Americans may not understand why we are so upset by MM( aside from her general sociopathy).She stamped all over our Queen(who is the nation's grandmother),our history,culture and heritage!Then dismissed us as being racist,invalidating our justifiable reactions and silencing our collective voice.Odious woman and Harry is a traitor!
I am hearing that the Queen will be making a special speech on the same day the Oprah interview is aired. Other senior royals, namely PC and C, William and Kate, Princess Anne, and PE and Sophie will join the Queen. This makes me so happy because by speaking the same day as the interview (before H&M), the Queen is taking some of their thunder away, showing them she is still in charge. I have huge respect for the Queen, she is a good woman who deserves none of what Harry has done to her. I hope by speaking out on the same day that people will only listen to her and forget about H&M. The Queen needs to keep doing things like this (her speeches, showing the senior royals united with photos and words, helping people, doing their duty, speaking out on good causes, etc) every single time H&M pull one of their tricks to the media.
Archie will be rolled out for the interview.... to show what a loving mother MM is. He is merely a pawn in the game of the narcissist & that is a fact. For those interested read up on narcissists.
It is very sad for the RF that such a drama is being played out on a worldwide happens everyday in people’s lives. Thomas & Samantha will be ridiculed. God save the Queen
You all write so succinctly. May I share my fears: IF the duo have their titles stripped, I too fear in a short space of time she will be referred to as Princess Meghan, not Princess Henry. When PP passes on, I fear TQ may step down - enter Charles stage left. I bet he will rescind all the stripping his mother has done and the situation will be even worse. I don't give a damn if he continues to fund H as his son and he surely will.
He has always been weak and woke and it wouldn't surprise me if he feels H has his full admiration now he's on the same bandwagons.
Meghan is tying the RF and us in knots - I really don't see what can be done to not only let the pigeons poop on their pedestal but also knock them off it. It will be no surprise to me if Archie appears on the OW interview for the cuteness/publicity factors.
The duo are never going to give up getting in our faces with bragging rights. They lost one important thing though - respect. They learnt nothing and earned nothing from that one word.
- so far as is understood the Queen has made clear her Coronation Oath is sacred and that means she cannot step down (though she could require some duties to be performed by others as a matter of routine);
- Charles (or any other Monarch) would not be free to act but would be constrained by the advice of the prime minister. It must be hoped that advice, being sensitive to political mood, would be against unwinding whatever the Queen thought fitting.
Been in PR for decades and their future success depends heavily on the ratings of the Oprah interview. If the show breaks rating ceilings, as media predicts, Harry and Meghan are set for life as they will be seen as a huge "draw." If ratings tank, they will be finished. So people have a choice - by the simple act of tuning in you support them. Boycotting shows otherwise. So choose carefully. For those dying of curiosity, all will be available in media the next day so you'll not miss anything.
I think it will be interesting to see the ratings, they may be good but in the way of a car crash where everyone stops to look; they've only been in the news in the USA this past week due to what is happening at BP and the pregnancy announcement (that is due to their link to BRF), apart from that there is little interest in their day to day activities except by the British press or the low life magazines at the grocery store. Once the BRF can get back to more engagements and if Kate and William bring out the kids playing in the snow photos etc...etc.., then the newsfeeds will be all about that and in general the BRF.
I will not be tuning in but millions will. I believe their ratings success is a given. Many people who have no interest in the comings and goings of the Monarchy will tune in out of sheer curiosity. Rather like rubber-necking at an accident site.
Sorry - confuse myself at times!! Meant to say if copyright is not ruled in Morticias favour wouldn’t it be brilliant if ANL managed to secure an appeal? Something else too would be the icing on the cake - if she had to pay ALL costs. WOW. Then, come the OW interview there won’t be much to talk about as there would have to be so much editing.
Media outlets are saying CBS is having to re-edit and re-film "the interview" as the arrogant duo talked about their patronages etc apparently un-aware they were being stripped. Who knows if it is true or not but if it is true Ha ha ha.
Also as the Commonwealth Service has been cancelled there will be an alternative remote service which will involve the Queen and other members of the Royal family which will be televised.
What I am hoping is that the real message in that Oprah interview comes across: Meghan wants to talk about herself exhaustively for ninety minutes. It is quite delicious that the Queen is broadcasting a speech on the same evening, albeit I think at a different time, to observe Commonwealth Day (the next day), as the usual service in the Abbey cannot be held due to the pandemic. The programme will also feature the other senior royals, including William and Kate, talking about the significance of the Commonwealth.
The contrast will, I hope, be lost on no one: the Queen and the other senior royals talk about the Commonwealth on the same evening on which Meghan talks about herself ceaselessly for 90 loonnggggg minutes.
That same Commonwealth from which Harry and Meghan have just had their connection severed.
I suspect the contrast will not be lost on the media in Britain. I'm not able to gauge the possibility in America.
It isn't a contrast that Meghan is intending, but then again, she can't help herself: the hunger to be the focus of attention is integral to her nature, and one can't hide that.
@Hinchinbrooke - It is a sad drama. However, I think the Commonwealth programme had been planned much earlier as it involved multiple royals, and the date of Commonwealth Day known well in advance. And the RF didn't know about the Oprah interview until it was accidentally [sic] leaked. The RF weren't supposed to learn about it. So, my guess is, the appearance of a TV broadcast "duel" may be accidental, at least on the RF's part, as they didn't know about the interview. It is Meghan and Harry, knowing perfectly well when Commonwealth Day was, who likely suggested the date, intending to overshadow events on 8 March - especially given what occurred on the couple's very last Commonwealth Day appearance in the Abbey.
Doesn't mean the RF hadn't initially scheduled its broadcast for 8 March and then changed it out of spite, but it's not a given. Meghan's and Harry's choice of date, however, is far more suspect, as they appear to have told Ms Winfrey that they would be discussing their Commonwealth work in the programme to coincide with the date.
If they did, they lied to their hostess: they have known for a long time that those honours were not going to last. Now, I understand the interview has to be re-edited.
If these two dimwits spend any amount of time waffling on about their 'work' for the Commonwealth, channels will be changed pronto. Americans hardly care about that particular institution.
Is there a possibility that Oprah interview may not be aired? So many PR leaks, misleading info being thrown around, re edits etc. Could Oprah get itchy feet and not believe everything she is told from the Duo. Its her reputation after all. Here in UK most don't want to see or hear from them again unless it's a mighty downgrade and loss of titles and final downfall.💣💥 Wonder if OW made a donation to Archewell to off set her carbon footprint by using her jet to interview the Woke duo? So many questions! Will Archie have a clean nappy on! 😂👶
Just had a thought, and mentioned it in DM, but if OW is going to be a sycophant she would be wise to remember that if it wasn’t for us British taxpayers she would not have been invited to the wedding - so why would we want to fill her coffers any further by watching her enable M to dis our RF? The fact that everyone would suffer By by it, innocent hardworking families, would love for a monumental power cut to happen.
@Tom Cullem -- Not just "the" focus of attention, but "her" focus as she sees it and wants to control it. You are correct -- it is, in fact, integral to her nature. A masterful stroke to have the Queen's address to be given the day before the Commonwealth observances (the next, actual day, the Harkles hoped to administer some kind of coup de grace by announcing the interview).
It's my opinion that the timing of the release of the OW interview was meant to make the announcement of the withdrawal of patronages/honorary ranks seem vindictive on the Queen's part. But for Oprah's producer assistant being required to get ITV's permission to air clips from the disastrous S.A. interview, and ITV contacting H&M for comment, forcing H&M to announce the interview much earlier than planned -- and the fact that the Harkles received written notice from the Queen of the removal of their patronages/honorary ranks well before H&M were supposedly "blindsided" themselves -- and the Duke of Edinburgh having to go to the hospital on the very day they were busily taping their invective .... I'm beginning to believe there IS something to this karma business after all!
I think Harry’s ten minutes (!) will be very much aligning himself with Diana . Oprah on the removal of patronages etc “ of course they did this to your mother “ ( totally different scenario) .
I am appalled by the behaviour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and would like to see their three titles removed. It is, however, worth pointing out that no one can remove the title of 'Prince' from Harry as this is his birth right. This means that if the other titles are removed then Meghan would become Princess Henry of Wales. As the Americans are always confused about our royal titles she would inevitably be called 'Princess Meghan' an honour to which she is not entitled. As they then would be known as Prince and Princess Henry of Wales, which I would suggest, carried a lot more weight for publicity purposes than 'Duke and Duchess'. Be careful what you wish for.
Every day these two set new depths of cynical grifting. This Texas stunt is the latest. Plenty more to come.
I clearly recall H&M loudly stating that they did NOT intend to set up a "foundation," but rather a "new kind of charitable entity." So, now they have a foundation, and not a not-for-profit one. All they have to do is throw a few hundred dollars at the women's shelter, claim thousands, write it off and pocket the difference. So easy to do when you're registered in Delaware, where the burden of financial proof is as low as it gets. The extra touch: Pimping out their baby son for the name of this scam (but we don't get to see the lad, whose birth is still shrouded in mystery and suspicion). So much for "service."
How about sending money to women's shelters in the U.K. that are suffering just as much, if not more? Nah. Gotta be Texas, the cause du moment, for maximum self-aggrandizement.
There have been plenty of dukes and duchesses who have done plenty of unsavory things. Plenty of good things, too. But this is different -- Harry is royal, and the Royal Family is held to a higher standard than anyone else. The Queen is not just some holdover from the Quainte Dayse of Yore. She is the Head of State, and she and her family are expected to serve their country with honor and integrity. When some members fall short, it is expected that they be dealt with swiftly and decisively. This happened with Charles and Diana (divorce) and Prince Andrew (internal exile -- innocent till proven guilty, but the public knows "Randy Andy" from way back).
What Harry and Markle are doing to their dukedom is worse than anything that has come before, IMO. They are putting a veneer of righteousness over every despicable thing they've done to Queen and country, painting every well-deserved criticism as either "false" or "vindictive" -- the very things they themselves are. They throw a few crumbs here and there to the great unwashed and expect the same adulation HMTQ and other Royals have done tirelessly, without much fanfare, year after year. They have belittled the Queen, Commonwealth, World War II Veterans and half the British population (in Markle's case, appalled and embarrassed the U.S., thus cheapening our Special Relationship with the U.K.). As for their hypocrisy, it's glaringly obvious by now, so no need to go into that any further, except to say expect plenty more of the same going forward. The dabbling in politics is fairly new -- and dangerous for the Monarchy.
Their dukedom absolutely must go, along with HRH styling. Royal patronages and honorary ranks are nothing to them. They'll stick the royal prestige on everything they do regardless, and the ignorant will buy it. If H&M's slanders and personal insults toward the Queen and grandmother in her twilight years aren't reason enough to cut them off for good, politics surely is.
Completely agree. It's about time JCMH put his big boy pants on and told his obnoxious wife and PR team to shut their vindictive
nonsense they spout non stop for her to have a voice! Stop plugging the OW interview which may never happen, editing as things change, Archie rumoured appearance ha ha! PP is gravely ill in my opinion and H needs to show a little respect and prepare himself for a quick return if the worse happens. No doubt its OW Lear Jet that's on standby for him. I know respect and standing up to MM are alien to him but he needs to get a grip and stop being the wimp he's turned into!
Eowyn wish you were editor of all newspapers and the anti BBC on anything RF and Britain. You should be in front of our screens and giving it rooti toot. Too right about all you stated especially re PP. Have met, like thousands of others, some of the RF and have to say he has the best mischievous twinkle and smile. Harry will never ever have any decency or compassion. If he can’t get it through his thick skull that he has no shred of respect from us in England then he’ll carry on being arrogant.
@Morph Yorke -- Ha, no one on either side, neither Royals nor Harkle-ites, would want me to get anywhere near a red pen or a microphone. Like Tolkien's Eowyn, "I'm a shieldmaiden, and my hand is ungentle." I envy you your meeting the Duke of Edinburgh -- memories to last a lifetime! His loss is going to leave a giant hole in our world that can never be filled. For Harry to treat him as he has .... well, this is a civilized forum, so I won't go there. Thanks for your kind words :)
Do think HM would be touched by our concerns if she read them as to how much we care for her and the rest of the RF. Would loathe to be put into this situation with the whole world watching and having her husband being in hospital. Unforgivable and shameful behaviour from these two ‘pretenders’. No way should they have any titles.
The farther Meghan and Harry are from the Palace in every way possible the better. They will continue to do nothing but cause further damage if given even the smallest amount of tether.
They have shown themselves to be callous and indifferent to the Queen and the working members of the RF. Turn them loose and leave them to their own fate.
Exactly. Now tentative piece about them wanting to be present for the Jubilee celebrations in 2022, apparently making palace organizers wondering what to do with them. Isn’t it obvious? Keep them far away from the royals, relegate them to the benches like with the extended family.
I agree. It would be foolhardy for the powers that be to allow those two anywhere near the family at future public events. They should be seated with the extended family. We know that the cameras would inevitably turn to the rebels, looking for drama and thereby upstaging the event. And don't the Sussexes know it. And will work it.
Perhaps I am being a tad optimistic- fingers crossed that the finding on 2nd March re copyright will be in ANLs favour which in turn will give them more than enough wellie to lodge an appeal? Think we ALL deserve our day in court with these two articles.
Definitely fake news. Their PR have to earn their keep. All the time they are a couple H & M will never again be at any official event and if it’s JCMH believe same rules will apply. With or without titles, irrespective of OW interview with their parting discourteous remark, they have blown it big time.
@Ottilie -- I think you're closest to the mark, here. It's fake PR, all right -- IMO, they're trying to back the Queen into a corner -- if she shuts them out, "oh, what a meanie." If she allows them in, HUGE backlash from the People, and a further slide into a Republic.
MM throwing a furious strop -- but of course she will. She and Harry are showing their desperation to cling by their claws to their "connection" to Royal prestige. I don't see the Queen allowing them on the balcony ever again in her lifetime -- but she is in her twilight years, and sadly, I do see Charles bringing the black sheep back in. If he does, he'll pay -- he's already been skating on thin ice all his life -- maybe even lose his kingship. I hope I'm wrong.
Narcissists don’t accept boundaries or have any morality...they consider themselves above everyone else including in this case The Queen. They are predictable, hold grudges & want to get even whatever the slight. Hopefully Warby will set the date for trial on 2nd March & there will be an Appeal lodged by ANL. We are witnessing a train wreck with the Markles
EXACTLY!!!! Oh for goodness sake!!!! Out means out!!! I taught English and History for 45 years, to kids of all abilities [and, yes, at times, no discernible abilities at all] but even the densest of my students would understand that!! No special invitations. NONE.
Also, thought they wanted ‘privacy’ - Scoobie Doo up to his ‘sources’, ‘close friend (Morticia) tricks again? Allegedly Hollow Harry calling to see how his Grandfather is? Dear God, why don’t news outlets just stop reporting on these ingrates until the copyright finding?
Archewell the data gathering and content theft source? Bet they sell data to Spotify and Netflix poor suckers who particpate deserve to get fiddled! As for arch plagiarist MM where else would she get ideas from?
Quite possible of course, seems to be a bandwagon many of these failing stars climb onto to regain attention ... no doubt she’ll have a story about workplace bullying too as that seems to be the currant narrative for minor actors!
Surely people can see these stories are their fake PR fed to the desperate media outlets? I'm glad people are voicing their opinions because I do feel if Harry was too close to the throne, people would be rioting and it would force the MPs to intercede. That would destabilize the nation and cause more factions.
BP should realize that this could ignite further discord, and create a difficult path for all future Monarchs. In the past, most unpopular members of the RF stayed behind closed doors, and there was no photography. Today is very different and the men in grey need to adapt.
I think the last thing PC wants is for Harry to be seen to sink to that level. Charles' pride is legendary and so is his enabling of Harry. He foolishly wants his boys front and center no matter what. Let's hope some of those tears we saw after his hospital visit to Prince Philip were because he received a severe dressing down from his father. Philip would have made short shrift of this whole debacle if he had had his way.
Sorry but I don’t think there is any ‘coming back’ for Harry no matter what his family would like to think. He has behaved abominably in so many ways and I honestly don’t think the general public would welcome him.
You are right as far as them being working royals. They are done, but I can totally see PC wanting to give them a space by the rest of the RF in ceremonial gatherings. When Charles becomes King, Harry will still be the Sovereign's son. However, if he is convinced that the public really does loathe Harry, I believe PC will act to protect the throne.
Perhaps I am out of line as American voicing my opinions regarding the Monarchy in addressing the issues surrounding Harry and Meghan. That being said, I am taking it upon myself to express my thoughts. I may be completely wrong but I always had the idea that the Monarchy was to serve her people and likewise for the people. If I'm correct in my assumption, the will of the people should come before any one person in the RF particularly if said person has invoked unspeakable injustices to the Monarchy and the people of the UK. ALL titles should be rescinded from Harry including the line of succession to the throne. Although this isn't pertinent to the subject it would better serve the people of the UK if Her Majesty would bypass Charles and give her blessings for Prince William to ascend the throne upon her passing.
Americans may not understand why we are so upset by MM( aside from her general sociopathy).She stamped all over our Queen(who is the nation's grandmother),our history,culture and heritage!Then dismissed us as being racist,invalidating our justifiable reactions and silencing our collective voice.Odious woman and Harry is a traitor!
I am hearing that the Queen will be making a special speech on the same day the Oprah interview is aired. Other senior royals, namely PC and C, William and Kate, Princess Anne, and PE and Sophie will join the Queen. This makes me so happy because by speaking the same day as the interview (before H&M), the Queen is taking some of their thunder away, showing them she is still in charge. I have huge respect for the Queen, she is a good woman who deserves none of what Harry has done to her. I hope by speaking out on the same day that people will only listen to her and forget about H&M. The Queen needs to keep doing things like this (her speeches, showing the senior royals united with photos and words, helping people, doing their duty, speaking out on good causes, etc) every single time H&M pull one of their tricks to the media.
Archie will be rolled out for the interview.... to show what a loving mother MM is. He is merely a pawn in the game of the narcissist & that is a fact. For those interested read up on narcissists.
It is very sad for the RF that such a drama is being played out on a worldwide happens everyday in people’s lives. Thomas & Samantha will be ridiculed. God save the Queen
H looks spaced out most of the time - they just don’t look like hands on parents. Am sure they are but .........
true - although Archewell in turn does not look like a hands on kid.
You all write so succinctly. May I share my fears: IF the duo have their titles stripped, I too fear in a short space of time she will be referred to as Princess Meghan, not Princess Henry. When PP passes on, I fear TQ may step down - enter Charles stage left. I bet he will rescind all the stripping his mother has done and the situation will be even worse. I don't give a damn if he continues to fund H as his son and he surely will.
He has always been weak and woke and it wouldn't surprise me if he feels H has his full admiration now he's on the same bandwagons.
Meghan is tying the RF and us in knots - I really don't see what can be done to not only let the pigeons poop on their pedestal but also knock them off it. It will be no surprise to me if Archie appears on the OW interview for the cuteness/publicity factors.
The duo are never going to give up getting in our faces with bragging rights. They lost one important thing though - respect. They learnt nothing and earned nothing from that one word.
All possible although:
- so far as is understood the Queen has made clear her Coronation Oath is sacred and that means she cannot step down (though she could require some duties to be performed by others as a matter of routine);
- Charles (or any other Monarch) would not be free to act but would be constrained by the advice of the prime minister. It must be hoped that advice, being sensitive to political mood, would be against unwinding whatever the Queen thought fitting.
Been in PR for decades and their future success depends heavily on the ratings of the Oprah interview. If the show breaks rating ceilings, as media predicts, Harry and Meghan are set for life as they will be seen as a huge "draw." If ratings tank, they will be finished. So people have a choice - by the simple act of tuning in you support them. Boycotting shows otherwise. So choose carefully. For those dying of curiosity, all will be available in media the next day so you'll not miss anything.
An excellent reminder, thank you! TC
I think it will be interesting to see the ratings, they may be good but in the way of a car crash where everyone stops to look; they've only been in the news in the USA this past week due to what is happening at BP and the pregnancy announcement (that is due to their link to BRF), apart from that there is little interest in their day to day activities except by the British press or the low life magazines at the grocery store. Once the BRF can get back to more engagements and if Kate and William bring out the kids playing in the snow photos etc...etc.., then the newsfeeds will be all about that and in general the BRF.
I will not be tuning in but millions will. I believe their ratings success is a given. Many people who have no interest in the comings and goings of the Monarchy will tune in out of sheer curiosity. Rather like rubber-necking at an accident site.
Sadly, I fear you are correct and with high ratings their future success is secured. boycotting this is important and hope others realized that.
Totally! Suggested the same thing in comments to the DM articles about show...mostly received "up" arrows too.
Most of us won’t watch - they have just released a podcast- no, don’t know the contents - just extra sour dressing for salad words.
Surely sour lemon dressing from that dress she is wearing!
Also a heavy loss of copyright agin M would be favourable and ANLs chance for an appeal - if that could happen be for then - wow. In my dreams.
Sorry - confuse myself at times!! Meant to say if copyright is not ruled in Morticias favour wouldn’t it be brilliant if ANL managed to secure an appeal? Something else too would be the icing on the cake - if she had to pay ALL costs. WOW. Then, come the OW interview there won’t be much to talk about as there would have to be so much editing.
Oops great minds think alike I was writing my post as Tom posted his!!
Media outlets are saying CBS is having to re-edit and re-film "the interview" as the arrogant duo talked about their patronages etc apparently un-aware they were being stripped. Who knows if it is true or not but if it is true Ha ha ha.
Also as the Commonwealth Service has been cancelled there will be an alternative remote service which will involve the Queen and other members of the Royal family which will be televised.
What I am hoping is that the real message in that Oprah interview comes across: Meghan wants to talk about herself exhaustively for ninety minutes. It is quite delicious that the Queen is broadcasting a speech on the same evening, albeit I think at a different time, to observe Commonwealth Day (the next day), as the usual service in the Abbey cannot be held due to the pandemic. The programme will also feature the other senior royals, including William and Kate, talking about the significance of the Commonwealth.
The contrast will, I hope, be lost on no one: the Queen and the other senior royals talk about the Commonwealth on the same evening on which Meghan talks about herself ceaselessly for 90 loonnggggg minutes.
That same Commonwealth from which Harry and Meghan have just had their connection severed.
I suspect the contrast will not be lost on the media in Britain. I'm not able to gauge the possibility in America.
It isn't a contrast that Meghan is intending, but then again, she can't help herself: the hunger to be the focus of attention is integral to her nature, and one can't hide that.
It's all getting rather ridiculous. Duelling TV broadcasts? Good grief! Just 'Arry has a lot to answer for.
@Hinchinbrooke - It is a sad drama. However, I think the Commonwealth programme had been planned much earlier as it involved multiple royals, and the date of Commonwealth Day known well in advance. And the RF didn't know about the Oprah interview until it was accidentally [sic] leaked. The RF weren't supposed to learn about it. So, my guess is, the appearance of a TV broadcast "duel" may be accidental, at least on the RF's part, as they didn't know about the interview. It is Meghan and Harry, knowing perfectly well when Commonwealth Day was, who likely suggested the date, intending to overshadow events on 8 March - especially given what occurred on the couple's very last Commonwealth Day appearance in the Abbey.
Doesn't mean the RF hadn't initially scheduled its broadcast for 8 March and then changed it out of spite, but it's not a given. Meghan's and Harry's choice of date, however, is far more suspect, as they appear to have told Ms Winfrey that they would be discussing their Commonwealth work in the programme to coincide with the date.
If they did, they lied to their hostess: they have known for a long time that those honours were not going to last. Now, I understand the interview has to be re-edited.
If these two dimwits spend any amount of time waffling on about their 'work' for the Commonwealth, channels will be changed pronto. Americans hardly care about that particular institution.
Is there a possibility that Oprah interview may not be aired? So many PR leaks, misleading info being thrown around, re edits etc. Could Oprah get itchy feet and not believe everything she is told from the Duo. Its her reputation after all. Here in UK most don't want to see or hear from them again unless it's a mighty downgrade and loss of titles and final downfall.💣💥 Wonder if OW made a donation to Archewell to off set her carbon footprint by using her jet to interview the Woke duo? So many questions! Will Archie have a clean nappy on! 😂👶
Just had a thought, and mentioned it in DM, but if OW is going to be a sycophant she would be wise to remember that if it wasn’t for us British taxpayers she would not have been invited to the wedding - so why would we want to fill her coffers any further by watching her enable M to dis our RF? The fact that everyone would suffer By by it, innocent hardworking families, would love for a monumental power cut to happen.
@Tom Cullem -- Not just "the" focus of attention, but "her" focus as she sees it and wants to control it. You are correct -- it is, in fact, integral to her nature. A masterful stroke to have the Queen's address to be given the day before the Commonwealth observances (the next, actual day, the Harkles hoped to administer some kind of coup de grace by announcing the interview).
It's my opinion that the timing of the release of the OW interview was meant to make the announcement of the withdrawal of patronages/honorary ranks seem vindictive on the Queen's part. But for Oprah's producer assistant being required to get ITV's permission to air clips from the disastrous S.A. interview, and ITV contacting H&M for comment, forcing H&M to announce the interview much earlier than planned -- and the fact that the Harkles received written notice from the Queen of the removal of their patronages/honorary ranks well before H&M were supposedly "blindsided" themselves -- and the Duke of Edinburgh having to go to the hospital on the very day they were busily taping their invective .... I'm beginning to believe there IS something to this karma business after all!
*announcing the interview = *airing the interview ... sorry
I think Harry’s ten minutes (!) will be very much aligning himself with Diana . Oprah on the removal of patronages etc “ of course they did this to your mother “ ( totally different scenario) .
Why on earth would they want to celebrate the Platinum’s 70 years of HMQ service...anyone can do that, it’s universal ?
I am appalled by the behaviour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and would like to see their three titles removed. It is, however, worth pointing out that no one can remove the title of 'Prince' from Harry as this is his birth right. This means that if the other titles are removed then Meghan would become Princess Henry of Wales. As the Americans are always confused about our royal titles she would inevitably be called 'Princess Meghan' an honour to which she is not entitled. As they then would be known as Prince and Princess Henry of Wales, which I would suggest, carried a lot more weight for publicity purposes than 'Duke and Duchess'. Be careful what you wish for.
Every day these two set new depths of cynical grifting. This Texas stunt is the latest. Plenty more to come.
I clearly recall H&M loudly stating that they did NOT intend to set up a "foundation," but rather a "new kind of charitable entity." So, now they have a foundation, and not a not-for-profit one. All they have to do is throw a few hundred dollars at the women's shelter, claim thousands, write it off and pocket the difference. So easy to do when you're registered in Delaware, where the burden of financial proof is as low as it gets. The extra touch: Pimping out their baby son for the name of this scam (but we don't get to see the lad, whose birth is still shrouded in mystery and suspicion). So much for "service."
How about sending money to women's shelters in the U.K. that are suffering just as much, if not more? Nah. Gotta be Texas, the cause du moment, for maximum self-aggrandizement.
There have been plenty of dukes and duchesses who have done plenty of unsavory things. Plenty of good things, too. But this is different -- Harry is royal, and the Royal Family is held to a higher standard than anyone else. The Queen is not just some holdover from the Quainte Dayse of Yore. She is the Head of State, and she and her family are expected to serve their country with honor and integrity. When some members fall short, it is expected that they be dealt with swiftly and decisively. This happened with Charles and Diana (divorce) and Prince Andrew (internal exile -- innocent till proven guilty, but the public knows "Randy Andy" from way back).
What Harry and Markle are doing to their dukedom is worse than anything that has come before, IMO. They are putting a veneer of righteousness over every despicable thing they've done to Queen and country, painting every well-deserved criticism as either "false" or "vindictive" -- the very things they themselves are. They throw a few crumbs here and there to the great unwashed and expect the same adulation HMTQ and other Royals have done tirelessly, without much fanfare, year after year. They have belittled the Queen, Commonwealth, World War II Veterans and half the British population (in Markle's case, appalled and embarrassed the U.S., thus cheapening our Special Relationship with the U.K.). As for their hypocrisy, it's glaringly obvious by now, so no need to go into that any further, except to say expect plenty more of the same going forward. The dabbling in politics is fairly new -- and dangerous for the Monarchy.
Their dukedom absolutely must go, along with HRH styling. Royal patronages and honorary ranks are nothing to them. They'll stick the royal prestige on everything they do regardless, and the ignorant will buy it. If H&M's slanders and personal insults toward the Queen and grandmother in her twilight years aren't reason enough to cut them off for good, politics surely is.
Time is running out, Ma'am.
Well said, all of it!
Oh, and don't get me started on what they've done to Prince Philip. Anyone with a brain cell should be horrified and disgusted.
Completely agree. It's about time JCMH put his big boy pants on and told his obnoxious wife and PR team to shut their vindictive
nonsense they spout non stop for her to have a voice! Stop plugging the OW interview which may never happen, editing as things change, Archie rumoured appearance ha ha! PP is gravely ill in my opinion and H needs to show a little respect and prepare himself for a quick return if the worse happens. No doubt its OW Lear Jet that's on standby for him. I know respect and standing up to MM are alien to him but he needs to get a grip and stop being the wimp he's turned into!
Eowyn wish you were editor of all newspapers and the anti BBC on anything RF and Britain. You should be in front of our screens and giving it rooti toot. Too right about all you stated especially re PP. Have met, like thousands of others, some of the RF and have to say he has the best mischievous twinkle and smile. Harry will never ever have any decency or compassion. If he can’t get it through his thick skull that he has no shred of respect from us in England then he’ll carry on being arrogant.
@Morph Yorke -- Ha, no one on either side, neither Royals nor Harkle-ites, would want me to get anywhere near a red pen or a microphone. Like Tolkien's Eowyn, "I'm a shieldmaiden, and my hand is ungentle." I envy you your meeting the Duke of Edinburgh -- memories to last a lifetime! His loss is going to leave a giant hole in our world that can never be filled. For Harry to treat him as he has .... well, this is a civilized forum, so I won't go there. Thanks for your kind words :)
Do think HM would be touched by our concerns if she read them as to how much we care for her and the rest of the RF. Would loathe to be put into this situation with the whole world watching and having her husband being in hospital. Unforgivable and shameful behaviour from these two ‘pretenders’. No way should they have any titles.
The farther Meghan and Harry are from the Palace in every way possible the better. They will continue to do nothing but cause further damage if given even the smallest amount of tether.
They have shown themselves to be callous and indifferent to the Queen and the working members of the RF. Turn them loose and leave them to their own fate.
Exactly. Now tentative piece about them wanting to be present for the Jubilee celebrations in 2022, apparently making palace organizers wondering what to do with them. Isn’t it obvious? Keep them far away from the royals, relegate them to the benches like with the extended family.
I agree. It would be foolhardy for the powers that be to allow those two anywhere near the family at future public events. They should be seated with the extended family. We know that the cameras would inevitably turn to the rebels, looking for drama and thereby upstaging the event. And don't the Sussexes know it. And will work it.
I think a silent protest with people turning their backs on those two would be needed. They won’t be welcome in Uk or any commonwealth country, never!
Hope it’s fake PR...though can imagine MM throwing a furious strop & demanding PH get back in major UK celebrations. They need that to sell themselves
Perhaps I am being a tad optimistic- fingers crossed that the finding on 2nd March re copyright will be in ANLs favour which in turn will give them more than enough wellie to lodge an appeal? Think we ALL deserve our day in court with these two articles.
Definitely fake news. Their PR have to earn their keep. All the time they are a couple H & M will never again be at any official event and if it’s JCMH believe same rules will apply. With or without titles, irrespective of OW interview with their parting discourteous remark, they have blown it big time.
@Ottilie -- I think you're closest to the mark, here. It's fake PR, all right -- IMO, they're trying to back the Queen into a corner -- if she shuts them out, "oh, what a meanie." If she allows them in, HUGE backlash from the People, and a further slide into a Republic.
MM throwing a furious strop -- but of course she will. She and Harry are showing their desperation to cling by their claws to their "connection" to Royal prestige. I don't see the Queen allowing them on the balcony ever again in her lifetime -- but she is in her twilight years, and sadly, I do see Charles bringing the black sheep back in. If he does, he'll pay -- he's already been skating on thin ice all his life -- maybe even lose his kingship. I hope I'm wrong.
Don’t think William would agree. As with Edward and Mrs S. once the door is closed it remains so.
Narcissists don’t accept boundaries or have any morality...they consider themselves above everyone else including in this case The Queen. They are predictable, hold grudges & want to get even whatever the slight. Hopefully Warby will set the date for trial on 2nd March & there will be an Appeal lodged by ANL. We are witnessing a train wreck with the Markles
EXACTLY!!!! Oh for goodness sake!!!! Out means out!!! I taught English and History for 45 years, to kids of all abilities [and, yes, at times, no discernible abilities at all] but even the densest of my students would understand that!! No special invitations. NONE.
Also, thought they wanted ‘privacy’ - Scoobie Doo up to his ‘sources’, ‘close friend (Morticia) tricks again? Allegedly Hollow Harry calling to see how his Grandfather is? Dear God, why don’t news outlets just stop reporting on these ingrates until the copyright finding?
Made a donation to Genesis (Archewell)
- be ready for the claim of ‘alleged abuse during childhood etc) during interview with OW.
Archewell the data gathering and content theft source? Bet they sell data to Spotify and Netflix poor suckers who particpate deserve to get fiddled! As for arch plagiarist MM where else would she get ideas from?
That is exactly what I fear. Horrible lies about her childhood. Just hints, so she can`t get sued.
Quite possible of course, seems to be a bandwagon many of these failing stars climb onto to regain attention ... no doubt she’ll have a story about workplace bullying too as that seems to be the currant narrative for minor actors!
Surely people can see these stories are their fake PR fed to the desperate media outlets? I'm glad people are voicing their opinions because I do feel if Harry was too close to the throne, people would be rioting and it would force the MPs to intercede. That would destabilize the nation and cause more factions.
BP should realize that this could ignite further discord, and create a difficult path for all future Monarchs. In the past, most unpopular members of the RF stayed behind closed doors, and there was no photography. Today is very different and the men in grey need to adapt.
Andrew is a good example of that today ... we know he’s still around but he’s keeping his head down and out of sight, out of mind.
I think the last thing PC wants is for Harry to be seen to sink to that level. Charles' pride is legendary and so is his enabling of Harry. He foolishly wants his boys front and center no matter what. Let's hope some of those tears we saw after his hospital visit to Prince Philip were because he received a severe dressing down from his father. Philip would have made short shrift of this whole debacle if he had had his way.
Sorry but I don’t think there is any ‘coming back’ for Harry no matter what his family would like to think. He has behaved abominably in so many ways and I honestly don’t think the general public would welcome him.
You are right as far as them being working royals. They are done, but I can totally see PC wanting to give them a space by the rest of the RF in ceremonial gatherings. When Charles becomes King, Harry will still be the Sovereign's son. However, if he is convinced that the public really does loathe Harry, I believe PC will act to protect the throne.
You have to hope that someone in the RF is working with an expert on NPD. Clearly, Moi!kle thinks all the world is her stage. Nightmarish.
Perhaps I am out of line as American voicing my opinions regarding the Monarchy in addressing the issues surrounding Harry and Meghan. That being said, I am taking it upon myself to express my thoughts. I may be completely wrong but I always had the idea that the Monarchy was to serve her people and likewise for the people. If I'm correct in my assumption, the will of the people should come before any one person in the RF particularly if said person has invoked unspeakable injustices to the Monarchy and the people of the UK. ALL titles should be rescinded from Harry including the line of succession to the throne. Although this isn't pertinent to the subject it would better serve the people of the UK if Her Majesty would bypass Charles and give her blessings for Prince William to ascend the throne upon her passing.
They have to lose the HRH , the Dukedom and also Counseller of State they make money from them.....
The dukedom must go! They no longer live or do anything in the UK and I’m sick and tired of seeing their smug or whining faces.