Recently I read about the issue of the bridesmaid/flower girl dress fittings. It describes the alleged bullying of Charlotte by MM. It was quite shocking and the reason for the Duchess of Cambridge’s tears. Could this be linked to MMs family stating that she should not be left alone with children?
Remember when Harry snapped at a journalist in South Africa? We all saw the clip and heard him. I have no doubt he has temper issues. What a toxic couple.
I wonder what the bullying Charity have to say about The duck-ess of wokerati? claims of bullying by Kate and others. This duck-ess 'By her strength of character and determination, may just have 'felt' bullied by having to accept protocols, conform to regulations, accept policies and procedures set by highly trained staff and Royal family and Thousands of years of Monarchy -which she didn't like and wanted things done her way!
Time for the UK papers to lift the lid on all the stories about Megain they've been sitting on out of respect for the royal family. If all the papers did it all at once, MM would be unmasked as the fantasist she is and she could not afford the multiple multiple lawsuits she'd have to launch to try and shut the stories down. I see it as the only way the royals can fight back short of taking the titles which sadly, I still don't think will happen.
Didn't watch, read some of the reports. The howlers are beyond belief. She was "naive" and didn't think to Google Harry. Didn't know you had to curtsey to the Queen (Fergie showed her just before she walked in to see the Queen -why on earth was Fergie there?!). It's a shame her memory is so poor after having researched the royal family for years with photos of her bedroom heaving with books on the royals and especially Diana. Harry heard someone (unnamed because they don't exist) say that Archie wasn't getting a title because he might turn out to be too brown. Then Harry told her. Blatant lie but also a case of Chinese Whispers because nothing can be corroborated. She was effectively locked in the Tower - had her keys, driving license and passport confiscated (the way that young trafficked European women are treated when they are brought through airports). Told she was too saturated so could not go out to meet her friends for lunch. Perhaps worst of all was the drama that she was "suicidal" just like Diana and told Harry not to leave her alone because she didn't know what she would do to herself. The UK papers can debunk all this guff because it's on the record what the Harkles themselves said. But has the real damage been done? I think so. Brits would possibly have given them just a little tad of sympathy if they had jettisoned the titles because of the toxicity of the racist royal family, not wanting to be sullied by that association. But thinking people know this is all porkies and they planned to leave before the wedding (also denied, saying it all just 'happened') and won't relinquish their cash cow titles, ever. But the Royals won't say anything and that is their downfall. The Americans are buying the lies. Sad, but true.
Would really appreciate thoughts on this interview. It is horrendous I am reading excerpts from it. She is set on destroying William and Kate her jealousy is pathological
The Times is prepared if they opt to try and sue the paper regarding the claims of bullying. If they chose to, then all the aides would be able to testify in court. That would be real transparency.
Given that Knauf and some of her colleagues (and former) appear to wish to testify as well (looks like Warby interpreted that incorrectly, in his judgment), the Letter case will have more pressure on it to go to an appeal. That is because the cries of covering up the truth will be loud, and since the claims of bullying have substance and validity, who is to say MM didn't bully the staff into assisting her?
While the case concerns misuse of private information, copyright infringement, and use of data, the testimonies of staff can shed light on whether the private information was planned for public consumption, thus it would question whether the SJ was appropriate if staff had been bullied into doing tasks that they knew were unethical.
I just read that they want to "move forward" now and put this behind them. They have shared "their truth" bombs and have done what they could to vilify the Palace. Now Harry has plans to make it up with his brother before the unveiling of Diana's statue in July. Whaaat?? He expects everyone to put his treachery out of their minds and let bygones be bygones?
I wonder if they are going to change tack now and take a conciliatory approach. That way they can show the world how "forgiving" they are. Everything they do, thanks to Meghan, is very calculated. Image, image, image.
I just hope that William stands firm. He may eventually forgive his brother privately, but I believe he is going to go the way of the Queen and put duty before family. If he is seen as a soft touch it will not go well for him.
Yes, I commented on DM that there must be consequences to their actions. An attack on the Monarchy must result in Titles and line of succession taken away from them in order to protect the legacy and traditions inherent in our cultural heritage. The word cultural will stop it being posted
The disrespect to an ailing Grandfather and 94 year old Grandmother who has devoted her life to public service is itself despicable and unforgivable
Watched the Commonwealth Broadcast and have never seen so many people of colour and different nations joyfully interacting with the royal family. How utterly amazing given how racist the royals are claimed to be. The Firm must have all been just holding back their hatred and viciousness against the Commonwealth representatives while they were on the telly. (yes folks, that's sarcasm...drum roll!)
Monarchy would not have continued so many ages in the world, had it not been for the abuses it protects. It is the master fraud which shelters all others' - Thomas Paine, 1791. Well they were certainly prepared to protect MM for long enough and see the great British public - who help fund their living - defrauded. Chickens home to roost now.
If any evidence was needed that MM is a class A bully, just think about what she's doing right now to the Royal Family. She was welcomed straight into the bosom of this very private family as well as the institution by her own words (engagement video) and now claims to the entire world that she was treated like dirt. She is about to spill private family business publicly to the whole world. She has publicly trashed almost every member of that welcoming family to the whole world. She is setting up trailer videos about her tell all interview with OW that are teasing the royals about what she is about to say about them. How must they be feeling having no idea how far she is prepared to go? This is BULLYING writ large.
While in my rant mode. It is ok for Meghan and Harry to pick their moment for interview. Ie when Prince Philip is ill! But Gayle King has the audacity to criticise RF for accusations being brought to forefront of interview ie Meghan bullying staff.
AND that they purposely scheduled it on Commonwealth Day - I'm not sure of the time change, so it might be the day before Commonwealth Day - bringing up all of those horrid memories of last year!
Chrissie Teigan has commented that we should stop harassing the duck-ess as she is pregnant 'we' will cause her to miscarry. Oh dear. I am ashamed I was party to her giving this in terview whilst pregnant. Bite me!
I really do wonder if Duck-ess wil attend the Diana unveiling- and some how upstage it.
I am hoping she is too heavily pregnant to fly over... Harry will be booed for sure!
Harry said in his upbeat 'chat' with bessie mate James Cordon that they didnot step out but just stepped back. in other words. They wanted the titles, the money, the prestige and protection detail, free world wide travel but without the restraints of the Monarchy- royal family publicly funded! Megan wanted her own 'Royal family' to be run her way.
TQ as defender of the faith should never have sanctioned a C of E ceremony. If she was prepared to set aside her core and cherished values and let a divorcee marry in Church then you have to wonder what on earth was going on then? The sclerotic Windsors are reaping what they have sewn. They are not keeping their powder dry. They appear to be weak and ineffectual to have permitted themselves to be traduced in this way.
The Church of England has allowed divorcees to marry in church since it was agreed at synod in 2002. It is at the discretion of the officiating clergy with some restrictions. One of which is that the relationship is not a direct cause of the previous marriage breaking up. PC and Camilla could not marry in church for that reason. TQ does not sanction wedding ceremonies!!!
I agree up to a point. They have brought a lot of this misery on themselves for failing to make Markle tow the line as all the others have (Catherine, Camilla) and prove herself before unleashing her on the nation. They couldn't stop H marrying that person, but they didn't have to capitulate to the huge church wedding and cave at all her other tantrums. A small and discreet marriage ceremony like Charles & Camilla's as divorcees nuptials would have been more fitting and a lot cheaper. Worse, was admitting Markle into the church at all given her background, but let's not forget that she's a practised narcissist who can lie and charm with the worst of her kind. Everyone, including the vast majority of the public fell for it.
The Sun newspaper has got the gloves off already. A lot of different articles none too complimentary to the dastardly duo with all sorts of comments about the bullying incidents. I'd say if these stories have no substance then Markle's lawyers are going to be in overdrive suing papers right left and centre. If they are true she will still have to sue to try and save face. She won (I believe unfairly) against ANL and her ego after that will have her believing she is invincible. I can smell the choking sulphur from the backfire already.
@JM -- M only *won* against ANL due to a strict reading of the law. Everyone knows she set up her poor father with that phoney letter all done up with a bow in her lame calligraphy (one of my sisters used to help restore old manuscripts for a living). I actually DO hope M sues -- if you ask me, she and Whathisname are skating on thin ice financially as it is. The Bank of PC isn't bottomless! Such money as O doles out to them as "producers" of the "interview" won't last long, either, with their expenses. JMO, anyway 😊
The Palace better corme out with a KO. The leftwing media is trying to turn HM into another Donald Trump. With the loss of trump they don't have another villain to keep ratings up and who better than the Queen. Harry the producer is profiting off of this.
PH will I imagine be thoroughly enjoying the kudos of being ‘the director’ (producer) of the interview for which he will receive a hefty fee. Surrounded by sycophants he will not be thinking of the damage they are causing
IMO, H doesn’t have A Clue. About values, ethical behaviours towards his immediate family (PC et al) AND to the RF; about causes and consequences of one’s actions; about decency and compassion. None of it. He may think he has it all covered but the current ugly debacle and what has come out about the Sussex timeline, dating from even before that obscenity of a wasteful wedding shows he is clueless IMO. After the extensive reading I’ve done re this interminable and highly offensive saga, I am convinced that the H we see today is the authentic version. A pity for all concerned.
Recently I read about the issue of the bridesmaid/flower girl dress fittings. It describes the alleged bullying of Charlotte by MM. It was quite shocking and the reason for the Duchess of Cambridge’s tears. Could this be linked to MMs family stating that she should not be left alone with children?
Remember when Harry snapped at a journalist in South Africa? We all saw the clip and heard him. I have no doubt he has temper issues. What a toxic couple.
I wonder what the bullying Charity have to say about The duck-ess of wokerati? claims of bullying by Kate and others. This duck-ess 'By her strength of character and determination, may just have 'felt' bullied by having to accept protocols, conform to regulations, accept policies and procedures set by highly trained staff and Royal family and Thousands of years of Monarchy -which she didn't like and wanted things done her way!
Time for the UK papers to lift the lid on all the stories about Megain they've been sitting on out of respect for the royal family. If all the papers did it all at once, MM would be unmasked as the fantasist she is and she could not afford the multiple multiple lawsuits she'd have to launch to try and shut the stories down. I see it as the only way the royals can fight back short of taking the titles which sadly, I still don't think will happen.
Didn't watch, read some of the reports. The howlers are beyond belief. She was "naive" and didn't think to Google Harry. Didn't know you had to curtsey to the Queen (Fergie showed her just before she walked in to see the Queen -why on earth was Fergie there?!). It's a shame her memory is so poor after having researched the royal family for years with photos of her bedroom heaving with books on the royals and especially Diana. Harry heard someone (unnamed because they don't exist) say that Archie wasn't getting a title because he might turn out to be too brown. Then Harry told her. Blatant lie but also a case of Chinese Whispers because nothing can be corroborated. She was effectively locked in the Tower - had her keys, driving license and passport confiscated (the way that young trafficked European women are treated when they are brought through airports). Told she was too saturated so could not go out to meet her friends for lunch. Perhaps worst of all was the drama that she was "suicidal" just like Diana and told Harry not to leave her alone because she didn't know what she would do to herself. The UK papers can debunk all this guff because it's on the record what the Harkles themselves said. But has the real damage been done? I think so. Brits would possibly have given them just a little tad of sympathy if they had jettisoned the titles because of the toxicity of the racist royal family, not wanting to be sullied by that association. But thinking people know this is all porkies and they planned to leave before the wedding (also denied, saying it all just 'happened') and won't relinquish their cash cow titles, ever. But the Royals won't say anything and that is their downfall. The Americans are buying the lies. Sad, but true.
Would really appreciate thoughts on this interview. It is horrendous I am reading excerpts from it. She is set on destroying William and Kate her jealousy is pathological
The Times is prepared if they opt to try and sue the paper regarding the claims of bullying. If they chose to, then all the aides would be able to testify in court. That would be real transparency.
Given that Knauf and some of her colleagues (and former) appear to wish to testify as well (looks like Warby interpreted that incorrectly, in his judgment), the Letter case will have more pressure on it to go to an appeal. That is because the cries of covering up the truth will be loud, and since the claims of bullying have substance and validity, who is to say MM didn't bully the staff into assisting her?
While the case concerns misuse of private information, copyright infringement, and use of data, the testimonies of staff can shed light on whether the private information was planned for public consumption, thus it would question whether the SJ was appropriate if staff had been bullied into doing tasks that they knew were unethical.
I thought I read somewhere she is going to/or has dropped the copyright infringement part?
I do suspect the gloves are off and an appeal from the defendants for a court case will ensue
Thank you for explaining. Very interesting
I just read that they want to "move forward" now and put this behind them. They have shared "their truth" bombs and have done what they could to vilify the Palace. Now Harry has plans to make it up with his brother before the unveiling of Diana's statue in July. Whaaat?? He expects everyone to put his treachery out of their minds and let bygones be bygones?
I wonder if they are going to change tack now and take a conciliatory approach. That way they can show the world how "forgiving" they are. Everything they do, thanks to Meghan, is very calculated. Image, image, image.
I just hope that William stands firm. He may eventually forgive his brother privately, but I believe he is going to go the way of the Queen and put duty before family. If he is seen as a soft touch it will not go well for him.
Yes, I commented on DM that there must be consequences to their actions. An attack on the Monarchy must result in Titles and line of succession taken away from them in order to protect the legacy and traditions inherent in our cultural heritage. The word cultural will stop it being posted
The disrespect to an ailing Grandfather and 94 year old Grandmother who has devoted her life to public service is itself despicable and unforgivable
Watched the Commonwealth Broadcast and have never seen so many people of colour and different nations joyfully interacting with the royal family. How utterly amazing given how racist the royals are claimed to be. The Firm must have all been just holding back their hatred and viciousness against the Commonwealth representatives while they were on the telly. (yes folks, that's sarcasm...drum roll!)
Monarchy would not have continued so many ages in the world, had it not been for the abuses it protects. It is the master fraud which shelters all others' - Thomas Paine, 1791. Well they were certainly prepared to protect MM for long enough and see the great British public - who help fund their living - defrauded. Chickens home to roost now.
If any evidence was needed that MM is a class A bully, just think about what she's doing right now to the Royal Family. She was welcomed straight into the bosom of this very private family as well as the institution by her own words (engagement video) and now claims to the entire world that she was treated like dirt. She is about to spill private family business publicly to the whole world. She has publicly trashed almost every member of that welcoming family to the whole world. She is setting up trailer videos about her tell all interview with OW that are teasing the royals about what she is about to say about them. How must they be feeling having no idea how far she is prepared to go? This is BULLYING writ large.
The Khashoggi/Dodi story is gaining traction. May be the RF are cleverer than we think They are getting others to do their work.
While in my rant mode. It is ok for Meghan and Harry to pick their moment for interview. Ie when Prince Philip is ill! But Gayle King has the audacity to criticise RF for accusations being brought to forefront of interview ie Meghan bullying staff.
A right to reply seems to now be considered a smear campaign!
AND that they purposely scheduled it on Commonwealth Day - I'm not sure of the time change, so it might be the day before Commonwealth Day - bringing up all of those horrid memories of last year!
Chrissie Teigan has commented that we should stop harassing the duck-ess as she is pregnant 'we' will cause her to miscarry. Oh dear. I am ashamed I was party to her giving this in terview whilst pregnant. Bite me!
I really do wonder if Duck-ess wil attend the Diana unveiling- and some how upstage it.
I am hoping she is too heavily pregnant to fly over... Harry will be booed for sure!
Now Mena Harris. Niece of Kamala Harris is jumping to Meghan's defence.
Saying the palace should have defended Meghan. Usual race card as well. Can some one officially please ask Meghan defend her from what?
The crux of the matter is being lost. They left the RF. Done stop bleating.
If they really feel they were forced out. Why didn't they fight as they are now. No they wanted out but needed someone or something to blame.
This is really getting out of hand!
Harry said in his upbeat 'chat' with bessie mate James Cordon that they didnot step out but just stepped back. in other words. They wanted the titles, the money, the prestige and protection detail, free world wide travel but without the restraints of the Monarchy- royal family publicly funded! Megan wanted her own 'Royal family' to be run her way.
Well said👍
TQ as defender of the faith should never have sanctioned a C of E ceremony. If she was prepared to set aside her core and cherished values and let a divorcee marry in Church then you have to wonder what on earth was going on then? The sclerotic Windsors are reaping what they have sewn. They are not keeping their powder dry. They appear to be weak and ineffectual to have permitted themselves to be traduced in this way.
The Church of England has allowed divorcees to marry in church since it was agreed at synod in 2002. It is at the discretion of the officiating clergy with some restrictions. One of which is that the relationship is not a direct cause of the previous marriage breaking up. PC and Camilla could not marry in church for that reason. TQ does not sanction wedding ceremonies!!!
I agree up to a point. They have brought a lot of this misery on themselves for failing to make Markle tow the line as all the others have (Catherine, Camilla) and prove herself before unleashing her on the nation. They couldn't stop H marrying that person, but they didn't have to capitulate to the huge church wedding and cave at all her other tantrums. A small and discreet marriage ceremony like Charles & Camilla's as divorcees nuptials would have been more fitting and a lot cheaper. Worse, was admitting Markle into the church at all given her background, but let's not forget that she's a practised narcissist who can lie and charm with the worst of her kind. Everyone, including the vast majority of the public fell for it.
The Sun newspaper has got the gloves off already. A lot of different articles none too complimentary to the dastardly duo with all sorts of comments about the bullying incidents. I'd say if these stories have no substance then Markle's lawyers are going to be in overdrive suing papers right left and centre. If they are true she will still have to sue to try and save face. She won (I believe unfairly) against ANL and her ego after that will have her believing she is invincible. I can smell the choking sulphur from the backfire already.
@JM -- M only *won* against ANL due to a strict reading of the law. Everyone knows she set up her poor father with that phoney letter all done up with a bow in her lame calligraphy (one of my sisters used to help restore old manuscripts for a living). I actually DO hope M sues -- if you ask me, she and Whathisname are skating on thin ice financially as it is. The Bank of PC isn't bottomless! Such money as O doles out to them as "producers" of the "interview" won't last long, either, with their expenses. JMO, anyway 😊
The Palace better corme out with a KO. The leftwing media is trying to turn HM into another Donald Trump. With the loss of trump they don't have another villain to keep ratings up and who better than the Queen. Harry the producer is profiting off of this.
They aren't going to, They are relying on it becoming yesterday's news.
BUT BUT he promised never to embarrass the family!
He has joined the club of celebrities who do not deal with accountability nor consequences because those concepts are apparently not woke enough.
PH will I imagine be thoroughly enjoying the kudos of being ‘the director’ (producer) of the interview for which he will receive a hefty fee. Surrounded by sycophants he will not be thinking of the damage they are causing
IMO, H doesn’t have A Clue. About values, ethical behaviours towards his immediate family (PC et al) AND to the RF; about causes and consequences of one’s actions; about decency and compassion. None of it. He may think he has it all covered but the current ugly debacle and what has come out about the Sussex timeline, dating from even before that obscenity of a wasteful wedding shows he is clueless IMO. After the extensive reading I’ve done re this interminable and highly offensive saga, I am convinced that the H we see today is the authentic version. A pity for all concerned.
I think they both live in a moral vacuum. They are laws unto themselves.