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"Sussex rhetoric is narcissistic propaganda that must be halted, and should not be enabled by others who do so for their own selfish gains. Those who enable them are traitors to liberty and the freedom of speech." How very true are these words!.

I have stopped reading newspapers, and I don't have tv. I come here for the truth about RF and never disappointed.

It was discussed at the lunch break that one of the 'enablers' had pictures of THAT WOMAN in very raunchy poses- (The same one you have in your pages)SHE claims (her truth) she was objectified by those nasty people. The name of P&G is alleged to have used her for a promotion. Harry, I am not speculating but could you find out if there is any truth in these claims. That would be something if it were true!

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Another excellent and very straight and honest piece of writing ,it puts down what we feel but cannot always articulate as we would wish .Very well written and straight to the point .

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Excellent piece. Does an excellent job explaining the difference between PR and marketing. I look at the Sussexs PR machine as press agents. Their handlers spew out propaganda, rather than real news and information. There appears to be no coordinated communications plan for the Sussexs activities. Furthermore...the Sussexs don't need a social media presence because their followers continually repeat the Sussex views. Here in the US, we have freedom of speech which encourages meaningful dialog, which Harry, a few months ago, admitted he wasn't a fan. The media...in all its forms has become polarized by different groups, all in the interest of gaining followers, viewers or readership...and the profitable ad dollars. That's why finding unbiased news, including accurate news about the Sussexs, is becoming harder. That's why Harry Markle's observations are more important than ever

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Thank you for a great summary and insight on this issue. America is experiencing this loss of freedom of speech now. I can only hope it doesn’t spread to England. H&M will continue on this path of trying to control everything and everyone in their lives but we all know that isn’t possible. Sooner or later people get tired of keeping quiet. I continue to wonder how they will explain away all the internet articles when their children are able to research them or explain why they never met their relatives. As we get older, most of us begin to realize there are two sides to every story. Hopefully their kids will realize that too. Keep writing Harry.

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One way to control their lives and not be talked about is not go public with anything!

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H & TW clearly believe that truth is what THEY say it is. Sad that they define truth as what they can get the media to print about them. Whatever happened to critical thinking? Now everything is just a performance. How empty their internal lives must be!

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Critical thinking appears to be low on the current teaching curriculum. I also feel it’s becoming a lost skill amongst other generations too. Agreeing to differ on a subject and still be friends also seems to be something that is becoming another casualty.

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It’s all reactionary, unfortunately.

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I am at present watching the lunchtime news on the BBC.So far I have used the mute button twice as I am fed up of supposition instead of facts and they talk to 3 different reporters, who each have a different slant on the matter. That is my choice and my choice is also to not read any English tabloids at present. Free speech is very important to the free world.

Thank you for both your articles in the last 24 hours. Sensible and easily read.

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I'm hoping that whatever future financial intentions they might have will have the same outcome as their past attempts to make money. Sussex Royal shut down, Finding Freedom and The Bench both flops, Archwell struggling to even take off, Podcast around Christmas 2020 a total failure and the coffee company investment not so successful as the product is expensive and, if I'm to go by the taste of similar products you can buy at Tesco, it's not to everyone's taste. That leaves the Netflix adventure for which they have not yet produced one single project. Eventually, they will run out of Harry's inheritance from Diana, if they didn't already. No money followed by no power to influence anything or anybody. Fitting outcome I should think. That's Karma for you.

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Tons of money due to him from Queen Mother so he will always have money dont know why he cant just live his life in peace & quiet like HE wants to, but she doesn't they want to be stars and compete with William due to immense jealousy

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The sooner the better and it could not happen to a nice couple.

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I forgot to mention Harry Walker Agency that they both signed up with. I just did a search for them and they are not mentioned at all on the HWA website. I wonder what happened to this money-making gem?

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It seems it would be wise to ignore anything written about anyone or anything. People will always write or say thing according to their own perspective. My dad always said to not believe anything you read, try to search the truth for yourself, but that’s so hard to do nowadays, especially with the influx of antisocial media. Thanks HM for your very interesting and worthwhile comments.

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Meghan’s previous high profile friends, such as Elton and George, have stopped enabling her. Ophra has sensibly gone very quiet. As you say, sane people are not easily taken in. I hope that this sucking of airspace by Meghan stops soon, as, like a growing majority, I'm heartily sick of seeing and hearing her nonsense. I much prefer following the football, but when it's over, bring on the ANL case and justice. I can't wait.

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The Harkles aren’t stable or powerful enough to take down free speech. When their money runs out, so will their ability to buy public relations. Most of us can easily identify Marklese word salad speech and writing, which isn’t at all intelligent or persuasive. They’ve shot themselves in the feet with their amateurish attempts to control the narrative. The more they spend on it, the more they reveal themselves as the mean, manipulative fools they are.

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That might be the case for those who can spot word salad, but what about the harm caused by those who aren't bright enough to realize that? They have already caused harm, so one can't wait until they run out of money and allow more harm to continue...

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I think the term for the kind of people you're describing is "useful idiots."

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Their mainly very young impressionable followers are not yet bright enough to "get it".

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The people too foolish to spot meaningless word salad tend not to have much power. That mob isn’t going to conquer the world’s market on free speech.

I can’t speak to the harm they’re causing in the UK, but, as you’ve pointed out, for whatever reasons, the RF hasn’t really put an effective stop to their antics, even though they could with a few swift moves.

But here in the U.S., no one is paying much attention to them. They don’t seem to have or be able to maintain friendships. Any media attention they get is just for the train wreck aspect and because, when it all goes off the rails, those same media vultures want interviews from TW and JCMH. It’s not because the latter are popular or important, but because they are such messes.

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Sad to think that the media are only concerned about ‘train crashes’ happening to so called celebs. Am more concerned and angry at the young and innocent people being betrayed by owners of Twitter and FB and other outlets who allow the vile comments being published. Its about time more was done - stop subscribing to these outlets is not enough and OH - aka as Inimitable Harry - has done more than anyone to protect our freedom of speech etc. Will sign as many petitions as needed for BP to get a grip with the spectre and orb and sort the couple out for good.

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Freedom of speech is extremely important we loose and the rest soon fallow. So thank you for a great article

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Thank you for this as ever HM. Free speech is important. The truth is important - and that applies to all sides. It can be frustrating for us all at times but it is incumbent on us all only to repeat what is factually known or can be demonstrated, and not gossip with no basis behind it. Without this we risk becoming like the opposite version of the cult and diluting our message and view points. There is much to legitimately criticise the duo with - much too much - without the need to add conspiracies to it. I appreciate your recognition of this HM and the efforts that you put in to keep these boards free from such - it can be a hard and often thankless task but your efforts are noticed and appreciated. The truth is what matters and the ability to be able to speak that and one’s opinion of it.

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I think after they did the interview on itv and told so many lies most people in the uk have seen through them if we hadnt before. I havnt watched itv since and did put a complaint in about the interview. They must know they have been sussed. I hate the way they have a go at kate and william through scobie, who is just a poodle of megans.

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I read once probably 20 years ago that North America (primarily the USA) has the highest number of lawyers in the world. I suspect that number has only increased since then, given the propensity of people in the USA to sue over ANY possible thing-frivolous or serious. Certainly we’ve seen that tendency in action with the duplicitous duo. As well, reports have come in from people who have had threats against themselves or family, jobs threatened, jobs lost because of actions of people who don’t like the opinion expressed and who are trying to negate/eliminate those voices. Unfortunately, and scarily, those efforts are having a major effect on the narrative, as many of us cannot afford to have that backlash aimed at ourselves. As a result, I believe it is becoming more difficult to stand up for one’s opinion, although it shouldn’t be, as we worked long and hard to earn the right to voice our opinions without censorship by those who simply want a different spin on it that is only favorable. I can’t help but wonder if the reason the Bedford interview hasn’t aired yet, is because of the potential for another lawsuit by the couple, or more threats issued (or worse, acted upon) by those fans. It is, indeed, frightening to think that slowly our voices are being silenced by such actions. Thank you, Harry Markle, for your thoughts, words, and opinions, and for giving us a forum allowing us to voice ours.

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Social Media isn't a safe place anymore. Some aspects are hazardous. I'm afraid that YW, a senior lady, would be put at serious risk if the Bedford interview is aired.

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YW can take care of herself. She wants the interview to be published otherwise she would nver have agreed to it.

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It is a concern that people have been put off voicing their opinions, and that is why we must not allow others to curb our rights to express our opinions, even if they differ.

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While we have been warned by H that social media is dangerous to our mental health, he and the missus do nothing to curb the lies their followers spread. In fact they appear to me to encourage their followers, through their spokesperson OS.

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Thank you for this very sobering post. It is true that lies and bad behaviour don't just go away when ignored. What I have found so difficult is that manipulation is used by a lot of very vocal and controlling people, and that attempts to call them out so often fail. Allowing everyone the opportunity to speak without the sort of harrassment and manipulation we see online, would much more easily allow for everyone to get to the truth. Often the biggest offenders are the ones who hide behind the charge that they are the ones who are being bullied, and so try to place themselves beyond valid criticism. I have, with just a few exceptions, abandoned social media, as it's so disturbing. For some time though, I've wondered whether, by trying to ignore the lies, that I've enabled this in some way?

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I think it's too easy to say that we enable this by ignoring the cult and what they do, and that is what is deemed sensible. However, when they attack anything that questions the duo, then it affects all of society and how things are shaped.

As much as we want to ignore them, by doing so we fail to call them out and hold them to account for their behaviour and that means their attacks will continue. How do we solve this? You cull the cult leader and the puppet masters (such as reporters and media platforms like TIME) by calling them out on their mistruths. BP can do their part, but have failed to do so, and readers can respond by choosing not to interact with platforms or buy products or media that support this bullying behaviour. It will take time, but we saw reporters switch sides when they figured the Sussexes were the wrong horse to back, and brands and platforms will figure out the same or go bust!

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A reminder to all, no name calling, and no mention of YT channels. Yankee was mentioned as her free speech is being targeted, and that is the point of the article.

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Pride is a spiritual cancer:it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense. C.S.Lewis…..aptly describes this pair. They show no love for anyone but themselves, are not content with their very privileged life and show no common sense in their desperate efforts to be relevant. Their bitterness and jealousy must make them both miserable and they deserve it for the misery they put others through.

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Michelle P7 min ago

I find it very shocking that the Sussex Squad and their minions are so vicious when you say something they don’t agree with. I don’t post often on Twitter, but did once, with facts - not just ‘I hate #6 abd TW’, and very quickly had one person write back saying what I wrote was hate speech and racist - and they would find me and have me fired from my job. I had to quickly check what I’d written - seeing nothing there was libellous, and figured I had to write back to stand up for what I’d written. In the end the person who wrote the nasty tweet disappeared (it seemed it was a brand new account with no followers - so I assume it’s one that the SS hide behind to make them look like a much larger group than they really are. But I can see how someone could be really frightened into saying nothing - especially people who have jobs and families to protect. I feel bad for everyone that they try to cancel out (yes, that includes Piers - although I doubt he needs my pity). We all have a right to our opinions - but it’s getting to the point that a mean vocal slice of society is bullying everyone into silence.


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I use DM but no name and no whereabouts! There are some horrible comments placed out there and I have had a couple removed I felt especially bad, had one of mine removed and then reinstated which was surprising! I find her controlling strange, she lets them know where they will be and uses them when she can but everything else is via PR or Scobey.

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Thank you for this. The silencing of free speech and effort to control opinions and criticisms they don’t like must be stopped. The Duo and their cult of followers are out of control and I do hope more light is shed on it by the media. It’s not just attempts to silence opposing opinion either. The hate and violent rhetoric of the SS is shocking

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It has always been my belief William and Catherine saw through that woman right at the start… various press outlets took sides ITV broadcast the Oprah wingefest so they chose their side… As for the Montecio duo uve got 1 who is super dense and the other is manipulating whoever she can to get what she thinks she’s due .. she ain’t going to get what she wants - the UK is on to her machinations ….and When HMTQ leaves us then we will see those two slapped down big style….

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Oh I do hope they will be slapped down, but, the more this "show" goes on the more I doubt that anything substantive will happen. I suspect that The RF and BP are increasingly finding themselves between a rock and a hard place. I fear that ANY action they take will unleash an even greater storm over their heads. Maybe they aren't wrong to leave it well enough alone, because any comment in response to H&M's antics just brings EVERYTHING back front and centre.

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Stalin, Hitler and now harry and wife...

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They are in the same league!!!

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Thank you Harry Markled for another pair of good articles. Freedom of speech is under threat from a few, it’s up to the ordinary people to something about it as none of those in power seem to want to tackle it.

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Thankyou for your posts I do look forward to reading them. Free speech is certainly being damaged and these things start small and grow to the point we will not remember how it used to be.

Comments on this site I always find fair but I do feel sad when I read comments on FB or DM which attacks how someone looks. I find that cruel and should also be stopped as well as bots.

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I think the media have a lot to answer for in this saga.Instead of doing their job and reporting the news in an unbiased manner they play to their target audience with no critical debate.The conflict between the Royal Family and the Sussex's is greedily taken up by the press to to earn dollars.This should have been a private family dispute that has turned into a media feeding frenzy.

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Harry Markle, you eloquently address an alarming reality. The stakes, implications, and fallout of the Markle saga are vast and deep. Far greater than merely an entertaining squabble amongst members of the RF and their supporters versus the synthetically sweet fans of the Montecito court.

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Thanks Harry, another brilliant post. Just having a ponder on why media sites and companies feel the need to go over and over the same things, from a different view and all make different suppositions about it. For the viewer/reader this is very annoying and sometimes you really do have to pick through the dross to get to any real journalism, except this is not real journalism it’s just an easy way to get a posting about the 2 princes or the RF, or the 2 who shall not be named.

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Lady P Its easy and lazy not to mention quick. and so around it all goes. A bit if you will like the party game often played as children where you all sat round in a circle, and whispered something which was passsed on. We all know by the time it got back to you it was something totally different.

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It is far too late to control the narrative now. They have been outed and everything that comes from their team is now suspect. Everything. If Scooby said it was day I would check I hadn't left a light on.

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The sad part is that given how the misinformation has "diffused" across various media (tabloids, mainstream news, television, FB, etc.), it's becoming difficult to figure out where exactly each little tidbit is coming from. I used to be able to identify obvious Sussex trolling, but when it's on NBC's Today Show or a major American or international magazine, it slips through my gaps and even I find myself wondering if this is news or is it paid PR.

I think the general public is becoming subject to the concept of the "willing suspension of disbelief." Their (JH & TW's) advisors are not stupid and know exactly what they are doing to our modern-day information overloaded minds.

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I do hope RF has our Harry as an advisor.

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They would be well advised to do so.

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The concerted effort to close down and abuse anyone that criticises the Sussex's seem to have reached an out of control proportion, we now seem to have a group who no one knows whom they are controlling peoples thoughts and comments. I have received nasty abuse from some Sussex fans and when I have reported them to both Twitter and FB I have been told they have done nothing wrong, whilst at the same time I have received a FB ban for totally inoffensive remarks that merely question something about them, but because the Sussex cult members have reported them they are acted on imeediately. Both social media and some media seem to be running a double standard of reporting, anything the Sussex say or do, no matter how bizarre and nasty is acceptable, but anyone who questions them and their motives is automatically bad and offensive.

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And it is very telling that Harry and his first wife do not call on the ‘sugars’ to stop the abuse, so much for their compassion eh?

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The sugars seem to have an almost universal failure where history is concerned and there is a consistency in the errors they make. For instance I have of late seen a number of posts saying that the QM was a commoner. Similarly many references to Betty and Billy that I hadnt been aware of previously

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Very well said HM, thank you. This is exactly what H and TW are trying to do, control public opinion by controlling the media narrative. I also remember their interview comment about teaching people the correct way of thinking. Control freaks, both of them.

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Yes we are. And big tech appear to have an ever increasing stranglehold over what can and cannot be said. People should fear for their children and grandchildren. This is effectively a new form of feudalism with those who control IT being able to take control of our freedoms.

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I've always thought that Markle is involved ( if not running the whole show) regarding these manic sugar accounts. They definitely need shutting down because of constant threats etc....Like you just said...if I came on here and bullied or threatened another follower because I disagreed with their comment I'd be banned so the powers that be need to seriously deal with markles dangerous supporters.

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An excellent wake-up call HM. Thank you. We should all be aware that freedom of speech is to be valued and protected.

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Thank you for this HMBlog.. all good reading as usual... and now we hear that Ms. Meghan and Master Harry are to soon to release their own movie (lol)... 'Escaping from the Palace' (lol)... I just wonder how many people will be interested in watching such garbage though??? it might be interesting to see just how/they 'perform'. (lol).

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By any of us 'watching' it are we not supporting the duo? Not just monetarily but it supports their past behaviors and based on their past performances and media releases so far ie Finding Freedom, the interview with Oprah and their many other media releases. Everything that they have previously released as been has shown that their view point is very slanted and untruthful, disrespectful, and hurtful for many. So do we really NEED to watch this movie knowing what we already know? It isn't entertainment anymore when it is threatening OUR freedom of speech. The RF and others that have been 'hurt' and been disrespected by their lies and behaviors and have the right to speak up and call it as they see it, 'their truth' because it is no longer acceptable to maintain the status quo they once found helpful 'never complain, never explain' . That stance the RF used as their way of dealing with unpleasantness may once upon a time worked, but now it serves to also threaten OUR freedom of speech. If it is a lie, call it, prove it but no longer hide the truth. The RF would be more appropriate as role models if they did speak out to promote truthfulness, honesty and respect rather then ignoring the obvious. Just my humble opinion.

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I am very hopeful that no one believes that I am trying to 'dictate' what one watches' or 'when' etc...and I am not attempting to demoralize any one who chooses to watch this. It is a personal choice. Please do not think that I am trying to dictate for anyone what is right and what is wrong. I am very appreciative that we have this place to openly discuss how we are feeling and what we are thinking. Places such as these seem to be slowly disappearing and I am grateful that not all have been taken down. A huge ty to Harry Markle for the work, and hours of work in creating the thought inspiring articles and a place for us to agree, disagree....and discuss how we are feeling and what we are thinking. And a huge thank you for EVERYONE here who has had the courage, and thoughtfulness and respect to add to the discussion!!!

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I’m surprised BP can’t do anything about it. H and TW should not be able to get away with it, although I think we all thought it was on the cards.

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All the actors look like caricatures of the people they are portraying and are mainly z-listers seemingly. The script sounds extremely stilted, and I am very surprised that she didn’t ask for someone younger and better looking to play her!

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Sorry Lady P - spluttered - no way would she condone that or were you being a little impish?

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🤔 impish eh? Rumbled, I was being so! C’est la vie, I’ll try harder next time 😇

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No don’t - it’s great!!

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No. What she wants is the faux reviews saying that would never find someone to play her able to embody her beauty elegance grace class etc

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Wished I had read your post Alison before putting my tip pence worth in - very good 👍

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LOL Won’t miss that !

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