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I could not bear to watch the live broadcast on the BBC. I watched the abridged footage on BBC2 and was very very much moved to tears. HMTQ looked so alone so bereft and suddenly so very very frail. I hope she survives this and I hope she has people around her to comfort her physically, she needs hugs and shoulders to cry on.

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MDW, USA: I watched on BBC cable here, to avoid the non-stop drivel of American commentators. The service was spare, elegant, and evocative of the Duke's stoic self-discipline. The music choices were pure perfection, and spoke more loudly than words IMHO. It should not be a surprise that the Duke got it exactly right even at his own funeral. He knew instinctively, as did many of his generation, that "less is more". I wish comfort to your wonderful Queen in the coming days.

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It is always infuriating when "reporters" report what they want to see, instead of what actually happened.


Look at their feet.

William was on the grass side and Catherine was on the street side (which would have been proper if they sent a car for them, but these "young ones" were left to walk alone back from St. George's Chapel to Windsor Castle.

Then, when Harry "pushed in" between them, Catherine was PUSHED TO THE STREET! She was literally walking in the street. Those cobblestones can be tricky, so she went back on the sidewalk, but BEHIND her husband and Harry.

Let's tell the TRUTH for a change!

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Telling the truth has gone out the window. Its what good for money and ratings. I'm 61 and remember when I lied or swore, I got the belt. I'm afraid for younger generation that they are getting lost for what's really important. Your health and family

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Margo give it a rest will you and get off your high horse.

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Sorry, but I was reading stories about MM and the BBC and other networks, and negative expectations, so I thought it was OK to express what the press actually said about Harry, not five minutes after the service.

I expected honesty for one day, but they . couldn't be accurate for as long as it takes to leave St. George's Chapel.

Prince Philip was nothing if not "on the mark" and they couldn't match his spirit for as long as it took to leave St. George's Chapel. Why did they lie? Catherine did not "move back" as if to "graciously allow" the boys to be together. If it is clear to see, why was that story even created? Is it because most folks just accept the story as written and then try to extrapolate degrees of "truth" from the extrapolations? Even when the whole thing is out of whole cloth?

I would never post anything to annoy or hurt, but I think that being honest beats lies most times. In fact, it was not necessary to say anything, but when they outright lied (about Catherine) my hackles did go up.

I was reflecting my own experience when my spouse and I were leaving HIS father's funeral and the notion of anyone "separating us" (especially someone who had hurt us) is unthinkable. Yes, we were all "at lunch" an hour after the service, but immediately after can be traumatic, and separating a husband and wife seems mean. I could not see any reason for doing that, until HM offered that Harry looked "bored" and "not comfortable" and I wondered why, and then realized that Harry was probably on orders to "get next to William when the cameras were available" (and try to get a frown out of him). The masks made that difficult. (I wonder if Harry complained about how the church smelled, as MM did early on.) His being "uncomfortable" but then "screwing up his courage" to force Catherine off the paved walkway, and onto the cobblestone street, looked rude and ungallant. Prince Philip would NEVER do that to Catherine, but Harry was all over his own orders from someone.

The SAME THING happened when William "scarfed" MM, while trying to leave St. Mary Magdalene church at Sandringham, in December of 2018. In both instances, the entire family was going to be "at lunch" together, in a casual, relaxed setting, in just a short time, so WHY do MM and Harry insist on "setting up" certain pictures for the public? Clearly, Harry was forced to make this "attack" on Catherine. Without MM in his life, Harry would have just found a cousin to talk to, or just walked up the hill by himself, on his way to lunch. Harry does not need time to "think" or "reflect" as normal people. Maybe William didn't want to talk to anyone. He was MUCH closer to Philip (and spent much more time with him over the years) than was Harry.

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You know what? Don't read any more stories about the Harkles for a few days. I had the bad idea of ​​reading part of the comments they made in a forum where the funeral was discussed, and I came across some really unpleasant ones towards Kate and the use of the necklace. And I felt bad, because the ceremony was so emotional, so special ... and there was a group of people ruining everything with their bad comments

Wait a few days, because there is a lot to comment on, but it was not yesterday, nor is today the moment. Do not be like the sugars, who yesterday and today have shown a deeply disagreeable and disrespectful attitude.

What Hazz did was very unpleasant to me too. But the bagpipe tribute, and the carriage, seemed so beautiful to me that we won't discuss it for now.

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Thank you for your kindness. I guess that I just don't "get" some rules. I saw people commenting on what MM "might" do, but I was scolded for discussing what Harry actually did, in front of our eyes.

I would not have said anything, but a writer lied about the order of events, and said that Catherine "willingly" and with wile, "dropped back" when that was 100% not correct.

If I pushed my way between a couple, and forced the woman to walk in the street, I'm trying to think of any way that could be viewed as a "correct" thing to do. And, some streets in Windsor Castle are cobblestone. I have tried to walk on cobblestone streets and it is darn nigh impossible to do in sandals, let alone heels. Quite dangerous and Harry didn't give a flying fig.

Prince Philip was SUCH a gentleman that he would NEVER do such a thing to a woman (or a man without an explanation) but if it happened, he would have apologized, and helped her back up on the sidewalk/pavement and OFF the street. Harry was NOT thinking about his grandfather at all. He couldn't have been.

Anyway, I'll not post until I'm given a signal. Sorry again; I had no idea I was doing anything wrong (or I would not have done it).

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I believe the DoE had a fascinating life. He was such a strong person to overcome tribulations during his youth. Rest in peace.

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I think that Prince Philip would have been very pleased the way his service went today in the sunshine. Thanks to everyone that made it so special.

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Just recently I have read a lot of stories regarding the Dutches of Cambridge. She is so worthy to belong to the RF. I love her grace and her way of always being in the background and not wanting to be in the "spot light". She will make a great Queen Consort. What a contrast to H's wife. The Q will no doubt rely and instruct Cathrine more in the coming years. I hope the Q will have many more years to do this. Also in passing I thought Camilla was very graceful also. She has been a great help to Charles from my prospect.

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PC looked so upset, you could see Camilla was trying to comfort him. Funerals are a sad occasion but having to be viewed by a world audience must be so hard, even PA, the ever stoic looked devastated.

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So impressive, so moving, so heartfelt. So personal, for which, in a bizarre way, we can thank the constraints imposed by COVID. Here in Australia, I watched the BBC coverage from 9.30pm, our time. It is now 2am on Sunday morning and, after finishing up with an hour or so of the Sky tv presentation, I feel emotionally rung out by it all. The glorious choral work in the cleared nave both lifted the spirits and broke my heart. Well done to everyone involved in bringing the Duke’s wishes to fruition. A truly magnificent effort. So many images and sounds to reflect on and cherish. I have been critical of Archbishop Welby at times but, fair’s fair, he and the Dean of St George’s Chapel performed their roles with exemplary dignity and did great justice to the readings. My thoughts and, yes, my prayers are now with HM the Queen, looking stoic but seeming so small and fragile; and with HRH Prince Charles, who looks absolutely shattered. What a huge loss the Family must come to terms with.

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It was one of the most uplifting funerals I've seen. I love that there was NO sermon only Scripture readings and the choir was fantastic!! Watching; I felt as though I was in a regular Church service and my soul was revived!!

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Apr 17, 2021
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I was worried for her too! May she now get some well deserved rest from all this drama brought on by the diabolical duo!

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Yes, I saw that too, I thought she looked a little unsteady on her feet at first. I hope she is going to be ok, I know her family will be there for her, as will those around her.

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Two well three things struck me. First, the Queen should not have been left on her own. She was visibly distressed.Charles could have sat with her, they have both had their jabs & no doubt were checked beforehand. Second, why did Harry bother coming.It was obvious he was bored, couldn’t even bow to the coffin.Third, well I’m probably old fashioned & unsophisticated. Was it really necessary to have Penny there? We are not stupid. A touch of discretion like staying at home would have been more dignified. As I say, I’m probably not “ with it”.

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I noticed that Just 'Arry didn't bow, which seemed pretty poor. For the rest of the time, he seemed ill at ease.

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He did bow, but it was blink and miss and at the wrong time.

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Hazz also did not respect the positions to enter the church, because Hazz was not supposed to go after William

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It must have been very cursory then. PAnne was quite contemplative.

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The Queen was not alone. She was accompanied at the time of the procession, and she was so after the funeral service. But it's very likely, what's more, I think it was something she requested herself, to be able to be alone when it was time to fire the Duke. It was going to be the last time they could be together alone. And she needed to do it in peace and with dignity. Being with someone next to her would have shown her too weak, and although everyone knows the enormous pain she feels, she had to set an example of behavior by expressing her pain without giving a show.

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Prince Phillip has served a life time of duty with honour & grace. Rest peacefully Sir x

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How beautiful and how moving.  Seeing PP's cap, gloves and blanket resting on the seat of his horse drawn carriage made me weep.  I understand that he chose all of the music and readings for the funeral.  I’ve learnt more about this great man since his passing than I ever knew before.  He did so much yet much of it went unnoticed because he ‘didn't like a fuss'.  He is someone who has made a genuine difference to so many and has done so with dignity, pride and generosity but without fanfare.  He was a truly shining example of devotion, loyalty and kindness and he will be greatly missed not only by his family, but by many others worldwide.  Rest in peace Sir and thank you for being part of our lives and for just being you.

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Me too; as I listened to the Scripture readings and music it made me respect and honor him even more!! What an extraordinary man!! It's often we don't really appreciate how special people are until they pass and I think this might be the case with much of the public. I've always admired him and his generation!! We desperately need more of that today!!

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The acoustics of the chapel are marvelous for music making. The piper at the end really was something.

And not a Moi!kle in sight.

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The lone piper was beautiful and haunting, sent shivers down my spine as it reminded me of my mum's passing and funeral - A truly dignified, simple sending off for HRH PP.

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A good piper should make you weep, my husband loves music by the Phantom piper, a girl, and that gets me every time.

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I love a good piper. I am a visitor to Scotland.

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Mum and Dad were Scots, not been back for 2 years because of Covid, last time was in Dundee. It was lovely to see all the countries of the UK respected and a part of HRH PP's funeral. Both HM & PP were known for their love of Scotland.

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I am a classic and lapsed Episcopalian. I found comfort and sadness in the order of prayer, much of which I haven't heard for decades.

I found the funeral before and during to be simple and magnificent at the same time.

I also found joy in the design of the Land Rover. Prince Phillip saw a need for a way to carry a lead coffin and its oak enclosed coffin because he thought about the weight that would be carried. Well though out and designed. I'll bet his spirit smiled on how well it worked.

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The organisarion and dignity of the funeral service, as shown on Sky,was a credit to the late Duke .

A man amongst men who even from the grave brought back the GREAT to Britain.

We salute you sir.

Long Live the Queen.

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I agree; I watched Sky and it was well done!

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It was a beautiful service to an extraordinary man who dedicated his life to his wife, family, Queen, Country and Commonwealth. You all were blessed to have his as a Consort for all these years. Prayers and blessings to all

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What a beautiful funeral. How moving.

I followed him on Sky news live, because I got to see comments about avoiding certain sites where comments were made out of place or were being presented by people who do not know how to respect anyone. And it was a very good idea, because Sky's coverage was respectful, and very well explained, something that is very appreciated because I am not British.

Especially beautiful is the fact that while the procession was being prepared and the military band offered its services, the carriage of Prince Philips came into focus.

Perhaps a more public funeral, without this pandemic, would have lacked the solemnity and emotion that this one had. Beautiful the moment of the bagpipes, really beautiful.

Farewell to the Iron Duke, and God save The Queen

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I watched on Sky also. Would not give Bradby on ITV the time of day and knew BBC would want to give the Harry & Meghan drama some air time . Very respectful on Sky and no endless, unnecessary chatter that Huw Edwards is so prone to.

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So true. He just had to keep dragging them in.

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Is that the name of Sky's commentator? Huw Edwards? I liked his work. A sober tone of voice, he was not speaking all the time, he explained the symbols in a simple way. A good job

I am very glad to have seen which sites to avoid before tuning in on YouTube, because Sky's work allowed me to feel enormous respect not only for the moment, but for the Queen, and especially for Princess Anne. What dignified women in the face of such pain and loss.

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The Sky presenter was Dermot Murnaghan, Huw Edwards was on BC and ,for me, is a bit of a windbag.

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Thank you very much for the clarification :)

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Simple, but yet elegant service for a man whose actions and deeds spoke louder than words! RIP Prince Philip

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