
The Sussexes, Stuck In Windsor

The duo are trapped in a dangerous country, so they believe!

The self-tan is off, as TW escapes from Frogmore Cottage to greet a crowd that isn’t particularly happy to see her. Her hair is flicked from side to side every other minute so that the cameras can get a good view, and Harry in turn poses with children and holds his pose for the cameras. He, like TW are aware that they need the positive PR to monetise their titles. This is probably the longest TW has ever spent in Frogmore Cottage, and not through choice it seems.

Crowds are said to have groaned when they found out they had been lumbered with Harry and TW, and we saw TW walking along the barriers where people kept their arms folded and hands on the barriers. There were some who extended a hand, or The Claw went for a child because they wouldn’t object, and that makes for good Netflix footage. Was the deal that the footage could be used for Netflix in the future as long as they didn’t do their own walkabout?

You can see the sniggering from the crowd, and the eyes rolling, as TW walks past people who out of respect are not booing her. How can they shake the hand of someone who has attacked their country, and their Queen over the past few years? There is no doubt that the actions of the duo took a toll on the health of Prince Philip and the Queen, and yes, the additional stress may have contributed to their deaths despite their age. Whatever the case, the duo made their last few years uncomfortable and unpleasant and that in itself is cruel, distasteful, disrespectful, and immoral.

TW looked uncomfortable most of the time, nervous as if someone had told her that her secrets have been discovered, and that if she doesn’t stop her unreasonable demands and stunts, that they will be released to the public. Netflix was no doubt somewhere, where she managed some touching and hugging, but there were many stony glances as she walked past, while Harry carried on trying to be charming but was edgy at the same time. It’ll be his birthday in a few days, and it will be interesting to see what the cult and the PR do as no doubt there would have been some plans.

Why hasn’t TW returned to attend to the invisible children because she has no role here until the funeral? We hear she has had to cancel some of her promotional appearances too, and what of the US staff? Is she paying them to stay because she needs minions and support? But staying an extra couple of weeks is expensive, and besides the minions have their own lives and commitments.

How will Harry cope without the protection he believes he needs because he thinks he is in danger? He was fine on the train to Manchester, and was fine on the British Airways flight from Aberdeen to London too. Technically, he is challenging his father’s Government with his legal challenge to apply for a judicial review for his protection detail. Will Charles cave and give Harry what he wants, knowing that if he does then the public backlash will be swift and sharp? Can he afford that risk in the early days of his reign (and it hasn’t helped that he failed to inform the First Minister of Wales that the title was to be passed to William before he announced it publicly)? For now, the People will let him grieve the loss of his mother, but while loyalty is expected because he is the King, that doesn’t mean people have to like him or respect him. The latter is earned, and Charles must prove himself worthy of respect before people will warm to him.
