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One of the issues with patronages and companies sponsoring the duo is the ducal title that they monetize and use for status. Once these are removed, companies will see no reason to align themselves to the duo, and the removal of a title is done due to disgraceful behaviour.

A friend told me she had bought some 'Fairy' on offer last night and I reminded her of Procter & Gamble, and she as decided to give it away. Another friend has set up a petition to request the removal of the Royal Warrant, and it is an ideal place for people to say what they think if they wish to sign it.


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I do understand why comments on your posts have to be limited but very grateful for your updates. I am not a football fan but your post today gave me a new insight into the importance of opportunities for collective unity. So thank you for that. It reminds us to rise above the H&M saga, at least for now.

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Once again a wonderful bit of work, Harry Markle.

While people are busy signing the P&G Petition a quick trip to this Blog's GoFundMe page is well worth it. 😉

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Paul.. did my trip earlier this week and more than delighted to have done so... "every little helps ".. 😀..

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Nice one, Ms B.

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Love, love, love that illustration! TW must be grinding her molars at the footage of William, Kate and George having a whale of a time at the football. Nothing she can do can come anyway close to the genuine emotions of enjoyment and fun exhibited by William and his family.

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The unveiling tomorrow, which Harry has turned into a one-man crusade to overshadow any true sentiment for his mother's memory, should have been a private affair. I'm dreading what stunts the Duo may pull! The sooner he leaves our shores the better! Maybe he could hitch a lift with Serena! 🤡🙋‍♀️✈️🎾

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ADL.. love the emojis.. no need for words.. ..Harry the clown, off you go, goodbye, on the plane, with serena.. ..😆😆😆👏👏

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Hi 👋🏼 All, The Harkles are crumbling. To bad they don’t get it. I would bet money the Harkles have something predictable up their sleeves. I foresee TW doing a video chat with her to little bots and it is already to hit play.

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Signed the petition. Well done Helbie. This can be done without displaying personal names as I did if your name being displayed was off putting. Good job.

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Hel.. Me too., and I also appreciate the fact of no personal details.... Well done Helbie. 👏👏

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And another thing - don’t just sign, share. The more signatures it gets, the bigger the impact.

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I noticed H is still catering to children. Diana awards and now sick children "surprise" visit. Not much to do with grownups as they are not interested. Just wonder how he will come across tomorrow as most will be older. We shall see.

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Frances, Children are so innocent aren't they? He knows their not going to question or challenge him.

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If Harry wants to 'break the cycle' what on earth is he doing with a sociopath narc? She's hardly going to be role model material is she? Harry is deluded.

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So nice to see Prince George at the game and looking so happy!! With all Harry's complaints about wanting to "break the cycle" (whatever he means by that...), it's very clear that William has given his children a happy and loving home environment. (I hope this comment is ok, as it is positive).

I just hope the statue unveiling won't turn into a complete circus, and especially hope that Just H doesn't bring up the wife in his speech, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Ignoring them might be the right option, but I not so secretly hope for some boos, hisses and some squidgy tomatoes hurled into his vicinity.

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I was a huge fan of Diana’s when she was alive. I remember reading the Andrew Morton book when it came out, and being so shocked about all the pain she was in. Normally I would be excited about Tomorrow's unveiling of the statue, but at this point I just want it over and done with so I don’t have to hear any more about Harry and his awful wife. I thought they were going on a long maternity / paternity break? Well… get on with it you two!! Go off and do it!! We’re all happy to see you off. Leave the job to the Senior Royals. You two can take a nice long break!!

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My sentiments exactly but unfortunately the ceremony has been somewhat overshadowed and thus ruined many happy remembrances about her.

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Sadly, it looks like the ridiculous soap opera created by TW and spouse has rather soured some people on the whole thing, including how they remember Diana herself. Everyone tired of all the drama.

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Bloody Harry!

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Ignoring them is the right option. Whilst I still want action, punitive action no less, in the removal of titles and privileges, the duo are becoming swiftly irrelevant all on their own. The shock and awe tactics they deployed earlier this year are now tiresome and pathetic to all but a deluded few. With the greatest of respect but Diana is firmly in the past. She can be remembered and commemorated, but trying to live a life, or sell yourself, in her terms today, as the proprietor of her memory is both mercenary and silly. He isn’t her, times aren’t the same and people have all but moved on. He needs to leave. No one is fooled anymore and mostly he is just met with ridicule or pity. There is nothing left for him here. Bridges have been, not just burned, but utterly firebombed, never to be fully repaired. Enough of him. Enough of his hate, his entitlement and his self pity. We’ve all better things to do and lives to lead that he has nothing to add to.

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Hel.. Very well said and echoed.. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Well said and a great attitude about this whole situation!

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Congratulations to the uk for playing a great game yesterday against the Germans. Loved the picture with the Cambridge's, so natural. Saw a picture of Harry in a Car...what sour puss ! Well hopefully the statue of Diana is of her kneeling to a little Kid and talk to it. Always one of my favorites

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Just as long as she's not sitting on a bench!

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I bet she is...Harry told his wife about it and so she wrote the bench maybe?

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Kind of shocking to realize that Harry was in the UK and could have been at this game in the royal box with the Cambridges. I hope he sat by himself at Frogmore Cottage and did some soul searching, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Tomorrow's ceremony is already a circus because of him.

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He was probably on he phone to

Montecito getting his orders from she who must be obeyed….lol

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Ah ... Rumpole of the Bailey..

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It's nice to see Prince George having so much fun. He looks so happy watching the game.

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