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There are several people ignoring my guidelines so there have been several bans lasting from a day to a week. As such, these people have left me no option but to lock this thread.

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Just cut all ties remove all titles and let the States deal with them.

They won't be missed

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My goodness even GMTV, with exception of Piers, have swallowed their story. At this rate I shall be having a psychotic episode.

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Join us! LOL. I've been blaming my new blood pressure tablets for my headache, but actually it's my almost incoherent rage at the Harkle Debacle. Oh how I LOATHE them!!!

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There is nothing more pathetic than a middle-aged manchild whining that his daddy cut off his allowance.

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Through their own words PH and MM have given the RF the justification for removing the titles/privileges. Holding the titles in trust for Archie until he becomes of age could possibly be a solution to the allegations that have been made.

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I’m sure you mean well, but I have to agree with the others. Presuming that Archie is indeed the Halfwit’s son, leaving him in the line of succession also leaves him open to manipulation and exploitation by his parents, if not by his narcissistic mother.

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NO! No holding in trust for anyone, certainly not for a child about whose birth nothing is known for certain, & about whom so many rumours proliferate. And that will go too to the "daughter" The American is allegedly having. He [and she] will get over it. [Imagine what a Show and Tell at primary school he will deliver in a few years.] But NO, he must NOT be entitled to ANY UK titles.

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So Archie grows up without his British family, and then just inherits the titles & money and becomes The Fresh Prince Dumbarton of Montecino? Another disaster waiting to happen....

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Mar 9, 2021
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Speculation of his legitimacy is just that, speculation. The Queen has accepted him as a great grand child, just as PC has accepted him as a grandson. If PH and wife have lied about that then they must be held accountable, however, unless someone comes forward with irrefutable proof (DNA) then speculation is all there is and speculation is not fact. Why should their child be penalized for a situation not of his making?

If PH is removed from the line of succession, which he should be in light of his feelings about being a part of the RF/UK, then Archie would be removed. That would not preclude him from holding a minor title.

Raising Archie in a manner that disparages his heritage will emphasize how loathsome and fake his parents are. Will go against the narrative they are pushing about goodwill, compassion, inclusiveness etc etc etc .

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The child/children may be DNA approved as being H and M's, but does the RF know for absolute certain that Archie was 'born of the body', ie M's, or was he carried and birthed by a surrogate? That is the issue. Surrogacy is not yet endorsed by the RF re the Line of Succession, so far as I am aware.

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I sincerely believe that PH & MM say and do things to provoke an emotional response from team pro PH & MM and team anti PH & MM so people will talk about them. The constant changing size of the pregnancy bump is a prime example.

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Now may not be the time to ask, but since we are talking about Meghan's possible "bumps" - does anyone recall when quite late in the pregnancy she visited a dog shelter in the UK, and she was wearing that creme/white (rather short ) ensemble (dress & coat) and very high stilettos? There is a clip of it around, I've watched it over and over a few times.

I've been pregnant myself, and know that particularily at later stages of the pregnancy, it is not possible to rise up from a squatting position with ease (especially in such high heels, wore them myself right to the end) WITHOUT any help (either from a person, or by leaning pulling oneself up with the help of railing/furniturre, etc).

No matter how fit, strong & healthy the woman is, the very much changed centre of gravity created by the growing foetus and embryonic fluid, unbalances the pregnant woman making it impossible to either squat/rise up without help. I've seen Meghan do that in this clip with such suprising ease. Up to then I thought the rumours about a fake bump/no pregnancy were just gossip. All other photos seem to be debatable (unless there are better ones, beyond Harry Markles's, that I have not seen). But that action caught on tape always makes me scratch my head in wonder.

Any (formerly pregnant) ladies out there willing to share their experiences/points of view?

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When I was pregnant with one of my children, I worked as a nurse. Any procedure involving squatting down (putting on shoes/socks etc) I had to get help with or leave. In those days I was walking over 4km to and from work so relatively fit, plus in ‘sensible’ shoes.

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I agree completely. I was well-trained (I'm a runner, and I continued to train in the gym while pregnant). My son was born on the same day as Archie and when I saw a clip of her standing up as you described, my first thought was that's impossible! With all the strength training I'd done while pregnant, and considering how fit i was before pregnancy, I couldn't stand up without holding on. Granted I only had to hold on lightly, but still. And the other thing that made me wonder was that her feet were never swollen, ever. Not even by the end of the day and not in high heels. That is very difficult for most people to avoid towards the end of the pregnancy, especially if you've been on your feet for a while.

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Yoga? No, I don't think so either.

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She creates a fresh hell for him, on a daily basis. Goodness knows, he deserves it after what he has done to his family back in the UK.

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My first response on this new day is to ask again why Meghan and Harry judged it necessary last Christmas to show Archie with such obvious red hair. Was this done to protect him in some way?

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Hi everyone I wonder if it will assist the RF by making comments on DM articles IG etc Just read the RF are monitoring public reaction in the UK before making any decision. I am very outspoken on these pages anyway

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Thanks to Harry Markle for your excellent new Preview Report. Responses to it, here, surely will be monitored.

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What is the new Preview Report ?

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Oprah and the Diabolical Duo - The Preview. March 8th

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At this point it seems RF is damned if they do something, damned if they don't. It's very sad it has come to this, but the early naysayers (even those who urged patience) are being proven correct. Note to RF, Do Not Allow PGeorge to ever date an American divorcee.

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Megxit fast becoming mexciled

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If it were me I'd increase security for the RF. There are just too many nuts out in the world. Remember the man who climbed in QE's bedroom?

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Didn't the Cambridges all return to London this AM? Scary.

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Yes. Supposedly to prepare for the kids going back to school.

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Don't know.

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Schools will be reopening, so they probably drove back from Norfolk because George and Charlotte will return to school. But their security is indeed a valid concern. Further down the threads, someone noted that the DofCam had already received death threats. If that is so, surely the police will take all necessary measures.

The thing is, if the DofCam has been the subject of death threats, then there is no one to blame but the Halfwit and That Woman. I can only imagine the depth of PW’s rage. The Halfwit may find himself permanently exiled from the UK, once the dust settles on this. Then again, that should make him happy, since he seems to think that his family and his country are nothing more than a bunch of racists and monsters who are out to make life hell for him and That Woman.

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Here is an idea .... if the Queen thinks it’s wrong to remove the titles ,then remove ALL titles from Harry and Meghan and I mean all titles ,but the crown either the Queen or Charles holds those titles for Archie in trust and for him to decide when he is 18 whether he wants to take them up or remain a private citizen ....... Archie should not be the pawn in this vicious revenge Meghan wants ....

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DLC USA They are dangerous to more than your family. I think you know that. Please remove all titles as well as the line of succession. Please add extra security for William and his family. God bless.

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For those who cannot bear to watch the Sussexes, The Sun currently has a written transcript of the interview on its homepage.

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Thanks Harry Markle again!! I'm a black women, U.S. citizen and born in 1962. I live in Alabama and I've never been the victim of racism. I have really good friends that are white, black and other races. When we had a racial incident in my high school; our principle called the black class president and the white class vice president to the office and said you go deal with the problem. It's your problem. You see the black and white students were really close friends; we stayed at each others homes and supported each other. The class president and vice president called all the seniors together and we pulled the two guys that were causing the problem aside and said knock it off. We all love each other and you're not going to destroy our love for each other. I say all of this because if I were the RF I would allow William to make a statement to the press stating; "if this accusation is true we demand H&M provide the name of the individual, when and where it happened." If not; then the RF should investigate this as well. I know some might think that this is a waste of time and effort but there are those who want the RF to remain silent on this matter. I've found that when someone calls another person racist; they want to silence that person! I say DO NOT be silenced as MM says she was. I feel that transparency and truth is the ONLY way! I feel the RF might not win this battle of racist claims but they certainly won't if they remain silent. They must NOT stay silent. Finally; they should pull the titles and start the process to remove H from the line of succession! There is NO reason for him to remain in the line! It's clear he doesn't want to and he has NO right to continue to hold that privilege!

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I am also in the South. I just don't see racial hatred. I see mostly polite people of all colors. I see friendly people in the stores. I see my multi-racial neighborhood (have lived in multi-racial neighborhoods for 35 years) getting along, playing basketball and going for walks. Kids play together. Teenagers date each other. Claiming racism has become a new way to bully others and you can't prove a negative. I think some people see good things and try to destroy those good things because they are miserable inside.

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Megan has a long history of bullying.I have written a few comments explaining that already below (March 9th and earlier). With respect, this is not really about race. There is only one race: the human race.

We see now that Megan identified as white her entire life until she was with Harry, when it became expedient to use identity politics to exert power, and now to exact revenge.

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I recall clearly on the South African tour, the local women in the audience looking at Meghan in confusion (some without any expression whatsoever) when Meghan gave that speech outdoors, and said that she was "their sister" & "a woman of colour".

I think she was playing to the media that was following & documenting the tour, to show just how valuable (PR wise) she was to the RF and what a "breath of fresh air" she was.

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Thank you so much for commenting and telling your story sounds like it was a great school. The fact that this interview was just beating around the bush. Not one single word out of their mouths was a spectacular revelation. Everything they said was exactly what I knew they were going to say. They just keep continuing to be fools.

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experience with this is what's needed. Well said.

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I made an observation on the new b&w pregnancy photo. The story said they were barefoot. I enlarged the photo. Harry’s left leg is a stump. There’s no foot. His rt foot is strangely mottled and a bit odd in the position it’s in. Meghan’s rt toes are curled peculiarly and it like her foot isn’t quite on the ground. I see 5 toes but there’s extra skin beyond her small toe. Her left foot is not visible. “Archie’s” leg is mottled looking, too.

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Interesting. She has brought up the colour of Archie in the interview however the Christmas photo of Archie, quite blurred and hazy, looks like an older child who has red hair with no resemblance whatsoever to MM. Its rather strange, isn't it? The toddler in the Christmas pic looked at least 2 years old. All this secrecy around him...makes me wonder what they're hiding????

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that person named Silver Tree posted a tweet showing a picture of the child before it was hastily removed. It showed a kid with reddish hair looking at a picture book of kids and MM is sitting on a sofa with 2 other people. (silver tree-really?)

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Birth defects? Two (older) people who part take of illicit substances don't have a very good chance of having healthy offspring. I have seen this time & again. BTW, the child has reddish hair in the doctored Christmas photo, and dark hair in the latest (micro) footage of M and the child walking on the beach. It's only been 3mths since Christmas?

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Nothing would surprise me any more....

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I wasn’t going to watch then decided I needed to hear and see for myself if I was going to make any comments. First let me say that these two sad selfish people have gotten their pound of flesh. They knew that uninformed Americans who are ignorant about the workings of the Monarchial system. They never knew before Meghan’s joining the Royal Family, anything about Britain and their system of government as well as the 1000 plus yr old divinity of the Kings and Queens of England. They still know nothing other than the lies and racial accusations made by MH against the Royal Family. Listening to the two of them talk about not being able to get help for Meghan’s so called mental health problems, even though Harry was encouraged and received help thanks to his father. Both the Queen, Philip and Charles got help for Diana when she needed it. Besides Harry was part of the patronage on mental health with William and Catherine. Therefore how can he say he didn’t know how to help Meghan. I find this part suspect. Besides The Royals have never shied away from mental health issues. There were so many things said by these two that one can easily take issue with. It would require a tome to cover everything. Lastly, I am afraid that because of people’s ignorance, lack of information or just wanting to destroy an institution that has served the British Isles and the Commonwealth well over the centuries, these two narcissistic, me me complainers may have begun the breakdown of this wonderful, income producing business through tourism, traditions that is becoming rare throughout the world. Thanks Haz and MeGain! Nancy Smith

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Harry mentioned that he often spoke with his mothers friend who is a Psychotherapist, so to say they got no help seems another lie to me. Why were all the contradictory comments not challenged. (sorry I know the answer to that)

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You’re wrong many Americans have some knowledge of the Monarchy. We do not support these two.

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That's correct.

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Mar 9, 2021
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WOW I don’t remember it that way and being Australian took an interest in Lady Dale Tyrone.

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OK, fair point. I'm no star struck Diana fan, the lady had many issues, as you say. The disparity in age, life experience and even intelligence should have put a stop to the marriage. But it didn't, their grandmothers arranged the marriage, as I read. Is that correct? But you did not yet mention Camilla.

To me (at least) married men are tabu. Under any circumstances. Us peasants think differently, I guess. And Charles was reported to say that he won't the only British King without a mistress....

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I hope BP doesn't make any statement and just ignores the entire thing. That would be the worst possible outcome for these attention seekers who appear to be looking for a fight.

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HRM should issue a simple statement outlining the removal of the titles. No fluff no explanation.

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They can no longer ignore these two bullies. TQ must remove their HRH titles immediately.

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Richard Kay in his latest DM article is right. The Queen must act swiftly, deftly and focus on removing them from the line of succession and the titles must also go. He states that she has the support of the British people but this will wane if these two sabotagers are not removed. Just get them away from The Monarchy asap

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I read somewhere that TQ doesn't have the power to remove their child from the line of succession, only PH can do that. Not sure if it is correct though.

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Another thing that bothers me in u.s., is they believe mm (proven liar ) racists remarks yet call 10 people who called her out for bullying, a smear campaign! I'm an American and I'm ashamed to be called one right now!!!

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I’m American. I was blocked from National Bullying Helpline and Ecrime, because they backed Meghan, before the interview regarding bullying. 1. I asked how much money the Sussex’s gave them. 2. Posted a screenshot of who they follow...Sussex Squad. 3. Posted a link for the UK Government Charity Complaints. 4. Told them they were a danger to people who had been bullied.

I was slaughtered and then blocked.

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Hopefully the truth will come out in the next few days

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Meghan thought about committing suicide, while pregnant. Just like Diana threw herself down the stairs while pregnant with William.....

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Like I said before, MM doesn't have a suicidal bone in her body, murderous yes, suicidal, no.

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MEgain's twisted agenda is as transparent as a windexed window.

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The interview and the further "clips" and photos that have followed expose Megan for all time. This is to say nothing of the laughing caught at the end with her hand over her mouth. teh cackling of a sociopath who believes she has pulled off her "victim" scam.

My heart goes out to the British people and the Royal Family, especially HMTQ.

As an American, I am just as appalled as any decent person who has followed this debacle from the beginning. It is particularly irksome to read in the British press that "Americans love Megan" which is the opposite of truth, for those who have even heard of her. But everyone knows about Prince Harry.

With all that transpires in the world today, and the increasing, real, suffering, there are many who have no clue who Megan is and furthermore do not care, but I have yet to meet a person who does not know and respect HMTQ. The false fame of Megan is from tabloids, social media, corrupt MSM, and her PR firm, which promotes this garbage over investigative journalism which has all but ceased to exist.

The fact that it is Oprah who has given Megan a platform is no surprise, as Orca has long been discredited (by her own words and actions) as a bigot and a tawdry sensationalist. Big money and brand promotion are but the tip of the filthy iceberg.

Not wishing to repeat what many others have already stated, I would nevertheless, wish to comment on the recent photo just released.

I found this blog when searching a long time ago about Megan's "disappearing bump", Ironically we are seeing radical bump variability again. In the recent photo, Harry's face is entirely hidden, as is that of the "child known as Archie" (who appears to have different color hair in every photo we have seen of him). The only person identifiable in that new photo is Megan, which says it all.

Please note the gargantuan bump that is featured in this picture taken some time well before the interview. This is the bump of someone who will give birth imminently. In the interview, the cradled bump is much, much smaller. Does anyone believe that is a natural occurrence?

If as she says she is due months from now, one might ask, will there be triplets? I pray that the "birth" will not be on the anniversary of Princess Diana's birthday, July 1st. And please, God, do not let them name child "Diana".

Prayer continue for Prince Philip and HMTQ.

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Looking at the part of the interview where Orcah and Megan are with the chickens, Megan seems unaware that her blouse is unbuttoned partly. But someone must have told her and in the next shot it is buttoned up, so she fastens it at some point, but not before you can see that lower than her white bra, there is a black pad! Not her skin color, under that white shirt.

It's definitely a fake bump! Wow! I await the still photos to appear.

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MM deliberately changes the size of the bump to provoke talk about her. Are we suckers going to fall for that game again?

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It's like a shell game.

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Not to mention the “Miscarriage“ last July! Why secrecy AGAIN over this one? When is it due? Bump looks at least 7 months! Did a 39 year old get pregnant the next month after a miscarriage?? Don’t need to be a Doctor to know this is unlikely!

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Sickening. As Mr Creosote would say...BRING ME A BUCKET!

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Yes, there should have been a bucket warning preceding the "interview". They could not even keep their lies straight!

No one asked:

Why do "just Harry's" eyes look like pee holes in the snow?

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MM mentioned Harriet was being treated by a therapist. It might be meds he's been prescribed for depression? It would keep him docile, that's for sure.

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It's a real and terrible possibility, isn't it?

Many psychotropic drugs render their victims a flat affect.

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I see so many comments her saying Americans are buying it. I don’t know anyone that supports her. Facebook OW paged was slammed with people disgusted. The ones supporting them were few and far between.

I like to visit Omid’s Twitter and get them going.

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Ditto. Everyone I know sees her as a narcissist with a long history of bullying at best.

What we are "seeing" is the work of an expensive PR firm, those who wish to create chaos around identity politics, and those who wish to eradicate monarchy and national pride on both sides (I.e. globalists).

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I think a lot of citizens in America doesn’t care H&M. A lot of comments under news outlet says they should go away like and stop complaining. No one know who she was until Harry married her.

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There's an excellent OP piece by Maureen Callaghan in the New York Post. She calls it "bull."

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I agree, that was a very good article. I also liked the Piers Morgan interview on Fox & Friends this morning. There was one clip they showed where MM was talking about the color of Archies skin. MM suggested that there were conversations about the color of his skin. OW then questions that if the color of his skin were brown that that would be a problem? MM doesn’t directly answer it. She states that if that is the assumption you are making then it feels like a pretty safe one. I just thought it was a sreange way to answer the question. OW was asking a question and MM turned it into OWs assumption. It could be just me always thinking MM is manipulative, or I just don’t have the full context yet as I haven’t watched the full interview.

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Yep...she lights the blue touch paper then walks away.

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The wailers could not even agree on when the so called "skin color" incident happened. They disagreed by many months. They can't even keep their lies straight. And please do not kid yourself this pathetic, vengeful, "interview" was well rehearsed and edited; it was not live.

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They deliberately create confusion to keep people talking about them, esp MM

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Megan Kelly also gave a good interview on Piers show. I saw a clip and she was good.

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It's a pity that there are too many secrets at BP

If everything was open and above board from the top down the RF wouldn't be in this


Sticking your head in the sand just doesn't work

Years ago I had a standing position watching bullying happening first hand. As I was young myself and it didn't concern me directly even though I was aware of what was happening there was nothing I could do,but I saw the damage it did,the fear at the bottom of the pile and the manoverings and lies at the top to keep their place up there and it was their word against those at the bottom.

Not pleasant but it seems as nothing has altered.

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Dear BP: Please do not engage in a he-said-she-said slugfest with replies to the "accusations", just issue a simple statement of your intention to cut all ties, and then do it. Should be done by the Queen, while she is still the Queen, to show solidarity with her family.

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I agree. That would be a great statement.

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Yes, cut all ties and remove all titles and succession immediately.

There's no point in arguing about anything with a narcissistic sociopath who is not even a British citizen.

Whether "just Harry" (as he said wants to be called is a hostage or not), the only title he should hold is "prince of wails".

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And do it sooner rather than later!

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Here here

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What i have learned from this is they are not that rich and have no power. There are 100's of pro athletes that have more money (even the Kardashian's have more) and they have lost any influence with the RF, if they ever had any. They are pointless nobodies.

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the Kardashisns make and sell things . they are productive in the market . they make, publicity , clothing people buy & cosmetics too . They show how to use the things and they are , though nuts , a family complete with lil kids & fast cars The harkles only take & complain

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Anything that is new is VERY EXCITING. Right now their usefulness is apparent because now everyone get the “dirt” from within. I learned, all things it have its limits and everything must comes to an end (not sure when). No one wants to hear the same thing over and over and over again. This thread have calm my nerve quite a bit. I was starting to hyperventilate a few days before the interview and laid off Twitter. Lol

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@Sophia...hyperventilating? Yes, Welcome to the Club ! 😂

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You know, something just occurred to me... in the Meghan being a bully scandal, the staff described that Meghan had “humiliated” them, reduced staff to tears, and engaged in what felt like “emotional cruelty and manipulation.” My goodness, isn't that exactly what she is perpetrating once again? Vindictively inflicting it now on her father, the grandparents in their 90's, and all of the Royal Family? The entire interview was nothing but their spiteful revenge. Frightening.

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And if anything Harry is worse than she is,because he should know better,he has had everything all his life,and he's turned out a sniffling little Gobsxxxe.

She has lied and crawled her way to where she wanted to be but is so dumb that once her looks start to deteriorate and her body more reptile 🦎 all her so called friends will have dropped her once she's told all she knew she might then feel suicidal

What a pair of sad individuals they will become No one will ever want to know them a pair of Haz beens rattling round there bathrooms,and mansion,filthy because they can't afford staff.

Would I like to see that day how the mighty have fallen

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Malignant narcs often project their own bad behaviors on others and accuse them of the very behavior they themselves are exhibiting! Its a form of manipulation and control.

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Very true.

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Mar 9, 2021
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I've heard about this as well.

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didn’t she initiate a sorority hazing that blinded someone ? she was banned from Northwestern & we don’t know if she got a degree

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If you could get evidence of this then Laskarina my friend you would make fortune, and we would ALL applaud you!

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Mar 9, 2021
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I suspect what you said did happen but it would be very helpful if you would supply irrefutable evidence for what you said.

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MM has constantly spouted on about strong women, being a feminist, women's rights etc. TQ is the epitome of a strong, courageous woman yet MM has a vendetta against her. TQ never complains, she has never behaved inappropriately, she has ALWAYS put the British people before herself, at personal cost. She has literally carried a kingdom on her shoulders from an early age, yet she has done so with grace, dignity and honour. She contributed to the war effort, never spent money ostentatiously, or engaged in petty attacks on others. To me, The Queen epitomizes a strong, empowered woman, so why does MM attack her? Where does the hate come from? TQ welcomed her with open arms and has NEVER been a racist. And now, with her husband frail and near the end she has to contend with the shocking behavior of her own grandchild and that woman.

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Because she confused Game of Thrones for real life.

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Because the Duucksass thought that she was going to be the leader of the pack and the old Granny will look to her to modernise the RF

She thought it was a power play fight for top place no matter how dirty.the play

What hadn't entered her muddled brainless head was there is a thing called the line of succession something that wasn't written in the Princess Diaries.

If she wasn't going to be top she will bring down those who hold those positions above her by any means she can

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Like that name. I’ve been using Ditchess on Twitter and DM.

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I’ve come to realized that anyone who yelled “I’M A FEMINIST” is the biggest fraud! These people stab their friends in the back and if they’re better than them in anyway...in this case, public perception...the public loves the Queen and Kate it. Meghan is in secure with herself. Americans/ Hollywood is curious about the royals because they’re so discreet. Meghan waltz in and be Hollywood “insider” to the royals.

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What also has not been discussed a lot is, Why are 2 people around the age of 40 , complaining about daddy not giving them money?? Even though he has!

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Well this has legs. Lets see BPs response-if there is any. I wouldn't be surprised if the Obamas come out in support of Meghan. Boris Johnson might force the royals to compromise and take royal sensitivity training and the Meghan/Harry will come in like Cleopatra to Rome.

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I saw on DM that HMTQ is refusing to sign off Palace statement and needs more time.. Fine but don't leave it too long. As follows:

A statement is understood to have been prepared by Buckingham Palace highlighting the Royal Family's love for the couple, in attempt to avoid tensions mounting even further. However the Queen was keen not to rush it out without careful consideration overnight, according to The Times.

'Staff are reeling. But there is [also] a strong sense of needing to retain a dignified silence and show kindness and compassion. There's a lot people want to say but no one wins with a tit-for-tat battle,' said one. 'Bridges need to be built after all this is over, after all.'

I hope HMTQ comes through for us but just like TM it seems she cannot accept the bad behaviour of her offspring. If this is some half-baked pandering I will be done with her.

MOST of all I detest that this entire avoidable fiasco has made me feel things towards people I never hoped to feel. I have tried to be a good person my entire life, sometimes I failed but I always promised to learn. But seeing corrupt people in any arena makes me so cross it hurts. I don't like being on a rollercoaster like this one moment confident this circus will pack up and the next utterly dejected by seeming BP impotence.

Hubby says I am being a silly goose but it's hard not to feel let down.

Thanks for listening dear people.

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Yes. MM wants a career in politics, she announced this last year. Its possible she''' start her own talk show with a co host like Michelle O.

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Mar 9, 2021
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Oh no, the narrative will be welcomed with open arms! Being "normal" just doesn't cut it these days, in fact its considered abhorrent to be a rational, average Joe or Josephine...

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Would mm stoop so low to blame prince Phillip for the racist remark if he passes away? Not being able to defend himself. Yes I do! This is an ongoing drama and I believe this is her plan. Blame Phillip and get away with it! Evil is the only way to describe this woman!! Sending a prayer to the Queen!!

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Nah. Better to tell the vague story but not name the person so the press can spend days tearing each member of the RF apart - keeps the story alive in the papers for days! No truth to the story but that doesn't really matter, does it?

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Oprah said earlier today that H told her neither the Queen nor Prince Philip were the person who supposedly made the remark about Archie's color.

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She does lie!!

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They have already stated that it wasn't the Queen or Prince Phillip.

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I have stated in my latest article who it was indirectly.

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People lie!!

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Nothing would surprise me.

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Really the titles business is only an issue because of QEII's longevity. If Archie had been born with Charles on the throne, he would be a prince/HRH automatically. I imagine George V would be very saddened to know that his granddaughter is having to deal with all this, having attempted to streamline the system all those years ago.

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On the Crown, KG V was portrayed as a kind man.

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Edit: 'he would have been a prince....'

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but not a contender

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Lol comment repeated so tried to delete one....boom both gone :))

Hasn’t Harry trashed his own titles, even his princedom. In my eyes, a Prince of an unknown nation now has the same standing on the world stage as him.

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Harry certainly doesn't display courage, honour and loyalty, which are supposed to be the traits of a prince. He's a pathetic, whining ninnyhammer, who has been indoctrinated by MM to betray his own family. Markle my words, this marriage will not last five years and Harriet will be cast away just as MM has cast away others who outgrew their usefulness to her. IF TQ removes their HRH titles, what further use will she have for a whiny man-child who doesn't have much power, money, control or a bloody spine? She'll chew him up and spit him out because he was just a stepping stone. Maybe a VP/powerful politician is next in line for her agenda? I admit she played this well. She has manipulated the media and made a ton of money since she married Harriet. Makes my blood boil. I think I'd better have another G&T without the T or I'll go berserk at this horrid injustice against a strong, courageous woman like TQ.

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I hope old Warby has had something of a realisation by now!

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Yes, he realizes he now has a Knighthood and sounds quite "posh" because of it. Got it around the time of his overtly biased judgement so what does that look like.grrrr

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I watched the interview today. Great acting job by Meghan and Harry remembered his lines. And Meghan has "tells" when she lies. There's many areas...but the one that sticks out is the conversation on mental health. You don't go to HR when your husband was in counseling. When your husband, William and Kate advocate for mental health and even created a charity. Why didn't Meghan ask her OB/GYN for help? In other words there's too many holes in the Sussex narrative that can be fact checked. Remove the titles and take Harry and Archie from the line of succession

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Whatever happened to the friends whom she shared that accursed TM Letter with? It was OK to share that very, very private letter with them (so they could blab about it to People mag in order to improve her perceived image) but she did NOT have them around to discuss her suicidal thoughts and intentions?

She had staff still in the US (Lawyers/PR people) who could have put her in contact with private & discrete psychological help & counselling. She HAD (claims the RF took her passport off her) a passport when she attended the very public baby shower. Another time she left the UK to watch Serena play tennis in the US, and she could have seen a Dr then.

Good grief, she even had the last say on the doctors and nurses who delivered Archie, and has silenced THEM well and truly.

The lies in her story are like holes in swiss cheese. I don't know how they think they'll be able to get away with them all.

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Agree completely, but since there were so many inconsistencies, I focused on the mental health issue...didn't Diana throw herself down a flight of stairs during one of her pregnancies? And...the "stage" makeup replicated the eye makeup Diana used for her interview.

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Mar 9, 2021
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Agree Margo, and will there be an answer as to whether a surrogate was used? Oprah should have asked that.

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A fish stinks from the head down and everything about Archiebald is fishy. Just sayin'...

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Mar 9, 2021
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you sly one ... maybe just an attny ?

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She said that her despiration occurred during her pregnancy with Archie. Here in the US, she would have seen the doctor regularly before delivery. Also in the US, OB/GYN doctors provide primary care for women. All doctors are trained to screen for depression.

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Apparently the royals are in crisis talks today - HM, Charles, William. Wouldn't it be something if they were taking account of Harry Markle's petition to strip the Harkles of their titles? I don't think they could realistically do it at this moment without being further vilified as being spiteful. Also thinking that few high profile voices seem to be doing any joined up thinking. The big question that all the supporters of the Markle show are not asking is: Is it true? There is a presumption that everything she's said is incontrovertibly true. For example, for all her supposed expertise at interviewing, OW has not done her homework and clearly doesn't understand the rules for who gets titles, that Archie was never in line for one until Charles becomes king, that the issue of Archies protection was never in question and that the child's colour would never have been a factor in whether he got a title or not. The lack of discernment and sloppiness of people's reactions to Markle's version is staggering.

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I've said it before and I'll say it say it again... they have to approach this stealthily at the moment in terms of avoiding falling into the trap of giving life and to and becoming entangled in a media generated back and forth regarding racism. They need to keep the lawyers' noses to the grindstone and address the supposed racist issue from a legal standpoint. I don't believe anyone is at liberty to make slanderous accusations against any other person/s or entity without being obliged to name the supposed offender and prove with substantiated evidence that the accusations are authentic. There is the issue of enormous harm and loss of reputation, income, etc emotional trauma and stress, to anyone who may have been curious regarding issues of appearance and not meant to harm or offend at all, and whoever may have made remarks or asked certain questions have the legal right I do believe, to have the opportunity to clarify and defend themselves. Sparkle's knee jerk response is to sue anyone who she feels slighted by and that's the American way. They don't refer to California ( the sunshine state) as "the sue me state" for no good reason. That's a form of "communication" she understands very well so I say indulge her desire for litigation and come down on her and hapless like a ton of legal bricks.

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Is Oprah a journalist? Because journalists have certain standards to adhere in order to maintain their credibility. Is Oprah intentionally sloppy, in order to raise more questions, so she can have further opportunity for more interviews later on?

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journalist and standards in one sentence ? maybe lifetime with no parole but none other

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OW got well compensated for giving MM and Harriet a sympathetic, one-sided platform for their whining, wailing and pity party. MM's people obviously gave OW a list of questions she could ask so as not to put dear MM on the spot and its been rehearsed for weeks. OW has certainly lost credibility for this hatchet job.

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as is she

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Mar 9, 2021
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How is Harry benefitting from ‘fake babies’? He always appeared to want his own children. Many of us have suspected moon bumps/surrogates, but irrefutable evidence is what is needed. Las pregnancy, I suggested a ‘heat camera’ pointed at Markle...see if her ‘bump’ was warm or cold? Proof.

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Please bear with me, but I I'm seriously wondering if MM and her PR team who are controlling MM's perception management have a mole/s amongst TRF's advisors/staff? I've never viewed MM or her PR spin team as particularly good strategists, but they are clearly ahead in the game and are using a Sun Tzu strategy against TRF. Its out and out war and its been very carefully planned step by step, day by day. I thought Finding Freebies was a below the belt attack against TRF, but last night's OW hit piece (its was not an interview, it was an attack) was shocking and violent in its twisted narrative, accusations and MM's ability to cover her bases with passive-aggressive threats of wanting to end her life, saying she'll have a miscarriage if she gets chewed out about her appalling behavior etc etc. It was all planned prior, I think OW was given a list of self-serving questions for MM and Harriet and it was rehearsed for weeks. Even Warby fed into MM's agenda against the press. This power trip she's on is being very well played by someone or a few, behind the scenes. Its an unprecedented attack against TRF and MM has demonstrated that she's capable of anything. I have to admit, I'm rather shocked. I thought she'd cook her goose in the arena of public opinion last night, but I was wrong if the woke wailing about her "mistreatment" is anything to go by.

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In a nation of around 330,000 million people, only 17.1 million (5.5%) watched. Most people in the US are not interested. But, just like Oprah, the woke media are making big $ by keeping this drama alive. The world is only hearing from the few who have microphones, and most of the US doesn't care to listen to those people either.

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As an American I concur, the vast majority are trying to find our way out of a year of COVID and extreme politics on both sides. We have our own problems with the “woke” media. All of the adults have left the New York Times with only opinion pieces for a slanted demographic. Sad. Now we have to contend with the victimhood of two 35+ children lounging around California who don’t seem to understand the concept of a meritocracy. Prostituting oneself is not an attribute of meritocracy Harry and Meghan.

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Stay strong lovely. That's all I can say really, on a public forum. Don't blv all you read and dont get caught up in the negativity, after all for one example whilst slating Prince Charles for cutting them off financially (get with the show, you left your 'job...) PC showed himself in good light, he cut them off,who knew 👏

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The prince of the power of the air - eyes and ears everywhere

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I'm going to strip this right back. Stay calm. They were always 'loose cannons', let's be honest we always knew that. Let them fire their cannons, who cares, who actually cares 🤷 Harry couldnt ride a bike (while pics in media show he did), Meghan had passport taken away (while media shows she was in LA). This is just the beginnings of all the lies. Brace your belts and hold on, but never give up about the ACTUAL truth ♥️

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Indeed. Meghan's obsession with being in the public eye (which she was/is) will be her downfall, as now there is documented actual (photographic) proof that will dismatle her lies. Someone credible needs to do the research, get signed Statutory Declarations/Statements and rescind NDAs, pull it all together and present this information to the world, in an unbiased manner. Along with other things (the bullying) that were going on in the background AND then raise more reasonable questions about the rumours (surrogacy, birth, christening, etc).

The public is not as stupid as H & M believe they are. If all this is exposed unequivocally, I think they will sink into the woodwork and leave everyone alone, and no one will give them work or contracts. I hope?

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They in the know, know already, sit tight ♥️

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You're right.

I'll go clean the cat's litter box. It'll make me feel better. A very symbolically appropriate task, getting rid of cat poo...

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Amen. ❤️💣

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As an American, I am appalled that this wretched, self-serving, self-centered, manipulative, duplicitous person is one of us. I am equally appalled at the people who have drunk the koolaid and proceeded to jump on the bandwagon to claim Meghan to be a courageous martyr fighting against the ‘toxic’ RF. How dare the White House press secretary comment publicly and seemingly officially on a topic about which she knows nothing. I am ashamed on behalf of my country.

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Shocked when I heard the press secretary say this. As a US citizen, I didn't like the Sussexs commenting on the US election nor the US commenting on a family issue

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The one time she needed to “circle back” she didn’t. A simple “we don’t comment on personal family disputes for foreign allies and Heads of State would have been sufficient”

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I hate that you can’t edit in here 😂. Put the end quote in the wrong spot

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The national news on NBC tonight was very one sided with the sound bites they played and then their reporter in London talking to someone about the royal crisis. There was a comment where Harry said he would not blindside his Grandmother - wasn’t he doing that with the interview and didn’t they do it when they issued their statement to the word that they were carving out a new role. What a pageantry of vulgarity.

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I've noticed that most of the news sound are one sided. Those who are talking about both sides are being accused of racism.

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Media is escalating this to create more media for more money.

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Yes, a palpable fear of being called the "R" word keeps most of them truly muzzled. They know they will be cancelled if they step out of the appropriate queue.

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Someone posted on the DM that at the very end of the 'show' they thought the cameras had stopped rolling and The Claw was laughing into her hands?

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I want to go on Twitter to read the articles and comments, but my stress level is too high. I might give myself a heart attack or want to break something. Lol

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Do not read it unless you have a nice, strong martini in hand.

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I noticed that also, for someone supposedly distraught I thought this sums her up.

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She's cackling with glee, you can be sure of that.

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Free speech is gone, a pinch of colour puts you on top of the heap these days. I live in ireland we are introducing quotas for those with a pinch of colour in all areas of jobs so merit is gone a pinch of colour is better than straight A's in this new world. Meghan uses this pinch of colour to great effect even though it was white folk who got her this rich life she is enjoying and will enjoy long after she dumps harry & spends the alimony.

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Just read something very disturbing. The White House has just made a statement supporting Markle saying she was very brave speaking up about mental health. This takes things to a new and very dangerous level if the office of government of a large nation like the US is wading into taking sides against a royal institution, and believing the Markle narrative without any investigation about whether the allegations being made are reliable and true. This should not be a politicised issue. What have these two chancers done?

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with the behind the scenes politics she is playing ( bama hates the RF) no bigee.ps ‘, what mental health are they providing for ole jo stolen ? Mitchelle , newscum , turtle , etc they need a “shiny squirrel to divert from fortress pelousy .

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Puts Michelle Obama touching HMTQ into perspective now doesn't it?

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Absolutely, I'm not sure which side of the pond your on (as I'm not up on these kind of things 😂). This is wrong on so many levels, it's just a joke really. Don't forget allegations of bullying, yet some figure head from USA thinks this is ok to 'champion' a 'potential bully' 🤦#beammeupscottie

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UK, tartan side of the border on which account I guess I could beam you up ;0)

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It meets a shared agenda, sadly.

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Tbh, I read that earlier and is disturbing as you say. I think it's sick tbh, allegations are out there about bullying, we don't know the truth, but who actually comments before the actual truth is known 🤷 don't worry about it ♥️ truths prevail

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I sincerely hope so, Im slowly losing faith in a world I dont recognise anymore.

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Yes!!!! We all must Keep the Faith!!!

That gross puffed pair of imbeciles will go through the wringer soon.

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One more thing: I think MM is angling for a talk show with Michelle Obama, so they can discuss "racist" issues and "mental health". Sadly, its MM who is in need of a rubber room and thorazine.

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They are all friends

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MM sees them as marks, and uses influential people to get ahead with her own agenda - this power trip she's on is getting out of hand.

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They were already schmoozing with Biden many months before the election, regardless of their supposed neutrality

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She wants a career in politics and she's angling for an invite to the WH so she can also get freebies like free security from Biden, that will be paid by the US tax payer. Of course she's in fear for her life in case some racists come knocking on her $12 million mansion door!!!

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Mar 9, 2021
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so when we get censored here ..?

in a tree , with a knee

fortress dc, where to chat free ?

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Its a relief to see that there are still a few with common sense.

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I also feel that MM is imitating Princess Diana about "not wanting to live." She's aligning herself to that story line to be just like Diana.

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Bingo! This is the tactic she is using to continue controlling H and inflaming his fears. He stated that he was afraid that his and M's situation was just like his mother's and history was repeating itself. He is being fed this lie by his wife, and she is inflaming his insecurities to keep him under her control. Pure narcissistic behaviour. It's very effective and severely damaging.

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See the picture references too, don't know how to direct the you, but Google away. White shirt with Diana's sunglasses check, blank sombre outfit like Diana, check, green outfit, check, you get the drift

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She even DRESSES like Diana. Its quite scary.

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Just as I said above 👆👋😍

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I dare not watch it.as my tv would be at great risk of. being damaged. I will wait and pick up the thread from those brave enough to sit through it

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I didn't watch and I won't. What's to be said. Media told us it all, it's all based on lies.... Wedding 3 days bfr, didn't know about royal family, oh come on!! Kate made her cry. Oh for heaven's sake get a bloody life. Lady c on u tube is a good take on things, look at her face #fuming

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Did you see Lady C's video on Sunday night one of her best. It's a wonder she didn't blow up she was so mad

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Does anyone else feel that MM is baiting The Duchess of Cambridge to refute that story about the crying by claiming it was the other way around? We know it was Catherine who really cried. But by twisting it around, MM is trying to have Catherine comment about it -(she knows she won't though). Therefore trying to stain Catherine.

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I do. And I just hope Catherine keeps her cool like she always does

Sticks and stones etc etc

She's a lady with not only Williams support her parents and the country are behind her and show her that we do support her in every way we can.

She and William have kept this Country going over the last 12 months and it has been appreciated by all of us.

There are a lot more of us than a few over the top but wealthy paid entertainers.

And you are who you associate with,and what the F has it to do with them,who asked them for their opinions

Butt out and mind your own business we don't tell you what to do,so get on your bike and disappear into the sunset along with the rest of the past it brigade

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Stay quiet duchess Catherine, stay quiet.

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I think megz was bullying Kate, then megz cried to manipulate the situation. Thats how narcissists play. They manipulate then play victim.

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Will anything actually please that woman,because so far nothing seems to.

She'll be ok when she gets a wealthier old codger to take Haz's place

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MM is too old for another rich man. PH was her last chance for fame and fortune.

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Preferably a powerful politician so she can further her main agenda.

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I understand back when MM had her blog, she mocked DoC in it.

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Wow, I did not know that!

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She clearly hates C, and is intent on hurting her as much as possible. I think inside, MM knows she will never be as kind, genuine or popular as C and that C will always be above her in terms of pecking order as PW's wife.

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It must be terrible to be so jealous of someone if she had any brains at all she could have learnt to grow into her position as a Duchess,but the green eyed monster was there from day one with her soft sod of a father and it has taken over until there is nothing left of anything that resembles a human being.

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The green eyed and green scaled monster.

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Yes, that "look" she gave Catherine when they were in a procession line together says it all.

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Catherine sent flowers and took ownership of the issue if there was one she is not on trial its willie & charlie they want to harm the most.

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MM had the cheek to say i forgive Kate because she took accountability. Is she having a laugh, What about your accountability to your father and the women you bullied who worked for you and H

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I heard that Catherine sent flowers at a later time (can't remember when/why). I feel like MM sort of combined those two things together, claiming herself the victim, and adding that Catherine sent her flowers then, when it really was later, half truths, if you will. I could be wrong, that's just my thinking.

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Today The Times is reporting that when Catherine took flowers to the Sussexes' cottage, an insider claims MM slammed the door in Catherine's face.

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I believe it!

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Catherine sent flowers for MM's birthday in August, when MM was staying in cotswold Soho house. She wanted PW & Catherine to visit( as if) and when she only got flowers word went out, it wasn't enough. Too big for her boots Madam M

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It would be good Karma if one day young genius Arkie decides his parents are idiots and goes off in search of his families, would serve them right

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The lowest blow was the 'senior royal' racist 'thing'. Senior in rank, or senior in age? So they're all tarnished. I don't believe the story, but that was really foul. These two are very messed up individuals and deserve each other. Poor children though.

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Its disturbing how MM tries to destroy anyone and everyone who doesn't dance to her tune. She's dangerously deluded.

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Its sickening that social media and the press are fawning all over MEgain. Piers M basically said what we're all saying here and they attacked him viciously and called him a racist. He might even lose his job which is what MM is angling for, getting her minions to do her dirty work so she comes up smelling like fake roses. PM is many things but he's no racist. I can understand the Hollywood luvvies swallowing MM and Harriet's pathetic tale of woke hook, line and stinker, but for the life of me I cannot fathom how anyone with an IQ above room temperature, including The Guardian (although they are very against The Monarchy) can believe this repulsive schtick they're spewing. These woke, irrational morons are actively endorsing MM and Harry to behave this way and have made them feel more confident to continue the shocking embellishments to their tale of pure bovine excrement. This will only encourage them and make them even bolder. Brace for even more vitriol and daily snide remarks and insults put out by the obnoxious git Scoobie, and MM's paid PR team spinning their garbage 24/7 in the media. I've seen comments on reddit, YT, and the DM get deleted if they are questioning MM's behavior politely. I suppose free speech has died when they hit the reset button in 2020. The Hill is basically accusing the UK of being racists and their rabid followers who haven't even watched the interview are in hysterics at how badly poor MEgain was treated for being black.

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Mar 9, 2021
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That likely won't happen. They'll turn a blind eye to the truth because it doesn't suit their agenda.

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Apologies to everyone but im angry with the little I saw of this interview. MM stated I gave up everything. If that is in fact true. Why was she loitering with intent, looking for a rich Englishman

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She doesn't value truth like most normal-thinking people, she lives in a deluded world based on lies or should I say 'her' truth, a very dangerous thing, she has lost touch with what most people would call reality but that doesn't bother the narcissist, she just uses whatever she needs to to get what she wants, lies are just another tool to use. This is what I believe the RF have so woefully misread and underestimated in her, she is utterly ruthless in her pursuit of her ambitions and has no real care for anyone or anything else.

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She wanted $$$$, fame and power. Her grotesque hamburger advert obviously wanted giving her the financial means to have the luxury lifestyle she feels she's entitled to. I underestimated the depth of her manipulation and blatant hatred of TRF. She's a sociopath.

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She's the most fertile 40 year old,she should go down in history Harry mentioned Archie's first word or was he refering to the urban dictionaries definition about something else👹

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They can't possibly be saying what I think they are saying??

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Well even Lady C mentioned it last night Sunday it would fit though wouldn't it

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*wasn't not wanted

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