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Saw a post explaining why MM could claim that when she went to HR for help with her suicidal thoughts and told ......it would not look good. HR is for employees who would make the appropriate referral. Royals are Not employees and have access to Private Health Care. So the response from HR would be accurate....it would not look good.

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Uk bookmaker has 100/1 on Meghan for president of USA 2024. Good news if it means ALL titles and right to succession handed back

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She'll never become President as long as she has a snowflake British Prince for a husband.

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Or if she calls herself duchess or princess. Quite frankly don't believe this duo have thought this out

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Is this thread locked as well?

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Hope not. Invade by trolls possibly.

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Has anyone managed to count the amount of complains that Harry and Meghan made against the RF and the world in general?

The Race Card. This had to be played at some point. Meghan stating that a member of the RF questiioned what colour her baby might be when it's born. Then Harry contradicted her by saying he heard somebody (?) saying a similar thing before the couple were even married!

The Snowflake Prince getting snubbed by his grandmother. Harry was due to go for tea with his grandmother, the Queen, but was then told she was going to be busy all week. Can you believe it? How dare the Queen of England be busy when Harry wants to see her.

Meghan wishing she had had siblings when she was a child. Ummmm actually Meghan you do have siblings, they are called Samantha and Thomas.

Meghan tearing into her father with accusations that are clearly untrue.

Meghan telling us the RF are liars. She did not make Kate cry but rather, it was the other way around. This was supposedly at the pre-wedding fittings of the bridesmaids outfits where Kate wanted the children to wear ankle socks as they had new shoes and they might be uncomfortable without socks. Meghan wanted them to have bare legs (and probably fake tan a-la-Hollywood). Kate was pregnant at the time and probably emotional so it makes more sense that Kate was the one who did the crying.

Then the trump card. Meghan telling us she felt suicidal. Well I won't say much abut that because only she knows the truth, but as we all know, Meghan's version of the truth tends to vary from those around her.

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Oh, I forgot another complaint that was made by Snowflake Harry. He complained that his father stopped the money - 2 million pounds per annum out of the Duchy and taxpayers' pockets. Then he was boo-hooing that he had to use the inheritance from his late mother to continue to fund his lavish lifestyle. None of this money was earned by Harry who had never done a day's work in his life, apart from playing toy soldiers in Afghanistan where we're told he spent most of his time playing video games in his tent, before being relieved of duty (he was a security risk to the rest of his troops).

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No, I see that it isn't -- well, if anyone wanders in here same as I did, please, no politics or conspiracies!! @Harry-Markle has been more than patient -- let's not take advantage of that. We all want to enjoy this refuge from the M and H craziness and talk things over -- but @H-M can't allow things to devolve into slanging matches, which they inevitably do unless people watch what they post. //soapbox off

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It's a girl!

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Ashamed to put it on Harry as he was 'carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders' .. going to stop now Patricia, it is turgid ...

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Ok,thank you for putting yourself through all this.

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Quite a bit of stuff about being suicidal and having to go to events the next day ... this is awful stuff!!

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Lindsay,what's your honest opinion on all this? Is she doing herself any favours?

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There is a poll running alongside 66% for RF, 34% MM. My honest opinion, it is sickening, she stoops so low!

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So she was a stow away on all those flights?

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"So, she was a stow away on all those flights?"

That's SO FUNNY it needs to be repeated.

I'm snarfling with laughter. I appreciate this site and all you posters SO MUCH!!!!!

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Says she has no access to keys or her passport ...

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So, she was. "in essence," a PRISONER???

They took her keys AND her passport?

The joke is always "taking grandpa's keys away" when he can no longer handle a car safely. Nobody takes keys away the keys of a capable person; UNLESS they are drunk!

I've had my passport taken from me ONCE in my life, in communist Cuba in April of 1979. Jimmy Carter had opened Cuba for a few weeks (the first time in 20 years). We expected our passports would be returned later in the day, but we did not get them back until two weeks later, when our plane was on the tarmac, preparing to depart from Cuba. (We thought they kept our passports, for nefarious purposes, and that we would have to "beg" our way back into the USA and get new passports.)

They were delivered in our last 5 minutes on Cuban soil, by a female army officer with a boxful of passports to pass out She was accompanied by other army officers; one young man pointed his rifle (with the end of the barrel about 18 inches from our faces). I was stunned at the implication; they could do anything they wanted.

They looked closely at every single passenger (for anyone trying to leave Cuba). It was unnerving. Since Cubans come in every color from the blackest Africans to the whitest Scandinavians, I had no idea what they were looking for. My spouse (a former US Naval officer), said they were looking for "fear in their eyes." Also, if someone left, didn't that mean that someone was staying? Who would become a Cuban, just to sneak out another Cuban?

So, to MM, the Royal family operated like Castro? They kept her as a prisoner?

What about her trip to New York City in February of 2019 (unannounced until SHE announced that she was in NYC) was that a miracle escape? No passport needed in New York?

What about her "private plane ride" to the South of France (private jet courtesy of Elton John) during the late summer of 2019? How did she manage that? Are passports no longer required in the South of France?

And, her "popping up" at the fashion awards show in December of 2018 (again, she was NOT invited). She found her keys for that one (or did she con a guard into driving her)?

Then, she arranged to be seen with "the child known as Archie" for one 20 minute episode in South Africa, in September of 2019, was that another miracle?

And, what about her showing up at the Billingbear Polo Club in July of 2019? Again, uninvited, was that another Houdini escape? Did someone GIVE HER THE KEYS since we saw her show up, in a vehicle, all by herself (except for the "unmoving" baby.

Then, there was her inviting herself to the lawn bowling association on the grounds of Windsor Castle (that she SAID she saw from her upstairs window at Frogmore Cottage and then claiming that she walked next door and "asked" if she could watch. In FACT, the bowling green is over a mile away, through trees and NOT visible from ANY window at Frogmore Cottage (two miles if you drive). Another escape ruse?

Oh, and MM claims to have ASKED if she could "WATCH." Imagine a Duchess, who is also

married to the Queen's grandson, ASKING PERMISSION to WATCH A PUBLIC EVENT!!! That story is so ludicrous it makes my teeth curl. MM does NOT ask; the DEMANDS! And who needs to ask permission of a public event. Imagine "asking" if you can watch a pickup basketball game on the corner?

All those trips to and from Canada; how was that accomplished?

MM LIES AND NEVER STOPS! She furnishes composed pictures and never stops. She has convinced way too many people that she had a baby named Archie, or had a baby by surrogate. And that it has HER egg and HARRY's SPERM. As long as those LIES GO ON we are lost as a society.

HOW does she do it? She's a liar who hurts others on purpose. WHY does anyone believe her lies???

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Auditioning to become the Saudi crown prince next wife.

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OW says sounds like you were trapped even though you were on the verge of suicide, Meghan replies "yes - that is the truth"

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I didn’t watch the broadcast. Did Oprah ask if she received professional help or just leave it at “a close friend of Diana”?

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She is channeling Diana and making Harry feel guilty, now he can never even think of escaping.

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Trapped? Suicide? And no recourse to HR. Poor soul. Did she try the Samaritans?

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didn’t she try yoga ?

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HR couldn't help her because she was not a paid employee

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This just gets better. What a twit

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MM: "I just didn't want to be alive anymore"

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Comment from Oprah on child's skin colour, Oprah speechless. "What? What? Who is having that conversation with you?"

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She ordered a pale boy, at Netflix, so it wasn`t really an issue.

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Yes,who exactly?

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Wouldn't say ...

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Wonder why?

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So,H. M. MAD. Very appropriate

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Supposed discussions with Harry about "how brown" his child would be ... ohhh yuk! there is no end to this!!!

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Is that why they hide him? He was very pale skinned and had red hair looked just like PH as she tried to read the book to him. Baby wasn’t interested tried and tried to get out of her lap. Total PR

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That hair was pale ash; not red. Doria is half; that makes MM 1/4 and any "real" child 1/8. If they wanted a dark baby, Harry should have married a real African; not a pale copy. And, have his sperm tested. And his DNA to make sure he is a Windsor.

On so many levels, any child from H, Has, Harz, or Harry is problematic.

But, the chubby baby we saw is safe with his mother. MM has no baby in her home or her life.

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We Brits were more concerned that he might be a ginge

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Bug laugh. Thanks

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bug ok too .. it’s “for the chickens dontcha know “

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Not sure what this refers to? "We weren't asked to take the picture. That's also part of the spin."

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Prolly something to do with the absurd secrecy surrounding his birth

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was not told why Archie could not have a prince title. She says it was not her decision.

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Because he's via surrogate not of Megan's body. I hope this issue keeps being pushed until the truth is finally outed.

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She married for love, not titles, so how can that matter ? But maybe she "didn`t really, like you know..."

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You can only be a Prince of you are a son of the heir to the throne

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Because he's not a bloody prince! He could have a Dukedom but they refused it.

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No, not a Dukedom but certainly the Earl title (Harry's minor title) as it should have been - probably a 'from the body' thing

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True,mind you,Earl Archie sounds bit naff

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says it is her child's birthright to decide what title they want.

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