As stated, I have only watched clips of the interview and read a few snippets here and there, but it’s clear what the aim of the interview was, and that was for the duo to promote themselves as victims who needed to flee to survive. The UK and the mechanics of the RF as well as the media are to blame for this as far as Harry and MM are concerned, and it seemed like a show designed to pander to the emotions of the American based audience.
I’ve commented on the brief clips I have seen, but the narrative that Harry and MM pursued had a specific agenda – they wanted to blame anyone and anything as an excuse for their actions and behaviour. The pained expressions coupled with OW’s face of shock, and with so much hand waving – was this a soap opera within?
The US media (newspapers) seem to have sided with them and support them. However, was it ethical for the office of the White House to comment? While the press officer (Psaki) tried to reiterate that they were private citizens, she should have stopped short there and said ‘no comment’. It was unwise for her to have the short remark she did, and while she tried to reaffirm the ‘strong relationship’ between the UK and the USA, her few short words were out of place, unwanted, inappropriate, and in the long run has done more harm than she imagined.
The UK v USA rift is widening, and this interview has created tensions between the two nations. The UK is not a racist nation, and we did not force the duo to flee as they claim. That is an outright lie, and some of the reporters that have enabled them must be accountable too. While they were used, they were also blinded by a wave of fame from the cult. The tables turned when the new fans began attacking them when they criticized their idols, even when it was fair. There is a difference between valid criticism and attacks that have no substance. The Harkles cannot handle criticism, and see it as an attack when it is not.

There was the usual race card dealt, mental health one, with bullying, and Harry claiming that the Monarchy is a prison he was trapped in, and claimed his father and brother were trapped too. Is he going to save them and move them to the Meghan Markle Cult house of safety?
We hear Harry’s version of events which are similar to what was written at the time. The media didn’t get it so wrong after all. What we did learn is that BP and CH were trying to protect The Queen and Charles, as aides had probably figured out what the duo had been planning. However, if that was the case, surely more should have been done? Shouldn’t they have tried to protect the nation as well?
MM compares herself to a fairytale where she fell in love with a prince, lost her voice and regained it by escaping the UK and the RF. Only the simple folks would believe that, yet there are some who do. They believe her tale of woe, because they like the idea of a fairytale, but fail to see the passive aggressive attacks on Harry’s family. How dare she when she was a virtual visitor in the UK, where it was obvious she made no attempt to settle in or to stay. She painted a picture of loneliness and everyone being ‘mean to Meghan’, yet she claimed she had London friends. Few have ever surfaced except in times when she needed some PR boosting social media posts.
She arrived with nothing and left with more than she could ever have amassed several lifetimes over. Ungrateful is the word you are looking for. The interview was delivered with spite and scorn, that was concealed behind some two-bit acting scene she had been rehearsing for years. Some people will always side with a sad tale, that is until they see the whole picture and realize that they have been had.
There was no doubt that the interview would throw everything into disarray, and so those men in grey should have been prepared. We all were, which is why we aren’t shocked, but the suicide card was a low move. That shows that they are desperate to punish and destroy what is left of the Monarchy. If The Queen fails to see that (coupled with the dozen and counting bullying allegations against MM), then she will have failed in her duty, and she will have failed the People. We don’t wish her to fail, so we request that Her Majesty, heed the petition set forth, and to protect the nation.
I don't know how clear I can be...If you mention by name any politician you will be banned. Is that clear?
Please try and remain neutral when make a poltiical reference. I understand due the WH comment it is a topic, but no slurs on politicians past or present. These will be deleted. I have banned several people this morning for calling politicians names. My tolerance level is low with people ignoring it and I will ban to save myself time.