Voices from all corners of the globe have been heard over the past few years, many whom support and sympathize with the plight with which Britons are faced with, and that is an attack from an enemy within.
For we all have a right – a divine right to defend ourselves from being attacked, for it is our island, and our home.
Many of our American cousins mourn our grave situation, and those in the Commonwealth have been equally battered by the attacks and ignored by our Sovereign. Some may mock us in our endeavours to defend our Nation, but their irrelevant opinions mean nothing as they support the enemy for their own agenda. These are evils that exist within society, that will be, by the grace of God dealt with by his own Hand in time.
I understand many are angry, disgusted, and have lost hope that our Sovereign will hear our voices of discontent and act to defend us. Some feel resigned to switch sides against the Monarchy, but that merely plays into the hands of the enemy. It is not a solution, and it does little to defend our great Nation as the actions of the enemy will have not been addressed in the manner necessary for the survival of the Crown and the Nation.
We carry on fighting because defending our Nation is worth it, even if our Sovereign has appeared to have failed us and given up on the fight. A Nation is not built on the reputation of a single entity, but the collective will of the People within, who carry the mantle of being a Briton with pride and valour. We are united as a kingdom, and what makes our Nation great is the spirit that we encompass when we stand up together for what is right, fair, and just. During times of adversity, citizens put their differences aside in order to achieve a united goal, and that is to defend the Nation.
How would our forebears react, for many sacrificed their lives for their King/Queen and country? They would be telling us to fight, for they did not die so that the enemy within could attack and destroy what they had fought for.
A Nation is not defined by the Monarchy, but by the People whom the Monarchy serves – it is a relationship that has existed for centuries, where at times it has been fraught. Whenever the Crown failed to listen or understand the will of the People, there have been consequences and that is why advisors suggest the best course of action that the Sovereign should employ. It appears that the contemporary advisors have failed the Nation during this period, but that means we shout a little louder and be more direct in our requests for protection.
Traitors who bear false witness, intent on destroying what they could not control cannot be allowed to roam freely without being held to account, for they will continue to attack and harm those who create obstacles for their selfish gains. They shall not pass, for they are wolves in sheep's clothing.
We do not stand idle when an enemy taunts us, nor do we remain silent when they insult us with false allegations, for they are not 'much loved' members of the Nation. We do not look the other way when traitors attack – we defend and protect ourselves as is our God given right by setting the record straight.
When the Sovereign fails to use the powers they hold to defend the Nation, we must rely on the right hand of righteousness, for the Sovereign is but human and makes mistakes that they must learn from. A failure to defend a Nation is a most grievous error to make, and it falls upon the People to act when they are let down by those who vowed to protect them.
Winston Churchill made errors, but he learnt from them and challenged those who sought a plan to surrender during the war – to concede and give in to the enemy. That is not the British way, when we value our freedoms and liberties that countless selfless Britons have sacrificed themselves for over the centuries. We shall never surrender to traitors or those who aim to harm the Nation.
Churchill had written about the threat that Hitler posed for nearly a decade in the press, yet his warnings went unheeded and eventually came to fruition. Many had warned Buckingham Palace of the potential threat and outcomes which have come to pass concerning the traitors. It has been three years, and immeasurable damage has already been caused, where casualties include people being physically attacked, threatened, fired from their jobs, and countless reputations have been tarnished and damaged due to the failure of the Sovereign to act. These acts have harmed the British Royal Family directly, and numerous citizens of the Nation, and the Commonwealth for speaking the truth and for expressing an opinion contrary to the traitors and their followers. These acts against the British and the Commonwealth continue, and can be likened to Hitler and his Nazi Party. This cannot be allowed to continue, for allowing movements that attack innocents to flourish is a crime in itself.
Our words, and our actions denote frustration and angst at a Sovereign – one who tragically appears to be blind and deaf to the voices of the People. History will note that the People did indeed fight, and that they did so because their Sovereign failed them. We shall not cave in or give in to traitors or their followers, while His hand supports us – for this is the side of truth and justice. There is no greater power or ally to have by our side, and we must continue with Faith because we cannot allow enemies to succeed through the weakness and frailty of a few. While it is desirable to fight side by side, we, the People have been ignored despite calls for action.
It is the People who represent and make a Nation, and by that they have a right to defend and protect their interests, and this island, all be it small, it is ours to preserve and protect. When all else fails, the voices and will of the masses wields a power that is universal in its stead to shield and protect the land from renegade treachery.
We, the People have silently suffered for more than three years, while the House of Windsor failed to do its duty – a duty above all else to protect the People and the Nation. We have had to endure the Sovereign praising the enemy, and ignoring the clear and present danger and threats they pose, while others have shouted warnings. The fate of the House of Windsor is in their own hands, yet there was a time when the People would have fought to save it, but those sentiments are sadly in decline. The Sovereign fails to understand that loyalty and respect is earned constantly, and should never be assumed or taken for granted as seems to be the case.
Many feel betrayed by their Sovereign, who appears to be oblivious to the harm and damage caused by traitors who continue on a reign of destruction and terror. They have failed in their duty to protect the Nation, and this is why the People are left with no choice but to defend themselves, and for the future of the Nation. That is why we continue to fight, and fight we shall for truth and God are on our side even if our Sovereign has appeared to have abandoned us in our time of need.
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The Divine Right To Defend One’s Nation
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Voices from all corners of the globe have been heard over the past few years, many whom support and sympathize with the plight with which Britons are faced with, and that is an attack from an enemy within.
For we all have a right – a divine right to defend ourselves from being attacked, for it is our island, and our home.
Many of our American cousins mourn our grave situation, and those in the Commonwealth have been equally battered by the attacks and ignored by our Sovereign. Some may mock us in our endeavours to defend our Nation, but their irrelevant opinions mean nothing as they support the enemy for their own agenda. These are evils that exist within society, that will be, by the grace of God dealt with by his own Hand in time.
I understand many are angry, disgusted, and have lost hope that our Sovereign will hear our voices of discontent and act to defend us. Some feel resigned to switch sides against the Monarchy, but that merely plays into the hands of the enemy. It is not a solution, and it does little to defend our great Nation as the actions of the enemy will have not been addressed in the manner necessary for the survival of the Crown and the Nation.
We carry on fighting because defending our Nation is worth it, even if our Sovereign has appeared to have failed us and given up on the fight. A Nation is not built on the reputation of a single entity, but the collective will of the People within, who carry the mantle of being a Briton with pride and valour. We are united as a kingdom, and what makes our Nation great is the spirit that we encompass when we stand up together for what is right, fair, and just. During times of adversity, citizens put their differences aside in order to achieve a united goal, and that is to defend the Nation.
How would our forebears react, for many sacrificed their lives for their King/Queen and country? They would be telling us to fight, for they did not die so that the enemy within could attack and destroy what they had fought for.
A Nation is not defined by the Monarchy, but by the People whom the Monarchy serves – it is a relationship that has existed for centuries, where at times it has been fraught. Whenever the Crown failed to listen or understand the will of the People, there have been consequences and that is why advisors suggest the best course of action that the Sovereign should employ. It appears that the contemporary advisors have failed the Nation during this period, but that means we shout a little louder and be more direct in our requests for protection.
Traitors who bear false witness, intent on destroying what they could not control cannot be allowed to roam freely without being held to account, for they will continue to attack and harm those who create obstacles for their selfish gains. They shall not pass, for they are wolves in sheep's clothing.
We do not stand idle when an enemy taunts us, nor do we remain silent when they insult us with false allegations, for they are not 'much loved' members of the Nation. We do not look the other way when traitors attack – we defend and protect ourselves as is our God given right by setting the record straight.
When the Sovereign fails to use the powers they hold to defend the Nation, we must rely on the right hand of righteousness, for the Sovereign is but human and makes mistakes that they must learn from. A failure to defend a Nation is a most grievous error to make, and it falls upon the People to act when they are let down by those who vowed to protect them.
Winston Churchill made errors, but he learnt from them and challenged those who sought a plan to surrender during the war – to concede and give in to the enemy. That is not the British way, when we value our freedoms and liberties that countless selfless Britons have sacrificed themselves for over the centuries. We shall never surrender to traitors or those who aim to harm the Nation.
Churchill had written about the threat that Hitler posed for nearly a decade in the press, yet his warnings went unheeded and eventually came to fruition. Many had warned Buckingham Palace of the potential threat and outcomes which have come to pass concerning the traitors. It has been three years, and immeasurable damage has already been caused, where casualties include people being physically attacked, threatened, fired from their jobs, and countless reputations have been tarnished and damaged due to the failure of the Sovereign to act. These acts have harmed the British Royal Family directly, and numerous citizens of the Nation, and the Commonwealth for speaking the truth and for expressing an opinion contrary to the traitors and their followers. These acts against the British and the Commonwealth continue, and can be likened to Hitler and his Nazi Party. This cannot be allowed to continue, for allowing movements that attack innocents to flourish is a crime in itself.
Our words, and our actions denote frustration and angst at a Sovereign – one who tragically appears to be blind and deaf to the voices of the People. History will note that the People did indeed fight, and that they did so because their Sovereign failed them. We shall not cave in or give in to traitors or their followers, while His hand supports us – for this is the side of truth and justice. There is no greater power or ally to have by our side, and we must continue with Faith because we cannot allow enemies to succeed through the weakness and frailty of a few. While it is desirable to fight side by side, we, the People have been ignored despite calls for action.
It is the People who represent and make a Nation, and by that they have a right to defend and protect their interests, and this island, all be it small, it is ours to preserve and protect. When all else fails, the voices and will of the masses wields a power that is universal in its stead to shield and protect the land from renegade treachery.
We, the People have silently suffered for more than three years, while the House of Windsor failed to do its duty – a duty above all else to protect the People and the Nation. We have had to endure the Sovereign praising the enemy, and ignoring the clear and present danger and threats they pose, while others have shouted warnings. The fate of the House of Windsor is in their own hands, yet there was a time when the People would have fought to save it, but those sentiments are sadly in decline. The Sovereign fails to understand that loyalty and respect is earned constantly, and should never be assumed or taken for granted as seems to be the case.
Many feel betrayed by their Sovereign, who appears to be oblivious to the harm and damage caused by traitors who continue on a reign of destruction and terror. They have failed in their duty to protect the Nation, and this is why the People are left with no choice but to defend themselves, and for the future of the Nation. That is why we continue to fight, and fight we shall for truth and God are on our side even if our Sovereign has appeared to have abandoned us in our time of need.