
The Back Door Harkles Get Heckled

TOS releases an image of him saluting American sailors on Pearl Harbor day

It seems that TOS has a new job—opening car doors and holding umbrellas. At least he appears to be good at doing something. The duo arrived at the RFK Human Rights awards via the back door to some jeering and heckling, with someone asking them what it was like destroying the Royal Family. TOS played his part as the eager lackey rather well, while TW tried to look glamorous, displaying patchy self-tanned parts of the body on a cold and wet night in New York.

We all know this is a fake award that they have purchased by suggesting a collaboration with RFK, and to sponsor and award called ‘The Archewell Foundation Award for Gender Equity in Student Film.’ As ever, they target the easily impressed youngsters who are desperate for money and to get noticed. The same tactics were applied for the NAACP award, where they collaborated to sponsor the NAACP Archewell Digital Civil Rights Award. Donate some money to create an award, and you get an award (and PR) for your donation!

The video clip of them being interviewed by Kerry Kennedy (wearing a mini dress for a black tie event on a cold wintery night in New York) was hilarious, because the duo were making out that they were surprised they had won, when in fact they had coughed up some cash for it. TOS tried to sound funny and charming, claiming that he thought it was date night (that old chestnut again), and had to mention the invisible children that keep them so busy that they can never go out. Somehow it hasn’t stopped them recording excessive video clips that they distribute to the sugary media outlets, or planting stories that favour their narrative. There were few forced laughs, and a solo hand clap, probably out of pity for him because it wasn’t funny or witty, but was a stupid thing to say.

There were fake laughs all around—the perfect partner for TW’s fake tan, and ill-fitting Vuitton dress. The Diana card remerged, with Kennedy presenting a photo of Diana to TOS. All this is free PR for the Netflix documentary coming up, and RFK probably paid for the private jet and hotel for the NYC trip too.

On the same day, Sussex PR managed to pay enough people to vote for Archetypes for the People’s Choice Award for a podcast. Nothing to say here as it is based on votes, and you can pay people to vote. It also happens to be National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, as an image of TOS saluting American sailors is released on the Archewell website. This was taken back on Veterans Day on 11 November, when TOS visited the USS Arizona Memorial, and a couple of tourists had spotted him and had shared images already.


How do veterans feel about American service personnel saluting a foreign visitor who represents no one except himself and was there as a private citizen? Surely the US Navy must have realised it was highly inappropriate and insulting to veterans and those who had died at Pearl Harbor? TOS is not representing the RF, the UK, or the Armed Services. He is at a push, the representative of Archewell, a business that doesn’t really know what it is doing except making money out of a ducal title.

It’s been a busy 24 hours, and the ANL case (where TOS is suing for defamation) has been paused until 20 January 2023 after a preliminary hearing yesterday. TOS’s team had stated that he would seek to recover costs of £631,035 should he win the case. Judge Barbara Fontaine stated the figure was too high for this case, and it was reduced to £341, 839. This is not the first time TOS has tried to put in an excessively high claim for costs, but surely his team know that annoying the judge with such ridiculous figures makes them look stupid?

The pause is to allow negotiations so that the parties can come to a settlement and avoid a trial. The main claim is that the story allegedly harmed TOS’s reputation. Well, by 20 January 2023, he will have done that all by himself with the memoir and documentary, so can you damage a reputation when the party has damaged it themselves already? TOS wants cash, but ANL have a strong case with the recent developments where TOS has already lost what credibility he still had.

The victims of TW’s alleged bullying do not wish to be silenced, and have spoken to Valentine Low again, requesting that BP lift the NDAs so that the victims have the opportunity to defend themselves. We aren’t talking about one or two people, but at least a dozen who might be defamed, and their right to defend themselves has been blocked by BP. If C3 is looking to modernise the Monarchy (I don’t actually believe modernise is the right word, but he wants to mould it in a different direction), then he needs to accept that some transparency is necessary when pretty much the entire world knows about the bullying, where Jason Knauf has gone on record as a witness and stating that the incidents are factual. This isn’t going away until the victims can speak their truth and get closure and justice for themselves.

By failing to allow the survivors to tell their side of the story, BP has failed them again. If they do not lift the NDAs, then the duo will be permitted to spin their narrative again, and that will cause harm to the Monarchy as a whole and the victims will be victimised all over again. Have the Men in Grey learnt nothing after all these years of vague responses to accusations that have caused harm to the Monarchy, and that they have the power to act, rather than to wait and react?
