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I have decided to close the thread for the time being. There is far too much gossip and speculation going on and I find it distasteful.

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Apparently the sending of a 'deeply personal' letter from PH to PC prior to the funeral has been leaked to the press. History repeating itself or what? Such fun & games from the despicable duo.

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The press haven't got a Scoobie what is happening despite their grandiose headlines. They look like they are making it up as they go along and only have these false snippets from camp Harkle to go on. The funeral is done. People are gradually returning to work and other levels of "normality". The big story is about a football super league Mrs Harkle is looking increasingly desperate and it doesn't look like H is bringing back anything significant. Even with the imminent arrival of baby Dianna Philippa Elizabeth Charlotte M will no doubt be working on a new stunt

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How very original! Not.

Although, if true (no meeting with PC took place or was possible) it provides some hope that whatever was decided by PC/TQ/PW, has been not negotiable & not in favour of H&M. Why else would H&M need to re-state their case (in a letter) for leaving the BRF?

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Prince Philip was a true gentleman. I recently watched film from the 60s with TQ, PP, and PMargaret entering a building. TQ starts taking off her coat and immediately PP moves and helps her take her coat off. Fast forward 2020 where PH and MM are entering a room, he is walking behind her and she stops before sitting down to take her coat off and PH just stands there like an ill bred sloth. It was when she was wearing the brown turtleneck and skirt, the sweaty one. It was so stark when I saw it, since I thought he had better breeding than that.

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There's breeding (nothing but DNA, frankly) and then there's manners.

Harry has always reminded me of a free range chicken, or one of those kids who are allowed to roam the streets all day, and who only come home to dinner and to sleep. Between Diana & Charles, I doubt H ever even knew the meaning of discipline. William on the other hand, was in training for being a King, he had different tutors & education foisted upon him.

They certainly did not teach him how to behave in polite society, in the Army. Just because a man wears a suit, doesn't mean he's a gentleman, it's like lipstick on a pig....

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Something that has been bothering me is how can H's wife and the media claim she is this strong, independent, feminist woman but H has to rush back to be with her. Most women are still working in their 7th month and could handle being by themselves for a couple of weeks. Especially since this is her supposedly second pregnancy, she has security around, and in all likelihood a nanny available to her if she did go into labor early (assuming she is actually pregnant). Do not get me wrong, I would prefer H to leave as soon as possible. The longer he stays in England, the more chance he will be up to mischief.

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It’s celebrity versus Royal ....... Meghan use supposed celebrity spin and attacks and friend leaks on the Royal family who simply do not know how to resort back .....only Meghan doesn’t realize her celebrity status is in her own mind .....

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She’s not a strong woman - it’s just something she claims to be and her (low IQ) fanatics repeat it. Just words. She’s a ‘cry baby, perpetual victim, drama Queen’. And the only ‘job’ she has is releasing pathetic stories about her husband’s family, which she’ll do until no one listens. She’s a parasite, always looking for a new host to live on.

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It is obvious Her Majesty now considers the Sussex problem as puzzling, onerous and too wearisome to deal with herself. It is now up to PC to lower the axe and deal with the the traitors on The Queen's behalf. He must act soon because they represent a very real threat to the institution of the Monarchy. They are traitors to Her Majesty, the nation, the Commonwealth of Nations and to H's former comrades-in-arms.

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Quote from one of our reputable papers in Sydney:

"London: The D of S will return to California without having a private meeting with his father, according to sources.

Many family members had hoped the pair would take the opportunity to spend some time together alone, to air their differences face to face.

But despite a 16,000 kilometre-trip, PH was either unable, or unwilling, to pin down the Prince of Wales, who is still coming to terms with the death of his father."

Apparently H is returning to the US in "a day or two". Charles is already in Wales.

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What family member in their right mind would spend time alone with Harry?

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You'd think they'd all be lining up to ask H, if Meghan is OK? Funny, that....

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No argument from me. Agreed!

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All last week I watched several docs about P.P. and learned new things about him I did not know. One special clip was from the head chef for P.P.. at the palace. You could feel the love from the chef thru the tv. He talk about how kind P.P. was and how the Prince tried new things to eat. When he visited new countries and brought back recipes to try. I wish I could have met P.P.. Easy going beer type of guy.RIP P.P.

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There once was an very young prince

Who was said to be as thick as mince

He married a wife

{Who'd had an interesting life}

And their antics made all grown-ups wince

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I'm truly sorry that Harry returned for the funeral at all. He is completely unrepentant for the damage they have done with That Oprah interview. He has been a stressful disruptive presence all week with his wife's PR releases and uniformgate. He couldn't be respectful and follow protocol even during his own grandfather's funeral. I can't imagine he was any source of comfort or support to his family. The entire family is deeply grieving the loss of Philip and grappling with how to move forward without him, yet they've had the added stress of being forced to deal with Harry's BS on top of it all. I really question whether he is actually capable of genuine attachment, care or concern for anyone else.

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Great replies, I agree with everyone. It's precisely these qualities in both Harry and Meghan that make me believe they will continue to cause many problems for the RF for the foreseeable future especially when Charles's reign begins. I haven't forgotten that before Philip passed away, press was reporting that there is an additional 90 minutes of recorded but unaired footage from the Oprah interview that CBS was going to air in a future program, containing even more incendiary allegations against the RF by Harry and Meghan. They are a nightmare, no doubt about it.

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I’m guessing we watched the ‘best’ of the footage in that interview. As that’s been picked apart as full of lies and exaggeration, dare they risk releasing any more? Tell you what though, if they do (which is possible as they’re strapped for cash, and she’ll want to get back in the limelight as Philip and the RF have stolen all her media time) I bet there will be a few more snippets about Catherine, the object of her jealousy.

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The chicken coop portion was filmed after PP was hospitalized. They wanted to make themselves look better by saying TQ nor PP was the "racist" who questioned the skin tone. I guess it was their attempt to minimize the damage they knew was coming.

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So that was Markle’s way of being ‘kind’ to a dying man?

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I think the 'incendiary allegations' are just even more outrageous 'elaborations of the truth'

Who would believe them now?

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The world is full of gullibles and fools, loads of people will believe them like they believed the 'first' interview. And those that don't will still be interested in the fireworks they create.

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The vast majority of sheeple will believe whatever suits their own agenda. The interview was manna from heaven for SJWs race baiters grievance mongers, socalled feminists, and the latest breed of intersectionalists. It validated their twisted outlook on life to the point of virtually canonising the Harkles when not so long ago H wasfor them a racist brat Hooray Henry chinless wonder.

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Extortion is never a good look though. And somewhat illegal. The Moi!kles really are digging deeper.

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No need to question it, the answer is no. He is a narcissist the same as his wife, incapable of empathy (only capable of faking it) and entirely focussed on self. Just 2 seconds trying to put yourself in his place doing that OW interview with all the lies told and then having the bare faced you-know-what to show up in the middle of your grieving family as if nothing happened tells you that by comparison to what you are imagining your own feelings would be right this minute - he is empty of all human feeling except pride.

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Especially since O interview was not live. If he did not like what was being said he could have walked off or asked to retake it.

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He probably did, but Markle would have shouted him down. Maybe she ‘toned things down’ and told him it was a compromise.

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H is going to have a heck of a time adjusting once his keister finally hits the ground and he gets a load of what real, everyday Americans think of him, including naturalized immigrant citizens from Central/South America. I highly doubt he speaks to any of them. He prefers to keep to the shelter of Hollywood/S Barbara crowd.

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Pride, resentment and anger.

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Combustible emotions indeed.

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He is unrepentant because I don’t think he thinks he’s done anything wrong. He’s been told, by M, that they needed to do this. That they’ve been kind about TQ. They protected people by not naming them. That they said K was a ‘good person’. That they were just looking ‘to start a conversation’. These our our ‘truths’ to tell. I think he has believed her whole manipulation and still thinks he’s been wronged, misunderstood and treated unfairly and that their response is another way they aren’t treating him right.

After all his hateful, delusional, entitled, selfish behaviour I think it was probably wrong to expect anything else. He was, as ever, himself. We are just being allowed to see H as he is now.

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Excellent summary of her delusional persuasions and statement of her 'experienced truths' from the interview.

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Agree completely. I read an article that said “Harry and Meghan needed to have their say and they couldn’t see any other way to do it” What!!?? Needed to have their say.. in response to what? No one in the family was talking about them. The family had moved on, were working and living their lives. All they had to do was make a phone call if they needed to talk or start a conversation. It’s all private family issues. The only way they could think to do it was trash his family and country on global tv

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Every time I see "What!!!??" I can see Oprah in that interview and I can't help laughing. What a terrible actress, especially when she accentuated that question with the pinched fingers "where you silent, or were sighleeeeeeensed" like she was a crown prosecutor in full drag

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Of course, after she had trashed her own family

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I believe we should have been able to se Haz without the smokescreen and coverup of the rf and perhaps he would have gotten the help he required without a stigma attached - its all too late now I fear

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A chilling portrait of what happens when multiple disorders collide and merge. But I think you are right, Hel. About both of them.

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From Australia

Recently came across this royal lament in Antonia Fraser’s 1979 historical biography of King Charles II in Chapter 3, ‘Present Miseries’:

“ We have so deep a sense of the present miseries and calamities of this kingdom, that there is nothing that we more earnestly pray to Almighty God than that He would be pleased to restore unto it a happy peace.”


15 September 1645

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Well we know how that worked out for him...

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Sure do. (But didn’t want to mention his Dad, Charles’ demise….)

Been watching Historical channel on Foxtel about the ending of various dynasties and empires.

The undermining often starts from within: you know, with all those spare heirs hangin’ around….

Oh, the irony: the more things change …. and so on….

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Sad that when a father has a walk/talk with his two sons following the funeral of the family Patriach, and has to be concerned about conversations being misconstrued or misinterpreted later as "some recollections may vary". Obviously C and W wisely know H (and M) cannot be trusted ever again.

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Harry's wife and Harry are two fools who can't see they have thrown away TRUST; something priceless that is earned.

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Did you notice that the Sun reported Catherine 'joined' the conversation at Frogmore? I found that a very interesting side note, if, of course, it's true.

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Read that neither PC or PW wanted to be alone in discussions with him. No wonder! They needed a witness to any conversation - how awful to think that level of mistrust is now their bottom line

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At least their caution suggests that there is a possibility that in the future they might fight back.

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I had already stated that if Meghan was home waiting for Harry to bring products she could juice in future Oprahs whe was in for a disapointing surprise. Men are usually daft into nuances and Harry is dimmer than the average one ;). And the Royals would be very careful into letting him back into the fold. They didn't. They behaved Royally Nice but that's all... The other two can't be trusted/friended ever again.

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It will be interesting to hear how O's friend Gayle King and/or Scobie spin M's version the royal walk/talk.

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How will they explain that H has said he will "respect the institution" ? However you look at that statement it is not good as the inference is he has disrespected it or might/will

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Yeah he said they would “respect the institution” when they left the last time. We all see how that worked out. His word is no good

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We've already seen what he means by "respect the institution"

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Respect the institution. He says nothing about respecting the people in it. Classic bullying behaviour.

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Apr 20, 2021
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You mean Harry sent his father a letter written by his wife, probably in her ever so perfectly rendered calligraphy with the full intention of it being made public (just like her wreath note) and he put his X signature on it. Yes, another T Markle 2.0 She likely sent a copy to Gayle King first. Heard also that the poor Queen is body swerving the men's 'summit' discussing the Harkle Problem. Of course she is, why would she want to have to deal with that now. At least Charles has debunked to Wales so there is less pressure. Just go home Harry.

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I worry for Williams family & his wife, harrys wife is unhinged and would harm them in a second. Her mother has criminal tendencies. & spend time in the clink. The woman is mad and a danger to all who are near her.

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Let's hope Archie isn't near her! The Fosters distanced themselves, it is reported, because Harry's wife got upset about questions concerning Archie's absence.

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I also worry for them, however I believe haz m-i-law was jailed for fraud and not at a hit man/woman - I am more worried that one of her crazy fans may take it upon themselves to rid their princess of a perceived threat from the Cambridge family

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Yup, she makes me think of Misery & Single White Female rolled into one.

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Magazines here in US saying H got frostiness from some of the senior royals. Saw several reports of the same.

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It's a credit to the RF, if "frostiness" is all he got. Most other familes would have sent him home with a black eye.

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It's a wonder any of the family was able to tolerate his presence.

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Who reported it - Tony the Tiger, because Frosties are Grrrrrrreat!

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Seriously what did they expect he was going to get: sunshine lollipops and rainbows?

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Harry claimed PC and PW were trapped so he should have expected other Senior Royals to have inferred they too were delusional and trapped- hence their frostiness towards him.

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Good. I guess the PR is going full throttle.

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Maybe not good if they are tarring the royals as meanies for being so nasty to poor Haz after he came all that way to say goodbye to his beloved grandfather...the U.S. papers are usually pretty pro-hackle/anti-royal

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That’s true.

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Aawh diddums. Brings tears to my eyes.😂😂😂😂😂

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I have JCMHDS. Let me explain. The DS stands for Derangement Syndrome which was documented a couple of years ago and related to the dislike some people had for a certain worldwide public figure. If that person’s name was even mentioned some would shout you down with their manic dislike for that person. It was often safer to keep quiet than face the onslaught. I am at the stage of admitting I have either M&HDS or JCMHDS. Probably both but more JCMHDS.

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I feel your pain, Lucia. I had to restrain myself (by clutching a sofa cushion realllly tightly to my chest) so I would not throw something at the TV, every time Harry appeared on the screen during PP's funeral.

BTW, my husband (who really could not give a fig either way about the BRF) insists on calling H&M, "Harold and Maggot". Isn't that sweet?!

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I know!! Maybe Artemis Goog could create a balloon of JCMH - fuming red face, pursed lips, beady eyes, sour petulant look!!

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Admitting the problem is the first step to recovery lol...

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Michelle, I have reached the point of no return 😊

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Lucia, you have reached your "bottom " lol. Reached mine the other day, walked behind one of the cars I rarely drive...first 3 letters on the license plate are HAZ...pissed me off lol

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I know exactly how you feel, Michelle. My daughter and son in law went on an overseas trip 10 years ago. We looked after their dog for them and he has never left us. Gorgeous little thing and we love him to bits. Problem - his name is, you guessed it, Harry (we used to call him Hazzie). Now, since my JCMHDS has kicked in, I have dropped his name altogether and just call him "my baby"!!

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I agree, I feel sick when I see either of their faces, and now if I see OW or GK I also feel revolted. What they have done collectively is inexcusable. I know what you mean about the origins of the term, you nailed the explanation. Let us hope that for us, there will be an end to it sooner rather than later.

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Just read the Dan Wooten article in the DM and I’m not only furious but confused as well. Among other egregious things said on OW interview, H told the entire world he feels sorry for PW and PC because they are trapped (his words). Has he been made to explain himself before any type of reconciliation is attempted? And why would he want back into the RF in any official capacity if he was “trapped?” Too many lies and inconsistencies.

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I liked him on talkradio. I guess he was trying to convey that they were afraid he would be spilling his guts on Oprah again and so took a witness. But the title came off differently.

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To be clear I’m not mad at Dan, I just don’t know what H would be expecting out of a talk with his dad and brother. H should have started out by groveling for their forgiveness but that will never happen.

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Dan Wooten very disingenuous saying they were afraid / scared of harry and meeting him so they went together like 2 cowards what a nasty reporter he is.

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There is a very sensible and sober kind of fear - not the shaking in your boots kind, but an "I fear such and such could happen, so I'll take precautions". Makes sense to me.

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Saw it. Afraid? Of Charles? I don't think so. PC doesn't strike me as a scary kind of guy.

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Below the pic it did say they went together because they didn't want their words to be misinterpreted, something to that effect. Weaselly to say the least, it could have been in the banner but no, you had to read the whole caption to get that part. I read it because I was gobsmacked at that assumption that PC and PW were "scared" to meet H alone. The press is on H&M's side, tellinya--has there been any reportage the past few days that hasn't shone a favourable light on them? I have yet to see one, and it's starting to really irritate me.

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I interpreted it as being 'realistic' given the OW interview.

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I get where you are coming from. They are now presented in some publications as two feuding brothers whose heads need knocking together. The language has definitely changed and previous criticism of H seems to have been watered down. This is perverse given the trashing the Harkles gave the UK media.

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I don’t think the press is on H & Ms side. Quite the opposite. They were trashed too by them and are out to seek revenge. They produce articles that might seem a little sympathetic but it’s all to rile up the readership and generate the sort of comments you see below the line. The couple are not well liked - by the public, the press, even the RF. I personally don’t think anything is favourable. It’s more snidey. Take the ‘scared’ line. If true (and it’s a big IF) who does it reflect badly on? H. What they are saying is H can’t be trusted. They provoke more fury towards the couple with their coverage without being overtly detrimental to a litigious pair. It’s a game. A game for clicks, readership and popularity. And I don’t think, certainly in the UK, one that H & M are or can win.

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I hope if and when the apologies to Harry's wife are printed, they are as crafty at playing the game.

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I highly doubt C and W are 'scared' of H, they have good reason to be wisely apprehensive of him, knowing he and M are traitorous liars who can't be trusted. I agree H and M trashed the British media and the media is not amused.

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A poor headline. Clearly they're not scared of him, just wary of his loose lips.

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Yet the Telegraph is reporting Charles refused to speak to Harry at all and is focusing on his grief and supporting HM. Every paper has a different story, truth is none of us have any idea and nor do they.

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DM says H is going home to LA today and PC went to Scotland alone so who knows?

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Wales in another story. Which seems more logical he would go to his own principality

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I just saw that headline, Wales it is then and you're right, makes more sense that he'd go there.

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clickbait for having a witness as opposed to scared. Wooten has gone down in my estimation for that

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I agree, unnecessary words to used in a headline. He went on to explain in the article they wanted to see H together so that nothing said could be misconstrued, meaning twisted and lied about. Fair enough, but neither PC or PW would be scared or afraid, if anything it would be H who needed to be afraid.

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At the end of the day harry is a petulant child and Charles should be give him a bollicking and making him sign an NDA

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He wants back for one reason only: money.

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Exactly! SHE has told him to stay as long as it takes to get what SHE wants, more money, keep the titles and so on and so on.....

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Money & a platform for her to spew her ideology to the masses for the far left illiberal liberals !

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She's kept her head down since the interview though, hasn't she, only putting out PR through sycophantic Scoobie, or paid pr company. Not raising her own head or voice above the parapet. She's saving it all for the big day when Diana 2 puts in an appearance. Get your sick bags ready everyone.

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So he’ll take the money and perks but continue to bad mouth the RF from America, you can count on it.

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The former trust that PC and W had in H has irretrievably been broken; they will never be able to trust him again as long as M remains in the picture. H and M remain a threat to the Monarchy; M in particular will remain a threat to W and C, our future King and Queen, she cannot be trusted.

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If the Palace, grey men and PC are aware of the petition, I think Two Jobs Harry and the Two Bit Hussy would have to be as well. They must be aware that if they tried to come back as working Royals they would likely be pelted with rotten vegetables.

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True-but I wonder if Harry is pulling at PC's heartstrings and PC stops thinking rationally? What other explanation can three be for this mess??

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I would imagine H is well practised in manipulating Daddy and Granny.

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I feel so heartbroken for HMTQ. She is grieving her husband- the head of her family and she has had to put on a brave face to deal with losing her favorite grandson to another world a -treacherous one. She, along with others must be aware he has 'special' needs as his behavior is evidence before THAT WOMAN he calls wife, got her claw in to him. They are a match made in hell.

HMTQ knew what she, THAT WOMAN, was like and had the measure of her AND HIM .I'm sure even the Queen didn't see THAT interview coming in the way it was done. Her heart must have sank as she realised she had lost her grandson forever... HMTQ must be devastated beyond measure, perhaps that is why she is leaving the 'meeting' to PC & PW. I wish I was in Windsor I would take her special flowers and card and dump them in the nearest BIN!- hoping a grey suit did just that! lol

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