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I'm just going to say how I feel, and hope it is received with some understanding as I don't know if I can express it well enough to not sound cold hearted. Here goes... The more Harry goes on whining about his trauma and his suffering and entrapment in the Royal Family, the more I feel defensive about PC, HMTQ, The Duke of all Dukes and even some that I never thought I would see in a favorable light. I believe he is not only turning people against him, but he is really tarnishing his Mother's memory. Now when I think of Diana, I feel sick, not because of her death, but because her son is using it for his own gain, and I am reminded of the circumstances of it. Being here in the States, it was all about the "Press" Killing her but now I've learned more and realize that there were a lot of other things going on as well. Yes, her death was a tragedy and the world lost a Much Loved Princess, and to some, a Hero. However, I've learned there were contributing circumstances to the accident-and her passing. If Harry feels his issues are from Genetic Pain, passed down by parents, when he is blaming everyone from Papparazzi to his Grandfather and Grandmother, should he not include his Mother in this blame? NOT saying I believe Diana is to Blame, as it was an accident, but it seems logical that if Harry is looking for a reason for his misery and is being honest about it, maybe his real issue is misplaced anger. The saddest part though is that I look to the statue unveiling this summer, and realize that his antics and behavior are ruining the way I feel about it and how unfair that is to his brother & actually to Diana. What a selfish Man he is.

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None of the podcast participants, especially Harry & Oprah have any legitimate training in mental health issues. Harry has a now attained the dubious accomplishment of having a background of being unable to cope emotionally (even at a basic level), and highly inappropriate social behaviour, lashing out at and blaming others (near and far) for all sorts of made up nonsense and making heinous, spiteful accusations about his family. He has lost all credibility with right-thinking people, and the US media are starting to see his true colours. He’ll never be able to live his ignorant comments about the US Constitution down; no matter how much he pays his media PR/Spin people, especially as he followed his trite, unthinking, off the cuff ‘bonkers’ comment with ‘I don’t really understand it (the US Constitution)’. It’s only a matter of time now before the waves close over both of them (metaphorically speaking), and the freebie-money pots dry up. Americans are mostly down to earth hard working people, and TW & Harry only appeal to a select ultra-left / woke few. Not enough to sustain their outlandish lifestyle in the long run. And we (the GB public) are all growing thoroughly disheartened with a Monarchy that lets them ‘have at it’, ad nauseam, while seemingly doing little to stop their tide of never ending hypocritical bile and hate.

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To our Harry, thank you for another excellent article. I can't believe how much has happened over the past 2 weeks. What a disgrace "H" is, to say nothing of TW. He is as bad as she is, if not worse attacking his own elderly grandmother and father while they're still grieving the loss of Prince Philip. Their behavior just gets worse and worse, but I've noticed a major shift in how they're being perceived by the public. Many who have previously supported them are starting to see the duo for exactly what they are. More and more people want their titles gone. And his latest attack on the 1st Amendment has infuriated a lot of Americans who previously supported him (I noticed this especially on social media). Hopefully the wheels are in motion for the titles to go because this surely can't continue. How many more countries will he be allowed to offend?

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Harry has made so many blunders and insulted so many people in the past 2 months that I'm expecting more of it with this MH programme. What surprises me is that this venture took more than 2 years to make and he had access to more than 30 professionals in the MH field, but could not access any of them when his wife felt suicidal while she was pregnant. Not to mention that he had therapy before he met MM so why didn't he contact his former therapist to help her? She also rejected the BP doctors for her pregnancy and had her carefully chosen team. Usually, they make sure that a pregnant woman is also not overwhelmed by her pregnancy and are trained to spot troubles so why didn't they noticed that she was suicidal? Also, her mother is a social worker so why didn't her mother spoted it and help her? I don't believe her and when it comes to Harry, I think that MH is what he uses to justify the stupid things he has done in his life because he can't bring himself to take responsibility for his actions.

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When will they be stripped of all titles and privileges?

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Cannot be soon enough. They are not professionally qualified for much of anything now and firmly remain “a menace to society.” They are a tangible harm to society, not a help.

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Thank you HarryM for your measured analytical blogs.

Am I wrong to say that mental health, like miscarriage, is such a sensitive, widespread and often a very personal subject to those who suffer or experience pain watching a loved one suffer. It is not a subject that is ignored by governments and families, and funding is made available. One could say not enough, but there is never enough money for desperate causes.

How dare these lowlife attention seekers jump on another extremely personal bandwagon!

And btw, I may be living in a parallel universe. I won’t watch any podcasts feat. them but has this mental health/ ‘raising the future’ been in the making for 9 months or thereabouts? TW looks very slim and wearing tailored trousers and a belt....or did I miss a birth announcement of a premature baby?

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Mental Health is very personal and a therapy that works for one person may not work for another be it medication or one of the forms of talking therapies. I just find it abhorrent that he speaks as if he is Diana's only child and therefore the only one who who suffered from her death. I recall JFK's children walking behind his coffin with their Mother and they were a lot younger than JCMH. I am sure that it left some sort of impression on them too but if it did they have dealt with it privately and with dignity unlike Harry Mountbatten Windsor who continuously has to mention that he is his Mother's son to benefit from her popularity and to effectively use her death for his profit

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It is very confusing that this non-trained man is discussing mental health issues, and I presume advising folks, and yet his wife clearly stated on a show that she had mental health issues and NO-ONE helped her when she was 'pregnant'? Harry will cause more issues if people listen to him than go to a professional who can advise medication, or help. Harry until you and the O woman are trained in Mental Health the advice to you both, is keep quiet.

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As an American, I can say not many take PH seriously and are offended by his lack of knowledge, entitlement and the abuse he and HW have unfairly hurled on his family. People see through the vile lies. Long live the Queen!

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Thank you Marie, We in the UK appreciate the support of our American friends.👋

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They are sinking and they know this IMO. Not a single venture since Mexit has been successful, unless viewed through their smoke-and-mirrors PR. Of course they would prefer being saved or martyred, anything except the slow fade to obscurity that is their current course. I hope hope hope the latest request from senior courtiers, "relinquish your titles or tell us why not", really means "we are removing them and tell us why we shouldn't".

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As a Brit living in the US I am staggered at his arrogance, criticizing the US constitution after only being here a year. He criticizes the First Amendment and then admits he doesn't understand it, what an embarrassing fool. Basically it would seem they are against all free speech except the drivel that comes out of their own mouths. He is on a very dangerous path here and he really needs to shut up.

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He fails to understand the first amendment was created precisely to prevent people such as himself, from trying to suppress the speech of those who don't agree with him and his sycophants and other "celebrities."

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JCMH has no professional qualifications in the field of mental health, so he is a well-meaning amateur in this field at best. But then AppleTV wouldn't have much of a show left if they admitted that would they?

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I remember William walking behind his mother’s cortège as well as Harry. I also remember Prince Philip explaining that the boys had been asked if they wanted to do this and when they agreed that they did, Prince Philip offered to walk with them. It was almost 25 years ago and while it may have seemed a reasonable move at the time, it may not appear that way now. Hindsight is probably the most useless word in the dictionary and of course recollections may vary.

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The last person that should be lecturing me on mental health is #6.

I, having had PTSD am insulted that he can go on an Operafest and spout out about it.

He has absolutely no remit or qualifications to touch on the subject.

Bring in the psychotherapists, the down to earth and not money grabbing ones, and see what they make of him.

I imagine not much.

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Having watched Harry intently now for the past couple of years, I personally have no doubt that he has mental issues. What I'm not buying are his excuses and those he blames, especially this "genetic" pain. I find him not to be credible due to the fact that he was too "embarrassed" to get his own wife help. I also can't find him credible after his comment about mental health being more important than physical help. Many mental health issues are actually directly linked to physical health issues. I'm concerned these people will not only be baring their souls, but at the same time, will be telling others what to do about it. Having a mental issue is not a qualification for speaking to others about theirs. I'm also uncomfortable with everything being labeled a health issue. Responding and reacting to the loss of a parent is grief. Fixating on it and using it as an excuse mechanism, is obsession and manipulation. I have a friend is is bipolar and when she says something cruel, she says it's not her fault, it's her mental health. I believe using "mental health issues," is fast becoming a scapegoat for all inappropriate behavior. I also wonder if Harry's mental health advisor is the one encouraging him to constantly articulate that he has issues. They also fail to take into account that many people simply do not have the means to pay for medication or analysts for their metal health issues. IMHO, they are just skating the surface of this particular bandwagon. There is no in-depthness to what they are doing. There's a saying, I know just enough to make me dangerous, and that's the area I find them, dangerous. How many are they actually going to scare off from getting true assistance. It's a dangerous line.

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Very much agree, they are both dangerous and know not what they speak of. They can harm vulnerable people.

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This thread will be open for a short while only, and I felt I was allowing people to express thei opinions, but I seem to be 'attacked' for not inviting people to discuss things on private threads. FYI, it was and is a trial and it remains to be seen if it works, and bullying me into an invite does quite the opposite.

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This blog is absolutely amazing and your writing is so insightful. I have missed the comments terribly as there are some fascinating points of view to read. But, its your show and if people don't respect the rules, then you do what you need to to maintain the integrity of your platform. It has to stay "clean" the represent the historical aspect of your work.

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Fairs dos.Keep to the point, don’t stray from HarryMarkles policy and you’ll be fine.

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Harry I'm sorry you're being attacked and bullied, hadn't realised, I only come on to your blog and don't visit other social media sites. Please stay strong for us, we're behind you all the way.

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It is your blog and your choice who you invite and if people are unhappy with that, that is their problem. Keep up the good work and your informative blog. I for one enjoy it:)

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Oh I don't know how this all works really. Who is attacking you? Anyway you are the Boss. thanks again.

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@HM - I've seen it and tried to stop it on FB where I can. I'm sorry they are abusing what you so generously offer.

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I know... thanks.

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Has anyone else noticed in the picture of TW behind H that she looks remarkably "un-pregnant"?!! Completely different to the huge bumps in other staged photos. She even has a belt on those black trousers! Now call me overly suspicious and sceptical, but at 8 months pregnant there isn't a cat in hells chance of getting a belt round your middle, let alone bend over! Deary me.

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They had only been in that house or staging room since last July I think?

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I read elsewhere that it was filmed two years ago but you are right they have not been in that house as long as that. Maybe it was somewhere Oprah set up for them. It’s typical of the subterfuge that they like to practise. One thing I am sure of now is that they have had some sort of agreement with Oprah before the wedding, I would have thought that a ridiculous suggestion at the time, more fool me.

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I believe that it was filmed about two years ago. Which speaks volumes.

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OK, that would explain it. I hadn't thought that it might not be in chronological order. Such is my deep suspicion and the constant mystery shrouding her "pregnancies" it does make me question everything!

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Its a series, they "worked" for years to come up with two whole episodes. Lol

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Its hard to keep up with these two.

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Great minds think alike.

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Harry unfortunately can't keep quiet long enough to support someone with mental health issues. The person needs to feel comfortable and have time to speak when they are ready without prompting or someone butting in. He lacks the social and cognitive skills to help anyone in my opinion

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Er, is this a recent photo of Hasbeen and TW? If so, is it me, but she doesn’t look very pregnant at around 8 months’ gestation. Perhaps she forgot to attach the moon bump or it slipped off.

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Take away his titles, take away his money and mansion and then he might realise how people have to cope. Mental health issues are what most people have to deal with on a daily basis, whilst surviving and trying to support and show strength to a family. Preaching from an ivory tower will not help anyone.

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Harry is not receiving positive responses to his outpouring of ‘woe is me’ diatribe. Indeed, he seems to becoming viewed as a laughing stock. Is TW encouraging him (and probably giving him a script to learn) so that she can add to the reasons for wanting a divorce further down the road?

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That’s what I thought. She’ll cut loose weeping, saying she tried her very very best to help and educate him. Yeah right. This is all part of her plan.

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The issue here is, we can't have a treasonous, mentally unsound, loose-lipped, bitter Prince in the line of succession - it would be the worst thing that could ever happen if he became King - so to safe-guard the future, he needs to be booted off the list.

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I see this as the insane running the asylum and OW, TW and H have no business airing whatever this is.

If they (OW, TW, H) truly cared about people’s mental health, they’d involve the medical professionals and work on improving access for those who need the therapy and medications but can’t afford/access it; unfortunately, that’s hard work and not the most profitable or attention grabbing for them.

Harry Markle, I’ve missed reading and being able to reply to the commentary and I was wondering if I could get an invite to private threads please.

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I couldn't agree more about improving access for those who need therapy and/or treatment but can't afford it, but like you say that's not glamorous enough for them.

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Me too, I never digressed or failed to follow the rules. Would have liked an invite too and am not sure why those who followed the rules are not allowed to comment anymore.

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It takes considerable time for me to do this, and many people are lurkers who don't post or do one liners. I don't find it helpful when people moan and expect me to use my free time to create a platform for people to lurk, do you?

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As some one who lurked for quite a while before I posted, I apologise. Sometimes it takes a while to gain the confidence to say what you are feeling and then it just comes out in a jumble!

I really enjoy your posts and your ability to put things in a way we can understand. I certainly miss the banter of some of your long term posters but fully agree you should not be abused for not inviting people. Please do keep going, you are a vital source of info for so many of us, thank you.

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I can relate to that as I did the same, but now have the confidence to post...no matter how short it all matters.

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Agree entirely Granny di - I still lurk more then post but I would not want our Harry to stop doing what he/she does because of people bullying or abusing others. Thanks Harry for all your hard work I really appreciate it.

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I only post when I think I have something valid to add. Other times, I roll my eyes in disgust at how low No. 6 and the TW go, especially trashing PC and TQ. I'll add a bottle of red wine to JB's mint chocolate mini rolls for you, HM! (If I haven't already drunk the wine whilst banging my head against a brick wall). Thanks for everything you're doing.

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I agree HM, you have lots to do with your book and the petition, but we regular posters who are well behaved, (well most of the time), have missed the discussions. Would a bribe of mint chocolate mini rolls work🙄😊

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My niece is a clinical psychologist . She has devoted many years to her BSc , MSc and doctorate.Now lecturing at a Midlands Uni plus personal work with individuals. Then comes along Harry who, with no knowledge, tells us all about his angst. Well, we can all do that can’t we.

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A few questions? Was H having MH issues in the Army and was he being treated? Was he under the influence of medications when he was "captured"by the thing from LA? If he had MH issues and taking medications is his marriage legal?

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Yes it would still be legal even if he was on medication although I doubt that he was.

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Does Harry have a laminated photo of himself walking behind his mother's coffin that he constantly pulls out of his pocket to remind everyone that he is such a tragic, suffering victim?

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That whole thing seems strange to me. The RF were in a no-win situation on that one. He was almost 13, and it would have been strange to exclude him, but he should have been able to cope with participating and his mother's funeral at whatever capacity his brother did.

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@AReader...comical..and probably already affixed to his empty wallet by TW !

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Yes. His very own, personal Victim Card.

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I'm not sure JH needs any more therapy because he doesn't seem to have benefited from it so far probably because he isn't intelligent or mature enough to do so. As someone who worked with mental health service users for more than a decade, I think he needs treatment for a personality disorder instead. This endless sobfest by celebrities doesn't help anyone except therapists in the private sector because the waiting lists for psychotherapy on the NHS are so long that patients can't access any help at all when they really need it.

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Therapy isn’t helping him because he doesn’t want it to. It is now more beneficial to him to be a victim! Dr Max Pemberton’s article on the subject to day was interesting.

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Indeed.Dr Pemberton was making the point that one can be overtheraputarised - if such I word exists to a point where you become self obsessed.

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I think they have both been self obsessed for years - only now they have an audience they can preach to.

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@Horace...very succinct !

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It is apparent that he is full of anger fuelled by TW...in fact it will have been non stop from the beginning. Whatever counselling he has had over many years has not brought him to a good place. The raging assault on the paparazzi & press in the last few years is out of proportion to actuality. They now organise all the press releases for $$...because everyone knows a legal response will be taken for unauthorised photos. Dont think they have any appeal at all except for their outrageously bizarre egotistical behaviour. Thinking themselves God's gift to the world is typical of narcissists

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Disgraceful, and really just sad. So many out there truly suffer from mental health issues and suffer great stigma. They don't deserve this kind of exploitation of their pain, for personal advancement, publicity and monetary gain.

I had to do a quick double take because I though at first that M's tee shirt in the video clip said "Raising He*l in the Future" - ! Would be apropos imo.

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I don’t know if that’s an old photograph but if it isn’t where is the baby bump, or do I need to go to SpecSavers?

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A major step in improving mental health is perspective. Unlike many children who grow up with constant abuse (shown scientifically to rewire your brain so it’s always on alarm mode), Harry had love and security in his childhood and has spoken about how loved he felt by his mother. His mother died, which is awful, just as it is for any kid (including William) who loses a parent. He no doubt has always had access to therapy if he wanted it. He hasn’t had enough: he’s still living that pain, and inflicting pain on others, instead of making peace with his lot and moving on as an adult. She, of course, remains insufferable.

And as an American who is very aware of her country’s shortcomings, Harry can lay off our First Amendment. It’s not always easy, but it rocks.

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The most valuable assets that the US people will ever have is a written Constitution and aBill of Rights. I envy you that, treasure them.

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This last paragraph, especially, sooty. :) I am a bit confused though. I was/am under the assumption that when H especially, is in FULL use of his Titles....he is not supposed to be discussing the “p” word. Now....if he were in the process of naturalization and just trying to figure things out...another matter entirely.

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It's the First Amendment that allows him to do these kind of documentaries. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot.

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Actually, Harry is not a US citizen, therefore the first amendment does not even apply to him. He would do well to be mindful of that fact.

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Sam, H said he didn't really understand the First Amendment before he made his insulting remark, why are we surprised, he understands none of the topics he's waffled on about since meeting TW. He just regurgitates everything she tells him line for line.

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To trash the First Amendment is to undermined the very core of what the USA is all about. He should be booted out.

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And he is stating all this as a *Foreign Prince/Duke * with NO intention of ever studying the matter. It IS a diplomatic nightmare since the Foreign TITLES are on full display.

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I think he has shot himself in the foot with his comments about the First Amendment.

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Both feet!

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His first shot foot was his unacceptable behavior in one of our military cemeteries. He has shot the second one with his inappropriate and highly offensive comments about our first amendment. I did some research and he is in fact not protected by our Constitution, including the first amendment, because he is not a US citizen.

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I think you're absolutely right. I was going to add that I thought he'd already shot himself in the foot with his partnership with Proctor and Gamble after they were revealed as a major producer of skin whitening creams sold in Asia and Africa.

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Personally I would say that Proctor and Gamble have shot themselves in the foot with their association with H and TW. I was not fully aware of the extent of the complaints/problems with P&G but thanks to that dreadful duo I am learning a lot and from now on the two P&G products that I used to buy will be replaced with another manufacturers product.

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and slave labour, child labour and testing on animals. But what the heck,it’s money for the Markles that’s all they care about

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Harry and Meghan are also only too ready to air their environmentally friendly credentials too. They seem to be completely unaware that Proctor and Gamble use palm oil in nearly all their products and are responsible for quite a lot of the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

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And the destruction of forests in Canada for loo paper reducing the habitat for endangered species there

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Not to mention the excessive animal testing they indulge in.

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He is a two trick pony. He has his mom's unfortunate death and the woes of being royal. After that he's got nothing. Oh wait. He has a big fat juicy title that caught the attention of a Z list actress who has a nasty resume if even a small portion of the rumors out there are true. He was an easy mark. He's clearly not very bright. The wife LOVES using her title. Now OW also love exploiting it. What a joke...how do we promote mental health while tearing down those who raised us and supported us through other difficult times???? How do we promote wellbeing while using a guy whose clearly already being used? Shame on all of them. Their day is coming. All of them will fall under the weight of their own filthy behavior. Call it karma, call it reaping what you sow.........it's out there waiting and ready for them. Tic tic tic.........

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Yes HM, the duo is resorting to utilizing psychiatric "shields," as cover for ALL of H's behaviors. He likely was referring to, "generational trauma," but in true fashion...he bungled the term. TW will have an issue with this, as well as his " bonkers" comment, where again, he misspoke whilst probably meaning, the Second Amendment ( Right to Keep and Bear Arms.)

H should stop..just stop and listen...those on both sides of this pond are ready to swim to the middle, to be done with you both !

I am embarrassed for you, as ex- military, that you should see fit to trounce both countries now, whilst allowing your wench to throw YOU under a bus...it isn't " "genetic pain" H, that has you going off all the time...it's road rash ( and maybe other types,) from TW throwing you under !

Perhaps, once a citizen, H will join a Reserve position in the Military (?) I suggest a Navy career...where the first lesson taught is, " Loose lips sink ships !"

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I said in another thread he had misspoke. Moving his family to the moon wouldn’t guarantee his children wouldn’t suffer such pain if it was genetic. Generational and genetic start with gen and that’s about as accurate as his speaking on any subject gets.

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How can these people, openly speaking about their mental health issues, talk to someone like H & OW, both of whom have no qualifications, and in the case of OW, has admitted she doesn't care what is said as long as it keeps the spotlight on her and brings in the money. If H genuinely had mental health issues in the past, they were not on show until TW got her claws into him, now it seems this is the latest bandwagon they've jumped on to try and fill the coffers.

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I am so glad I am not signed up for Apple TV. I also don’t listen to podcasts, so am saved from his attacks via this medium too. He is a loose cannon, enabled by TW for what? So she can say he is mentally ill. The PR company just push all this to make money, of which they take a hefty cut. No one should do this to their family, especially when there is no way to reply in a way that won’t cause backlash. I just can’t understand any balanced person doing this to a bereaved aged grandmother, a loving father and someone who would be a supportive brother, to me this is beyond all reason

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Thank you Harry Markle for giving me a chance to vent my feelings on this. I was a nurse in Edinburgh in the 1980's. It was an awful time. So much fear and misinformation our patients had a death sentence and their friends and families were too afraid to visit them. Many of them had graffiti painted on their houses. Then came that amazing photo when Diana, Princess of Wales shook hands with a patient. It changed Everything!! She single handedly did what governments and health ministers around the world failed to do. She educated people, she made it ok to hug dying relatives and friends. For that reason alone I intend to be in London for the unveiling of her statue. That Harry is using his Mothers funeral to promote an ill advised TV show is dispicable. I hope he stays away and allows us to honour her memory in peace and harmony.

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Which is an example of the good that the monarchy can do--they have a ready platform and a potentially huge impact as Diana did with AIDS and landmines. I remember that awful AIDS era (in San Francisco) and people were so confused and misinformed. People there were so moved by Diana’s compassionate (and educational) gesture, many miles away. (I’m sure you were a comfort to your patients as well.)

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Thank you for saying that I hope I was x

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I am really getting very very annoyed at H going on and on and on........

Most people, with or without mental health issues should have grasped by the age of 36ish that earlier life and family events affect how you view life and live it. No other Royals seem to have been so 'damaged', especially William, who lost his mother too, and had to listen to her confide in him about her misery within the family. H is just wallowing in self pity, which he only realised once TW told him. Although previous interviews state that Charles and William tried getting him help before TW came on the scene. One also wonders if he was so traumatised, should he have been allowed to serve in armed forces?

I wish he would just shut up now, we've heard the story many times and in the end I think he might actually NOT be helping the mental health charities, as there are many many ordinary folk who have suffered far worse trauma than he can imagine, but they are not 'celebs', is that the requirement for mental health help?

Harry, enough, please shut it now.

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@Gillian...totally agree Gillian, I wonder why, he isn't claiming PTSD...a condition often attributed to those serving in conflicts (?) Far more lucrative, to blame Pa.

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He used that in the early days of this debacle (camera flashes) and forgot/discarded it as soon as he saw the $$ he could make.

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Don’t give TW ideas! Coming to a tv screen, podcast, whatever, soon.

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This is very sad, OW and Harry and his wife use people that have been victimized to make money! All of OW career has been based on using victims. She is a professional victim and now has 2 other professional victims to play with. But mental health needs professionals educated in the study . Not professional victims lecturing us on being victims!

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So sick and tired of hearing from him. I certainly won’t be watching it. He just goes on and on and on but I guess he has someone (who has gone very quiet for a change) whispering in his ear. This will be his downfall, hopefully in the short term. Then, probably for the first time in his life, he will have to learn (educate himself as he likes to say) to deal with the consequences of his actions. He will have nowhere to hide. She will be off like a shot, no use to her or her ambitions any more.

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Of course it's yet another bandwagon to promote themselves and they will soon run out of them. How irresponsible can you be to trivialise such a sensitive and highly complex issue as mental health that still baffles psychiatrists and psychologists alike who probably won't associate themselves with such experts as OW and Harry Markle! As the saying goes, "pride comes before a fall" and the "Merkle's" are hanging from a very thin thread. I can't wait!!!

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Really wish they would stay private so sick and tired of listening, reading and seeing Him and TW, maybe 3rd time lucky - please remove all titles and let Mr & Mrs Windsor go whatever they want without us.

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@JB...funny.." without us ."

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It makes me sick how he uses the misfortune of others to make money, Invictus he is using to make documentaries about the men and women who are now disabled telling their stories, this charade he is doing with OW is again to the benefit of himself by highlighting the mental health of people and using their stories, I wonder if he will be paying out for doctors and therapists to be in the show advising, or is he the mental health expert? it is obvious to people around the world that him and his wife certainly are suffering from mental health themselves, but he was too ashamed to get help for his wife, so how is he qualified to do a show like this? OW couldnt care less about the people being interviewed all she wants is the money in her account. Jeez you couldnt make this lot up


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Hazbeen has a strong need to feel superior to others.

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You have a very good way Mr Markle of putting in writing everything that I think. I addition, I also think that this new venture with OW is exploiting vulnerable people to make money for themselves. Is the victim going to enjoy a happy ostentatious life thereafter in a 16 bathroom mansion? I think not. There should be laws preventing unqualified people doing this to make money, as the case studies will be in no fit to state to make good or proper decisions for themselves. Mental health requires trained medical professionals, not 2 woke imposters pretending they want to help.

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I am in total agreement with you. I think it is verging on dangerous. How much harm will they do with all this wittering on.

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The titles have to go - right? When the press reports on aides in the Palace calling for them to give back the titles is it members of BRF sending the message, it seems like it has to be because the staff surely can't be employed by BRF and just take information to the press? Alternatively, the press just makes up stories knowing that BRF won't take legal action; also, how do they deal with Fergie, she kept her title and I can see all 3 of them on Oprah with a racist story if they take away the Sussex titles for this latest drama and surely there is reason to get rid of all the ex-royals?

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Please keep other members of the RF out of the discussion or the post will be deleted. This is why I have had to close the boards.

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I am sorry, yes, I should know better...

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How can Harry help anyone when he constantly abuses his own family knowing they will not stoop to his level and push back. He will cause more harm to genuine vulnerable people.

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And, it is dumbfounding that PH, married to TW, and TW's best friend, Jessica Mulroney, is one of the biggest bullies of all time. Chrissie Tiegen's deleted and non-deleted tweets are now coming back to de-throne her as one of the Hollywood elites, and she is a TW fan. The hypocrisy of TW's treatment of the Duchess of Cambridge - TW is one of the biggest bullies of all time! Follow the money - this pair will do anything for money. Bald faced lies are their specialty.

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@Annette...Well said

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Well if I had mental health issues would I ask H for advice? No I wouldn't. My instinct would be that since Harry has never sorted out his own issues, how could he be of help with mine? This is all he has to sell. Nothing else. The lack of scruples is awful. Heaven knows where it will end up.

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As I approach the eleventh anniversary of my son's passing, I would like to give Hazbeen a swift kick.

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@Babsie..Sorry for your loss, so many grieve now for so many reasons, that these two heighten the misery. Wishing you better days and still treasured memories.

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No doubt you still grieve in one way or another every day Babsie, without letting the world know about it. I sincerely hope that you got help in the form of a good friend or family to listen to you in the aftermath of such a terrible loss. I doubt very much if you would care to let others in on that searing grief for entertainment purposes. You take care.

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Sorry for your loss Babsie.

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Really can't see this as being a force for good. A programme full of people telling of their despair and depression and no Mental Health Professionals.

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I don't know if I am grateful there are only two episodes or disappointed in that they cannot possibly responsibly address these issues in only two episodes

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More money - that is what the OW & PH Mental Health Series is about.

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They are using a platform incorrectly and it is disgusting. Now that the US media is starting to see their true colors they do not have long before they are abandoned by all of the companies paying them. US celebrity is very fickle.

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May 17, 2021
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Sad really, it is absolutely another bandwagon for them. So many non professionals jumping on that particular bandwagon recently, that they are diminishing the message. "Mental Health" issues are being touted as the new excuse for bad behaviour, and taking no personal responsibility for your own life decisions and actions. As far as the people opening up on the TV with H and O, I have a hard time believing a professional therapist would tell a patient the best treatment for them is to broadcast their mental health issues on TV.

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I think also the family and friends of the people involved are affected, but do they get a say in things being aired? People judge whether that is right or wrong, and we cannot control how people perceive things. If you are still in pain, then is it wise to open up in the public domain while you are still healing? Couldn't that cause a relapse?

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I can only speak for myself, but as a sufferer of PTSD caused by a life-changing incident I have a hard time "opening the door" even to myself, let alone anyone else. I certainly can't imagine talking to Harry or Oprah would help me, in fact I find his constant prattling on makes my anxiety level higher!

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