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Thank you for such a complete and in-depth analysis. I do not think I could have waded through all that and stayed awake. I am thankful that court proceedings are of public record.

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Thanks for clearing up and simplifying all the confusion, Harry Markle. Gives me a headache trying to figure it all out so I appreciate your diligence and perseverance. I don't think I will ever truly understand what she hoped to accomplish with all of this.

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I don't think it was BP that delayed this process. It must be remembered that one of the great problems that ANL had was that the TW lawyers did not stop in delaying practices. They never delivered all the emails, they never gave reliable information, even when they wanted to change the procedure, it was abusing "private reasons."

Here I believe that Knauf was perversely involved by TW in this mess, because TW was determined to muddy the entire Royal Family if necessary. Let's remember that she did it at a time, through the "sources" thing, in which she implied Charles and Camilla, as with Knauf she wanted to involve William and Kate.

I disagree with the way Knauf stated, but I think he would have done the same instead: get rid of the problem. Because a case that was taking on a really dangerous turn has been deflated. All the time my concern and the reason for my interest in this case was that TW managed to impose on the press "his" version of a story without the press being able to refute him. But now I stop worrying, because not even she knows what "her" version is. On the subject of the letter we have about 6 versions.

I thought other people would use TW's judgment to their advantage. Now I realize, with the case of Naomi Osaka, that the reaction to attitudes of "my safe space, my truth" and all that is one of deep contempt and disgust.Only Snowflake and Woke people can see something positive in Warby's sentence, and those people are too busy victimizing themselves to take the time to study this sentence. Thanks to TW being such an incoherent woman, who was only looking for money, this sentence became one more paper

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Thank you also for all your hard work in posting these reports for us. The whole situation is so frustrating that nothing seems to be happening to bring these two under control. It’s been two months since the one year review and the trashing of the R F continues unabated.

Harry was spouting about neglected upbringing on OW and looks unwell in the bits I saw. TW seems to be behind the scenes plotting their next move as she’s been missing for a while and he is on his own for the time being.

Now we are hearing that they want to attend the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next June and could be included in a balcony appearance on B P for the celebrations. These plans were announced yesterday. The R F are carrying on as usual hoping that this problem will go away but it won’t and needs to be sorted soon. This never complain, never explain mantra needs to be scrapped with a more robust approach or they will surely lose the public support that they have at the moment.

I live in hope and pray that the Queen finds the strength to deal with this mess that one of her own is enabling whilst she is still grieving for her loving husband.

Thanks again Harry Markle blog for all your incisive reports.

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I’ve almost forgotten about the one-year review. 😏

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If they appear on the balcony, their PR and Scobie will try to convince the American audience that the cheers are for them and that they are welcome in the U.K. They will make it all about them and this cannot be allowed to happen. They will demand a prominent position and ignore the royal protocol. The Queen may say they are welcome and I am sure that she would love to see her great grandchildren but if they come at all then it must be as private guests rather than as royals.

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My personal opinion is that they will refuse to come unless they are allowed a prominent position on the balcony, of their choosing and by their rules. It will end up becoming another "uniform" fiasco. They want no part of the RF, but they refuse to be treated any less than as senior members of the RF. It's another blackmail opportunity for them, and the Queen will allow it.

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Thank you for the thorough analysis. There still seem to be so many open questions. It's too bad that the courts weren't interested primarily in the truth in this case. I think, if the judge and BP had handled things honestly and openly, the result would have been a lot less convoluted. Now everyone is smeared by the DDoS antics.

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I think we're seeing that the reason BP isn't removing the titles is because, to probably a greater extent than most would imagine, they've been complicit in important parts of this mess.

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Thank you Harry Markle for explaining all this in plain English, but even that has frazzled my brain! So many comings and going’s, so many changes and counter changes to stories, like ‘finding’ the electronic erosion of the letter. The more I read about it the more I think there should be no copyright applied to it. She spoke to people, she drifted and redrafted and followed advice of others, and her friends knew about it, it is in the public domain. I sort of feel for Knauf, but he may only have himself to blame sadly.

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*version and *drafted

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The titles definitely allow them privilege where others would not receive the same. The judge was obviously biased and it seems ridiculous that profit from the article is being asked for. I don’t understand it all but I am thankful that we can visit this site and rely on HM to do the ground work for us. It is sad that others will simply believe that, failing a successful appeal, she won and that she is able to present herself as the poor victim once again. The palace really do need to take action and stop them parading around as the D&D of S. They continue to bring the Monarchy and the British people into disrepute. Reports today suggest that they may appear for the Platinum Jubilee next year. I am very much looking forward to the occasion but I refuse to even watch TV coverage if the duplicitous duo are on the balcony, where they will no doubt garner more publicity for themselves and attempt to take the limelight from Her Majesty. I simply couldn’t bear it.

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@Kespie- Yes. :) and to your statement, “ the palace really do need to take action and stop them parading around as the D &D of S,” it can only be the palace that does this, since even county/ state authorities who *are* ticked that the pair are using their titles *here,* are very reluctant to say so and make a “stink” in public, out of consideration for

diplomatic reasons. “Special relationship” is the diplomatic reason given.

Officials from often out of the way and undiscussed state locations here with a unique history and namesake.

So, there is really nothing ordinary U.S./state/county citizens can do at this point.

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Thank HM for slogging away through all this legalese. I am still digesting your post but wanted to express my appreciation for your tenacity WRT the ins and outs of the UK legal system as well as the erudite comments on all the nuances.

It is mind-boggling to me why a "re-amended" statement mentioned in the judgement, which you politely called out as "a fib," is not a trigger for a perjury charge. I'm sure I've seen this in comments on other posts, but it bears repeating "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" - Sir Walter Scott

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That is a long and interesting read and I am not legally oriented-only experience with the law is parking and speeding tickets! It took some time to digest. I don't understand what is going on with the palace-it seems they are still trying to appease the duo? Are they still hoping to bring them back? The Queen's father dealt with his brother far better.

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They don't want to have to lie under oath... or throw loyal aides under the bus.

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@Harry Markle, that doesn't bode well for the "bullying" investigation then.

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I should add that it took me a while to read your post, HM. Meaning that, as I was reading I could not believe the work that was done by you to bring this to us. You must have spent many hours in research. It would take many hours to finalise such a post. I say to many commenters, please remember to help HM with a donation on the blog

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Thank you for your diligence. There are so many made up stories or old ones rehashed it is truly wonderful to be able to read true facts.

Thank you.

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HM, I read your post and I had a sinking feeling. What on earth is going on? The People want the truth. Most “normal” people can see it. What is the problem here? I think the RF has to answer to the People. Everyone knows what has to be done. I have read sooo many comments that feel as I feel. There are other machinations at work. This will implode

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I had the feeling, as I read through, that the Palace lawyers have adopted the policy of avoiding having to state outright that TW lied.

I also felt that Knauf initially lied to support TW, and subsequently wished to back down.

This may be far too simplistic on my part though.

Thank you HM, the report is fascinating and your admonition about what's really important in a lasting sense is taken on board.

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Totally agree with your all your feelings about Palace legal team, Knauf's shifts, and what's important!

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This has shaken my belief in our Justice system. Once I was part of it and I simply do not understand what is going on unless it is deliberate meddling from the Palace to get the result they wanted - anything to placate TW and spare Harry's reputation, such as it is.

Thank goodness for someone like HM who is prepared to stick his neck out and present the facts. Thank you HM.

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I just edited Warby's name out and replaced it with 'the judge' as I find it offensive to write his name and his title as he is now a Lord Justice.

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Being made a Lord last October seems quite a coincidence!!!

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