they own) whereby they polled the public to see who had travelled where and when in the last 10 years. Really poor form.

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It is surprising to me that such a now trendy “with-it” woke person as Harry apparently seems to have never heard the longtime classic motto, “Think Globally, Act Locally.” He (Meghan, too) need to respect, and allow others to contribute to the world by trusting their own conscience, circumstances, life-lessons, and vision.

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For years Prince Charles has employed UK and US 'fixers' on his staff to entice mega wealthy patrons to donate huge sums of money to support the many charities he has had set up in order to pursue his interests while waiting to become king. Most have failed and all have worked independent of, rather than linked with, already-established expert organisations struggling to make a difference in difficult financial circumstances

Patrons are offered the opportunity to dine in HRH's presence, stay for shooting parties, sit on the Board etc.

- whatever Charles's fixers can pimp out to attract the cash. My point being that Harry knows how this works and as 'The Duke', is still able to use his royal stardust to attract the wealthy and the ambitious, just like his dad. And just like his father, thinks there is no mismatch between his desire to promote sustainability, while living a life which uses up more resources, both financial and environmental, than a small English village.

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I visited the Travalyst site after reading your article and all I can say is Mega Kudos to you for your mental endurance in reading through all that garbage. I lasted about 30 seconds.

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I started nodding off on the second line. No need to mention who scripted that rubbish for him....

Pathetic....the pair of them. They appear to make more fools of themselves with their 12 apostles in tow.....

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People have much bigger things to worry about. If and when they are able to travel I thinks their personal taste and budget will dictate where they go as it should. Travelyst is a faux charity giving Harry and Meghan a chance to continue not working. They have done nothing but create lawsuits and spout rubbish. They seem to think everyone else is stupid. We see right through them. I would not donate to a charity or travel with any company connected to this couple. What ever I have has come from hard work. I cannot say the the same for this smug entitled couple.

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Why does he sign off as THE Duke of Sussex and not Duke of Sussex? Meghan has always added THE to their titles - I'll bet she is hoping that it will the titles will forever by synonymous with them but to me, they are just the follow up to the first disastrous Duke of Sussex.

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