There has been a flurry of leaks to the media from all camps – BP, the Sussexes, and Oprah Winfrey’s people, all eager to get their version of events into the public.
Due to the uber secrecy of the interview, we can all assume that it will be crtical towards anyone who doesn’t ‘champion’ the cause of the Sussexes. Basically, anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by them.
We know that the charity Zoom video chats will continue, and access to the ‘child known as Archie’ will be sold to the highest bidder. Harry will continue to push to keep in with any royal ties he can, and random friends will speak out on their behalf to support them. Those ‘friends’ appear to be thin on the ground these days, and those who are dim enough to lay their reputations on the line for them are being laughed at.
Commonwealth Day could be marred in so many ways this year by the Sussexes deliberate and desperate need for attention. This should be a time and celebration of unity, but all the Sussexes have done is to create selfish division among society. They have achieved nothing positive, but have promoted hate, under a faux cloak of victimhood. The OW interview was chosen to coincide on that day (March 7-8), and no doubt the Sussexes had hoped to have retained all the Commonwealth roles that they briefly held.
I have a feeling the sycophantic leader of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust may allow them some air time, but that would be a grave error. Somehow, they will have made some video clips to be aired during the Commonwealth Day celebrations, but how will they will be viewed by BP or the public?
The calls for the removal of the dukedom of Sussex, and the HRH styles has grown stronger, and I don’t believe it is a matter of if, but when and how it is carried out. As I said, the HRH can be stripped quietly behind the scenes as it is restricted already so publicly no one would know, but the dukedom needs to be a public affair. The exploitation has gone on for far too long, and it needs to be cut at the source once and for all. People demand to see action, and if they fail to do so, then I fear there will be unrest – the type that no Monarch wishes to encounter during their reign.
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I think the networks that are negotiating for rights to show the interview must be careful, because they are buying an unknown quantity. The BBC is loyal to the Crown, and it would the taxpayers money they would be spending, so there would be outrage if the BBC contemplated buying the rights.
ITV, C4 and C5 are independent and depend on advertisers to support them. The problem is the duo are so toxic, will people actually want to watch it? Will those advertisers get vilified for trying to cash in? Will the network that shows it get attacked by the public?
Sit Rachel and Harry in front of Piers Morgan now that’s an interview I would watch. How can Oprah Winfrey be impartial when she is a friend of Rachel and Doria. It’s just going to be another sycophantic love fest.