
The One Young World PR Flop

They snuck in via the back and were still booed

The venue was Manchester, a cheaper place to hold a summit and one where more profit could be gained, as One Young World were keen to use the Sussexes for a PR boost on 5 September 2022. What is OYW? A charitable cult that provides a platform for young people to believe they are ‘special,’ while the organisers (mother/daughter team) pay themselves nearly half a million pounds?

The exercise appeared to be one attempting to claw back some positive PR against the hypocrisy that has been revealed by TW’s own words in her Spotify podcasts. That meant the duo had to ditch the private jets to look eco-friendly, and to sound humble to appeal to the cult fan base and to soften the fence sitters. The duo scrambled into Euston via the back door to get on a train to Manchester. Of course the press were tipped off, well, those who cared. From there, they allegedly went to the Kimpton (hotel) to get changed and to have a few photo sessions with some One Young World attendees.

Before they arrived, there was much ado about the security detail, and tales of sniffer dogs and streets being sealed off were briefed to the media several days in advance. This was of course to attempt to validate Harry’s concerns over his safety because after 30 odd years (after meeting TW) he believes the UK is a dangerous place. The Sussex media briefs are for the benefit of the legal challenges that Harry has imposed against Her Majesty’s Government, claiming that the procedures determining his security arrangements were unfair.

There were two dogs, and it’s quite standard to have dogs when there is a large event so nothing special there. As for the roads being sealed off, that was Sussex PR spin as the road is a main road with bus stops and a tram stop, and was not closed off. Just before 6pm, at the main entrance there were less than 20 people hovering around by the barriers. Some were members of staff, others were waiting for a bus, people were walking home or meeting friends after work, and there were a few people hoping to glimpse the celebrities arriving at the event. Bob Geldof was the only one that people recognised, and he came through the front entrance which is normal.

The duo arrived by public transport and left by train as well, and guess what—there was no actual danger. What is dangerous, are the the tales that TW weaves in her head that she spreads as propaganda. There were a couple of police officers patrolling the area, which again is normal when there is an event with a large number of people, and it’s Manchester—a city rife with the usual issues of a city that has a high degree of poverty.

In the UK, the country was more concerned about the new Prime Minister being announced, and few media outlets were interested in the duo showing up for a private event. However, I managed to convince a friend who works in Manchester to pop down after work and to report on the scene for me. Their eye witness account varies from some of the media spin, and what was more interesting is that Jurys Hotel was directly across the road from the artists’ entrance—their chosen entrance to avoid any booing. That meant they could have changed there and it would have taken 15 seconds to walk across the road to the venue, which would have been far more eco-friendly.

Around the back at the artists’ entrance, the media had set up camp (obviously being tipped off as to where to be), but again they seemed thin on the ground, and my friend counted about 20-30 people, with a few spectators hovering around. On the other side, there was a grand total of a dozen people that doubled in size an hour later as the people who had been at the main entrance decamped to the back entrance. Meanwhile, there was a white van that had been circling the area blasting out a crackled version of ‘God Save the Queen’ on repeat. That in itself is quite odd as Manchester is a protest city, and having seen a video one can only suspect that it was a Sussex PR tactic to drown out any booing that might have occurred. Why else would anyone be stupid enough to waste petrol and drive around in a circle during rush hour in Manchester with the national anthem blaring out— unless they were paid to do so?

The paparazzi were bored, and things livened up when the ‘God Save the Queen’ van parked up opposite the entrance, and a police car pulled up behind them and told them to turn down the volume. The paps took photos, and the crowds laughed because ‘God Save the Queen’ on repeat for an hour from a tatty white van for the benefit of the Sussexes befitted their status.

The event had begun, and acts that performed left after their appearances which included ‘Lady Boys’ and they posed for photos with some of the crowd. A photographer from the Daily Mirror was warming up the crowd, and asked them to cheer when they arrived. No one seemed eager, with some saying they wouldn’t and others asking why they should cheer. Apparently, it’s to get their attention so they turn their heads and it helps them to get a good photo. As usual, there were jeers and cheers, but more jeers…

The crowd of 20-30 seemed to be a a mix of tourists who thought it would be fun to watch, a few older supporters of the RF, those on the way to the pub or dinner and who stopped by for a while to see if anything interesting was going to happen, people who had finished work and stopped for a moment out of idle curiosity, some cult fans, and several seasoned activists who had their placards ready to promote their causes.

Manchester is a city that stages protests all of the time— recent ones have been staged to support the strikes. The professional protesters don’t let on what they are protesting about until the crucial time for maximum impact (in case the police move them on). One was heard practising shouting, ‘Sod off Meghan,’ so we can assume she wasn’t a fan. Yes, there was booing as expected, but overall there was little interest in the duo, and most people didn’t even know they were going to be in Manchester as passersby asked what people were waiting for.

Claims that there were 100 people were inaccurate, as my friend was so bored waiting at one point that they counted all the people, and there were about 60, including the press. The Archewell PR turned up to canvas the scene around 6.20 pm, and from the description and other photos it looks like it was Beth Herlihy, and Ashley Momtaheni. Someone shouted, ‘Who are you?’ and the one who needed her roots doing smirked. She probably called TW and said there was a small crowd and that it was safe to come out!

The media looked bored, and tried to mingle with the small crowd of about 20 people (people hovered and left), so there were slim pickings for any interviews. There is footage of a woman who expressed her disapproval of TW, calling her a hypocrite only for her to be attacked by a teenager who could barely form a sentence without swearing. The reporters lapped it up because they know that the duo are unpopular. From watching the footage, I would have hoped the police were nearby as the teens looked unstable, and sounded deluded as they said they chose to support TW after the OW interview. One can only roll their eyes at such an absurd remark, for the entire sane world could see through the false statements and lies during that interview, yet their rhetoric appeals to the simple minded and dim ones out there. In my friend’s words (not mine), ‘They seem to target the audience of the lowest common denominator,’ because only those people would be foolish enough to believe what TW says, even when facts have proved otherwise.

However, there are the sugary reporters that still exist. My friend watched a small blonde reporter work the ‘crowd’ looking for fans to interview without much luck. She was overheard asking someone if they weren’t a fan then why were they there, and telling them that they must be a fan if they were waiting. The reporter was apparently from the Sunday Times, and from her description it sounded like it was super doxxer, Charlotte Wace, who has a reputation for putting words into people’s mouths through assumption for her own narratives. Yes, people can just wait to see a celebrity they aren’t interested in without having to explain themselves, and that’s called freedom of choice.


There were two police officers on either side of the entrance, more for public safety as it was a main road. Shippy claimed there was ‘lots of love for TW’, where there were actually only about half a dozen people chanting. Some also seemed to be planted hires, as they played up to the cameras and only arrived for the duo’s departure, mingling with the air headed teens that appeared to have nothing better to do with their time or their lives.

The duo left to get a train back to London, and I bet they were eager to get the hell out of Manchester. As for TW’s speech, Harry the puppet followed her obediently and sat on a bench looking like a spare part. TW was acting like an excited teenager to try and fit in with the audience, greeting people in a shambolic and unrefined manner as usual, but that is what we have come to expect.

There was an attempt to sound humble and shy, yet that garnered little response and there was the usual word salad, just in a different order. Naturally the brainwashed cult delegates cheered because they can’t think for themselves yet, as TW acted out a monologue that she had no doubt been rehearsing for weeks. Why was Harry even there except to act as a walking stick, and as a pet for TW to show off? In truth, Harry’s title is the only thing that validates her and she knows it.


  • There was no danger and the security ‘scares’ were hyped Sussex propaganda to help support Harry’s legal challenges against the Government. The area in Manchester was safe, and they travelled on a public train to Manchester and back to London, and were perfectly safe.

  • No one was interested in them, with a small crowd of 30-40 people (and not all fans), and about 30 people from the media. The image is the main entrance just before 7pm, prior to the duo arriving.

  • The duo travelled by train, possibly for optics to balance out the hypocrisy of using private jets and for not being environmentally friendly. This was pointless as they travelled by private jet to Germany a few hours later.

  • They chose to enter via the back door for a quick exit and to avoid having to walk past any members of public should there have been booing, and failed to escape any booing and jeers.