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Thank you Harry Markle! Been thinking about this quote for days: “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!” Shakespeare must've had a premonition of Harry coming. Now I've read that H may have misled the Queen in regards to what these shows with Auntie O were going to be about. I used to believe the Harkles would be highly successful financially, before the ground caved beneath them. Now, not so much. I believe he has put one too many holes in the bottom of his ship and it's about to capsize and sink with the 2 of them in it. I also believe once he finally recognizes his real "truth," he's going to find it hard to live with his shame, and she won't be around to help with his true mental issues.

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Does he have anything else to sell except-I am a Prince who escaped from the castle and life of luxury and found freedom. Oh and Meghan had to tell me I was trapped-I didn't know I was trapped before that. Oh I never was allowed to ride bicycles-though there a tons of pictures showing me riding bicycles as a child and on and on. I know ratings and money-but does Oprah really need this black eye at this stage? This is getting disgusting and many people in the US even among their target market are getting turned off by the "compassionate" duo.

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Thank you for opening comments again, each post is a small step in keeping the momentum alive in exposing H and TW for their true selves.

I confess the money trail is not my forte but it appears their charity funded advisors are well versed in staying just inside law, lets see how the tax situation pans out.

As for the platform the latest pity party is airing on, their fan base must surely be shrinking by the day - sugars using their pocket money to access the episodes the likliest market. Appetite globally for celebrity news has become distasteful since the pandemic as it should. Most truly compassionate if them discreetly play down their wealth and fame. But not Orca, Gargayle or Waxman. Remember Ellen team Sussex?

Finally, while the traitors continue to publicly flay HMTQ, PC and all they stand for, I live in hope a modern day Sir“Tommy” Lascelles is in the background quietly working on strategy. A master. Vintage posters may remember him. The Q certainly will.

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Gargayle made me laugh, Jenoz

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My pleasure! It came in a dream, but thats for another post.

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Harry's rants remind me of the old saying "give them enough rope to hang themselves" . Seems to be working, the deafening silence from the RF & BP allows the savvy public to see the unpleasant side of a prince, and I predict that the public & press will turn on the pair.

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Harry's current state of highly erratic behavior, lies and inconsistencies, and obvious rage is not a good advertisement for the supposed years and years of therapy he's had. And why wasn't picking a suitable mate for someone in his fragile, prolonged griefstricken, low EQ and IQ condition part of it? The mind boggles.

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I have posted something similar elsewhere, but it bears repeating.

After my research this morning, I'm saddened, angry, and would like to see at the very least JCMH and his heirs, removed from the line of succession as I feel they are not fit for the job based on everything that JCMH has stated and done.

The ambiguity of their charitable companies in the UK and the reporting of a suspicion was basically a warning shot and I agree with all the Harry Markle has stated about this in the article.

I cannot believe that they are stating that "TMYCS" by JCMH and Auntie O is "critically acclaimed and inspiring people worldwide to share their stories and talk openly about issues of MH and emotional well-being." Where are these statistics, and who other than those involved in the show itself?

I decided to check around and I found several reviews and the ones I read were not that favorable - they were skeptic. I did find a site that provided a score for the show and it only had 8 critic reviews and 3 were favorable and 5 were mixed for a score of 61 / 100. That quick dig for me showed that it is not critically acclaimed. I read each of those reviews and concur with the rating provided.

I've had therapy myself to handle some extremely difficult times in my life that caused a nervous breakdown (it was a very sad, dark, and lonely place and time for me) and I agree with the other posts that therapy is extremely private and should be kept that way. I know my therapist would not advise me to throw my family under a bus in such a public way. I feel JCMH and OW have made MH a very unrealistic set of expectations for the vast majority of the population -- something like an awful reality TV Show. I feel this has been an exercise in "Show me the Money." OW is the new Bashir.

Thank you, Harry Markle for a very well-written inciteful piece of journalism.

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Great article HM - JCMH has been played big time by OW, his wife and everyone associated with this nonsense. He really needs to wake up by I think it’s too late for him. The ‘charities’ were just a front I don’t think anyone is really surprised.

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Thanks, HM, for staying up on all this and taking the time to document it for us.

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Another excellent article, HM. Thank you for all your efforts to 'shine a light' on the disgusting behaviour of the Sussexes, and for opening the comments section once again. I live in a different time zone to the majority of posters, so when the comments turn off I amuse myself by re-reading your archived articles. As this saga continues, your investigative journalism just gets better and better.

Since it was apparently a couple of years in the making, I can't help but wonder how the Apple MH series would have turned out had JH and TW been granted all their mexit demands. Would they still be spitting venom at the RF?

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For some one who purportedly hates the media / press JCMH is mighty chummy with OW or does he think she’s being nice hanging around.  JCMH ur are being ‘played’ son.   I read HMTQ signed off this programme as he told her it was about the MH of ex servicemen.  NOT a pity fest for him and his woke pals to moan on.  

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So he lied to his grandmother and tricked her basically. What a nasty bottom feeder he is

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As far as I am concerned all the moving of money around is very strange. It has been said in the past that the pair come up with notions and want them acted on immediately, I doubt that is the case here but none the less it is crazy. Certainly sufficient to put people off charitable giving.

If JCMH can’t see that he has a problem, when he sits and talks to “Auntie O” how are they going to move forward & where to? It will be interesting to see what sort of input the professionals have, will they be allowed to speak sense or will it be physcobabble (is that a word?)

Very interesting to read earlier this evening that the Question en signed of the show which was apparently sold to her as something to help Military Veterans, she must be so confused by her wretched grandson. Maybe this will be something to make BP realise that action has to be taken. Meanwhile TW is still hiding.

Thank you HM for putting into this whole affair out in a way which we can understand, or at least try to. Just wish I was as eloquent as you & so many of the posters.

Now time for bed.

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As someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, it's a very personal thing. I do tell my friends bits and pieces, and they support me and say they notice a change for the good. As others have noted, some people withdraw into themselves...they just don't talk about it. Something I did for a number of years. But for Harry to discuss his treatment and blame others for what he perceives as injustices just show how much more therapy he needs. Secondly, Oprah likes to position herself as a "woke" personality. And she also did/does still have an ownership in The Dr. Phil Show. And...Harry and Oprah and Apple will stand to directly/indirectly benefit. Depression is a very personal illness, each person handles it differently...but for Harry and his therapist to divulge so much about his therapy does a disservice to those of us like me who struggle everyday

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I live in California and after JCMH's attack on the first amendment, believe me, no one pities him here. My friends and I love your RF and would never insult your laws and/or government policies. As my dear friend said, he just can't read a room, nor has he any filter. I know of no one who has watched the Auntie O and Harry show; to be honest I've not heard it mentioned much and it's received very little press over here. (We've been tired of Oprah for awhile now). For the RF's sake I hope that tomorrow's show isn't another whine fest featuring JCMH. (And, he needs to stop with all the hand gestures and flailing, already). On a bright note, how wonderful to see PW and the D of C stepping out of PP's green Land Rover in Scotland. They give me hope. JCMH and TW, we beg of you, please save what little dignity you have left ( if you ever had any to start with) and leave us all in peace. And thank you Harry Markle for your insight, and clear and concise thoughts. Every article is a pleasure.

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In the U.S., Friday kicks off our first long (3-day) weekend of the summer and first since states have started relaxing COVID restrictions. I hope this program is ignored by all as they rush out to enjoy their holiday and the great outdoors. I also think the “townhall” label is disingenuous. In the U.S., that phrase is often used to describe a setting where proponents put forth their ideas but then skeptics are permitted to ask questions and challenge the “official” narrative. We all know this will not be allowed in this next episode. It will be more drivel with no critical analysis applied.

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I hope we don’t see them plus a photographer trampling on any US military graves for Memorial Day!!

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I was so excited to be able to post that I forgot to thank Harry Markle. Your research is top notch.

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I hope everyone obeys the rules - I very much enjoy Harry's blogs and the responses from everyone. I find my anger at the way they have treated the Queen dissipates when I read so many comments all expressing their disgust. It is comforting.

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Does anyone know what the ratings for the show was...I did not watch nor will I have anything to do with Apple now

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It appeared to have good ratings for Apple TV. Though as Harry markled said they gave away free subscription. Plus everyone loves watching a car crash or trainwreck. Oprah is playing them like a fiddle. Her show with the duo and then the she used that publicity to launch her own TV show on Discovery -with people seated on the same bench-now this Apple TV special and then the townhall. Harry doesn't realize he is the main entertainment- and not the guest of honor-.that is all

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