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She lies about so much in this interview!!!! And Oprah apparently didn't do her research or didn't want to challenge the lies. Imagine complaining that Archie didn't get the "Prince" title because the RF are racists, when she knows that he can't have that title because he is the *great grandson* of the Queen. Only when she passes on and Charles becomes King, can he then be called Prince Archie.

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I don't know how clear I can be...If you mention by name any politician you will be banned. Is that clear?

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They are biting viciously the hand that stopped feeding them.

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An observation: Last actions of MM have opened the HM Pandora´s Box. Now we can confirm many things long time camouflaged or hidden to protect him. As result, that image of "Funny Harry" it is in shambles and good public image has been destroyed forever. HM it is now a collateral damage and it seems that this does not matter in MM ambitions. I other words, there was a demolition charge planted by MM long time ago and has been activated by some moron and he destroyed himself. Collateral damage. MM surviving and ready to new business.

It is interesting watch this movie but I am sorry by the wake of pain and destruction that is provoking.

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I’m still stunned and outraged that they did this and JCMH not only allowed it but fully and willfully participated in blowing up his family. With fallout from threats to individuals to the Monarchy itself. Not only do I think they should lose everything, I would disown him and if it were possible to strip his citizenship, I would do that too for treason

Also, if the RF is so “unsurvivable” and “racist”, why did they want to stay as part time Royals working for them and the “racist” country half the time and the other half peddling their SussexRoyal wares? I actually think this is all payback for their plan being rejected...being told no

Why is there so little objective reporting and asking if obvious questions, inconsistencies and flat out lies

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They are both proven liars - we need independent corroboration of the 'events' they purport to describe, otherwise like the 'secret wedding' they never happened... thought they taught that on day one of journalism school... 'the facts, can you PROVE your story.'' Yes I did learn that on Look and Read: The King's Dragon in the mid 1970s [showing my age]...

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There has been so many lies in this sad history that the only solution it is do not believe nothing. No need to waste time to check anything, very possibly is fake. Moreover, there are a lot of contradictions and illogical affirmations that, is better for our mental health ignore.

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Living in the USA and seeing how everyone is reacting is funny to me for several reasons: 1) why do they care, they stepped away from the tyranny of monarchy in 1776. 2) it’s like a third world country over here - most deaths from Covid and Washington DC and Minneapolis currently look like Kabul with all the barbed wire and fences. Why? The citizens. They are afraid of a repeat of another insurrection and the ramifications in Minneapolis with the George Floyd case.

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@JulieCoops -- This American cares because 1) M is an American, married into one of the world's oldest monarchies, which is a staunch Ally of ours, and her appalling behavior reflects badly on all of us. 2) Ix-nay on the olitics-pay or Harry-Markle will let you know that is not done here, just a friendly heads-up.

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I understand BAME are calling for a boycott of RF.

Just hope Harry is feeling pleased with the storm he alone enabled his wife to create.

Just cannot understand how and why the media are accepting every lie they have uttered.

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@Vivien -- Most of the press are either wokies or just lazy thinkers, pandering to the views/clicks.

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Without Trump, America's media needs to keep this line of bullying alive - she said, he said, they said/suggested/thought - and what better than appeal to complexes and insecurities?! Have you ever been to a reedit thread? Divorce the guy, cut the parents, YTA/NTA based in only one side of the "telling". And this is the public the duo aims for... add to the mob the people with little to do - from Press Secretary it seems to John Legend's wife - and you got this.

Not ALL Americans, as we can see for this amazing Space (THANK YOU, ENDLESSLY, Harry Markled) but since they chose badly The Okrah here we have younger and diverse big mouths add to the prejudice and confrontation.

I am of mixed race and my son was born with fair skin, brown hair and eyes. A decade later I had a daughter - blue eyes, blond hair, fair skin. And people still comment to this day. And we've started even wondering what their children will be like - from all the sides of the family and friends. We rejoice when a child is born healthy and lives happy and it doesn't matter on which "camp" it was born into. My children even get to pick what they prefer... poor Archie won't ever have the chance. He better stay hydrated and drive safely around addled father and crazy mother ;)

NOW, there is a very serious fact in all this - it was a conversation Harry had with someone. Before the wedding. And imagine that after that statement where they (BRK played along) pushed that Rachel was here to stay refuting the unacceptable race card. And he goes and tells her? Who does that? When you know it's a touchy point with your future wife? He is a disgrace as a human being.

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Harry accused everyone of unconscious bias but the woman he married identified as Caucasian her whole career - the unconscious bias was a bit closer to home and no one is talking about that...

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How does the BRF defend themselves against claims of racism?

There is no context in their claims. Putting the BRF on the defensive instead of focusing on two who manipulated the situations for their personal gain. I have no doubt the manipulation behind close doors was a performance to behold. 12 claims of bullying in the walls of KP. What about other interactions and other patronage s ? Why not investigation her job performance if these start proving true? Isn't that what most companies do? Investigate all their charities and tours as well. Leave no stone unturned.

At this point, I think PW is the only one with the fearlessness to do it.

What is at stake? The BRF is needed to help encourage and support their nation. What the duo's actions are doing is biting and destroying the hand that feeds them.

The victimhood mentality results is the opposite of the Queen's mantra.

A generation that strives for the betterment of their neighbors before themselves.

When I looked around other posts on social media,I came across the BRF fb and I saw an overwhelming support for The Queen. I would encourage you all to see for yourselves all the love and devotion outpouring for her during this time. I am sure she would rather be by Philip's side or have a relaxing conversation with him via the phone rather than have another emergency meeting with PC and PW.

May the schemers have their own lens turned upon them so that their deeds are revealed to all.

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I did not watch the broadcast, correctly believing that it would be well covered by the media - but as far as I can tell, there was not one iota of hard evidence offered to substantiate such damaging accusations. I am appalled that they can get away with such calumny, presumably, secure in the knowledge that BP will not fight back. Just as with the miscarriage story - few in the media dare to question their assertions, but most have jumped on such a ‘woke’ band wagon.

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Even more distressing than to watch the Toxic Duo tear down the British monarchy with emotional manipulation and lies is to read/hear that Americans are giving Harry and Meghan Markle credence. Well, I am an American who does not. Unlike most Americans, however, I am informed about the two narcissistic psychopaths since MM's pregnancy with Archie, by following blogs like Harry Markle and on Tumblr.

In the end, what has enabled the credulity of too many Americans is the egregious irresponsiblity of CBS and Oprah Winfrey. Given the INCENDIARY claims made by H and.MM -- claims that ruin reputation and may fatally damage the institution of the monarchy -- it is irresponsible journalism that the views of only one side -- H and MM's -- were aired. No effort was made to interview the other side, or to fact-check the duo's assertions, which easily can be done.

The failure of Oprah and CBS to do that not only is professionally irresponsible, it is an epic moral failing akin to lighting a match that burns down a house, without calling for a fire engine. Instead, the arsonists reap $millions as they stand by, gleefully watching the blazing inferno.

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DrE, I would question whether one can even call OW a journalist. The woman was a talk show host, and she doesn’t operate under the standards of credibility that most serious journalists observe. As for CBS and the networks that are virtue-signalling all over the place, it is a sad fact that accountability and integrity in broadcasting have pretty much fallen by the wayside these days, and that more often than not, self-righteousness has become the order of the day.

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@Galadriel -- That *self-righteousness* began in the 1990s, when up and coming journalists were actively taught to stop reporting the facts and start *interpreting* the news. (The elitists in the universities felt the great unwashed needed to be told what to think, as clearly they were incapable of it on their own 🙄). (I know this from personal experience.)

And yes, O is no journalist, tho a goodly number of Americans hang breathlessly on her every pontificating word. 😡

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All of the pain they have jyst so she can be an A lister... such a waste as they could have done so much

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The views of Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton and, to be brutally frank, anyone in the US are irrelevant. Of course, we are heartened by the voices of support for our Queen, but in the end this is a matter for the British monarchy, the British people and the Commonwealth.

We have to hope that in time all intelligent people will rise above this latest splurge of smug, opportunistic virtue-signalling and see the Queen's unenviable dilemma for what it is:

sedition by beloved family members with severe mental health disorders which the family rightly refuses to discuss in public.

And perhaps therein lies the solution: sedition is a constitutional matter, family mental health disorders a private family matter. Deal with the sedition by removing their royal status. Deal with the family health disorders by continuing to show the compassion that has been so sorely lacking from the Markles. If the family hasn't done so already, they need to call in professional resources with an understanding of these conditions to help protect the family from abuse in the handling of malignant narcissists.

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“If the family hasn't done so already, they need to call in professional resources with an understanding of these conditions to help protect the family from abuse in the handling of malignant narcissists.” - Agreed. I also feel that, if they haven’t done so already, the RF should consult a psychotherapist in crafting their strategy in dealing with this issue. Since both the Harkles clearly have serious mental health issues, the advice of a mental health specialist should be sought in determining what can be done, and in putting together a calculated and calibrated response to the Harkles.

Make no mistake, the investigation into the bullying incidents - as well as the tea-throwing incident in Australia - should be pursued most diligently. But steps should be taken to address the motivations behind the flagrant falsehoods that the Harkles were peddling in that interview, as well as how to present the evidence to refute them in such a way that the Harkles cannot retaliate. Consulting a mental health professional will enable the RF to be several steps ahead of the Harkles and anticipate what they might or can do next.

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Alas, the pathology of Harry and Meghan has gone way beyond a mental disorder that is treatable by the psycholological profession. I believe we are dealing with evil -- malevolent psychopaths that take pleasure in chaos and destruction, much like the Joker in "Batman".

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Well, whether they are still treatable or not we’ll never really know, because neither of them would voluntarily submit themselves for treatment. But understanding their pathologies is precisely what is needed in putting together a response to the fracas they’ve created. All this is a result of their mental health disorders, so the RF must first understand their disorders so that they can decide how to respond.

If they’re dealing with a malignant narcissist in the person of That Woman, then a mental health specialist can advise them on certain options, and how she - and the Halfwit - might react, so that the RF can have a contingency plan in place. IN The same token, if they’re dealing with sociopaths or psychopaths, they also need advice on how to deal with them, what options are open to them, and what are the possible scenarios they need to prepare for if the Harkles react.

Know thine enemy, so to speak.

I think matters came to a head because the RF wasn’t prepared for a malignant narcissist targetting a member of the RF. I’m sure there are narcissists in the RF, but none of such breathtaking intensity as That Woman. If they’re to effectively counter what she’s done, they have to understand how she thinks - and how she was able to influence the Halfwit. I’m pretty sure she gaslighted all of them, the Halfwit more than anyone else, and the menace of gaslighting is that you don’t realize what was done to you until it’s too late.

I would like to think, though, that it’s not too late, because one by one, their lies are beginning to unravel. But even as the RF unravels these lies, they also need to know how to discern That Woman’s tactics, so that she can never gaslight and hoodwink them again, and more importantly, how to expose her for what she is.

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@Galadriel -- Yep. Forewarned is forearmed, now with M and in the future with potential others like her.

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Well said

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Please try and remain neutral when make a poltiical reference. I understand due the WH comment it is a topic, but no slurs on politicians past or present. These will be deleted. I have banned several people this morning for calling politicians names. My tolerance level is low with people ignoring it and I will ban to save myself time.

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Basically, if I have to delete more than 2-3 of your comments, I will ban you.

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@H-M -- By forcing myself to be neutral here, I've been forced to realize it is, in fact, BOTH sides of the political aisle that are at fault in the U.S.'s pompous or reckless statements about the U.K. and her Queen. We have NO business making public statements about anything another government does especially when it's a FAMILY and INTERNAL matter. So I don't have an issue with not naming names. The names come and go in the U.S. (and elsewhere). Naming only invites slanging matches. We need to keep ourselves above that, hard as it may seem and so easy as it may seem to just "sound off." (Okay, //soapbox off.)

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I get that, but I woke up to find people taking the P and veering off topic and it's simply easier to ban the repeat offenders. They were all on a watchlist or banned previously. You can state an opinion without getting personal or snarky.

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Mar 9, 2021
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I agree a lot of people, a lot of nations are affected by the abhorrent behaviour on display but while Buckingham Palace investigate the bullying complaints (and now the duos complaints) we need to be patient, it is internal. The staff need to be the focus and the process unrushed.

I suspect reports from Australia and footage from Fiji will be damning and I also read a report from New Zealand may raise issues too. I suspect all this ‘evidence’ hit desks at Buckingham Palace soon after the tour -it shouldn’t be a long wait.

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Mar 9, 2021
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Do they? Or are they just accustomed to giving off the cuff opinions and didn't think the international ramifications of this one through very carefully? I do think that Americans are being very triggered about race at the moment, so Haz and MM's allegations that they 'were driven out' by racism, at least in part, and that allegendly a senior Royal made a comment about what was the baby's expected skin colour, must have created a need for high profile pollies to respond, in order to keep the media and the constituencies sweet. [I do wish both Biden and HRC had held their fire, however. As numerous people have observed, it is not at all unusual for good natured discussions to occur with family and friends around who a new baby might look like etc. Context, intention and tone are everything. There may have been no malign intent in the remark at all. ]

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Follow the money, always follow the money if you want these two to pay for what they have tried to do to our Monarchy. Investigate the hell out of their charities, track down any missing jewels, is Dimwit paying tax on the income from his trust fund and then when the pair of them are distracted with all this attention, quietly remove their titles for good.

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I hope they do

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