The 'Sussexes' Will Not Return
The Patronages are handed back and the titles, but the dukedom?
It seems that BP are a bit slow off the mark, because they have formally announced that the duo will return honorary titles and Royal patronages. Hello – it is what you said was going to happen last year, but somehow BP had been convinced to leave the door open without interference.
The truth is that public opinion is so low and the cries for an announcement have become louder and stronger in the last week. BP had to say something, but it was what we expected and knew already. The Queen is still not getting it, because the public aren’t sad. Why be sad when traitors know when they are not really welcome?
"While all are saddened by their decision, the Duke and Duchess remain much loved members of the family."
The dukedom though is the real test, because the People will not rest until it is removed. If BP think this feeble announcement is enough, then they are wrong. If they think this will bring in some waves of sympathy, again they are mistaken.
However, it looks like they still want to be attached to the bodies that they represented, and have made a statement that suggests that they will carry on regardless. We all knew that, but at least it’s not official. No doubt the last year has been an attempt to remain on the books, but public opinion is against them. With Diana, it was a different story as the public loved her.
A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan said: "As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role."
They added: "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal."
If BP are trying to appease everyone, they are doing a poor job. They need to do more, and to do it better and with haste. As for The Queen, she has to say they are ‘loved members’, maybe Harry, but I doubt there is any love for MM and she knows it – the whole world knows that’s a line for public consumption. We are in an era where people are less likely to accept these politically correct statements, where it is far better to say silent or to issue something neutral.
Come 7 March 2021, do we really expect the Oprah interview to be full of praise for the British, the workings of the Monarchy? Of course not, after both have denigrated members of the RF, and the British in interviews and various Zoom chats with others. They have wielded knives willy nilly, and MM has stabbed them randomly like a frenetic banshee (metaphorically of course, as far as we know).
Are we supposed to believe that William has rung Harry up and wished him well with a ‘tell all’ interview? The boat was sinking already, and this interview is the final torpedo, but hey, we may all be wrong. Somehow, you don’t need a crystal ball to predict how things will go.
The question is whether The Queen will be proactive or not in saving what is left of her reign. With the statement today, she may have thought it was wise to look loving and caring, but it has probably incensed the People because she has failed to listen still. The words may have been for show, but what they didn’t show is loyalty to the People, and that above all is what matters. BP have read the room incorrectly again – a life of service and duty is reiterrated, but that is not evident. They need to make it crystal clear in order to save what is left of the Monarchy.
I wrote and published my article just before the announcement, but we could all smell it was coming. The relevant bodies had to be informed so that they could cobble together a statement. Looks like I may have to do an update tonight or tomorrow.
The original agreement was that they were to relinquish all the patronages and titles, and they had a free year to exploit the extension. This news was not a surprise given that we can see the plan to leave had been put in place since 2017. Maybe BP or the RF can't accept they were hoodwinked by one of their own, but they were.
The dukedom of Sussex must go, and if it doesn't, I fear the rage will increase. This was not an option for the duo, and it's clear they were trying to cling to the titles and patronages. It was never going to work, and yes, they looked desperate.
The only thing they serve is themselves, without a thought for family or friends. That is not a life of service, and BP trying to convince us that they have served the nation is quite frankly insulting and repulsive. We can decide for ourselves who has served the nation, and Harry and MM have not.
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing less than the removal of the dukedom of Sussex and the HRH styles for both will IMHO satisfy the discord amongst the British public. Harry opting to remove himself from the order of succession would be a bonus. The petition will remain until all the criteria listed has been fuilfilled. Therefore, I am considering perhaps sending in comments from the petition on a quarterly basis. I shall decide in the next few weeks.
We should look at what is first and foremost of importance, and that it is prevent the duo from trading on the HRH and Sussex titles. A restriction or suspension is not enough, because they are shallow enough to refer to the titles and say that they have them, but are currently not using them. Therefore, I don't believe Harry has the ability to or will to monetize the titles without his strings being pulled or words put into his mouth, so to keep his HRH in suspension is a lesser evil than one who would brazenly toss it around.
The preferable solution is for both HRH styles and the dukedom to be revoked, and people will ask why. BP can do this behind closed doors, because they don't need to announce it. If the duo ignore this and use them, then BP can publicly declare that the HRH and dukedom have been removed, and any unathorized use of the titles will result in action being taken against them. They would probably push that boundary as a dare. That is when BP have every right to cut everything without having to explain themselves. As it stands, MM was given the HRH subject to becoming a British citizen, therefore The Queen has a right to remove that HRH without explanation. That is in line with the protocols of HRH styles being granted to British citizens (and would affirm it), and whereby The Queen granted it in anticipation.
They are no longer working members of the RF, therefore the HRH style serves little purpose is one reason, however, they may point out that Beatrice, Eugenie, and Prince Michael of Kent aren't full time working members either, but Beatrice and Eugenie may become ones later on. We then look at how the holder uses the style, and it is quite clear to see that they duo have used it for commercial gain. The other three have not, and are on standby to help with royal duties at the request of The Queen. The same cannot be said of the duo.
As for the dukedom, there is a pattern of commerical abuse which has brough the title into disrepute. That is clear and obvious, and that is why action needs to be taken.
Ideally, they should be left with the bare essentials which they can still commercialize and that is Prince and Princess Henry Wales, or Mountbatten-Windsor. Only then will the People be satisfied that the Monarchy can be saved and protected. Until then, it remains on shaky ground, and those tremors increase each time there is inaction from BP.