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More correspondence from a former loyal P&G customer who was asked for their feedback from their customer services:

"Your Customer Service dept will have copies of my emails. Your products have been used in my family for many years but since you have chosen to align with the Archewell foundation, I and my family and friends have taken the decision to no longer use your products. Charity, compassion and building better communities is to be applauded but aligning your business with a couple who show none of those traits to their own families, who actively insult the Royal family and members thereof, who have been caught out in blatant lies a number of times, is not anything that I want to be associated with either directly, or indirectly via a Company whose products I have used.

P and G are I am sure, particularly proud of the Royal Warrant bestowed on them by the very Monarch who is the victim of what is, slanderous, disrespectful, unkind and anything but compassionate behaviour. Sad to say, I have removed all products and have replaced them with alternative brands. The replies I received from your Customer Service team were polite but included part of the Archewell mission statement which just rubs salt into the wound of a customer who has expressed disappointment with that very foundation. This was ill advised in my opinion. As an ex Customer Service professional for over 40 years, I found that a more bespoke response rather than impersonal standard letters were by far better received. I have to rate the response as poor as I can't in all conscience rate highly a business in whom I no longer have confidence. Unfortunately, there's no option to award no stars which is what I would have opted for.

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I and most of my family have been boycotting P&G for many years. Also, I and many friends and family are really fed up with the Private. or their understanding of 'private life'. How many reasons have they given for leaving the UK again? I lost count. And the will to be bothered.

Well done you HM for your hard work and it really must be, trying to keep up with THAT WOMAN he calls wife and the dim one. I really appreciate this blog- your writing and the great artwork-and being able to chat. Thank you.

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More freebies for the 16bathroom mansion from their friends at P&G. Shameful collaboration !

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I emailed P&G when this announcement was made, there will be no more of their products in my house or knowingly used or consumed elsewhere.

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Thank you Harry for another extremely informative article, I particularly liked your translation of P&G's letter of reply " We have your letter and we have to pretend that we care about your views" - classic! Until all this happened I had no idea of any of their dodgy business practices and I'm relieved to discover that I haven't got any of their products in the house and obviously I won't be using any in the future.

I keep thinking and hoping that interest in the gruesome twosome will fade away, but I get the impression that JCMH is just getting warmed up. Please someone, make it stop!!

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I think their marketability will come to an end, everytime a new image is trotted out they just self sabotage. Look at Harry's latest what a whopper.

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Thank you once again Harry Markled for the thought provoking article and the extensive list supplied. I am absolutely sickened to the core by the shenanigans of these two traitors.

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And a massive multinational company, with a horrid reputation going against all that they preach. But then jcmh and tw are hypocrites of the first order.

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Thank you. Very informative as usual. I really enjoy reading your articles and everyone's comments.

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Another thought provoking article. Thankyou.

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Thank you HM for your latest article. The Royal Warrant is indeed a prestigious award given and taken away if necessary! BP PC PW need to act and stem this latest blatant PR onslaught. Silence is not golden, the Harkles are a world wide laughing stock, ridiculed and mocked. Using their titles is reflecting on your ability not to read public opinion. JCMH it seems, is lapping up his front of house roll and wants more! 🤦‍♀️🤡😱 Action is needed, the world is weary and losing respect for our Monarchy. There is an excellent cartoon in DM today, so appropriate!

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People are calling them "enemy" now.

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Reading that letter, I thought at first that Meghan/Sussex PR team had written it. Does it not crib the exact wording used by them for their Archwell Foundation? So lazy! "Compassion" is definitely not something we see in their actions much. The cooperation between the 2 groups certainly highlights the hypocrisy at both ends! If Fairy is P&G I guess I will have to go back to Surcare laundry liquid and conditioner!

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The implications of calling the First Amendment bonkers and implying that there are loop holes will have enormous ramifications for Harry and his wife. A lack of intellectual rigour is exposed once again. The deal with Procter and Gamble will be impacted. Products are now sullied by the unwise comments. Also P&Gs already diminished reputation re non eco friendly products highlights that the duo are purely motivated by financial gain.

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Thank you for your very thought provoking article and extensive list Harry Markle! I am gutted about the Aussie products but they are now in the bin and I will stick with Lee Stafford and Tiggi Bed Head for my hair! Viakal is also in the bin and I will replace that with lemon juice, Sussex is in a very hard water area! I will be checking the rest of my products also!

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Me Too! I loved the Aussie Miracle volume shampoo which worked wonders on my very fine, thick and straight hair. I switched to Faith in Nature, no conditioner , just a handful of mousse and tbh it is much better.

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I have out of control curls and I found that the Aussie range and their serums worked wonders but I found that I still had to alternate between brands for them to work! I will just stick to the other brands now with pleasure!!!

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Thank you Harry Markle for another thought provoking article and I am wondering if it is worth you or any of us contacting the Royal Warrant Holders Assn about one of their members (P&G) forming a “partnership” with an organisation whose owners who continue publicly defame the Royal Family and the Monarchy ?

A further comment...my nephew runs a successful PR company in America and he said right at the the start of #6 and TW Californian adventure that they would go down well with the “woke left” and that #6 would be regarded as a “novelty “ as a Royal Prince and would initially be in demand, but this curiosity would only last for a short while and then fade. TW worthless without the royal connection.

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A friend of a friend, of a friend used to work with Royal Warrants and it has been suggested that they be contacted for their take on matters.

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They can be emailed on: warrants@rwha.co.uk

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Harry Markle, thank you once again for an excellent article and keeping us up to speed with the horrendous going ons from the dreadful duo. I am so confused now as to what they are actually trying to promote, I guess their only proviso is to make as much money as possible. I am horrified at JCMH’s recent blatherings, if only he would shut up. As for TW, well words defy my feelings about her. I will certainly check my purchases for household items from now on – I think the only one I use on a regular basis is Fairy Liquid and I have memories of the smell of it from many, many years ago when I was washing veterinary instruments in it prior to sterilising them!!

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The next time there is a severe drought in California followed by forest fires, perhaps Harry and TW would like to acknowledge that the devastation of the Amazon rainforest is, in no small way, to blame, aided and abetted by P&G.. An aerial view of California is enough to tell us where the wealthy live - all those green lawns, lush borders and inviting swimming pools! All this destruction to help P&G put money into their Foundation!

I only use Method cleaning products, largely due to having severe COPD and many commercial products make me quite ill.

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Don’t forget the lush green golf courses too, and of course the salad grown in Salinas valley where they irrigate all day

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Goodness me - I didn't know that. We had a severe drought in the UK in 1976, the year my son was born and people then were going out in the middle of the night to water their gardens in the hope they wouldn't get caught. Many did get caught and fined.

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My nephew farms salad there, and I keep telling him to water overnight so there is not so much evaporation, but apparently the salad leaves can be damaged by the sun, so they create a mist above it most of the day. So sad as the reservoir just above that was sooo empty last time we went

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Are there any desalination facilities in California? they could pipe the desalinated water to the vineyards as well!

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The P&G reply was as glib as you'd expect from a major corp whose CEOs think virtue signalling is actual virtue. They only get alarmed when there is a genuine groundswell of objection to their eco-unfriendliness. Thank you very much for the list (I seldom boycott brands, but the few I do, I very much do). I'm probably a bit lucky I live in Italy where other brands are commonly available.

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Not only glib, but condescending to whomever they were responding. "We know better than you about these Global Issues, now run along now." And it does sound like it was written by TW.

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