The Düsseldorf Invictus Games is finally over, but the PR images generated during the period will no doubt be released slowly over the next few months. Make no bones about this, and while the Invictus Games is a worthy cause and event, this was used by TW (at least) as a free photo session for a week as she gears up to make money on her alleged Instagram account (that has been stuck at 128k followers for more than a week now).
While many of us wish to believe Harold does care about the military and veterans, this is one of the few entities that he still has under his belt these days, but has used it as a platform to air his grievances in a backhand manner, as with the Diana card (his PTSD) and the sulking over not being able to wear his uniform at certain events.
The Invictus Games still has not commented on the fact that Harold has admitted to being a drug user (in SPARE) for the best part of a decade, which would have been during the time he served or was in training. Obviously if a competitor had admitted to recreational drug use, then the chances of them being thrown out of the team would be high. No one has addressed the fact that Harold appeared to have bypassed the drug tests, with others who have higher ranks questioning how that was possible. Perhaps if it had been caught, he could have received the help he needed?
What are the facts? The German military (thus, as they are funded by the government, the German government paid) and the city of Düsseldorf hosted and paid for the event. According to a German pal, they have justified the millions spent as a recruitment drive to encourage people to join the military. I’m unsure quite how that would entice people— ‘Join the army and be a family member, and if you get injured you can compete in the Invictus Games!’
The Harkles didn’t seem to have paid a penny for a 10 day free photo shoot packed with PR opportunities, while travelling first class and staying in a luxury hotel suite with all expenses paid. Competitors were probably travelling economy or arriving by coach, and more than likely had to share rooms to keep costs down. A quick tally for the costs of TOS, TW and their entourage would come to at least £200k (based on an entourage of 6 including PR and security). However, I doubt Invictus, or the other sponsors would like to admit to the Harkle costs involved, that were probably spread across various accounts.
It is highly likely that they did spend some money on photographers (Misan Harriman was there) and others to film footage for upcoming projects for Netflix or Archewell. They had been waiting for this event for so long and appeared to have planned to use it as a backdrop for various PR images and footage, hence TW’s numerous outfit changes. This is all they have as TW couldn’t wangle expenses for the Sentable polo match in Singapore (it seems), and WellChild was in the UK and that didn’t have any PR potential for her, and she couldn't risk the jeers either.
Did TW even need to be there? With claims that she was ‘late’ due to getting toddlers into a routine for school/kindergarten, the actual event began at the weekend when there is no school and she left on a school day… No one even cared whether she was there or not except for the cult, but no one thought her behaviour could get worse than what was witnessed in The Hague, but this is TW, and anyone that criticises her either gets fired or ghosted. Perhaps she was late as she was waiting for the freebie clothes she was going to advertise to arrive? As for the invisible meal tickets, who has seen them?
The stage was set and the same old routine was carried out, the only difference being the location—Germany, and the event was the Invictus Games.
Word salad speeches that droned on about family values (despite both TOS and TW ghosting and disparaging members of their own families).
Lots of photos with children being hugged whether they liked it or not.
Posing with athletes with good PR value such as the ones featured in the Invictus documentary series.
TW running over to cult fans for what appeared to be planned photo ops, and TW being able to spot a camera while everyone else is watching the event.
TW dressed inappropriately for the event, and this time she made several outfit changes throughout the day, purely for PR purposes as why would you need to change your clothes otherwise when you are watching sporting events?
As expected, TW made visits to other places outside of the games to be released for PR purposes later on.
The Claw was out in force, pawing Harold, and also disabled veterans and innocent children were also victims of the claw
There was the usual clash between TOS and TW, with TW walking ahead of TOS, and then bumping into him when handing out medals as they are uncoordinated.
We expected some PDAs and the duo posed for them (lots of hand grasping as per usual for the cameras), but remember, they love their privacy so this contradicts their alleged narrative.
There was one acceptable outfit of black jeans and trainers, but all the others were questionable given that she was there not as a spectator, but as the wife of the patron, and where the patron was representing the Invictus Games Foundation.
One expects the wife of a patron to be dressed either in Invictus Games attire, or smart casual when meeting competitors and handing out medals. Some claim it was a sort of fashion show, but most of the outfits were not fashionable and lacked style as well the use of an iron, so let us call it what it was— a week of free photo shoots to try and merchandise designers and brands, to try and entice brands to pay her to wear/use their products.
Was wearing a short suit appropriate attire? If it had been casual sporting shorts with trainers, then perhaps that would have been more fitting for the event, rather than an outfit for a beach party.
The brown clown pants that were too long and creased, paired with a silk brown blouse looked out of place and was more appropriate for a business meeting. It looks out of place and scruffy.
Then there was the play suit with flip flop sandals that TW was wearing as she ‘marched’ to a medal ceremony sporting a smug smirk and sunglasses (she took them off eventually). There is zero doubt that this was highly inappropriate in the situation, where the video clips show her jacket just covering her derriere. This is the kind of outfit that a backstreet hooker would have worn in the 90s, displaying their goods for a cheap trick, and not the sort of outfit one expects from someone allegedly representing the Invictus Games Foundation, who was flashing her private parts.
A green dress with beige heels? A huge fashion faux pas—she could have at least have worn the ridiculously high black stiletto heels she was wobbling around in on the first day, or did she have to send those back already?
Throughout the 10 days, the media didn’t report on the event and the athletes and the event was streamed on iplayer in the UK. Apparently, JJ Chalmers was made a trustee and director of the Invictus Games in March 2023, and so his reporting was always going to be slightly biased. The Invictus Games have thrown out some vague viewing figures to claim it was a success, but surely they don’t need numbers and views to be a success—wasn’t the aim to aid the recovery of veterans and inspire them to look forward to a new phase of their lives? If the games achieved that, then they were successful.
We should also remember that the media chooses what images to publish, and often they are edited and retouched. Many of the sugar media and accounts have erased TW’s wrinkles and sagging skin, but an image that hasn’t been altered makes for a rather different image from the ones that the media has published. Having watched footage from spectators (unedited), it can paint a different picture especially in one instance where a couple of veterans are seen rolling their eyes at Harold posing for selfies with various people. Still, everyone is entitled to their opinion of the Harkles, and those who defend them fail to acknowledge the obvious faux pas and unseemly behaviour that is evident to the decent masses in society.
While there are harsh critical comments, most are on TW’s pushy and fake behaviour, and her odd appearance, where the self-tan has been patchy with a white neck, a brown face with caked bronzer, and a tanned chest. No one can dispute the vein across the forehead, or the mass of wrinkles that the media appear to have erased from the images they are selling to the agencies. The truth can be brutal and harsh, but at least it is real and genuine unlike the facade of the Harkles. Yes, it can be a bit catty, but it is merely pointing out a factual observation that is critical. If TW didn’t behave in a fake and overbearing manner, then no one would criticise her.
James Dunlop appeared to ‘defend’ the Harkles, but then again he is an independent documentary film maker hoping to use the material to make money and a name for himself. First of all, making a critical comment is not bullying or hate. It is a difference of opinion in how one perceives things, and it is obvious Dunlop is slightly biased having admitted to following the duo around for a documentary. If he had been filming the veterans then surely that should have been the focus?
There are a number of inaccurate comments he attempts to make to defend TW in his social media post:
The Invictus Games is not a civilian sports event. Only veterans and military personnel are permitted to compete, therefore, it is not a civilian event if civilians cannot compete. Civilians may attend the event, but that is the case in many sporting events.
TW did not attend the event as a civilian or as a spectator. She was there (expensed by the German government) as the wife of the patron, and who was there to represent the Invictus Games Foundation. Therefore, while spectators can dress casually, one expects official representatives to dress appropriately and smartly.
Dunlop talks of bullying and online hatred, yet fails to acknowledge that the Harkle cult attack the King, and William and his family. Expressing an opinion that is critical is not hate, especially when someone believes a person is wearing an inappropriate outfit or is behaving inappropriately during a formal occasion.
Dunlop claims the ‘bullying’ was coordinated, does he mean that people reposted it and shared it, and then added their own opinions? That’s the point of social media, whether it is a post that is critical or positive. His rhetoric appears to come from the cult handbook of key phrases to use to ‘attack’ free speech.
This is the most ridiculous comment I have read in a long time, with Dunlop stating that the duo made time to speak to people and have photos taken with them. That’s what they were there for, and that’s what they wanted, so they could use the photos and footage for PR. Duh… that was the sole point of TW being there at least.
There haven’t been any photos of the duo leaving Germany and arriving back in the US, perhaps because TW hasn’t called dial-a-pap or because no one cares? To top it all, aren’t we all a little tired of Thomas Markle asking his daughter to forgive him and to speak to him, and that he wants to see his grandkids (despite having several already?) aka as the invisible meal tickets? He is an ill man and no one wants him to suffer, but he isn’t helping himself by begging to speak to TW, but at least he admits this is not the daughter he knew, or thought he knew. As I said before, he should spend time with the children and grandchildren who do care about him rather than wasting what time he has left on those who have discarded him.
Did he let slip in an interview that someone (Doria?) was in prison for 5 years and was forgiven, so why can’t he be forgiven? Several sources claim that Doria had served time, and no member of the Markle or Ragland family have ever denied it. It makes no difference as Doria is a private citizen, but the issue is that the truth that has been avoided and buried.
During the games, Harold turned 39 years of age, and no one seemed to notice or care (less than 500 wished him Happy Birthday on the Invictus social media birthday post). One doesn’t need polls to know that public opinion of him has been rapidly declining since he met and married TW, and naturally TW’s popularity is even lower. Will they visit the UK for Christmas at Sandringham? I think it would ruin Christmas. Many have mourned the loss of Harold, a once loved prince who has turned into a bitter hypocrite over the past few years. Too much damage has been done, and no amount of PR can rehabilitate his image now. The man claims to be living his best life, but photos catch him looking glum from time to time, as most of his old pals have been ditched on the orders of the puppet master, and the once playful prince who had friends aplenty has been isolated and has been well and truly ‘markled’.