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I didn’t watch it. Everything I needed to know was via the Newspapers. Their popularity has plummeted so the interview didn’t give them what they wanted. The Queen pulled a blinder.

I think it backfired.

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My heart breaks for HMQ ! It's almost hard to believe the lengths they've both gone to, to cause as much heartache and damage to the RF as was possible ! We forgave a younger Harry a lot, for the heartbreak he went through ! But now a grown man, and accountable and responsible for his actions, I doubt the British public will be so forgiving !

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Didn’t watch it could not enough was seeing bits on news, left me upset for the Royals What I did see nothing rang true we are not a racist Country nor are our Royal Family. I hope one day this all back fires on them

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This should be the Queen's statement. My heart is broken that Harry does not want to be a member of the Royal Family. I want to assist him in anyway I can, therefore I am removing all Titles and him from succession. Frogmore will revert to the Crown. I wish him much luck on his new journey and he is a much loved member of the family.

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As an American I will not waste one second of my life watching any of the 3 of them do anything ever.

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The only Americans who “adore” the Clutch and Clutchess are those in MSM who wish to make money off of them. And perhaps a few of the living dead who are so marinated in victim and identity politics that they have lost the ability to think straight. Personally this particular trio makes my skin crawl.

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Most American's are not shallow or influenced by Meghan or Harry! What she has brought about as an American who married a Prince is shame! They are not held in high regard here! I personally see them as entitled selfish applied brats, who thought they could have their cake and eat it to! Somehow the two of them think the rules don't apply to them! Giving in to them whenever they through a hissy fit is just wrong! Actions have consequences, they are adults it's long past time they faced there's!

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We Americans are neither shallow nor uninformed! Some of us are well read, well educated, well traveled, and have even lived in the U.K. I thank God for my blessings daily, and consider my trials to be blessings which have taught me other lessons. So I consider myself to be an asset- or surely not a liability- when I choose to support Her Majesty and the Royal Family in this crisis. I regard Markle to be a detriment to ANY side she chooses for the moment. She is also a poor representative of any country that she has temporarily called home, whether that be Canada, the U.S., or the U.K. We’ll take her off your hands (and Harry as well) because she will do less damage to the Monarchy when she’s here. She won’t thrive, in the way she expects, simply because of her high unlikability. There are other factors that weigh in, as does Harry. These include duplicity, dishonesty, avarice...the list is lengthy. But we Americans require you to do something else in your defense. Please further encourage Her Majesty, in order to preserve the Monarchy, to remove all titles, remove, Harry and heirs from the line of succession, and remove all further financial support. The last is important because Charles is weak. The second is critical, however, because it will reduce the threat level for other heirs to the throne! I beg you to do these things, as I do love your country and it’s people. I respect and care deeply for The Monarchy and Her Majesty. I love my country, and recognize that the roots of much that I love came from our Mother Country. I want all of you to regain your luster. H&M are middle-aged adults who want independence. GIVE IT TO THEM, OR CARRY THE RESPONSIBILITY FOREVER!

Finally, BOYCOTT OPRAH!!! No prerecorded interview can truly be considered as

“no-holds-barred.” It is edited and

re-recorded. Does Oprah actually think WE ARE STUPID???

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Thank you for that - there as many ‘educated’ people out there who do not rely on Twitter or FB - and even those who are ambivalent/anti/pro Monarchy are disgusted by this behaviour. Cannot understand the mentality of those Irving cruel and unkind comments especially silly towards children. They do not understand compassion or truth. Their behaviour, particularly during the pandemic of woe is me and subsequent accusations of being ‘muzzle’ because of PPs ill health is beyond decency. Brought to light that CBS, allegedly, showed footage of Diana’s last moments by their muck raking photographers.

Wonder if this will come up during the interview?

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Looking at Team Meghan blame racism for her apparent mistreatment and "bullying" at the hands of the RF, a question occured to me:

Do you reckon Archie will be also be told & brought up with the idea that he's "a person of colour"? I can just imagine her getting down to his level, earnestly looking at him and saying:

"Now remember Archie, if anyone says they don't like you, it's because they're RACIST."

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If you saw the archie pic and zoomed in on the "coloring book" you have your answer. Wonder if he will be raised gender neutral.

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Pity any child brought up/close contact with either of them.

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The "Flying Tea" incident sounds really quite serious. Rumors I've seen were that PC or the Palace or someone had to get up off of £250,000😲 and deliver it toot sweet to Australia to hush it all up.🤫 If there is anything to that story I sure would love to see it come to the surface. But even if that is a total myth (though with all that HAS come to light, it does not seem far fetched at all), she was a TREMENDOUS liability to the whole Monarchy, right from the start. Harry just must be so much dumber, greedier, more foolish, and HEARTLESS than we ever could've imagined, to have willingly and as it appears even enthusiastically gone along with this insanity. Ms. Markle is evil through and through, and also she's wackadoodle.

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OW overcame a difficult childhood and became a world famous interviewer; she listened to, and empathised with, survivors; she acted in a blockbuster movie. And more. MM not so much. I wonder what OW thinks when MM talks about her life in the RF as 'almost unsurvivable'

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We know that Oprah said her childhood was a misery. We also know that she lies like a rug. She is a rabid racist and couldn't hide her disdain for whites during Obama's time in office. I have ZERO respect for Oprah. I can't say what I thought when I saw Oprah,, and her imperious attitude, approaching St George's Chapel, on MM's wedding day.

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How much money am I going to make out of this?

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Mar 5, 2021
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and leading a very fake live too , not that i care . Works for her

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All Harry ever talks about is about his mother. Diana had a good relationship with the press. Let her rest in peace.

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Diana used the press and the press used her. That's why they continued to insist that Harry was "the spare." Everyone knew it was not true but it was a lie of convenience for the press. They flattered Diana for what they could get out of her. And, in return, she kept them informed of her whereabouts. The Palace, Scotland Yard, and her own security detail begged her to stop giving her schedule to the paparazzi. She refused. It is just about impossible to "track" anyone from Kensington Palace, so if she did not tell them where she would be, they wouldn't be able to take her pictures that she desperately wanted to have published in the daily mags and rags. She sent staff to buy all the publications that she cut out and pasted in hundreds of albums. And, Harry feels guilty because of the last conversation he had with his mother.

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no one else ever , ever had a much loved parent die ..there is no space here with all these generations of parents in the bathroom line in front of us ..

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What changed in BP. Looks like they are getting everything ready before the interview-so it won't look like blowback or revenge after. That and I think the interview might finally spur them to remove all titles. Plus I wonder if Prince Phillip finally drilled some sense into PC? Plus bringing up Diana-indirectly dissing PC and Camilla-might also have made him mad.

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Philip has had 72 years to get his son's attention; I doubt anything has changed.

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Went on line to see what the reactions to the Times articles were. Shippy was trying to defend Smegsy by claiming that the complaint was made by Knauf but the 2 people who left asked him to withdraw it!! I wonder where he got that information from............

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Well if they left then it wasn’t in their interests was it ...probably got a little bonus in their final wage packet as a sweetener ... and of cause Shippy knows who they are and was able to contact them today ... yeah right

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Just announced that RF to investigate bullying claims in line with their Dignity at Work policy. Past and present staff to be interviewed. Quite right too, even though they have been slow off the market on this. Let these people have their voice.

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Ps. If proven, could this be their way to remove their titles?

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Suddenly hearing what Jason Knauf's account of the letter writing becomes more important given the latest news that he raised a bullying complaint against MM on behalf of co-workers. I guess the letter writing came before the bullying complaint. Given the rapid staff turnover in Handbag and MM's household that is known about I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if more accounts of bullying surface. I wonder how much compensation has been paid and how many NDA's have been used. Methinks the lid of Pandora's Box is being eased off.

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