Harry and his wife want it all, but they have no talent or new ideas to offer, so the companies that invest in them are highly unlikely to profit from their connection with them as no doubt they are finding out!
Well, I’ve read the comments and the post, which was very astute! Although I agree they should be made free of the traps and pressures of the RF, this may mean they will need supporting, and if they were my kids I would want them to be a little bit grateful, and not act as I’d they are entitled! They are not, they wanted to be free, but they also have to be quiet and I am not sure they can make any money that way as they only have one thing to sell and she spends faster than they earn it. I guess if they sacked all the PR staff it would last longer
In my opinion the Royal Family not taking the titles and removing H's children from line of succession makes them either look weak or that they have something to hide. H and TW have done enough to justify being banned from all Royal activities and privileges. H and TW will bad mouth the Royals regardless whether the titles/line of succession is taken or not because they have no other way to stay relevant. It is unfair to PC and PW for TQ not to do it now!
I have been waiting to read Harry Markles interpretation of recent happenings. Thanks so much for another astute summary. The titles should have been taken a long time ago. Now the duo are emboldened to " crush the Monarchy" despite enjoying and exploiting the advantages and prestige it affords them. My heart goes to PW constantly being left to endure the ridiculousness of media headlines and the duo's atrocious behaviour
OH, you are spot on as ever with this piece of excellent summary. I think William's behaviour at the statue unveiling shows how most of the core senior royals are feeling about the duo. I don’t understand what BRF are waiting for, and Queen and Prince Charles in particular. Endless threats and insults towards the Cambridges from the S supporters online are dangerous. And not just this: their mouthpiece OS was caught in a tweet confirming that he’s targeting an account (probably more than one) that uncovers and talks about all the S lies. He's trying to get shut all the accounts that talk about the duo and their lies, or at the very least, make them the targets of online (and possibly) real life harassment and endangerment. Even the recent piece in a lesser known online publication, talks about 2 particular YouTube channels that talk about all the Sx lies, thus making them even more visible to harassers. Not only do the Sx continue to target the Cambridges (and by that I mean their children too, calling Prince George and ugly child) to hurt them in any way they can, but they also do so with others, including major trade reporters like Camilla Tominey and the death threats to her family and children. Yet we don’t hear a pip from Sx clan to condemn such actions. There’s a saying Silence Means Agreement. That applies to the duo 120%. The rumours that the duo have been invited to the Platinum jubilee next year are kind of scaring me, because if it’s true, I don’t know what to make of it. Doesn’t Queen & PC realize what a PR circus the Sxs will create and the amount of rumours that will drag on after the Jubilee celebrations are over for weeks or rather months or even years? It’s a bottomless pit of rumours galore for the ever- PR hungry duo. BRF are undermining themselves with this action. I can’t see most senior group of BRf members being happy and playing nice with the duo. And the public will probably have their ripe tomatoes at the ready, along with their placards just to show how “happy” they are to see the couple back in UK. They need to be cut off once and for all, or the Royal Family will have themselves to blame for whatever comes next. As it’s obvious that the duo is determined to destroy BRF the best they can, since they can’t be the main players as they’d hoped, to call the shots to everyone, including the Queen or King. Horrible horrible duo.
I was really struck by how still William was at the unveiling which added huge contrast to the behaviour of his brother. Still but not stiff. This was no party for william but of utmost importance which I think showed. He wanted to honour his mother. I'm not sure we can say the same for his brother who always has another agenda. The monarchy is not a popularity contest which the marbles seem to have forgotten.
I agree, Prince William showed the right amount of dignity and respect for the occasion while his brother appeared to play to the gallery. Harry and his wife want to confuse the royals with celebrities who crave publicity. The American market may view the royals in terms of popularity but it is not a competition. The role of the Monarchy, unlike celebrities, is to serve the nation that they represent, not to seek fame and fortune for the sake of their own ego.
Maybe the RF have a plan...I hope so. TW wants to be a Princess & she's poking away trying to make that a reality...she certainly has an agenda. The money must be flowing out at a rate of knots...wonder what the next tack will be.
Signing the P&G petition would be a good way of bringing pressure to bear. Let's get the numbers up on it. The Royal Warrant used to stand for something now that is also being trashed. Sign up today, please, please.
Paul, thank you for the reminders. At the last look, we had 564 signatures which is amazing. AG kindly did an image as well which has now been added which is fantastic.
The irony is that Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry, while clinging tightly to royal titles and privileges, apparently are true believers in the current egalitarian democratic movement that is anti-monarchical and anti-hierarchical in general. Progressivism reflects the influence of the anti-monarchy radicals of the French Revolution. Liberté, égalité, fraternité demanded freedom from all hierarchical restraints, monarchical and religious.
The difference is that the Sussexes give every indication of wishing to retaining the power and wealth of the monarchy but imitate Evita Perón or Imelda Marcos. Retain the designer wardrobe, the 3,000 pairs of shoes and the popular influence, but ditch traditions and protocol. In short, embrace the "woke" idea of equality: access to all the privilege and wealth without retaining the history of the nation, the monarchy, or the church.
TW is an enraged narcissist...PH her puppet & OS her mouthpiece. Revenge is the name of the game & the RF must act now...it will not stop unless they do. Rather suffer a week of brouhaha than this endless nonsense
With all the resources to hand in Britain to protect the monarch and the people from outside threats, that we no doubt pay for one way or another, I'm really angry that this attack is allowed to continue unabated. Where is Mr James Bond when we need him? But extraordinarily, the safety of the Cambridge’s is extremely concerning, and all the world is gaping at the business-as-usual circus that has become our 21st-century monarchy.
I am dumbfounded , The Crown not taking action against the two. Flashing their contempt for the RF in neon signage would not be more obvious than the behavior, words shout. I am so disappointed seeing H TW carry on without repercussion.
I don’t understand how they can go on attacking the RF, all the while including the importance of compassion whenever they make a speech. Are they deluded enough to think they are viewed as compassionate people in spite of their behaviour to both of their families?? There is such a dissonance between their words and their behaviour, do they not see that or do they just not care?
I hope you don't mind if I repeat your words:" there is such a dissonance between their words and their behavior..."; it sums up, more accurately, my calling them insane. I also love words and "dissonance", says so much.
It is treason to try to put a child that does not qualify into the line of succession.Their kids do not qualify as they have not proven their DNA or having been of Meghan's body.That alone is treason.Further they have not established their place in succession so they should not be considered so until they prove legitimate right.
We all agree, but feel for these two innocent VICTIMS. There is nothing normal about them and the thought that when they are old enough to read about their beginnings, they will discover controversy arising from mystery: (cloaked by the mother's alleged claims of needing privacy).
This does depend on whether the two offspring of H exist. It's an extremely fanciful idea, faking a pregnancy, but using the occasion to create maximum publicity around names, whipping up racial tension regarding colour, aren't the typical actions of new middle-aged parents, and I'm afraid I've become a non-believer.
Harry and his wife want it all, but they have no talent or new ideas to offer, so the companies that invest in them are highly unlikely to profit from their connection with them as no doubt they are finding out!
Well, I’ve read the comments and the post, which was very astute! Although I agree they should be made free of the traps and pressures of the RF, this may mean they will need supporting, and if they were my kids I would want them to be a little bit grateful, and not act as I’d they are entitled! They are not, they wanted to be free, but they also have to be quiet and I am not sure they can make any money that way as they only have one thing to sell and she spends faster than they earn it. I guess if they sacked all the PR staff it would last longer
Am sure if they put their minds to it they could find a proper job. They wanted to be free of all restrictions/ do be it. Hop it.
So be it
In my opinion the Royal Family not taking the titles and removing H's children from line of succession makes them either look weak or that they have something to hide. H and TW have done enough to justify being banned from all Royal activities and privileges. H and TW will bad mouth the Royals regardless whether the titles/line of succession is taken or not because they have no other way to stay relevant. It is unfair to PC and PW for TQ not to do it now!
I have been waiting to read Harry Markles interpretation of recent happenings. Thanks so much for another astute summary. The titles should have been taken a long time ago. Now the duo are emboldened to " crush the Monarchy" despite enjoying and exploiting the advantages and prestige it affords them. My heart goes to PW constantly being left to endure the ridiculousness of media headlines and the duo's atrocious behaviour
OH, you are spot on as ever with this piece of excellent summary. I think William's behaviour at the statue unveiling shows how most of the core senior royals are feeling about the duo. I don’t understand what BRF are waiting for, and Queen and Prince Charles in particular. Endless threats and insults towards the Cambridges from the S supporters online are dangerous. And not just this: their mouthpiece OS was caught in a tweet confirming that he’s targeting an account (probably more than one) that uncovers and talks about all the S lies. He's trying to get shut all the accounts that talk about the duo and their lies, or at the very least, make them the targets of online (and possibly) real life harassment and endangerment. Even the recent piece in a lesser known online publication, talks about 2 particular YouTube channels that talk about all the Sx lies, thus making them even more visible to harassers. Not only do the Sx continue to target the Cambridges (and by that I mean their children too, calling Prince George and ugly child) to hurt them in any way they can, but they also do so with others, including major trade reporters like Camilla Tominey and the death threats to her family and children. Yet we don’t hear a pip from Sx clan to condemn such actions. There’s a saying Silence Means Agreement. That applies to the duo 120%. The rumours that the duo have been invited to the Platinum jubilee next year are kind of scaring me, because if it’s true, I don’t know what to make of it. Doesn’t Queen & PC realize what a PR circus the Sxs will create and the amount of rumours that will drag on after the Jubilee celebrations are over for weeks or rather months or even years? It’s a bottomless pit of rumours galore for the ever- PR hungry duo. BRF are undermining themselves with this action. I can’t see most senior group of BRf members being happy and playing nice with the duo. And the public will probably have their ripe tomatoes at the ready, along with their placards just to show how “happy” they are to see the couple back in UK. They need to be cut off once and for all, or the Royal Family will have themselves to blame for whatever comes next. As it’s obvious that the duo is determined to destroy BRF the best they can, since they can’t be the main players as they’d hoped, to call the shots to everyone, including the Queen or King. Horrible horrible duo.
I was really struck by how still William was at the unveiling which added huge contrast to the behaviour of his brother. Still but not stiff. This was no party for william but of utmost importance which I think showed. He wanted to honour his mother. I'm not sure we can say the same for his brother who always has another agenda. The monarchy is not a popularity contest which the marbles seem to have forgotten.
I agree, Prince William showed the right amount of dignity and respect for the occasion while his brother appeared to play to the gallery. Harry and his wife want to confuse the royals with celebrities who crave publicity. The American market may view the royals in terms of popularity but it is not a competition. The role of the Monarchy, unlike celebrities, is to serve the nation that they represent, not to seek fame and fortune for the sake of their own ego.
I am disappointed that people are breaking the rules again by discussing other members of the RF with speculation.
It leaves me no alternative but to close the comments, so think carefully before you post as a few ruin it for everyone else.
Stunned that H could do this to his family and that the RF do not act
Maybe the RF have a plan...I hope so. TW wants to be a Princess & she's poking away trying to make that a reality...she certainly has an agenda. The money must be flowing out at a rate of knots...wonder what the next tack will be.
If they give up their titles she would be princess Henry but on her divorce she would revert back to nothing which is appropriate.
Signing the P&G petition would be a good way of bringing pressure to bear. Let's get the numbers up on it. The Royal Warrant used to stand for something now that is also being trashed. Sign up today, please, please.
Paul, thank you for the reminders. At the last look, we had 564 signatures which is amazing. AG kindly did an image as well which has now been added which is fantastic.
The irony is that Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry, while clinging tightly to royal titles and privileges, apparently are true believers in the current egalitarian democratic movement that is anti-monarchical and anti-hierarchical in general. Progressivism reflects the influence of the anti-monarchy radicals of the French Revolution. Liberté, égalité, fraternité demanded freedom from all hierarchical restraints, monarchical and religious.
The difference is that the Sussexes give every indication of wishing to retaining the power and wealth of the monarchy but imitate Evita Perón or Imelda Marcos. Retain the designer wardrobe, the 3,000 pairs of shoes and the popular influence, but ditch traditions and protocol. In short, embrace the "woke" idea of equality: access to all the privilege and wealth without retaining the history of the nation, the monarchy, or the church.
TW positions herself as an activist leader.
I do agree!
Because the Harkles are nothing without those royal accoutrements--and the expected income that comes with them.
TW is an enraged narcissist...PH her puppet & OS her mouthpiece. Revenge is the name of the game & the RF must act now...it will not stop unless they do. Rather suffer a week of brouhaha than this endless nonsense
With all the resources to hand in Britain to protect the monarch and the people from outside threats, that we no doubt pay for one way or another, I'm really angry that this attack is allowed to continue unabated. Where is Mr James Bond when we need him? But extraordinarily, the safety of the Cambridge’s is extremely concerning, and all the world is gaping at the business-as-usual circus that has become our 21st-century monarchy.
I am dumbfounded , The Crown not taking action against the two. Flashing their contempt for the RF in neon signage would not be more obvious than the behavior, words shout. I am so disappointed seeing H TW carry on without repercussion.
I don’t understand how they can go on attacking the RF, all the while including the importance of compassion whenever they make a speech. Are they deluded enough to think they are viewed as compassionate people in spite of their behaviour to both of their families?? There is such a dissonance between their words and their behaviour, do they not see that or do they just not care?
I hope you don't mind if I repeat your words:" there is such a dissonance between their words and their behavior..."; it sums up, more accurately, my calling them insane. I also love words and "dissonance", says so much.
It is treason to try to put a child that does not qualify into the line of succession.Their kids do not qualify as they have not proven their DNA or having been of Meghan's body.That alone is treason.Further they have not established their place in succession so they should not be considered so until they prove legitimate right.
We all agree, but feel for these two innocent VICTIMS. There is nothing normal about them and the thought that when they are old enough to read about their beginnings, they will discover controversy arising from mystery: (cloaked by the mother's alleged claims of needing privacy).
This does depend on whether the two offspring of H exist. It's an extremely fanciful idea, faking a pregnancy, but using the occasion to create maximum publicity around names, whipping up racial tension regarding colour, aren't the typical actions of new middle-aged parents, and I'm afraid I've become a non-believer.