
The Netflix 'Reality Show'

Another version of the alleged love story where the lovers fled when they they couldn't get their own way

By now, most people have some opinion on the Netflix fantasy drama called ‘Harry & Meghan’ but one cannot review something until it has been shown in its entirety. One would never review a book having read only the first chapter, or critique a film without watching the ending, therefore, one should not judge the reality show on the first three episodes.

The duo have portrayed this as their love story—a story that TW has said she would tell before the engagement, as long as the price was right. There have been various versions of how they met and when—the truth is one version, yet there have been several versions bandied about from both of them. This version claims that TOS saw TW on Instagram and asked a friend to set up a blind date, which contradicts his other versions where he says he had never heard of her or seen her before he showed up at the alleged blind date.

The original version, which appears to be the truth is that they met in May 2016, when TW attended a private dinner where her then partner Cory Vitiello was the chef. The media printed it back in 2016 and 2017 prior to the engagement and no one disputed the meeting. TW even stated it in a Vanity Fair interview, but then backtracked when she moved into Kensington Palace with a view to never leaving. The new version was that they met on a blind date in July 2016, however, there are many holes in that story too given that TW had documented her London visit on Instagram with times and dates of where she was. We all know she dumped the chef for a prince (or the chance to date him), and so trying to make out she was single by chance is rather pathetic and to create an illusion that their romance happened by chance, when it had been staged and premeditated by the connections TW had been manipulating for some time.

The invisible children make an appearance, but the odd glimpse here and there. Obviously the images were waiting to be sold, but at the right price. The sad photo of the child known as Archie allegedly on their 1st birthday was rather pitiful with a hat stuck to his head and not even a birthday cake. Then the odd footage where TW films them all walking, with TOS pushing a pram that seems a little empty…

The duo made video diaries, set up cameras to take photos of themselves even before the exit, so they created content with a view to selling their story before they got a deal. Why else hire a private photographer (Allerton) for behind the scenes for the wedding and other events, where it appears permission had not been granted for photos to be taken inside Buckingham Palace either.

Ashleigh Hale, the daughter of Samantha Markle and TW’s niece makes an appearance claiming that BP controlled TW’s personal relationships, and prevented her from being invited to the wedding. This is all from her aunt’s point of view where it seems she has been economical with the truth, as TW invited complete strangers with whom she wished to network with, and even handed out last minute invites as a quid pro quo. If she wanted to invite her niece, nothing could have stopped her. TW pretended to invite her father, but had planned it seems to set him up so he could not attend. Even Thomas Markle now admits that it is highly likely he was set up after joining pieces of the jigsaw together.

One cannot blame Hale, for she has been fed a version of events and her unconscious bias shows by opting to air her views in a fictitious and controlled setting that was biased and scripted. TW claimed she never spent time with her sister Samantha, yet members of the Markle family verify that the sisters lived together for a period of time when TW began High School as Samantha moved in when she hit hard times. Perhaps that’s why she dislikes Samantha, as her father would break up fights between them and she wasn’t daddy’s little girl when Samantha moved in? Ask Thomas Markle, because he doesn’t proffer information unless you ask him a question directly, and where was Doria when TW was a teenager? If there was shared custody, then TW would have moved in with her mother to get away from Samantha surely?

No one cares about TW’s faux tears, or the exaggerated footage of them being afraid of the paparazzi (some have come forward to say that the Sussex PR had tipped them off in order to have the publicity), but mocking the Queen was the final straw for the fence sitters. TW is seen claiming not to know that she had to curtsey because she is American, and TOS tries to defend her by saying it’s because she is American, then TW enacts a faux bow with utter contempt. Even TOS doesn’t know how to react but looks uncomfortable with such a display of disrespect. It’s an insult to Americans, where there are some who may not be aware of etiquette and customs of other countries, but there are many Americans who are cultured, well-mannered and have the ability to research customs. I personally can never get to grips with paying huge tips in a restaurant to pay for the server’s wages even if it is poor service, but that is an American custom that visitors must accept.

TW’s defenders say that she acted in jest, but there was disdain in her tone and utter disrespect. Those who laughed were the anti-monarchists and the brainwashed cult members. Whatever you think, it was wholly unnecessary where TW was trying to play the victim and to gain sympathy where in actual fact it showed her arrogance, ignorance, lack of culture, and that she is a person who lacks dignity, decorum and any decency.

The final three episodes air later this week with another teaser trailer, but while Netflix brags 2.4 million people watched the first episode, it’s nothing compared to 21 million who watched England play in the World Cup quarter final. The reality show sets the scene for the launch of the memoir next year, but will TOS have any family members left who wish to speak to him? Eugenie chose to support TOS and TW, and the York name isn’t exactly in good stead as it is, and she dishonours it yet again by choosing to associate with a traitor. Whose side will she choose now—her cousin or The Crown? You really shouldn’t have to think too hard about that one Eugenie…
