
The 'S P A R E' Is Exposed In His Own Words

The Spanish leak renders the pre-recorded PR interviews as worthless and in an attempt to win back his publicly funded security, Harold Sussex has endangered himself, the Royal Family and the UK

Five days prior to the release of the book, S P A R E accidentally (it seems) went on sale in Spain. We say accidentally with caution as the publishers (Penguin Random House) have not made any comment or initiated any legal action, but it appears that Spanish bookstores have pulled the book for now, but not before several publications got hold of it. It seems a little odd that TOS went for a staged pap walk with the dog in the rain just prior to the leaked Guardian extract accusing William of attacking TOS being published on 5 January.

The Guardian has a copy of the book (which no one knows how they acquired it), The Sun, Daily Mail, Sky, BBC, Reuters, Page Six, People (of course) Hello!, and US Weekly seem to have acquired Spanish copies or access to extracts as they dump translated sections of the book.

Two further interviews are promoted—one on ABC with the token person of colour on 9 January (Michael Strahan), and then with Stephen Colbert on the evening of 10 January. Add these pre-recorded interviews with Cooper (CBS) and Bradby (ITV) on 8 January, it would seem these exclusives with be out of date and pretty worthless.

How did the last 48 hours unfold?

5 January

  • The Guardian publishes a leaked extract around midnight (GMT) claiming that William attacked TOS/Harold/Sniffles where the force was so rough that it broke his necklace and he broke a dog bowl when he fell. What was the aim? To look like a victim and to portray the heir to the throne as a thug and bully, thus defaming him?

  • The Guardian admits it has a copy of the book from unauthorised sources.

  • Several hours later, TOS makes what seems to be a staged pap photo session as he walks a dog on a beach in the pouring rain. The paparazzi just happened to be at the beach in the rain.

  • BP states that it will not respond to the claims made in the book before 8 am.

  • By 10 am, The Sun announces it has a copy of the book in Spanish, after they were tipped off it was being sold in Spain. They had acquired a copy the night before after a reporter flew to Spain to purchase the book

  • Penguin Random House do not comment on the early sale of the books, nor do they confirm whether The Guardian leaked extracts are genuine.

  • ABC release news (around 3pm GMT) that Michael Strachan (a person of colour) has an exclusive pre-recorded interview with TOS to be aired on the morning of 9 January, after the Cooper and Bradby interviews on the evening of 8 January. People had questioned why a person of colour had not been asked to interview him.

  • Further claims from the Spanish version of the book are being translated and are released, including that TOS took cocaine, and claims that William and Kate persuaded TOS to wear the Nazi costume to the party (despite the fact he was an adult, enrolled in Sandhurst and knew better).

  • Around 6.30 pm (GMT) Stephen Colbert of the Late Show announces an exclusive pre-recorded interview with TOS to be aired on the evening of 10 January. It all seems rather pointless as extracts are being released hourly from the Spanish translated version in the media.

  • Further trailer teasers are posted for all the ‘exclusive’ interviews that are now quite worthless as the contents of the book are being revealed in the public domain. I imagine all the channels had paid a donation to Archewell in exchange for the exclusive, which is pretty much not exclusive now.

6 January

  • The headlines in the papers focus on TOS selling his soul, taking cocaine, and the alleged claim that William physically attacked TOS. The consensus is supportive of the RF, with many mocking TOS and calling his actions shameful, degrading, and disloyal.


  • Among one of the extracts is TOS detailing his experience in Afghanistan and making comments about the Taliban, and claiming to have killed 25 Taliban, and referred to them as chess pieces. This is sensitive information that should not be in the public domain for security reasons. It appears to be a ploy to gain publicly funded security again (hence the judicial review cases) but at the cost of endangering military personnel, the UK, and the Royal Family. Putin already has the UK marked as a country that led the way for allies to supply weapons to Ukraine (but that is acceptable as a risk), but TOS deliberately provoking a situation for his own needs is unacceptable, and the government have a duty to silence him (a DA or D notice) in the interest of national security if C3 chooses not to do anything.

  • This created a security issue, as TOS put a big fat X on his head, his immediate family, the Royal Family, the UK, and all former and serving military personnel. He has endangered all from the reckless statement which violates the code of oath of allegiance to the Crown, therefore, he has been disloyal to the Sovereign, his family and to the People.

  • Claims arise that much was edited out of the book, yet they didn’t consider the security risk to the UK with TOS carelessly talking about his missions in Afghanistan.

  • Many veterans and highly decorated officers have stated that TOS has betrayed the Army, and hashtags #ShutUpHarry #ShutUpHarold begin to trend on social media.

  • Further revelations from the book suggest that TOS is a troubled with jealously and envy aimed at his brother, Kate, and also Camilla.

  • His subjective recollections he states are his memories, but that does not mean they are factual and seem to contradict previous statements made in other interviews that he had given freely.

  • The Diana card is played, with references to TW and he visiting her grave in Althorp, channeling messages through a woman with powers, claiming Diana led TW to TOS and helped with the ‘pregnancies’, as well as approving their behaviour. Well I spoke to an entity with great powers who told me that was utter rubbish, and that Diana is disappointed with TOS, doesn’t approve of what they have done, and most certainly had nothing to do with the ‘pregnancies’, and is annoyed that they keep using her to promote their own interests. There, sorted it for you.

As the extracts roll in, I will list them for entertainment value, but the real issue is the danger caused by the reckless comments made about the Taliban and the ‘kill count’. Quite clearly, TOS is a clear and present danger to himself and creates a security risk to the UK, the Armed Forces, and the Royal Family. That is not only my opinion, but those too of who have served in the Armed Forces, and many believe that he has broken the Official Secrets Act by discussing in public a military operation without permission.


The government has a duty to intervene now, and if people like Pen Farthing think it’s unsafe to remain in Kabul, then he’s probably right about the dangers TOS has created to the Armed Forces and those who are still active in the area. Sadly, this was inevitable as TW’s thirst for round the clock protection paid for by the public possibly led to this situation, and one that C3 and William cannot choose to ignore when it endangers the People? Do we have to wait for the first casualty that stems from this before C3 acts? If so, then there will be blood on his hands (as well as TOS and TW) and that would not be a good look at the start of a reign.