Overnight (for me), the Oprah trailer teasers were uploaded, and the pity party fest began. First we had the warm up act of Corny and Hooey, to show the Americans how laid back and ‘nice’ the Harkles are, but now the ‘tell all’ tale is on the table. This was the beginning of another Sussex Suffocation, from the privacy hounds – the Harkles.
Less than 48 hours later, enter the well rehearsed sad faces of Harry and MM, clutching each other as if something was going to pull them apart. Maybe divorce papers or the police?
There are dramatic one liners where Harry exclaims they had ‘suffered’, and Oprah throws in the words ‘unsurvivable’, and tells the audience they must watch because no subjects are off the table. That is an invitation to those who thrive on gossip, but isn’t it all in rather poor taste? It’s worse than a kiss and tell story, and the fact they are doing it for money is rather cheap and low. However, that’s what the Harkles are now – cheap and tacky royal rejects.
Meanwhile, MM makes an acting comeback, complete with an Armani dress, a new facelift, new cheeks, and she appears to have washed her hair for this gig. A smug smirk slips in, but she holds her constipated look of ‘I’m not okay’, while clutching her belly, as she wills her eyes to well up, but not to cry as smudged eyeliner is messy.
The idea is to drum up some sympathy and pathos, as the dastardly duo reveal how they survived (unsure what they survived though still). We expect the ‘pity me’ cards to be dealt, and I’m sure a race card will slip in, and of course the Diana card will be used at some point, to entice the old Diana fans into the cult. No doubt Harry will talk about the toxic media, and that the British are bullies. No H, or Haz – we simply don’t tolerate people who lie, deceive, and who abuse their status for their own selfish gains.
The Sussex Saga continues, as they attempt to destroy the reputation of the British, and the RF in order for their own personal gain. Will Americans boycott the show, or are many too shallow and curious? That’s why the US audience was targeted, and they will make money from this kiss and tell story, because they seek sympathy, fame, money, and status while sitting on their rattan thrones. After all, why else would you seek privacy in Hollywood?
Patricia Cuthbert Urista7 hr ago
OW gets invited to their wedding, after a late invite shows up, and admits she has never met the pair. Now a few years later, she has the audacity to interview the couple, so they can essentially put the Queen and the royal family down on national television. Does she have a security detail of her own? After the show airs, she might want to get herself one. Will they be sipping oat milk lattes while they chat? Will MM be clutching the same moon bump she used in 2019, or did The Bank of Pa have to shell out for a new one?
Pity that the Queen, Princes Charles & William have not taken steps--with the Prime Minister & Parliament--to strip Meghan Markle and Harry of ALL of their titles and to remove him from the line of succession. Because it is only as a consequence of them retaining their royal status, that they garner such attention.
On their own, Meghan Markle is known to be a z-list, no-talent actress whose only acting role was on a mediocre TV drama called "Suits"; a role obtained for her by her ex-husband Trevor Engelson, whom she kicked aside for Cory-the-Chef in Canada, who was kicked aside for the dunce with a title, Harry. That's Meghan Markle's modus operandi: kicking people aside once she has used them up and spit them out. She kicked aside her ailing Dad after he suffered a heart attack & no longer profits her, and when she asked him to kick aside her siblings and she would not do so, then she concocted her malicious "Letter" which she leaked (all or parts thereof) to the "5 Friends" who maligned him to "People". She's kicked aside all family members--apart from Doria, who along side Markus Anderson, run the show--with Harry following orders. She kicked aside the "Family She Never Had"...to pursue her aim of "World Domination" (her words).
"What Meghan Wants, Meghan Gets" RUINED Harry, who never was very bright. The high spot in his spoilt, arrogant and reckless life as a party-boy, was when he served in the military. But even then, while in Afghanistan, he was cossetted, protected at all times and not ever in any real danger. His fellow soldiers did not like him because he was self-entitled, not intelligent, and foolish. When he kicked aside a memorial for the Royal Marine in favour of pitching the z-list, no-talent Meghan Markle to Disney for cash, that exposed the real Harry--an ungrateful, unthinking and greed-ridden man who has no genuine allegiance to anything or anybody other than his own selfish desires and that of his vile wife. He lost the respect of military service men and women and of many within the officer corps too.
Oprah no longer enjoys the respect that she once had--prior to her sordid & squalid relationship with Harvey Weinstein, a convicted rapist, serving prison time; the scandals in her school for girls in South Africa; and having sold out to the "woke" politicos in the USA who play the "race-card" in order to grab power and divide-and-conquer working people. She has no integrity left--and this is a chance for her to regain her popular appeal--but it may backfire, as her "friends", Meghan Markle and Harry are not likeable; not trustworthy; and are not respected as as result of their wanton greed; their lack of loyalty to their families, whom they treat abominably; and their hypocrisy which knows no bounds.
Pity that Oprah won't ask any real questions including:
1) How is it that Archwell & MWX (whatever that is) are in reality money-laundering operations (ala the Clinton Fnd) whereby Meghan Markle & Harry rake in 95% of donations and only 5% are donated to dubious "charities" (in the US, a "charity" is very loosely defined and not always regulated) wihch provide kickbacks in the way of PR-plugs, gold jewelry, etc.? What happened to the charitable donations made to the now defunct "Sussex Royal" which were transferred to Travalyst? Are they paying US taxes? British taxes?
2) Why are Meghan Markle & Harry still sponging off of the British taxpayers who continue to pay the costs of their security, travel & other perks, as a consequence of them retaining undeserved royal titles? Since their stint as "working royals" was "unsurvivable", then why haven't they willingly given up ALL such royal titles; royal connections; and renounced Harry's place in the line of succession? Why do they merch themselves via the exploitation of royal titles since they found their association with the other royals so unbearable?
3) Why are Meghan Marke & Harry using Sunshine Sachs to promote themselves in the press/media 24x7? Every day or so, there is a new PR-stunt; new announcements; new self-promotions--although they claim to want privacy and to find any media interest so dangerous? Why haven't they retired to a private life? Why do they continue to tell the public about their private feelings about having moved to Montecito, CA? Why do they continue to exploit Diana's memory in order to prop themselves up?
4) Is Markus Anderson-- Meghan Markle's "handler" from her SoHo House days-- still living with them in Montecito, CA? What is his role in their lives? How do he and Doria exert control over Harry? Is Markus Anderson paid by them (and thus, indirectly by the British taxpayers)? How is it that Doria is now worth $9+ MILLION? She can't have made that much money via giving yoga lessons? What has she agreed to do for Meghan Markle and Harry in return for so much money?
5) What are Meghan Markle and Harry actually doing for Netflix & Spotify that would earn them the kind of money that has been quoted? Have they produced anything of value for Netflix? What are they planning to do with Netflix? Apart from 2 mediocre videos, what are they planning to produce for Spotify? Who will they attract? Will they speak about anything other than Diana, whose memory they besmirch? Will they continue to play the "race card"; although they have been treated by the Queen to the lavish wedding they demanded; titles, patronages & privileges which they squandered; and vast sums of money which Meghan Markle greedily spent upon herself for residences, travel & luxuries, designer clothes, jewels, etc.?
There are many, many more questions such as if Meghan Markle values privacy so much--then why did she violate Prince William & Catherine's privacy when she sneaked around their private quarters, taking pictures of their little children, without their permission? Why was it okay for her to violate her own ailing Dad's privacy via maligning him to all sundry? Why did she violate the Cambridger's privacy in her "Finding Freedom" diatribe? Short answer: Because she is grotesque: a liar, a hypocrite, a malignant narcissist, and in my opinion, she is a psychopath--with no concern whatsoever about who she harms in her soulless pursuit for power, fame and fortune. "Narcissus and Echo": "H" & "M" are repugnant.