A personal tribute to a man who has protected the nation I grew up in. We all depended on him without realizing it, and knew he would sort things out without fuss behind closed doors. You didn’t fear him, but respected what he stood for and that was duty, honour, and integrity. As many have expressed, he was a safe pair of hands, reliable and trustworthy, yet some of us feel that the cushion of safety has been whipped from under us. However, we are optimistic that William will take up that mantle in due course.
Many people have shared their own stories about Philip– personal memories passed down through the generations. One in particular caught my eye, when Philip went to find an old Naval buddy he worked with while on an engagement with The Queen as he found out he was working there. He did find him, despite the aides persuading him otherwise and had a good chat. I feel that epitomizes the kind of man he was, that he made time for everyone and that friendships weren’t defined by title, rank, wealth, or the superficial things that some believe matter. It is about character, personality, and being a decent and honourable human being.
Tomorrow (17 April, 2021) will be his official sending off – a time when his family can pay their respects to him. I hope that people can respect this, and stop with the petty speculative gossip regarding the black sheep of the family. The focus should not be on the Sussexes, and their comeuppance will come in time, The Iron Duke won’t be here to oversee it, but I am sure we will feel his influence around us, for he will have wanted to protect the Monarchy that he strived to build and fortify with The Queen.
His watch is over, and while we lived under his guard for over seven decades, it is time for him to rest. We will carry on his work – that is to protect the Monarchy, for that is what he would have wanted, and we do it having being inspired by his fortitude of character, and his endearing spirit. The world could do with a few more like him, for that would make the world a better place. They don’t make them like they used to, but I expect he and Captain Sir Tom Moore are having a good chat upstairs.
Farewell for now, and thank you for your dedicated life of service to the nation, for supporting The Queen, showing the world that we are a nation of integrity and honour, and for being steadfast in all that you did.
RIP, we’ve got this, and will do our utmost to make you proud!
*Thanks to Artemis Goog for her farewell sketch of Prince Philip.
I would implore those in the US who are watching the coverage to boycott CBS.
Some information has been passed to me from a 'good' source which indicates that MM may pull something underhand and use them as a platform. Naturally, we know that she can stoop low, but for a media outlet to support and promote what can only be deemed as traitorous is wholly unethical. While I understand that free speech is important to Americans, surely there need to be lines drawn? The problem with lies and disinformation is that it is hard to put the genie back in the bottle.
It's hard to believe that today we put to rest a man we were lucky to have been alive contemporaneously with. When someone lives to 99, he becomes almost a fixture on the landscape, a rock, someone who will always be there, so it is difficult to imagine life without him. It's unlikely we'll ever see anyone like him again, not in our lifetimes, so today is particularly poignant. My heart goes out to the Queen.