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Thank you,Harry, for this and your other recent posts. I am beyond embarrassed by those of my countrymen/women who are still under the spell of TW and JCMH. The announcement of the Emmy was bad enough, but this new Netflix feature? Outrageous. It sounds to me that the plot of her latest venture is a direct copy of the television series “Timeless” which was on for two seasons a few years ago. The reason I say this is twofold: 1) the plot of “Timeless” is exactly the same, as several adventurers from current day travel in a time machine to different eras, and always meet outstanding and admirable figures from the past; and 2) TW’s friend from “Suits”, Abigail Spencer, was one of the leads in “Timeless”. Ms. Spencer has always “been there” for TW. It was an easy jump from an American tv show to the current Netflix program.

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I have decided to close the comments due to a poster verbally abusing me for deleting a post that contained inaccurate information. Regular posters know that I will delete posts that contains speculation or misinformation because by leaving it up, others will assume it is correct.

I do not need abuse or to be challenged, and while I know people wish to express their views they can do so without attacking me when I am implementing my guidelines.

I will not be reopening comments due to this, and it is sad because the poster has always been respectful in the past.

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It just sounds terribly boring and unappealing to children to me, just my opinion. Also if she and David Furnish are working together on this, it might not be easy on their friendship because she is difficult to work with. Sorry if I'm not explaining myself well, I haven't had my coffee yet this morning!

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Dangerous to attempt much at all before your morning coffee Yvette 😀

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Netflix are threatening to sue could be to do with that. As for nominations for " awards" someone on YouTube said its usual practice for PR companies in hollywierd to " buy" their clients awards. Says it all! This cartoon series if written by her is bound to be about as riveting as her book

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It will be yet another disaster just like "The Bench", open to ridicule and disdain - when will TW just give up and when will producers and the like stop backing this losing horse?

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When indeed

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Pearl will travel back in time, find a Prince and turn him into a commoner because titles mean nothing to her.

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Interesting that this announcement came right after the Emmy nomination.

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Stealing ideas from 'Outlander' now are we? Outlander is the steller version of what Meghag hopes to achieve. I would never watch anything produced by her.

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As Executive Producer her creative input will be basically nil, she's there to put in the money. The Line Producer will actually do all the creative stuff i.e. the work. Wonder whose idea it actually was?

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But you can be sure she will take all the credit. And $$$.

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Yup, looks like another vanity project, might not even get done, i think they've got to look lively for netflix as they're probably getting quite restive at the lack of output or ideas for content, they were expecting others to provide that, free of course although the t&c have been removed from their site of late, not sure im happy at the whole slant of this, i could construe these "productions" as sexist, certainly boys and men don't seem to exist or have much importance in her warped reality and this ragbag of second hand ideas seems to be about her,,again, there'll be some pr and hype of course but it will bite the dust along with all their other fancy ideas.

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I imagine that '' Pearl '' with be a small POC who travels through history and the world ONLY talking to other women of colour about injustice, racism and bullying. Ending in a whole episode devoted to meeting Princess Diana who will of course adore pearl and will probably want to adopt her. Still angry at the RF for allowing all this monetising of the title and HRH.

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Now that would be interesting. If she adopted her she would have married her brother.

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Had the same idea when I read the article that the celebratory story line would be loosely based on her own life, why not when you can receive a hairbrained award from Population Matters Trust and being put up for an Emmy for that dispicable interview in the space of a few days.

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Please tell us the RF advisors find a diplomatic way to remove the titles. The Pinocchios will never stop using them voluntarily.

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I’m trying to imagine what “life’s daily challenges” a 12 year old girl would face that would warrant an animated series.

Getting up in time for school? Handing in homework on time? Ensuring PE kit was remembered on the right day? Deciding which shops to frequent on Saturday with friends?

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Breaking a plastic fingernail. Losing a mobile phone. Oh the dramas!

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Yo missed out "how to sweet talk Granny into shelling out £20 for a must have top like the ones her friends have! Yes, that is the voice of recent experience! I love her to bits though and just pray she doesn't grow up like TW but she has sensible parents who have strict boundaries.

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Thanks again HM for this post. Your tenacity knows no bounds.

Regardless of who will watch this stupid programme. DF & EJ have clearly chosen a side. It's not been decided on her talent. I would have expected more integrity from EJ. He took his knighthood.PW is also Diana's son.

Until H &TW are outed by the RF titles removed and wrong doings and lies exposed this type of situation will continue..

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Hypocritical anti monarchists love a bauble or three.

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Oh, I almost forgot. Does anyone else remember that small story from months back that said Meghan was cast in a remake of The Quiet Man? I think it was to be filmed in Ireland. Whatever happened to that?

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Another maniac vanity project.

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TW clearly has a God complex & 'Pearl' is based on her....gets crazier & crazier

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Yes you can't make this stuff up. It's off the charts, even for Hollywood.

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The Netflix legal team better go over the scripts with a fine tooth comb. All of us here know her penchant for 'copying' the ideas of others, all the way back to the Vogue cover.

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No words can express how I feel about the way these 2 are being allowed by BP and HMQE to use the titles bestowed on them, at their very expensive wedding, by HMQE when apparently they agreed not to use them or bring our Country into disrepute in order to leave the RF. Please just let them go and leave us in peace. Thank you for a well thought out review.

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Maybe she should have used her "influence" to highlight again the injustices that 12 year old girls and younger experience not only in other more far-flung parts of the world but here in the UK, or the USA too I would guess . "Stepping into their power" what a joke! Not being allowed to go to school, or if they do they risk being abducted or attacked, forced marriages, honour killings, FGM carried out within the family, being trafficked, enforced prostitution, being disenfranchised and so on. So many terrible things happen to girls and women, even being safe on the streets is becoming more problematic in places. These are the sort of issues young girls need to know more about growing up so they are aware and can try and help those less fortunate than themselves, or if they are the ones suffering , know where to turn for assistance. A stupid cartoon will not do that nor will it empower them. If TW had tried to collaborate with someone like Malala in a joint venture she might have at least some credibility . The argument she might make is that would be too political and she must not get involved in such things, but Malala was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize so being linked to her work would be prestigious, worthy, and no more political than espousing mental health causes. In any case she and H have already crossed that boundary. The blurb about the 12 year old girl being helped "to step into her power" is laughable whilst so many 12 year old girls have NO power, never will have and are suffering just because they are girls. Excuse the rant but I am outraged at the facetiousness of her endeavour. It is an insult. She has lost the opportunity to use the title, while she still has it, for some real good. I am a mother of a daughter and grandmother of a granddaughter and can never forget how fortunate they are to have grown up in safety and with many advantages unavailable to many girls and women. I hope OH will not delete me, if so I apologise in advance.

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Great post and spot on

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We are all in agreement with you Tricia - 👏 👏 👏- love reading everyone’s post because you encapsulate all my pent up frustrations in a far more articulated way than I can. Your post should be forwarded to the Duchess of Sussex who in turn should show RQ. Thank you for being so gutsy.

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TW is not sincere in her endeavors. At this point wise people won't get involved with her anyway.

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Sadly the titles still attract influential and wealthy people.

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Not very intelligent though - all that glitters is not gold.

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It sounds boring to me and I dont know who her target audience would be. I still dont know how she has the nerve to use the title when she has slagged off the royal family and people of the uk. The titles need to go, its getting beyond a joke.

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Could this be based on one of the submissions they got on Archewell? Where by sharing your ideas you lose all rights to them. Or perhaps it’s going to be a girl sitting on a bench dreaming about all the famous women she has heard of?

Forgive me for being cynical but I’ll be amazed if it is successful.

It beats me how this con artist is still on her feet and active. I would have expected prison for them by now.

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This released by TW not Netflux. Smokescreen deflecting from upcoming ANL appeal/RF bullying outcome/silence from RF. Desperation much.

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Please ensure that your comments are factual and are not speculation or tabloid gossip. In reference to the DoE Awards, Edward and Sophie have been taking care of them for a number of years, and Philip asked them to carry on the title. Edward has clarified in an interview with CNN (Foster) that he can only have the title when it is returned to the Crown, and that is when his mother passes.

This is a fact that all are aware of, and there is no reason why Charles would not confer the title as he brother has been looking after DoE Awards for a long time. Edward's wish to carry on the work, and the legacy of his father.

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As to L Baker who just made a rude comment, was that necessary given that you had stated misinformation that others would have assumed was correct if I had not deleted it?

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These two certainly are the loose thread in the royal fabric. Very sad really.

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Indeed, but loose threads can be cut off and disguarded or left to dangle and be ignored! The choice is with TQ, PC and PW. 🤷‍♀️✂️

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Just speechless!

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If this follows the same timeframe as Harry and Oprah's mental health programme, it could be years down the line....Hopefully!

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Yes flagrant use of the title!

Did anyone else hear that registration for Emmy was done before interview was aired? Angela Levin made a comment. Or is this just speculation?

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I too heard that and a copy of agreement of a deadline. Allegedly you have to pay (there’s a surprise) $400 to submit entry. Please delete if I am wrong OIH. Entry to be in by 20? Feb 2021 and interview shown on 7 March 2021.

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Thank you for another great update Harry Markled, it’s all pr puff again as it isn’t in production yet. Why would 12 year old girls be interested, and let’s face it, shouldn’t it be for all genders?

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Good point!

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Yet again a blatant use of the titles to make money, they must be removed. Sooner the better.

I really can’t keep up with all their stupidity BP must act

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They are monetizing their titles. Why is this being allowed? Titles should have been gone a long time ago when PH lied and betrayed his family. I'm surprised EJ would get involved with their deceptions.

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Nope EJ likes £'s, fame and to stir things up.

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Off the current topic I know, (sorry Harry Markle if that's not allowed, just don't know who else to ask) has anyone heard anything about all the complaints sent to Ofcom about the Oprah liathon?

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she would be better selling her bathwater...

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Don't give her any more ridiculous ideas!

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Something I definitely won’t be watching. What a load of… BS. Like anything else I see on Netflix with their names.

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It’s tedious how absolutely everything they do is so self-referential. And I say this as a feminist. Yawn.

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If it does materialise I can't see the viewing figures being great. Hardly Breaking Bad is it? I commented just before Easter that the titles wouldn't be taken away and I am devastated to have been proven right. What are BP playing at? Their MO at the moment seems to be just ignore them and they will go away when in reality it is just feeding the beast. So disappointed in the RF.

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Perhaps it is simply a case of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

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It will fail just like all her other "projects".

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Something else I won’t be watching

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I won’t watch it and I don’t think so that people will want to watch it as well, MM is a big joke 😂I don’t understand why the RF still allow her use the duchess title, shame.

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