For those who are watching the ANL appeal, it’s still on as the pressure for the removal of the ducal titles continues. There is little support for the duo, even amongst the once loyal older supporters of the Monarchy. Even those who don’t read the Mail on Sunday or the Daily Mail are probably supporting them in the pursuit of justice.
Having read through the latest ANL judgment, a clear and accurate picture of the events is far from being presented. What we have are a few nuggets of information dressed up, and passed off as the version of events. I’m not buying it and I’m sure many others aren’t either. That leaves BP in somewhat of a fix (but do they care – the answer is they should!) because if the public don’t believe them or trust them, then their position is untenable.
The judgment isn’t long but there seems to be a lax attitude amongst BP, Knauf and Warby J. None appear to care that much about the truth, with BP’s lawyers ignoring calls, and Knauf saying he wasn’t really involved, but he was, but doesn’t want to be. Then you have a judge who yells to the world that he is fair and he’s not biased because he says so! All seem to be doing the least amount possible to fulfill their legal obligations.
TW’s team throw more toys out the pram by claiming ANL lied about their defence (oh the irony) and that they should be punished, yet they fail to acknowledge that the unidentified source’s information did claim that Knauf was involved somehow beyond knowing the letter existed, and that was indeed correct. What they want to know is who are the sources so they can attack (threaten) them.
How difficult is it to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Why are the players afraid, throwing half-baked lines to appease the system in the hope that it will satisfy the public. These versions of events might be recorded in the official vaults, but is it the whole truth? Somehow I doubt it.
I had the feeling, as I read through, that the Palace lawyers have adopted the policy of avoiding having to state outright that TW lied.
I also felt that Knauf initially lied to support TW, and subsequently wished to back down.
This may be far too simplistic on my part though.
Thank you HM, the report is fascinating and your admonition about what's really important in a lasting sense is taken on board.
I should add that it took me a while to read your post, HM. Meaning that, as I was reading I could not believe the work that was done by you to bring this to us. You must have spent many hours in research. It would take many hours to finalise such a post. I say to many commenters, please remember to help HM with a donation on the blog