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I might have believed the “due date” was 6/10, on PP’s birthday, if they stated that at the time of his death. I thought it was PR BS when it was leaked 6/5. Finding out it was leaked after the baby was born made me think I was right. No one cares what your due date was after the fact. It was IMO just another desperate attempt to link themselves to the RF

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Those two are marketing buzzards - as stated the only person who could put an end to this is no nonsense Anne with her forthright manner.

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Thankyou for the recent post. It is very informative as are all of your posts. It is sometimes easy to forget the duo's past discretions as there has been so many.

Yet again, they insult the armed forces only not just the UK's but also the allies forces that fought along side us in the war, by releasing the details of the baby's birth on DDay when the attention should have been on the unveiling of the new monument, a day later would have made no difference.

PH and MM in my opinion are becoming more and more delusional, never more so with the name of their daughter which in my and my friends minds is just a money spinner for the duo. Poor Archie, his sister gets two iconic names, him not one.

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I agree Harry Markle, trotting out the Cambridge and Wessex family to appease the people needs to stop, the titles and line of succession need to go very soon. That all said, trotting out BRF today at G7 is golden bc they are going to be all over the major channels news programs in the USA this evening. The kind of coverage/content TW can only dream about as she tries to extend her 15 minutes of fame.

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And unlike with the "victim" Harkles, the legitimate USA press is praising DoC's charm. Positive coverage as opposed to... whatever sycophantic coverage the duo get due to their bizzaro behavior.

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My grandmother was British, Her name was Lily, my moms name was Lily also. A couple of months ago my oldest cousin (daughter of my Aunt Anne who I am named after, and coincidentally all 3 passed from ovarian cancer) she emailed my brothers and I asking us if it was ok if she named her new puppy Lily Mae after my mom, she showed us the courtesy to ask us, something PH should have done. They live in TN and my brothers live in PA and I live in MD, so not as if we see each other every day. I was so touched (she doesn’t have children). I find it hard to believe that Haz wasn’t raised with manners! Thank you again HM, wonderful article again!

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T.Goddard boasting herself as a mental health campaigner says that the BP is a bully for simply stating the fact that something did not happen. A yacht girl shoving a prince around is fine, but exposing the lies of the real bullies is not!

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... and when will the actual bullying by TW be investigated? Is that still underway? There has been no info forthcoming about the independant investigation that was supposed to be occuring. It's almost like they are trying to Gaslight HMTQ and the RF!

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... just saw your comment about no questions..... hope this comment is ok as it is rhetorical .....

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Regarding the extended maternity and paternity leave, is it implicit that the leave is from Archewell? They also have obligations to Netflix, Spotify, and H's CHIMPO company, so I am wondering how/whether they plan to skirt their obligations to them, too.

Incidentally, I live in the city where the CHIMPO company is headquartered. It is supposedly located between my home and Costco. It is located in an unglamorous, "warehousey" part of the city. Definitely not where the well-funded, cool, and hip tech startups are located. One day not long ago, just out of curiosity, I cased it out. There was no signage at all for the company on the front of the building. It appeared to house multiple tenants, not just the CHIMPO company, in a not very large structure. Across the street from it is a leather shop which appears to cater to the LBGTQ community. Given that very few people in these parts have even heard of the company, I find it all very strange. How does a Prince of the realm end up there???!!!

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It’s all smoke and mirrors Iris. Now that is a lovely name.

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Yes, but baby Lili is copying me with her flowery name, and now I want to sue that week-old (supposed) baby! :-D

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Thank you Harry Markle for all your efforts. I am an American and am a big fan of HMTQ. It is painful to watch this pair of narcissists thumbing their noses at the Queen under the guise of

honoring her. It must be so hurtful for her to know that this despicable duo will be using her private name to cash in. I can only continue to hope that one of these days they will get their comeuppance.

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Please note, this board is open for people to comment on the article and to express how they feel about things. It is not for people to ask questions about things that have been addressed in other articles and in the petition.

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Thank you again for a very insightful article. Using such a personal name of a person in the family that is still living, is wrong. I don't think the BBC published a fallacy. I can't believe the litigious nature of JCMH and TW. She makes us Americans look awful. I'm tired of their monetization of everything. It just speaks to their greed.

I don't believe what they say anymore. This latest fiasco with their daughter's name sickens me. A birth of a baby is a joyous occasion and yet, they've turned it into a media mania over a name. Shame on them.

I don't ever expect them to do the right or honorable thing - despite their titles. Here's hoping that the RF is going to do something concrete - although I am losing my hope in that.

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Hello from Santa Barbara. Thank you Harry Markle for one of the most thorough and insightful pieces yet. I love the term "oxygen thieves" and there is no better way to describe those two. I was sickened that they released their announcement on D-Day. It was absolutely shameful and disrespectful to all military, the world over. And, no need to mention the disgust we all felt over the name choice. As our favorite old cowboy Will Rogers said: "Never miss a good chance to shut up". JCMH and TW should follow his lead.

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Thanks once again HarryM!

Princess Anne is her father’s daughter and if anyone can, she can.

I thought too that DoE also showed his colours albeit a bit awkwardly, and it was what he didn’t say they spoke volumes.

I still have hope that the family and BP will do the right thing for the future of the monarchy, subjects and citizens of the commonwealth.

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I have not seen PE on CBS or the USA TV interview. I felt, having watched the BBC interview that he was sincere, kind and charming whilst gently and unobtrusively putting the boot in. NMonty I didn't think he appeared awkward on the BBC, maybe different on USA one. It was touching that a tear fell and dampened his cheek when speaking about his father. What was most telling was that he said that at some time or another everyone in the RF had felt the pressure and unwelcome press intrusion, obliquely making it plain that everyone else had got on with it. He neatly sidestepped using the name Lilibet when wishing them all happiness. But the most VIP thing he said when asked about the H&M difficulties was, verbatim "I stay out of it. It's the safest way"! That tells us that others are involved in discussing/dealing with "it" and that there is most definitely an "it" going on in the background. I was glad I watched it. He will make a very suitable Duke of Edinburgh when the time comes.

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I’m Scotland and was BBC I saw it too. He was very good on the whole and I’m referring to when the baby name was mentioned. His response was to steer away from the topic rather than engage in it.

Although I do admit my heart was in my mouth at that moment. I do think it’s sad that the baby topic has to be brought up at all when the interview was not about them and similarly questions directed to DoC at the official engagement yesterday. I want to enjoy the positives that our royal family bring rather than being dragged down by the rubbish spewing from the traitor and TW.

And yes Edward will do his father very proud when he steps up to fulfil the role that the DoE title will bring. Big shoes to fill but I’m sure he will do so admirably.

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Sorry my typing not great and no excuse of Friday vino! Duke of Wessex & that not they🥴

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You are helping to renew my hope in the RF and action on their part.

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Greetings from the US. Thank you Harry Markle for all your great articles and all the work you do. I was so happy to finally timed it right when the comments are open. I am absolutely sick at all the disrespect this couple continues to heap on the Royal Family and in disbelief that they continue to get away with it. Once again, thank you!

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I am sorry Harry Markle but I disagree that it would have been appropriate to name a child who is - let’s face it, a member of the Royal Family, a name associated with Markle’s family. If she accepts and uses Royal titles for her children then the name should be suitable. Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet sound just wrong but Princess Doria? If Markle accepts Royal titles for her children, shouldn’t the child’s name be approved by the Queen? She wants the perks, prestige, money and titles but believes she can do whatever she wants! It doesn’t work that way!

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I was being facetious.

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I, for one, had noted that, Harry Markle.

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Harry should have voluntarily renounced his title and right of succession when he abandoned his responsibilities, if he didn't want to be burdened by being "trapped" to the Monarchy. In the absence of him doing that, Her Majesty should have acted THEN. The couple's abhorrent behavior since choosing to live as celebrities in exile, warrants them being branded traitors to Her Majesty, the Monarchy, the nation, the Commonwealth of Nations and to H's former comrades-in-arms.

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Thank you for your stirling work Harry, it is apparent that bp has know idea what to do, they all seem frightened to act, may be due to mental health or skeletons in the cupboard . But the time for action against the whiny spoilt brats is now, there is no excuse any more.

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