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If the copyright trial proceeds on March 2nd to determine whether or not she was the sole author, the recent "entertainment" appearances on Corden, Spotify, etc should make the testimony VERY interesting...I wonder if it will impact the Oprah show and prompt more "editing" before that airs.

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I've just begun the dissection of the judgment and I have had to step back and stop because it is apparent that Warby had decided on the outcome of this case a while back.

He has dismissed the defence as allegations that even were true would not change the outcome of the case. By citing precedents where a summary judgment was apt, he is clearly trying to cling to legal principles to ge the SJ granted.

Warby dismissed FF and the People article, although a judge is supposed to be fair, I fail to see how he can be fair when the witnesses aren't randoms, but named high profile servants of the Crown. There is nothing obscure about them, yet Warby has been at pains to state that their statements (that don't exist as yet) may amount to nothing, so he is basically deciding a case by refusing to have evidence entered and challenged.

I can see why a SJ would be apt if the proposed evidence was flimsy, and the witness was less than reliable, but in this case the witnesses were credible and the evidence would alter the recent version of events as MM claimed.

There is no doubt that already I can see Warby's bias, and I can see why people have lost faith in the court system after reading only the first 6 pages. I am appalled.

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I am still hoping ANL will appeal 🤞.

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I found Anthony White QC's email on his chamber's website and wrote him an email to express my reason why they should appeal. Not sure if he will read it. Here is his email: antonywhite@matrixlaw.co.uk

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I think ANL should appeal. If the judgement is based on MM "has a reasonable expectation of privacy". The ANL should argue that MM does not "have a reasonable expectation of privacy", she did not expect privacy at all, right from the beginnig. She even facilitated the publication of this letter, and the judge should hear their evidences to proof their points.

Intent has to be questioned here. "What was her intent to write this letter? for privacy, or for publicity?"

The case should set a precedence to question the intents of claimants on privacy cases, so that rich and powerful cannot use expensive PR to fool and manipulate the public.

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The Judge was markled...his reputation is in tatters

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Is there a way to ask ANL and MoS to appeal? Because the announcement of the new baby was something that many of us knew was going to happen now. It is the advantage of pregnancies planned by narcissists, they can be scheduled to be announced on particular dates. But the Oprah interview ... "world exclusive." Oprah made it clear long ago that she loves clicks, that she makes millions from selling someone else's private lives, and now we have the shy Meghan Markle selling hers to Oprah.


And the military man who fought in Afghanistan, will be holding his wife's bag, and then he will put on his increasingly scarce red hair to give him all his support, while he cries for his grandmother and his father to let him continue to represent the British military. Is this the British military? Is this the man who sued the press, because that press said he had abandoned his military duties? What happened to dignity, Harry, where is your dignity as a man, as a soldier, as a prince?

Hopefully the directors of the MoS read this, and see that it is necessary to appeal. And have no compassion for the Harkles, none.

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Disappointing. And it's a virus that will spread on, and for, The British Royal Family. For myself I don't plan to click on anything related to those two, will click less and less regarding BRF and it won't matter the title media will put on their articles. I will just move along... and so the end starts (trust me!)

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I was born & raised & have lived in 3 Commonwealth Countries in my lifetime & still reside in one today, as a UK Citizen.

I have always respected & admired the BRF & the British Justice System but am afraid that I no longer do after these recent incidents. Harry & Meghan are loose canons - the "justice served" in the Letter Case is reminiscent of "justice" served in some of our 3rd world, corrupt courts here as well as them being able to get away with whatever they please,with no consequences.

Even here in Africa, we urge that their titles & patronages are stripped - and we certainly don't want them to have ANY ASSOCIATION TO OUR COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES.

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If ANL do not appeal, then the world will think that they have been paid off or coerced. One cannot discount the possibility that this was set up either, as pieces of the whole picture begin to reveal themselves.

MM is forever looking for excuses and reason for people to back off, first the race card, and now the 'fragile' health card. No one bought it then, and no one buys it now, bar a few that would believe that pigs, cows, and sheep have the ability to fly.

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It doesn't make sense the way things have panned out, not to the ordinary person knowing the basic facts, it seems to fly in the face of good reason? Which is why it then seems so suspect that the judge made that decision which seems not to follow what seems like the obvious reasonable path leading to a trial? And of course because the Sussexes are so secretive, underhand and disingenuous, nobody can believe anything the come out with for a start, so she was never a credible person with all the shilly shallying about not complying with requests for information, delaying tactics etc, and it also implicates BP in wanting to shut the whole thing down for fear that unpleasant information would come out about them, they all look in cahoots, conspiring to prevent information from coming out.

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I’m hoping ANL will appeal. There there was a good news article by Piers M about their hypocrisy over privacy and as usual H&M fans gave him abuse because they didn’t like what he said.

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Can somebody sue MM for contempt of court, especially on her statement regarding FF, this should force Sara Latham to testify.

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When the country is screaming out for clarity why aren’t we given it? How unjust is this situation or so it seems to us “plebs” never in a zillion years would we have been treated so leniently considering this was her doing, she brought the case to the courts, then when doubt and lies were uncovered she wins her case - but why? We need clarity. We also need HMTQ to prove to us all that she truly cares for her people and by removing their titles and allowing them to truly be private citizens as they continually say is their way forward, prove to us all that she listens to her people and allow her grandson + wife to live their life privately and put a stop to their shenanigans- thankyou

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I am sickened to see our thoughts here, now will take a backseat to the news of the baby now due...People Mag just sent photo of the two in a field, sepia toned naturally...to obscure H's filthy feet...MM appears ( babybump sibling to "Archificial") to be four months along...Amazing body at her age ,(??) to suffer a miscarriage and spring back so easily.

Hoping you folks have it in you, to see this debacle to its end...whatever it is and for whomever...Harry Markle will you soldier on for us??

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The picture was apparently taken on an ipad camera from London

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I am with you. This destroyed my Valentines Day. However, for those of us who have been pregnant, twice, this is a six month moon bump! Google pregnancies and moon bumps and you will see that a bump that big and mm never got it right the first time, is between six and seven month, especially on a woman as slender as mm. This, however, destroys all hope for the queen to remove their titles. I do hope though, that this miracle birth will be witness by a well qualified doctor.

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Who knows when the picture was taken? Could be weeks ago, nothing is what it seems with the Sussexes. Of course it's a girl, name Diana Spencer Mountbatten Windsor! I'm placing my bet! What is puzzling, not, is why Archie is not in the picture of this exciting news he is to be a big brother! Most normal families would include their children when sharing such joyful news to the world! 😂

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Nothing must take the attention away from her. However the gnarled bare feet became the talking point. Ha!

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He was probably booked on another photoshoot.

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See my post on the discussion for the petition thread. BP need to show us that they are worth fighting for. Many lives have been sacrificed over the centuries to protect the Crown. No one questioned it then because they were worth fighting for.

Have the RF become too complacent? I fight for my country, but the question is whether Elizabeth II is fighting for the same country? Is she so far removed that she no longer understands that she is guiding the RF towards a shipwreck, and one we don't wish to be part of?

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You are right pregnancy is not considered an illness. So again what message are they sending to the ordinary woman, we can go through our pregnancy and just get on and deal with whatever life challenges come our way —- but if you are Royal and Rich you can hide behind it because for them it’s considered such a tender illness and they must be spared all and every type of stress — even if they created that stress for themselves in the first place!!

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The release of the 'confidential information' today in a bid to look like the perfect couple in love adds credence as to why MM's legal team sought a SJ at that specific time. They had to throw out FF, and nothing else was working. They applied for the SJ on the back of the confidential information knowing it could influence things, added with the timely op-ed in the NYTimes on miscarriages a month earlier. If you can't spot manipulation and planning, this is a lesson in it.

As far as I am concerned pregnancy is not al illness that requires special treatment in the courts. No one should be influenced by this at all, yet the PR will be aimed to influence. I doubt it will work, because no one really cares apart from the cult, and a few that can't see they have been had.

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There are some incredibly naive people about as well as their shills. In response to a post I read last night about an attempt to steal the limelight from Eugenie, there was a question asking "well how many people knew Eugenia (sic) had a baby?"! Someone else felt "sad" for me because of my "cynicism" and another said it "wasn't them releasing the news, it's ITV" Indeed if pregnancy requires special treatment by the courts why do women residing at Her Majesty's Pleasure do so in Mother and Baby wings?

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So she is pregnant wins the case . Next Queen will announce they won't use their titles and that is it-give some word salad to that effect. Maybe it is time for the monarchy to sunset? All things come to an end. I don't understand this case at all-I guess the rich and powerful have all the power.

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Sadly, it seems that good things happen to bad people, and as usual Teflon Meg has come out on top (for now). The news of the pregnancy will be weaponized by MEgain and she can sit back smugly and give it as the reason she won't accompany Harry to the UK. It also lets Harry off the hook because he can say he needs to be at her side during the pregnancy and won't be visiting. Unfortunately, I also think The Queen will allow these two entitled hypocrites to keep their titles. UGH! No doubt MM will milk this pregnancy to the hilt for lots of $$$$$$ and I cringe at the thought of her new book deals, podcasts, reality shows or whatever. She'll also scream and shout that "haters" (i.e. decent people who are appalled at her foul behavior) are causing her stress and it could harm her pregnancy etc etc etc.

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The news is now reporting that the duo are expecting a second child. What happened to the second child she claims she lost to a miscarriage?

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Well her pregnancy has thrown another ball into the court. Probably the reason the judge voted in her favour

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Yes I've just seen that - what's the betting she used the 'stress' of all this causing the miscarriage to sway the judge with her pregnancy news?

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Interestingly, the ruling is bringing some shade to both Meghan and Justice Warby. The Guardian had a piece up two days ago about the troubling sense of privilege re privacy being extended to the wealthy and influential. Today, the TIMES (UK) has two pieces up: one by Camilla Long pointing out that Meghan's "victory" indicates a different level of privacy for her type and "our lot", and another titled, "Shock of Meghan Witnesses at being Denied their Day in Court". Let no one doubt for a moment that that "shock" wasn't deliberately channeled to the TIMES by people who had something to testify about. Mark Stephens' surprise, and growing if muted chorus about something "suspect" about the ruling given those prior indications by Warby last October, point to a not undiluted positive spin on this for Meghan.

Someone mentioned that the Palace Four need to come forward and speak out. Well, perhaps, having clearly expressed their "shock" to a broadsheet of record, they have come forward. More to come is to be hoped for, but not necessarily counted on.

Meghan made many enemies during her 78 days' as a working senior royal. I wonder if, deprived of the witness box, they will find other ways to let the truth slip out - as they say, what goes around, comes around.

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It's not the first time BP have responded to some of my 'requests' and as I backed up my statement with evidence from the public they could see I wasn't making it up. The People do not trust an establishment that doesn't seek justice in the public interest and the letter via the legal team was carefully worded to sit on the fence. The simple fact as pointed out by myself and others is that the Palace Four could have made statements back in December as they were named in September.

Today in The Sunday Times they were eager to point out that they wanted to testify and were disappointed not to be able to. I wonder if that stance will alter again if there is an appeal? Whatever happens, the Palace Four will be haunted by this for the rest of their lives. The media will watch them, and so will I. They were/are servants of the Crown. Their actions are accountable to the People.

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I think we all know how calculating MM really is. Her PR and lawyers must have be very confident that she would get a SJ.

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With the confidential information just released, as I am sure that was part of the plan.

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